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Friday, 21 May 2021

(364) God created inbreeding from outbreeding

 Basic Dimension

(364) God created inbreeding from outbreeding

Who is responsiple for the inbreeding culture?

God created inbreeding from outbreeding

Assumption 616: Courageous Jewish scholars

It has been 3,500 years since courageous Jewish scholars compromised with the rest of the writers of the Holy Scriptures. There were two creation stories of which the first was about outcrossing (Genesis 1: 26-31) and the second about inbreeding (Genesis 2: 20-24). The story of Adam and Eve was originally an inbreeding myth from the time of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) or before. Conservative scholars wanted to place this myth called "Eve as Adam's rib" near the Garden of Eden. 

But young progressive scholars insisted that the outbreeding narrative in which male and female are equivalent should also be published. As a compromise, it was agreed that this myth would be posted first, but without much publicity. This was agreed because genetic diversity did indeed come before 'the rib of Adam', which is genetic monoculture. Because Inbreeding is only a derivative of the law of nature: Outcrossing.

As a result, young progressive Jewish scholars have let us know to be fully aware of what Human Religion is really all about: HR = f(SR). Human Religion is a function of Breeding, Inbreeding and/or Outbreeding.

God's second creation: Inbreeding:

Note: Polytheism means more gods, more sexual roles lived empathetically in the conscious. It also means female gods and that is why women are no objects but subjects. Only then Vanilla-dyad develops. Of course, animals naturally subjugate their females, but there is a huge difference from human inbreeding, because females choose their males in freedom of genetic diversity.

Note: Monotheism means a single god, whereby only one sexual role is empathetically admitted to the conscious. Mostly, this god means male heterosexuality whereby women are spineless objects. Only SM-dyad develops. In human inbreeding women get their males in arranged marriages of the prison of genetic monoculture.

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