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Friday, 21 May 2021

(346) Eerwraak (Honor Revenge) is a contradictio in terminis

 Basic Dimension

(346) Eerwraak (Honor Revenge) is a contradictio in terminis

Eer (Honor) and Wraak (Revenge) are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion:

Assumption 581 Honor killings (eermoord) and honor revenge (eerwraak, Dutch) are from different theoretical origin.

'Family honor' can refer to reincarnation in the following derivation: Family honor comes from Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc) and referred to tribal identity, which later led to tribal religion, starting with ego-theism and resulting in reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). But then, instead of honor killings, it would be better to speak directly from 'reincarnation killings', which are always committed by relatives.

And if the term 'honor' refers to 'family honor', it is incorrectly used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) such as acid attacks, which are usually committed by non-relatives and do not lead to the woman's death. This is a very different kind of 'honor' of a man being rejected by a woman and taking revenge for it. This is no 'family honor' but wounded pride. And that is why the term 'honor' is misused here. Instead, it would be better to speak of 'resentment revenge' (wrokwraak, Dutch).

So, if 'honor killings' (eermoord) can only be used in case of reincarnation, then the term 'reincarnation killings' is preferable for clarity. And because we decide 'honor' to refer only to 'family honor', it cannot be used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) committed by non-relatives. Therefore, we propose the term 'resentment revenge' for 'honor revenge' and in case of murder 'resentment killing'.

It follows that when a genetically unrelated husband murders his wife on suspicion of adultery, it is considered a reincarnation killing. On the other hand, in the case of an unmarried couple, it is seen as resentment killing.

A final comment is that besides that 'honor' cannot be combined with 'revenge', the reverse is not the case either. 'Revenge' is not the primary goal of reincarnation killings and will rarely occur. This means that honor revenge (eerwraak) is a theoretical non-existent concept. Honor does not belong to revenge and revenge not to honor. Honor and revenge are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.

Eerwraak (honor revenge) is in fact impermissibly derived from bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feuds are between families, whereas reincarnation murders take place within families. Therefore, family honor between families (vendetta) is fundamentally different from family honor within families (reincarnation killings).

This Puritan exercise will no popularly replace the terms 'honor killings' and 'honor revenge' and is for analytical purpose only.

Assumption 597Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.

In Dutch, 'eerwraak' (honor revenge) means honor killings. But 'eerwraak' is based on a wrong analogy with 'bloedwraak' (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feud is based on 'hatred' between families, which results in equating the number of murders between each other. But honor killings, better named 'reincarnation killings' are not primarily based on 'hatred' or killing equalization. And they take place within families. That falsifies the analogy and obscures the fact that fathers love their daughters, despite killing them. Therefore, the deepest ground of honor killings is love.  The main reason for blood feuds is 'hatred' causing revenge. So, honor with revenge does not fit with honor killings. Therefore, eer&wraak are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.

A bizarre and twisted love is the sick cause of honor killings:

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