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Friday, 21 May 2021

(393) Women's suffrage absorbed the Muslim Culture in Western Europe

 Basic Dimension

(393) Women's suffrage absorbed the Muslim Culture in Western Europe

Do we really think that 300 million European Christians brought in tens of millions of Muslims from charity? The Muslim immigration must have a very simple cause, as European States have all agreed on this migration for 60 years. And if we skip charity there must still be a simple cause, then polytheistic masochism remains.

In the sixties there were also many cheap and highly intelligent Asians available from South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and other States. They had only one problem: They were highly civilized moderate people, not to say Buddhists. And Buddhism is not the right other point in space to draw a straight line between Christian masochism and sadism. So, these Asians did not have SM-dyad between husband and wife, that's the problem. 

Do I myself believe this theory? Well, there is no other theory to explain the self chosen suffering of Christians from Muslims' inappropriate behavior in the last sixty years. Of course, I shouldn't be guided by identity politics, but whoever has a better but  conclusive explanation for Muslim immigration, without those silly capitalistic arguments, may say so.

And, of course, benevolent Muslims are completely pushed aside by the ongoing Muslim criminality. But even if we look at the matter in the right proportions, former Christians, now Political Correctness are victims of a major self-inflicted wound. The final conclusion must be that Muslims are not responsible for this migration, it is Christian Europeans themselves who are responsible.

The sado-masochistic tension between monotheism and polytheism, which has built up between Islam and Christianity over a few thousand years, will lead to the collapse of this bubble, because SM cannot be sustained in this way without disturbing its focal point at which SM disintegrates again into murder, manslaughter and sexuality, as has happened already numerous times in bipedal evolution. So, there is nothing new under the sun.

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