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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(375) Timeline of Honor Killings

 Basic Dimension

(375) Timeline of Honor Killings

Timeline of Honor Killings

Honor killings: How it's made

Quick Scan Honor Killings:

NB: Some of the following characteristics of honor killings from the inbreeding culture were later adopted by Islam and have nothing to do with inbreeding itself anymore:

Assumption 604Quick Honor Killing Checklist:


1. The victim is a female relative and died by murder.
2. The perpetrator is a male relative.
3. The combination of 1 and 2 almost certainly indicates a reincarnation killing if one or more of the following conditions are met:

   - Rape of the victim by a not relative.
   - Loss of virginity of the unmarried victim.
   - Pregnancy of the unmarried victim.
   - Abortion* by the victim.
   - Refusal of forced marriage.
   - Adultery committed by the married victim, unless with 
     another relative.
   - Filing for divorce by the victim.
   - Dating non-Muslims.
   - Western lifestyle.
   - Victim is an outcast and/or a family council preceded the 

* Abortion is the open nerve of reincarnation.

Above characteristics seem to refer to moral female sexual conductBut that's only what Muslim males consciously think. And to what moral high ground do they refer, meanwhile slicing their daughters to pieces? And what is their own moral sexual decency all about? No, Muslims don't know themselves, don't know their own unconscious. The real cause of honor killings must be their suppressed reincarnation instinct. Only that fits the primal equations of Human Religion: HR = f(SR) and HR2 = f (HR1).

Have you ever wondered why the "moral code" of Muslims refers almost exclusively to sexuality? And then mainly female sexuality? That is monotheistic terror caused by male heterosexuality. But morality and decent female sexual behavior cannot be the reason for honor killings. It is only what we observe from the outside.

4. The perpetrator is said to be a female relative (mother, sister). That is likely a lie if any of the circumstances in 3. occurs. Otherwise, there might be a different cause. Women do not have a reincarnation instinct through inbreeding. At most, there is social pressure to commit honor killings.  (130) The tragedy of Mirjam Abarkan ðŸ”´ 

5. The female victim is not a relative and is not killed. This is possibly resentment revenge (in Dutch: wrokwraak). Consider, for example, acid attacks.

The basic difference between A and B is that a woman is always killed in a reincarnation psychosis, because the Muslim male does not want to reincarnate into her offspring, whereas in case of revenge, the woman has to stay alive to feel pain for a lifetime.


Reincarnation domain extension:

6: The woman is murdered by her boyfriend. This is judged a reincarnation killing if the friend had already placed a reincarnation projection into his girlfriend and one or more of 3 applies. Otherwise, the cause can be anything.

For Romina Ashrafi, we see only 'lost virginity' as reason for murder. But maybe she was already pregnant. Now think empathically. Fourteen-year-old Romina lost her father's trust. He would never "trust" her again and without killing her, he possibly would have to reincarnate into a hybrid in his afterlife. But he does not realize this unconscious thinking. All he feels is that she has shamed his 'love'. He is in shock of a stone cold psychosis.

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