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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(377) How Honor Killing works

 Basic Dimension

How Honor Killing works:

Assumption 612Reincarnation psychosis:

The father is unaware of the following unconscious scenario:

Step 1: The father loves his little girl in a normal father-daughter relationship.
Step 2: So, he is not a psychopath and thus can only become psychotic.
Step 3: The daughter becomes sexually mature.
Step 4: Reincarnation instinct awakens in the father.
Step 5: The father gets into a 'transient psychosis'.
Step 6: His love gradually turns into a sick 'love', in which he unconsciously 
claims his daughter as a necessary intermediary for his own reincarnation.
Step 7: He looks for a genetic match within the family: cousin marriage.
Step 8: He does not want to reincarnate into hybrids of other (hostile) tribes, other religions, or unbelievers. The reincarnation instinct stems from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) and here concerns the inbreeding culture.
Step 9: The father argues that consanguineous marriages are culturally and socially favored, what must be seen as 'psychological sublimation', as the process of deflecting sexual instincts into acts of higher social valuation.
Step 10: But his daughter still refuses forced marriage.
Step 11: Then, the father enters a stone-cold psychosis, he is shocked, caught by his daughter's betrayal of his 'love'
Step 12: He unconsciously considers not being able to return to the safety of the tribe after his next death after reincarnating into a hybrid offspring of his daughter. Thereafter, he will no longer belong to the family. This comes down to suicide in the afterlife, because other (hostile) tribes will refuse him too. He will be wandering through space like a ghost forever.
Step 13: The father is overcome by 'tribal separation anxiety'.
Step 14: The relationship with his daughter (as a subject) deteriorates in his conscious. This worsens if she argues with him or leaves home for a longer time.
Step 15: The father unconsciously sees his daughter increasingly as an object, as an incubator for family semen. At some critical moment, for example when she comes home after a while to make up for it, the bomb burst and the balance of Sexual Scales turns to the wrong side. 
Step 16: Then, the father opts for 'psychological displacement' and turns his imminent tribal suicide on his daughter and kills her.
Step 17: Now he will not have to reincarnate into a hybrid and will come back probably into another family member.
Step 18: Resigned, he accepts his punishment, knowing that he has taken the right step inwardly and with a clear conscience.
Step 19: Honor killings are committed from a sick, twisted form of 'love' from reincarnation psychosis in the unconscious.
Step 20: The reincarnation instinct itself cannot be eradicated, but psychosis resulting from cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, can be avoided through timely awareness in the conscious.

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