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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(384) The fallacy of the Catholic Church

 Basic Dimension

(384) The fallacy of the Catholic Church

In this blog the conclusion is reached that the number of worshiped gods is a reflection of the number of sexual roles that is experienced empathically in the conscious mind. Also the integration of these roles takes place in the conscious:

Therefore, polytheism makes room for feminine roles as sexual gods.

Polytheism is the optimal human religion, because of the integration of the total personality. But beware, this must be a personal weighing within each individual.

This means that we cannot impose an ideologically founded monotheistic personality ex cathedra on other people. Islam cannot force Muslim homosexuals to hang other gays or throw them from the flat. That's no religion, that's completely insane and plain male heterosexual terror. 

In other words: Monotheism can never integrate people's polytheistic personality by force, because one cannot integrate people's conscience from the outside, which is the fundamental and terrible mistake of Desert Religions. That is pure indoctrination. Desert Religions are inherently immoral, except of course for Jesus Christ, whom I admire personally, because he turned Christianity into polytheism.

A harmonic personality is formed in a more or less existential way, unless it is polytheistic religion.

Monotheism (the Catholic Church) turns it around and proclaims: praising all kinds of gods (idols) leads to the disintegration of the personality: 'Sin is bad praise of false gods which leads to the disintegration of the self'. This proclaimed without any psychological substantiation.

In Islam, the illuminating implication of this is that an indoctrinated belief system imposed on the conscious (resurrection) will cause the real personality (reincarnation) to be suppressed in the unconscious:

And that is the cause of honor killings:

A further complication is that in human tribes, males normally are in charge. Then monotheism always operates under the side condition of male heterosexuality. But if this forced integration of 'all possible gods' into a male supreme God is fallacious, then this side condition serves precisely the ultimate goal of monotheismmale heterosexual terror over 'other sexual roles', pure sadomasochism.

Sexual identity and conscience:

So, monotheism of Desert Religions must be seen as sick male heterosexual terror mainly against females and homosexuals:

Gay Man Reportedly Killed By His Own Family

In Greek polytheism, homosexuality was in the conscious of males. Therefore, homosexual relationships (Zeus - Ganymede) were empathically accepted sexual roles in the conscious. 

But in monotheism of Desert Religions homosexuality is suppressed in the unconscious. Monotheistic males are afraid of their hidden homosexual feelings and will kill gay people, because of their own unprocessed masochism in the unconscious.

Gays will eventually be killed because of masochism hate and masochism fear of Muslim males. Monotheistic males hide their own masochistic homosexual tendencies, because this tragically happens to be part of their most intrinsic sado-masochistic
relationship with God. But in polytheism, males prefer a sado-sado relationship with Zeus, what is pure competition with the gods and that's the healthy difference:

It must be said that later Christianity developed semi-polytheistic and Judaism is female kin bonded and sexually free for women. So, in the end only Islam turned extremely into the monotheistic direction.

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