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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 21 May 2021

(343) Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham

 Basic Dimension

(343) Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham

Assumption 573: Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham.

About 12,000 years ago, Homo sapiens suffered from terrible autosomal recessive disorders. It was a noble endeavor of the Abrahamic religions to end this by replacing reincarnation through inbreeding with resurrection in the parallel universe. But monotheistic terror also wanted to deprive tribal heads of their divine power over the afterlife. And believers fell for it. They lost divine ego-theistic power and were united in armies of monotheistic terror. Desert dwellers lost ego-theism, lost divine power, lost tribal identity (family honor *) and were believed to have lost their reincarnation instinct as well. But that was the miscalculation that made the Muslim faith a hybrid religion of reincarnation with resurrection. Causing Muslim fathers to go crazy through reincarnation psychosis and kill their own daughters in honor killings.

Assumption 574: Family honor as reason for honor killings. 

'Family honor' as reason for honor killings is a downright lie, an anti-climax of honor. Such a sick motivation must come from the unconscious, ignoring reincarnation, which must be the real reason for honor killings. 

But there is another reference to honor. 'Family honor' is at the heart of 'tribal identity', which is synonymous to 'religion', to ‘family-religion’ which is linked to ego-theism from inbreeding cultures.

And Desert Religions have stolen tribal heads ego-theism. Islam has stolen tribal identity from families from inbreeding cultures believing in reincarnation. That has been replaced by 'resurrection'. 

Then honor killings justified by 'family honor' could mean: justified for reincarnation, for tribal identity, for family religion, for 'honor of the family'.



The following rules have not always been self-evident:

Take from the list above that inbreeding and incest didn't matter as long as it produced many offspring with the family genome for a wide choice of reincarnation options. Autosomal recessive disorders were taken for granted and were even seen as a sign of success. While disorders are visible as the rationally harmful results of inbreeding, they have been magically interpreted as positive signs of a great reincarnation culture:

To that end, I take an extra degree of freedom from the unconscious to explain illogically conscious behavior:

And remember, these people themselves don't even believe in reincarnation consciously, because they are indoctrinated to believe in resurrection. So, we infer the decision making process of Muslims by optimally combining only the conscious with the unconscious:

Assumption 575The traumatized honor killer.

An honor killer is a lamentable psychotic who has the true Myth of Abraham in his genes. The true Abraham instinct consists of the factor cluster: reincarnation, inbreeding and fertility stress. These Muslims stem from inbreeding cultures of Arab and Asian descent.

All his life he has been forcibly indoctrinated with resurrection in Allah's heaven. We call that the false Myth of Abraham. Under duress, because resurrection is not an instinct, but just a meaningless word. And this playing hide and seek between both Myths of Abraham drives him crazy. 

It leads to cognitive dissonance between the unconscious reincarnation instinct and the conscious indoctrination with the meaningless concept of resurrection. In the end, it could lead to the murder of his daughter.

Assumption 571: Bottom-up approach of human religion.

The top-down approach goes from the general to the specific and the bottom-up approach begins at the specific and moves to the general. 

In a similar way, this blog built a model of human religion that started simple and ended complex. It started with the way of life of the first bipedal primates and came to complex concepts such as polytheism and monotheism.

This blog reconstructed human religion from bottom to top, starting 14 million years ago with the first hominids. The construct is built from a house of cards of 600 mutual corresponding assumptions. 

We used religious benchmarks from well-known regular religions. So, we used 'The Myth of Abraham' as an important event in religious history. But we did not accept the circumstances, which are said to have led to these benchmarks. Because written religious texts result from a top-down view, in this case a retrospective view on how the myth came about. 

So, we synchronized religious events with our 'made up' history and placed the Myth of Abraham 350,000 years back in time, at the onset of Homo sapiens. The result is that the Myth of Abraham is not primarily concerned with 'polytheism versus monotheism', but with the choice of the afterlife. 

And now we see the difference between traditional retrospective research and this prospective approach, the latter resulting in the duality of reincarnation versus resurrection.

To resume, through the bottom-up approach, this blog revives human religion and is placed ahead of all difficult choices in the evolution, just like the first bipedal primates.

Assumption 576: Bottom-up research and guessing the unconscious.

This blog is a combination of bottom-up research on human religion from the first bipedal primates to the present day, combined with filling the gaps in logical reasoning from inbreeding cultures with guessed unconscious information.

Bottom-up research delivers unbiased estimates of the Myth of Abraham. It concludes 'the choice of the afterlife' as primary goal of the true myth. The myth is about reincarnation and resurrection.

In contrast, top-down research or retrospective analysis delivers biased estimates,
contaminated with the lust of Abrahamic Religions to establish monotheistic terror states. Ex post facto reasoning ruined the original myth. So, post facto research is hindered by events finding place after the creation of the original myth. 
Therefore, Desert Religions obviously changed the goal of the Myth of Abraham retroactively from the afterlife into 'polytheism versus monotheism'.

Then we also see the interaction between bottom-up research and filling in the unconscious of inbreeding cultures. Ex post facto research does not recognize reincarnation as the cause of honor killings, but a priori research does.

Example of retrospective research into the origins of human religion:

'Evidence of burial with grave goods and the appearance of anthropomorphic images and cave paintings may suggest that humans in the Upper Paleolithic had begun to believe in supernatural beings.[13] The cave paintings of Chauvet have been dated to 32,000 and those at Lascaux to 17,000 years ago.' 

Above is shown a quite honorable and conservative approach. But with honor killings only the result counts. Retrospective analysis by anthropologists polling the conscious of honor killers isn't fruitful:

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