Basic Dimension

Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions:
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
The problem from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was that there were no other tribes for exchanging juvenile females, so they were forced to practice inbreeding (cousin marriages) with their already inferior genome.
Sexual religion from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was inbreeding and Human religion was pre-Desert Religion (monotheism). They swarmed in all directions, and 40 Kya a number of them settled as pre-Muslims back into North Africa. They had become inbred populations.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Negroes (mtDNA L2) were surrounded by neighboring tribes, all small in number, creating a lively exchange of juvenile females. All tribes still had their complete genome. Sexual religion was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Human religion was Voodoo (polytheism). They became outbred populations.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions:
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
The problem from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was that there were no other tribes for exchanging juvenile females, so they were forced to practice inbreeding (cousin marriages) with their already inferior genome.
Sexual religion from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was inbreeding and Human religion was pre-Desert Religion (monotheism). They swarmed in all directions, and 40 Kya a number of them settled as pre-Muslims back into North Africa. They had become inbred populations.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Negroes (mtDNA L2) were surrounded by neighboring tribes, all small in number, creating a lively exchange of juvenile females. All tribes still had their complete genome. Sexual religion was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Human religion was Voodoo (polytheism). They became outbred populations.
If the (human) religion of the father is understood as a profitable function of the sexual religion (FGM), then we have fulfilled the underlying assumption concerning the relation between human religion and sexual religion. We have already given some examples why it is profitable for fathers to mutilate their daughters.
Just like cousin marriages lead to inbreeding, facilitates FGM outbreeding:
(142) FGM, Inbreeding and reincarnation
Assumption 447: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughter's sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into her descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes. Because, if ancestors (Muslim males) reincarnate into hybrids, they are refused into the tribe after their next death. Then they will be ghosts roaming through space forever. In other words, tribal inbreeding leads to secure earthly reincarnation in the tribe.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the wombs of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy:

2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N. This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
(138) The Land of Myrrh (FGM) (Efua Dorkenoo)
Just like cousin marriages lead to inbreeding, facilitates FGM outbreeding:
(142) FGM, Inbreeding and reincarnation
Assumption 447: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughter's sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into her descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes. Because, if ancestors (Muslim males) reincarnate into hybrids, they are refused into the tribe after their next death. Then they will be ghosts roaming through space forever. In other words, tribal inbreeding leads to secure earthly reincarnation in the tribe.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the wombs of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy:

2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N. This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
(138) The Land of Myrrh (FGM) (Efua Dorkenoo)
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.