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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(350) The Truth about Honor Killings

 Basic Dimension

(350) The Truth about Honor Killings

Assumption 577Legal culpability does not indicate the cause of honor killings.
If a father kills his daughter, he is legally guilty of murder. But in case of honor killings, he is not the cause of his behavior. Every year thousands of unrelated honor killings are committed by males having no contact with each other. Cultural influence is limited and talking about honor killings not popular. Still, the majority of cases is quite identical: they involve a sexually mature daughter and a series of conflicts preceding the murder. That's why the cause of honor killings must be found in the unconscious of fathers. A generic cause unrelated to the person of the perpetrator.

Theoretically, there's a simple remedy. If Muslim males know the unconscious cause of their behavior, reincarnation psychosis is avoided and they can be held morally accountable too.

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