Basic Dimension
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(190) Australopithecus interbred with Homo sapiens?
[Anyway, they definitely are half Australopithecus, which dates from 2.5 - 7 million years ago. This means half their genes are old and half are young. So, they still might have been evolved in the developmental stage of Rebirth. They likely survived for millions of years. Just learned Hominin subspecies do not change much in evolution after they are established.]
Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc):
If you were a Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc) would you like to mate with Lucy Afarensis (3.2 mya; 400cc)?
Well you know, she was quite charming with ocher paint and some flowers in her hair:
Maybe some difference in length but definitely very attractive:
The mix of Homo erectus and Australopithecus
But seriously, we imagine the merge of Homo erectus with Australopithecus. Until now Berger et al. found 15 skeletons as a cross section from a remarkable identical species. Then we immediately think of an inbreeding culture, since there is no variation in this population.
Maybe they will find a lot more skeletons, let's say 60 in total. Set the graveyard was functioning for a period of 15 years with an average lifetime of Homo naledi of 30 years, then half the population would have died in this period. Then this must have been a reasonably big tribe of 120 individuals. More likely it had more members and more graveyards.
Remember, Homo naledi (2.3 (?) mya; 500cc) was already far evolved. They were not like Australopithecines (7 mya; 400cc) anymore, which climbed out of the trees and started roaming through the savannas in little groups of 8 to 25 individuals.
We definitely know Homo naledi must have lived for a rather long period near the Rising Star Cave for shelter in case of danger and for burying their dead. They did not live in the cave. The cave was a holy place. That's why they kept it clean. Also intruders must not see Homo naledi had been in the cave. Notice, explicitly they chose for a cave with a rather inaccessible entrance. But they were beginners and later must have chosen caves without any visible entrance, which we will only find with 3D-radar.
Staying for longer time and burying their dead in a cave is culturally already very advanced. Also that's why the group must have had a reasonable number. So 120 members is a good bet to begin with, but likely it were several hundreds to prevent autosomal recessive diseases.
The merge of species
We started joking but seriously there were not two species interbreeding at that time. Homo naledi was an already well-balanced population from previous mixing of different peoples. Also they must have exchanged juvenile females with other 'Homo naledi' cultures in the surroundings so as not to die out.
If a tribe of Homo erectus had captured Australopithecus females on a regular basis, it was for slavery and they would have killed their offspring with horror. They would never bury hybrids in their holy graveyards.
The other way around with Australopithecus tribes chasing Homo erectus females is highly unlikely in all respects.
This means Homo naledi was a genetically well-balanced tribe and furthermore it was an inbred population from an inbreeding culture, since no genetic variation has been seen sofar.
We know with 'genetic immortality in descendants' it does not matter to be torn apart by predators or eaten by worms and insects, since the genetic formula has already passed onto the offspring:

But when human like creatures came onto the idea of 'reborn individuals' they were very scared to be torn apart by predators or not be buried safely in inaccessible places:
That's why we are pertinently sure Homo naledi already had a sophisticated religious culture and thought about the afterlife. Homo naledi possibly must be seen as a turning point in the development of Hominin religion:

In concluding, Homo naledi was on the brink of leaving 'genetic immortality in descendants' in which individuals died, and already switched to 'reborn individuals without soul' with restructured former bodies, in which individuals would be born again. This is an amazing mental breakthrough, though they did not yet invent the 'soul', what would have come down to reincarnation.
We know, perpetual orgasm in this lifetime (pedophilia) was the reward of inbreeding cultures for the participation of males based on 'genetic immortality in descendants':
Later with reincarnation into the (earthly) universe (Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc), tribes started to produce inbred bodies for ancestors to reincarnate. That is what we still know as incestual marriages in Islamic culture with nieces and cousins:
So remember the Homo naledi society was still reasonable civilized compared with nowadays Islamic culture, since ancestors were reborn with their own body. They simply could not be reborn as a hybrid offspring of their mother (Eve) with a male (the Serpent) of another tribe.
But from the era of reincarnation ancestors only possessed a soul and had to wait for available bodies in their own tribe. Then it became critical to produce sufficient inbred bodies (honor killings) and not to reincarnate into hybrids (adultery). This because if the ancestor died again - but now as a hybrid - he would never be accepted for reincarnation into his former tribe again. Then he could reincarnate nowhere and was definitely lost in the universe.
Also the reborn culture of Homo naledi likely raped sexually immature daughters:

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
And perpetual orgasm would be prolonged into the second life. With Homo naledi we speak of the first Paradise culture:
Notice after inventing reincarnation a lot of tribes went over from endogamous (genetic monoculture) to exogamous cultures (genetic diversity).
We expect also Homo naledi practiced child marriages:
In concluding, Homo naledi had to make the choice from endogamous to exogamous culture. In the end it could have evolved into 'modern Voodoo':
Number Archive
(190) Australopithecus interbred with Homo sapiens?
[Anyway, they definitely are half Australopithecus, which dates from 2.5 - 7 million years ago. This means half their genes are old and half are young. So, they still might have been evolved in the developmental stage of Rebirth. They likely survived for millions of years. Just learned Hominin subspecies do not change much in evolution after they are established.]
Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc):
If you were a Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc) would you like to mate with Lucy Afarensis (3.2 mya; 400cc)?
Well you know, she was quite charming with ocher paint and some flowers in her hair:
Maybe some difference in length but definitely very attractive:
The mix of Homo erectus and Australopithecus
But seriously, we imagine the merge of Homo erectus with Australopithecus. Until now Berger et al. found 15 skeletons as a cross section from a remarkable identical species. Then we immediately think of an inbreeding culture, since there is no variation in this population.
Maybe they will find a lot more skeletons, let's say 60 in total. Set the graveyard was functioning for a period of 15 years with an average lifetime of Homo naledi of 30 years, then half the population would have died in this period. Then this must have been a reasonably big tribe of 120 individuals. More likely it had more members and more graveyards.
Remember, Homo naledi (2.3 (?) mya; 500cc) was already far evolved. They were not like Australopithecines (7 mya; 400cc) anymore, which climbed out of the trees and started roaming through the savannas in little groups of 8 to 25 individuals.
We definitely know Homo naledi must have lived for a rather long period near the Rising Star Cave for shelter in case of danger and for burying their dead. They did not live in the cave. The cave was a holy place. That's why they kept it clean. Also intruders must not see Homo naledi had been in the cave. Notice, explicitly they chose for a cave with a rather inaccessible entrance. But they were beginners and later must have chosen caves without any visible entrance, which we will only find with 3D-radar.
Staying for longer time and burying their dead in a cave is culturally already very advanced. Also that's why the group must have had a reasonable number. So 120 members is a good bet to begin with, but likely it were several hundreds to prevent autosomal recessive diseases.
The merge of species
We started joking but seriously there were not two species interbreeding at that time. Homo naledi was an already well-balanced population from previous mixing of different peoples. Also they must have exchanged juvenile females with other 'Homo naledi' cultures in the surroundings so as not to die out.
If a tribe of Homo erectus had captured Australopithecus females on a regular basis, it was for slavery and they would have killed their offspring with horror. They would never bury hybrids in their holy graveyards.
The other way around with Australopithecus tribes chasing Homo erectus females is highly unlikely in all respects.
This means Homo naledi was a genetically well-balanced tribe and furthermore it was an inbred population from an inbreeding culture, since no genetic variation has been seen sofar.
We know with 'genetic immortality in descendants' it does not matter to be torn apart by predators or eaten by worms and insects, since the genetic formula has already passed onto the offspring:

But when human like creatures came onto the idea of 'reborn individuals' they were very scared to be torn apart by predators or not be buried safely in inaccessible places:
That's why we are pertinently sure Homo naledi already had a sophisticated religious culture and thought about the afterlife. Homo naledi possibly must be seen as a turning point in the development of Hominin religion:

In concluding, Homo naledi was on the brink of leaving 'genetic immortality in descendants' in which individuals died, and already switched to 'reborn individuals without soul' with restructured former bodies, in which individuals would be born again. This is an amazing mental breakthrough, though they did not yet invent the 'soul', what would have come down to reincarnation.
We know, perpetual orgasm in this lifetime (pedophilia) was the reward of inbreeding cultures for the participation of males based on 'genetic immortality in descendants':
That also we expect to have happened with Homo naledi:
Later with reincarnation into the (earthly) universe (Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc), tribes started to produce inbred bodies for ancestors to reincarnate. That is what we still know as incestual marriages in Islamic culture with nieces and cousins:
So remember the Homo naledi society was still reasonable civilized compared with nowadays Islamic culture, since ancestors were reborn with their own body. They simply could not be reborn as a hybrid offspring of their mother (Eve) with a male (the Serpent) of another tribe.
But from the era of reincarnation ancestors only possessed a soul and had to wait for available bodies in their own tribe. Then it became critical to produce sufficient inbred bodies (honor killings) and not to reincarnate into hybrids (adultery). This because if the ancestor died again - but now as a hybrid - he would never be accepted for reincarnation into his former tribe again. Then he could reincarnate nowhere and was definitely lost in the universe.
Also the reborn culture of Homo naledi likely raped sexually immature daughters:

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
And perpetual orgasm would be prolonged into the second life. With Homo naledi we speak of the first Paradise culture:
Notice after inventing reincarnation a lot of tribes went over from endogamous (genetic monoculture) to exogamous cultures (genetic diversity).
We expect also Homo naledi practiced child marriages:
In concluding, Homo naledi had to make the choice from endogamous to exogamous culture. In the end it could have evolved into 'modern Voodoo':
The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa
New ages for flowstone, sediments and fossil bones from the Dinaledi Chamber are presented. We combined optically stimulated luminescence dating of sediments with U-Th and palaeomagnetic analyses of flowstones to establish that all sediments containing Homo naledi fossils can be allocated to a single stratigraphic entity (sub-unit 3b), interpreted to be deposited between 236 ka and 414 ka. This result has been confirmed independently by dating three H. naledi teeth with combined U-series and electron spin resonance (US-ESR) dating. Two dating scenarios for the fossils were tested by varying the assumed levels of 222Rn loss in the encasing sediments: a maximum age scenario provides an average age for the two least altered fossil teeth of 253 +82/–70 ka, whilst a minimum age scenario yields an average age of 200 +70/–61 ka. We consider the maximum age scenario to more closely reflect conditions in the cave, and therefore, the true age of the fossils. By combining the US-ESR maximum age estimate obtained from the teeth, with the U-Th age for the oldest flowstone overlying Homo naledi fossils, we have constrained the depositional age of Homo naledi to a period between 236 ka and 335 ka. These age results demonstrate that a morphologically primitive hominin, Homo naledi, survived into the later parts of the Pleistocene in Africa, and indicate a much younger age for the Homo naledi fossils than have previously been hypothesized based on their morphology.
How do you figure out a fossil’s age? (By John Hawks)
We applied six different methods. The most valuable of these were electron spin resonance (ESR) dating, and uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating. ESR relies on the fact that teeth contain tiny crystals, and the electron energy in these crystals is affected by natural radiation in the ground over long periods of time after fossils are buried. U-Th relies on the fact that water drips into caves and forms layers of calcite, which contain traces of uranium. The radioactive fraction of uranium decays into thorium slowly over time. So the proportion of thorium compared to uranium gives an estimate of the time since the calcite layers formed. One of these calcite deposits, called a flowstone, formed above the H. naledi fossils in the Dinaledi Chamber. That flowstone helps to establish the minimum age: the fossils must be older than the flowstone above them.

How do you figure out a fossil’s age? (By John Hawks)
We applied six different methods. The most valuable of these were electron spin resonance (ESR) dating, and uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating. ESR relies on the fact that teeth contain tiny crystals, and the electron energy in these crystals is affected by natural radiation in the ground over long periods of time after fossils are buried. U-Th relies on the fact that water drips into caves and forms layers of calcite, which contain traces of uranium. The radioactive fraction of uranium decays into thorium slowly over time. So the proportion of thorium compared to uranium gives an estimate of the time since the calcite layers formed. One of these calcite deposits, called a flowstone, formed above the H. naledi fossils in the Dinaledi Chamber. That flowstone helps to establish the minimum age: the fossils must be older than the flowstone above them.

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