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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(357) How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof

Basic Dimension

(357) How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof

Assumption 609

How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof:

Basically I rotated Human Religion and Reincarnation into each other's domain and found that at their intersection there was only one solution possible: both must be true:

So, Reincarnation based on magical thinking must also be a function of breeding and to make a significant difference, Resurrection was not. And so I understood that Reincarnation was a sexual instinct through breeding and much stronger than Resurrection, what is just a word:

Of course, I knew all this from a different angle. After all, resurrection was invented to prevent inbreeding for the ancestral afterlife, which caused so many autosomal recessive disorders. And this paralleled the sneaky desire of monotheism to rob tribal heads of ego-theism and their earthly afterlife. And so they offered believers an unknown God in an unknown universe, only to get divine power through monotheistic terror

But this also means that ancient scholars of Desert Religions (not Islam, which came thousands of years later) must have known that the difference between reincarnation and resurrection is breeding. And they also knew primal human religion as a function of procreation, and so they tried to escape the original truth of religion as a function of reproduction, through resurrection.

Thus, ancient scholars were ashamed of procreation as the core of human religion and sought to elevate religion to a metaphysical, mystical, and esoteric level. They wanted to hide sexuality, disguise male sexual lust as the very core of religion, which it is in the animal kingdom.

Because, how can you convince women to submit to your insanity, where they learned early on to have not the slightest respect for male sexual terror? Monotheism was therefore also developed to deceive women.

But we know more, two thousand years after the first scholars of Desert Religions came Islam, whose Caliphs murdered nearly all reincarnation believers far beyond Iran, in the illusion of exterminating reincarnation. And they wouldn't have done this if they knew that reincarnation is a sexual instinct that cannot be so easily eliminated. Instead, their mistake was not to eliminate all peoples with cousin marriages, just about all Muslims of the time. So, they better had eliminated inbreeding as a marker for reincarnation, which it is still.

So, our conclusion is that the early monotheistic scholars were wise, but Islam was wrong. Islam tried the impossible and failed. Islam unwittingly blended two religions under high pressure into the Islamic faith: reincarnation with resurrection, creating a terrible hybrid religion. Later in history, however, an evil symbiosis arose between both religions, which resulted in honor killings:

Islamic culture still does not recognize the unconscious as a separate cultural entity. They integrate the unconscious into the conscious through magical thinking. Then people miss an extra degree of freedom to understand honor killings:

Ironically, I started this blog 11 years ago with the assumption that human religion is just a function of inbreeding, which was the correct conclusion. But I wasted 10 years looking for some inferential or descriptive formula - from which I did not found the right parameters - because I couldn't believe that reproduction is the only and sufficient thing that explains religion. This was my first diagram in 2010:

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