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Friday, 21 May 2021

(348) Human instincts

 Basic Dimension

(348) Human instincts

Human instincts:

Assumption 582: Magical thinking leads to magical instincts.

Different animals have different instincts related to brain capacity and lifestyle. For example, foxes have more advanced instincts than chickens. Better instincts mean better chances of survival. For humans we will argue that magical thinking also gives better chances of survival.

Human species had small and rational brains up to and including Homo naledi (2.3 Mya-230 Ka; 550cc). But since Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) they derailed into far too many unnecessary brain cells for their simple earthly existence. 

Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) excelled in magical thinking with the invention of the
soul needed for earthly reincarnation. It's quite funny how proud people are of this
psychotic derailment from sober thinking.

If we accept that in the animal world past instincts are expelled by more profitable ones, then we must also understand that reincarnation has supplanted 'genetic immortality', which is animal religion in which genes are passed on to posterity, but where individuals die.

Furthermore, in war situations the soul and reincarnation challenge believers to risk taking behavior in the expectation of an afterlife. This gave believers better chances of survival than unbelievers. So, the reincarnation instinct was rightly substituted for genetic immortality, the animal instinct. That's how magical thinking contributes to the survival of the human species. This also means the belief in God will not disappear.

Generalizing, human religion is based entirely on magical thinking that contributes to survival. And it is also sometimes based on sexual instincts. For example, reincarnation is a sexual instinct because it stems from breeding. On the other hand, resurrection is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with procreation. But because resurrection as a religion is based on magical thinking, it indirectly contributes to the survival of the species. 

Assumption 596: Why reincarnation is a male sexual instinct.

According to assumption 582 magical thinking led to human magical instincts. For example it led to the soul and reincarnation. And we also decided reincarnation to be a sexual human instinct, because it depends on breeding. On the other hand resurrection is just a word formed out of magical thinking, but it is not a (sexual) instinct because it has nothing to do with procreation.

Sexual instincts vary by gender, which makes sense. That is also why only the male related line of chimpanzees appears as a family tribe, while young females leave. This combination is judged as outbreeding, insofar the male line does not develop hereditary diseases. But for bipedal primates, these tribes transitioned to inbred, because young females could not be interchanged regularly with other groups.

In a secondary evolutionary step, bipedal primates bound reincarnation to male sexuality through magical thinking. Reincarnation replaced genetic immortality, because with reincarnation men would live forever. 

As a form of procreation, reincarnation was associated with sexuality and ended up as a male sexual instinct. But later in evolution, female variants of reincarnation also appeared in outbred populations, but no longer as sexual instincts. So reincarnation is just a compelling sexual instinct in inbreeding.

Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Assumption 476Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
Assumption 477: Islam (resurrection) will never defeat honor killings (reincarnation), because the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims (reincarnation), though based on magical thinking (inbreeding leads to reincarnation), is nearly identical to the primal sexual instinct of nature: genetic immortality in descendants. This, because both project the afterlife into another body, with breeding as mediator.

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