Basic Dimension
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(190) Australopithecus interbred with Homo sapiens?
[Anyway, they definitely are half Australopithecus, which dates from 2.5 - 7 million years ago. This means half their genes are old and half are young. So, they still might have been evolved in the developmental stage of Rebirth. They likely survived for millions of years. Just learned Hominin subspecies do not change much in evolution after they are established.]
Assumption 268: Genetic immortality is a religious interpretation of genetic propagation.
(104) Genetic immortality and perpetual orgasm
Genetic immortality in descendants is the original religion of the animal kingdom and there is no other religion. This means all religions in the world are derived from genetic immortality in descendants. Of course this is just an eternal interpretation of genetic procreation.
Jesus was resurrected and kept his body on his way to eternal life. His soul was not instrumental to the parallel universe. It was said he could be touched and ate a meal. Of course, reincarnation was no option, since who could ever replace Jesus' body, as the Son of God? That would be a disgrace.
The invention of the concept of the soul by Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc) led straight back to reincarnation into new born bodies in the (earthly) universe. That was no problem for exogamous outbreeding cultures aiming at genetic diversity:
But it was a bit tricky for inbreeding cultures, since those new bodies might be hybrids from adultery from Eve with the Serpent of another tribe. Therefore adulterous women had to be stoned, what was exciting to the public:
And daughters, who were not willing to serve as incubator for family semen for the production of inbred bodies for reincarnating ancestors were honor killed or attacked with acid, what was great fun for the folks:

After reincarnation into hybrids of adulterous women, ancestors feared they could never reincarnate into the tribe again, for they would not be accepted as genuine tribal members any longer. They would be lost in the universe.
So in the evolution of religion there have been different reasons for the regression of human reincarnation back to animal rebirth. Jesus was to precious to reincarnate in normal bodies and ancestors were afraid to be thrown out of the tribe.
Resurrection in Islam
Rebirth of Homo naledi
Number Archive
(190) Australopithecus interbred with Homo sapiens?
[Anyway, they definitely are half Australopithecus, which dates from 2.5 - 7 million years ago. This means half their genes are old and half are young. So, they still might have been evolved in the developmental stage of Rebirth. They likely survived for millions of years. Just learned Hominin subspecies do not change much in evolution after they are established.]
Assumption 268: Genetic immortality is a religious interpretation of genetic propagation.
(104) Genetic immortality and perpetual orgasm
Genetic immortality in descendants is the original religion of the animal kingdom and there is no other religion. This means all religions in the world are derived from genetic immortality in descendants. Of course this is just an eternal interpretation of genetic procreation.
Jesus was resurrected and kept his body on his way to eternal life. His soul was not instrumental to the parallel universe. It was said he could be touched and ate a meal. Of course, reincarnation was no option, since who could ever replace Jesus' body, as the Son of God? That would be a disgrace.
The invention of the concept of the soul by Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc) led straight back to reincarnation into new born bodies in the (earthly) universe. That was no problem for exogamous outbreeding cultures aiming at genetic diversity:
But it was a bit tricky for inbreeding cultures, since those new bodies might be hybrids from adultery from Eve with the Serpent of another tribe. Therefore adulterous women had to be stoned, what was exciting to the public:
And daughters, who were not willing to serve as incubator for family semen for the production of inbred bodies for reincarnating ancestors were honor killed or attacked with acid, what was great fun for the folks:

After reincarnation into hybrids of adulterous women, ancestors feared they could never reincarnate into the tribe again, for they would not be accepted as genuine tribal members any longer. They would be lost in the universe.
So in the evolution of religion there have been different reasons for the regression of human reincarnation back to animal rebirth. Jesus was to precious to reincarnate in normal bodies and ancestors were afraid to be thrown out of the tribe.
Resurrection of Jesus
The resurrection story appears in more than five locations in the Bible. In several episodes in the Four Gospels Jesus foretells his coming death and resurrection, which he states is the plan of God the Father.[24] Christians view the resurrection of Jesus as part of the plan of salvation and redemption by atonement for man's sin.[25] Belief in a bodily resurrection of the dead [Rebirth, BD] became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2, from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26] The Sadducees, politically powerful religious leaders, rejected the afterlife, angels, and demons as well as the Pharisees' oral law. The Pharisees, whose views became Rabbinic Judaism, eventually won (or at least survived) this debate. The promise of a future resurrection appears in the Torah as well as in certain Jewish works, such as the Life of Adam and Eve, c 100 BC, and the Pharisaic book 2 Maccabees, c124 BC.[27]
However, 1st century Judaism had no conception of a single individual rising from the dead in the middle of history. The historical Jewish concept of resurrection was that of a redemption of the whole people.[28] Their concept was always that everybody [sleeping forever, BD] would be raised together at the end of time [Rebirth, BD]. So the idea of one individual rising in the middle of history was foreign to them.[29]
Resurrection in Islam
Resurrection and sins committed with that organ.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Quranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34). The fact that resurrection is going to be physical (with body) plays a role – partly though – on people’s hesitation about organ transplantation. However, when the issue is examined deeply, it is seen that organ transplantation is not directly related to resurrection; or more properly that organ transplantation has got nothing to harm the belief of resurrection because the transplanted organ is going to be returned to its real owner. Actually, it does not prevent organs to be resurrected with their real owners even though they decayed under soil, burnt to ashes, or eaten by animals. As a matter of fact, the Quran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34). Islamic scholars, judging from this proof and the likes, have concluded that everyone is going to be resurrected with their own organs.
Rebirth of Homo naledi
We learn from the resurrection of Jesus that body remains have not been found, what is quite logical and fundamentally different from reincarnation, where body remains may be checked because the soul reincarnates into a new body.
Body remains of Jesus may not have been found for different reasons. The story might be a myth or the body has been removed meanwhile by 'believers'. The story is confirmed nor falsified.
In the same way, if we see the graveyard of Dinaledi chamber which can hardly be checked on human remains it likely is 'rebirth'. And because that graveyard is far below the surface we assume believers thought the deceased made the best connection with the Underworld at the deepest level of the cave. Rebirth was to be found where all life comes from. What is quite logical for all seeds sprout from the soil.
So they will have thought deceased persons must be thrown as deep under the ground as possible where they cannot be demolished by predators, worms and insects in the first place and where they are as close as possible to the site of reconstruction. The Underworld will regenerate their bodies and let them be reborn in future mothers, with their own reconstructed bodies. And somehow they were right since everything goes to dust and dust forms new life. This is the end stage of animal religion. The soul marks human religion from Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc).
The choice of the graveyard
The Homo naledi culture likely was a rebirth culture on the brink of human religion (reincarnation). It suits best between 3 and 2 million years ago, but for the evolution of human religion that's not important. The Homo naledi culture might have existed 1 million years ago, while Homo erectus already believed in reincarnation since 2 million years. Here we develop scenarios for human religion where the steps must be taken in the right order independent from time. TIme is elastic but steps of development are imperative.
So think with me as follows. Why would Homo naledi use the Rising Star Cave as a graveyard? The entrance is quite visible what is very risky. Well, this cave must always have been a holy place where big tribes have chosen their domicili. So we conclude this Homo naledi tribe was the mightiest and most powerful tribe in that area and in that segment of time.
They must have had hundreds of members. This means they were able to defend their graveyard. But this also means the tribe had a lot of neighbouring tribes with the same religion, to prevent autosomal recessive diseases by the exchange of juvenile females. If we are lucky we might find hundreds of graveyards in this area. We also might find stone tools around the Rising Star Cave.
Then to proceed. We already have decided these creatures must have had very special abilities which are lost in evolution. They must have had ape-like qualities like 3D-radar in the dark below the surface, suitable for climbing and jumping in trees at night to find their nest again. They must have had a fabulous 3D-mapping representation in their head:
1: Homo naledi used no light in the Rising Star Cave.
Body remains of Jesus may not have been found for different reasons. The story might be a myth or the body has been removed meanwhile by 'believers'. The story is confirmed nor falsified.
In the same way, if we see the graveyard of Dinaledi chamber which can hardly be checked on human remains it likely is 'rebirth'. And because that graveyard is far below the surface we assume believers thought the deceased made the best connection with the Underworld at the deepest level of the cave. Rebirth was to be found where all life comes from. What is quite logical for all seeds sprout from the soil.
So they will have thought deceased persons must be thrown as deep under the ground as possible where they cannot be demolished by predators, worms and insects in the first place and where they are as close as possible to the site of reconstruction. The Underworld will regenerate their bodies and let them be reborn in future mothers, with their own reconstructed bodies. And somehow they were right since everything goes to dust and dust forms new life. This is the end stage of animal religion. The soul marks human religion from Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc).
The choice of the graveyard
The Homo naledi culture likely was a rebirth culture on the brink of human religion (reincarnation). It suits best between 3 and 2 million years ago, but for the evolution of human religion that's not important. The Homo naledi culture might have existed 1 million years ago, while Homo erectus already believed in reincarnation since 2 million years. Here we develop scenarios for human religion where the steps must be taken in the right order independent from time. TIme is elastic but steps of development are imperative.
So think with me as follows. Why would Homo naledi use the Rising Star Cave as a graveyard? The entrance is quite visible what is very risky. Well, this cave must always have been a holy place where big tribes have chosen their domicili. So we conclude this Homo naledi tribe was the mightiest and most powerful tribe in that area and in that segment of time.
They must have had hundreds of members. This means they were able to defend their graveyard. But this also means the tribe had a lot of neighbouring tribes with the same religion, to prevent autosomal recessive diseases by the exchange of juvenile females. If we are lucky we might find hundreds of graveyards in this area. We also might find stone tools around the Rising Star Cave.
Then to proceed. We already have decided these creatures must have had very special abilities which are lost in evolution. They must have had ape-like qualities like 3D-radar in the dark below the surface, suitable for climbing and jumping in trees at night to find their nest again. They must have had a fabulous 3D-mapping representation in their head:
1: Homo naledi used no light in the Rising Star Cave.
2: Homo naledi used sticks and ropes entering Dinaledi chamber.
3: Homo naledi inherited a three-dimensional compass in the dark.
4: Homo naledi had a fabulous mental representation of 3D-impressions.
That's why the Rising Star Cave must be a shotgun approach after 60 years of failing to find Dinaledi chamber. That means from now on we must use 3D-radar to find deep lying chambers in the first place:

They might have had already tenths of thousands of years experience in caves. They knew they must find graveyards in caves with inaccessible entrances. They knew they had to close entrances after burials and they knew only to use very deep chambers.
Homo naledi: Finding Rebirth Graveyards
That's why the Rising Star Cave must be a shotgun approach after 60 years of failing to find Dinaledi chamber. That means from now on we must use 3D-radar to find deep lying chambers in the first place:

We must not bother about entrances, for they are not that important. Having found deep lying chambers we must find hidden entrances in a circle of about 100 meters around that chamber.
Then we must drill a shaft and put a pipe in it entering the chamber, where we take air- and soil samples and where we film and photograph the inventory of the cave. Then we put a plug on the pipe and remember the secret coordinates of this drilling.
The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa
New ages for flowstone, sediments and fossil bones from the Dinaledi Chamber are presented. We combined optically stimulated luminescence dating of sediments with U-Th and palaeomagnetic analyses of flowstones to establish that all sediments containing Homo naledi fossils can be allocated to a single stratigraphic entity (sub-unit 3b), interpreted to be deposited between 236 ka and 414 ka. This result has been confirmed independently by dating three H. naledi teeth with combined U-series and electron spin resonance (US-ESR) dating. Two dating scenarios for the fossils were tested by varying the assumed levels of 222Rn loss in the encasing sediments: a maximum age scenario provides an average age for the two least altered fossil teeth of 253 +82/–70 ka, whilst a minimum age scenario yields an average age of 200 +70/–61 ka. We consider the maximum age scenario to more closely reflect conditions in the cave, and therefore, the true age of the fossils. By combining the US-ESR maximum age estimate obtained from the teeth, with the U-Th age for the oldest flowstone overlying Homo naledi fossils, we have constrained the depositional age of Homo naledi to a period between 236 ka and 335 ka. These age results demonstrate that a morphologically primitive hominin, Homo naledi, survived into the later parts of the Pleistocene in Africa, and indicate a much younger age for the Homo naledi fossils than have previously been hypothesized based on their morphology.
How do you figure out a fossil’s age? (By John Hawks)
We applied six different methods. The most valuable of these were electron spin resonance (ESR) dating, and uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating. ESR relies on the fact that teeth contain tiny crystals, and the electron energy in these crystals is affected by natural radiation in the ground over long periods of time after fossils are buried. U-Th relies on the fact that water drips into caves and forms layers of calcite, which contain traces of uranium. The radioactive fraction of uranium decays into thorium slowly over time. So the proportion of thorium compared to uranium gives an estimate of the time since the calcite layers formed. One of these calcite deposits, called a flowstone, formed above the H. naledi fossils in the Dinaledi Chamber. That flowstone helps to establish the minimum age: the fossils must be older than the flowstone above them.
How do you figure out a fossil’s age? (By John Hawks)
We applied six different methods. The most valuable of these were electron spin resonance (ESR) dating, and uranium-thorium (U-Th) dating. ESR relies on the fact that teeth contain tiny crystals, and the electron energy in these crystals is affected by natural radiation in the ground over long periods of time after fossils are buried. U-Th relies on the fact that water drips into caves and forms layers of calcite, which contain traces of uranium. The radioactive fraction of uranium decays into thorium slowly over time. So the proportion of thorium compared to uranium gives an estimate of the time since the calcite layers formed. One of these calcite deposits, called a flowstone, formed above the H. naledi fossils in the Dinaledi Chamber. That flowstone helps to establish the minimum age: the fossils must be older than the flowstone above them.
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