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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(373) Desert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity)

 Basic Dimension

(373) Desert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity)

Human religion controls female sexual behavior.

Assumption 615Human religion controls female sexual behavior.

(Mya = Million years ago. Ka = 1000 years ago)

For a long time I thought that breeding was only an associated characteristic of religion. 
But eventually I realized that breeding is not only the necessary but also the sufficient condition of human religion. So it is the other way around and all contemporary transcendent, metaphysical, occult and esoteric manifestations of religion are but the latest and distant derivatives of procreation.

Hominin religions started about 14 million years ago when the great apes hesitantly left the trees for the savannas. Today's sophisticated religions have a maximum span of about 5000 years and eventually they fall apart into individualism *. There must have been thousands of bipedal primate religions in the evolution.
*Christianity and Islam have progressed towards disintegration, although the Muslim culture has more grip on the people. Judaism is less vulnerable to falling apart:

And although following religions are always functions of previous ones - just like cultures - this does not automatically mean a transcendent, metaphysical, occult and esoteric deepening.

Rather, inbreeding and outcrossing beliefs follow each other, just as Christianity is a polytheistic (outbreeding) response to the monotheism (inbreeding) of the Old Testament *. And so outbreeding follows inbreeding and vice versa.

* The Old Testament or Hebrew Bible is monotheistic according to the Holy Scriptures. But according to this blog, accepting 'gods are sexual roles' implies monotheism (male heterosexuality) is associated with inbreeding and polytheism (all sexual roles free) with outbreeding. Inbreeding is male religion while females adhere to outcrossing by nature.

And to prevent extreme inbreeding (as cousin marriages), meant for earthly reincarnationDesert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity) and in this sexual context factually killed monotheism ( = male heterosexuality) in heaven. And according to this blog, also in this life Judaism and Christianity are outcrossing cultures with sexual freedom for females, while the Muslim faith is definitely not female-friendly.

Jews and Christians expect asexuality in heaven, which ultimately boils down to the primal sexual law of nature: outcrossing

And finally, also the 72 virgins for Muslims in heaven are from other tribes, meaning outcrossing in heaven, as reward for prolonged inbreeding on Earth:

This all means the deeper goal of Desert Religions was sexual freedom in heaven, otherwise named genetic diversity or outcrossing or polytheism. Besides of course, that as representatives of God on Earth, they naturally wanted to take the power away from tribal heads, who controlled their own afterlife (egotheism) through reincarnation by inbreeding (cousin marriages).

But because reincarnation is a sexual instinct and resurrection is just a word, Desert Religions dared not mention reincarnation and resurrection in connection with procreation. The Holy Scriptures were silent about polytheism (genetic diversity) and the true objectives of the Old Testament should be made clear from evolutionary religious prospective research. 

Summarizing: The Bible speaks of a 'real' God in heaven, while this blog sees this God as a sexual role: male heterosexuality. That's a fundamental difference, because Jews acknowledge female sexual roles empathically in the male conscious and that already makes two. And in ancient times Jews even had a real female Goddess. 

And then Christianity, in which Jesus became the keeper of 'other sexual roles', mainly female roles. So, we now see the fundamental difference with Islam, which really clings to monotheism of the single God.


Sexual instincts are so deeply embedded in our behavior that little evolutionary progress can be expected. Even today's religions have a strong moralistic sexual characterConversely, this also means that ancient religions like that of Homo naledi can sometimes show greater civilization than current religions, which simply throw dead people into ovens.

But it's really shocking that after 14 million years, 70% of the world's population is still addicted to a procreation-based sexual religion:

PROOF OF (HR = f(SR)):

After 14 million years, 71% of the world's population still follows a religion that is a direct function of breedingChristianity (2.4 billion, 31%) ; Islam (1,9 billion, 25%); Hinduism (1,16 billion (15%).

So, instead of allowing ourselves to get caught up in an infinite number of religious interpretations, it is much better cutting corners to the bare naked truth by prospective analysis.

After having uncovered the basis of Human Religion with forms of procreation as first derivatives (e.g. inbreeding and outbreeding), we are much better equipped to understand the later confusing interpretations.

So, it's not that I don't appreciate the countless double and three-fold interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. These arise as a function of time and I am certainly interested in the explanation of theological scholars. 

But I believe that religion should be understood primarily on an instinctive level, and then especially on a sexual instinctive level. Only then can the origin of religion and the cause of honor killings be understood. So I distinguish the cause and the wisdom of religion as two separate issues.

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