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Friday, 21 May 2021

(356) Why Muslims have failed to end Honor Killings

 Basic Dimension

(356) Why Muslims have failed to end Honor Killings

Assumption 607:

There are two reasons why Muslims have failed to end honor killings:

- First, Islam never recognized the unconscious as an independent cultural entity (post-Enlightenment Romanticism):

Therefore, they integrated the unconscious into the conscious through magical thinking, making any logical analysis of honor killings impossible. But the correct solution would have been to place reincarnation in the unconscious and resurrection in the conscious:

- The second reason is that two forms of afterlife are incompatible within monotheism.
Earthly reincarnation means that Muslim males are their own gods in Ego-theism, controlling their own afterlife. At best, for inbreeding cultures this is not called polytheism but serial monotheism, individual monotheism, in which Allah later became their overarching group projection. By the way, this is also the best compromise for the Muslim faith in the future. 

- Above is meant that the true Myth of Abraham (Reincarnation Muslims) will be recognized as coexisting along the false Myth of Abraham (Resurrection Muslims) for already 1400 years:

- In the true myth, Homo sapiens 300,000 years ago, recognized and worshiped God in Heaven, while God in turn allowed humans to reincarnate on Earth.

- In the false myth, Desert Religions reversed this Voodoo compromise with God and banned reincarnation under penalty of death. They enforced resurrection in which Allah would judge heaven or hell:

The original Myth of Abraham was the most powerful myth in bipedal evolution as a compromise between two human species, in which Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) discovered the soul and reincarnation, while later Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) conceived resurrection in the parallel universe:

- So, in the renewed compromise formulated here, both religions will continue to worship Allah, which is the core of the Muslim faith. But now Muslims will be officially free to choose their own afterlife. It's a painful compromise, but this situation has existed for already 1,400 years. So, this compromise simply reflects reality.

- Therefore, if Islam wants to get rid of 20,000 honor killings per year, it will have to put monotheism into perspective. And if Islam cannot accept this compromise, the Muslim faith will fall apart into 4 groups this century. This process is already underway for a number of other reasons. Anyway, Islam will fall into crisis. But they will continue to refer to themselves as 'Muslims' as a cultural entity and as a nostalgic tribute to their roots:

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