Basic Dimension
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Chimps and bonobos have no SM-dyad. But they do have empathy, especially bonobos:
So there must be another reason why they did not develop SM in their sexual imagination. This means above diagram is somewhat wrong, but we will not alter it too much and only make this adjustment:
We change that too, without deleting the whole figure:
Here also we concluded earlier:
And now we are coming somewhere. Though especially our nephews, Panini, are proven to have empathy, they have apparently not developed SM-dyad, and that has great consequences, because SM-dyad leads to the human overpopulation, while chimps are dying out slowly.
The reason for not developing SM-dyad is chimp's lack of sexual imagination. Further, SM-dyad (strong) is especially needed for inbreeding, something quadrupeds don't and bipedal primates do for seven million years already. Bipedal females are forced to cousin marriages by SM-dyad (strong), while their natural instinct points to outcrossing (SM-dyad (weak)):

By the way, SM-dyad must not be literally taken, because for normal humans it is only a sexual imaginary strategy, a sexual play:
Only natural psychopaths and cultural psychopaths take SM-dyad literally and may kill females in reality:
Homo sapiens and Panini are nephews, but how come homo sapiens became an infestation to the world while chimps might go extinct?
Number Archive

Chimps and bonobos have no SM-dyad. But they do have empathy, especially bonobos:
So there must be another reason why they did not develop SM in their sexual imagination. This means above diagram is somewhat wrong, but we will not alter it too much and only make this adjustment:
Then this would also be wrong:
At last we are lucky to see this SM-dyad error has already been corrected earlier on this blog. Therefore, we reiterate, we cannot frame chimps into SM-dyad, but certainly bonobos have Vanilla-dyad:
Here also we concluded earlier:
Animal sadism is violence in one direction without empathy with the victim and we know especially chimps can be real sadists and psychopaths, certainly if kept imprisoned. But this kind of sadism has nothing to do with sexuality.
And now we are coming somewhere. Though especially our nephews, Panini, are proven to have empathy, they have apparently not developed SM-dyad, and that has great consequences, because SM-dyad leads to the human overpopulation, while chimps are dying out slowly.
The reason for not developing SM-dyad is chimp's lack of sexual imagination. Further, SM-dyad (strong) is especially needed for inbreeding, something quadrupeds don't and bipedal primates do for seven million years already. Bipedal females are forced to cousin marriages by SM-dyad (strong), while their natural instinct points to outcrossing (SM-dyad (weak)):

By the way, SM-dyad must not be literally taken, because for normal humans it is only a sexual imaginary strategy, a sexual play:
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Homo sapiens and Panini are nephews, but how come homo sapiens became an infestation to the world while chimps might go extinct?
It is known chimps are not very interested in sex, only periodically and females are free to live uncontrolled in the environment of the male kin bonded tribe. So, chimps are the normal species while Homo sapiens are kinda sick. Then, it's simple, without SM-dyad animals miss the sexual violence fantasy to start scenarios beyond periodically sex. So, SM-dyad led to the overpopulation of Home sapiens, besides to a lot of other effects.
But Vanilla-dyad is a sexual fantasy which works perfectly for bonobos:
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
But Vanilla-dyad is a sexual fantasy which works perfectly for bonobos:
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
So, apparently humans are oversexed by SM-dyad, what is the reason Muslim females are addicted to masochism, while males are prone to sadism:
Side effect from SM dyad in addition to enforcing cousin marriages is to relieve fertility stress from inbred populations:
For bipedal primates SM-dyad has become natural law since Australopithecus:
What explains Christian masochism adoring Muslim sadism.
SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad:
And that also means that SM-dyad is not necessarily the opposite from Vanilla dyad:
Assumption 490: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are independently formed sexual strategies:
For example, Vanilla-dyad arose in complete seclusion of bonobos from chimps south of the Congo river:
(42) The Split in Panini Religion
(78) Roaming led to bonobo religion
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Assumption 490: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are independently formed sexual strategies, which turn out to be each other's opposite. For example, Vanilla-dyad is formed by bonobos south of the Congo river independently from chimps living north of the river. Bonobos have plenty of fiber foods and no gorillas around. But the behavior of Chimpanzees - which do not have SM dyad - is formed in harsh competition with gorillas for fiber foods to the north of the river. Vanilla-dyad may be natural in the animal world, especially in pairwise reproduction (not in groups), while SM-dyad is definitely from bipedal origin. SM-dyad is needed to force females to inbreeding (cousin marriages), who instinctively chose for outcrossing. An alternative explanation is Vanilla-dyad arises without hetero sexual male oppression from 'other sexual roles'.
For bipedal primates SM-dyad has become natural law since Australopithecus:
What explains Christian masochism adoring Muslim sadism.
SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad:
Assumption 67:
- SM-dyad is the basic relationship between man and woman in human nature. It is a relationship that will haunt mankind to the farthest stars.
- SM-dyad is based on absolute male power and results in unequal sexual relations. It easily develops into paraphilia. Vanilla-dyad is formed from relativism and consists of equivalence in sexual relations.
- SM-dyad can temporarily transform into Vanilla dyad, in which case ultimately equal rights for men and women are obtained.
- Because equivalence is against male nature, Vanilla-dyad remains subordinate to SM-dyad. It is and will remain a substitute for the male sexual instinct. Which means that SM-dyad in the background is always present, always searching for new ways to self-realization. SM-dyad is the primal relation between male and female.
- The temporary primacy of Vanilla dyad is enforced by the intellectual development of women.
So, it was wrong to project SM-dyad into chimps. Chimps kill out of sadism but not because of some sadomasochistic sexual play. Chimps do not kill in sexual play. Sadomasochism in sexuality is not to be found in chimps or bonobos, or in any other animal. SM-dyad is a human specialty, maybe their only contribution to the evolution:
Assumption 490: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are independently formed sexual strategies:
For example, Vanilla-dyad arose in complete seclusion of bonobos from chimps south of the Congo river:
(42) The Split in Panini Religion
(78) Roaming led to bonobo religion
'Why, then, have chimps not evolved this social structure? The answer may lie in the history of the habitats they occupy. Both species of primates live in tropical forests along the Zaire River -- chimps north of the river, bonobos to the south. Their environments seem to be quite similar today. But about 2.5 million years ago, there seems to have been a lengthy drought in southern Zaire that wiped out the preferred food plants of gorillas and sent the primates packing. After the drought ended, the forests returned, but the gorillas did not.[bonobos nowadays are without gorillas.]'
'Chimpanzees [nowadays bonobos] in this environment south of the river had the forest to themselves, and could exploit the fiber foods that had previously been eaten by gorillas -- foods that are still eaten by gorillas to the north [chimps nowadays with gorillas], this additional food to tide them [bonobos] over between fruit trees, they could travel in larger, more stable parties, and form strong social bonds. They became bonobos.'
'On the north side of the river, the (nowadays) chimps had to share their niche with gorillas, which eat the fiber foods. The chimps have to compete for fruit, and occasionally meat, food resources that tend to be widely scattered. Female chimps disperse into the forest with their infants to find enough to eat, and cannot spend time together to forge strong bonds. The changes in social behavior that occurred in response to this environmental factor may be what led chimps down a different evolutionary path, toward a society more prone to violence.'
Assumption 490: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are independently formed sexual strategies, which turn out to be each other's opposite. For example, Vanilla-dyad is formed by bonobos south of the Congo river independently from chimps living north of the river. Bonobos have plenty of fiber foods and no gorillas around. But the behavior of Chimpanzees - which do not have SM dyad - is formed in harsh competition with gorillas for fiber foods to the north of the river. Vanilla-dyad may be natural in the animal world, especially in pairwise reproduction (not in groups), while SM-dyad is definitely from bipedal origin. SM-dyad is needed to force females to inbreeding (cousin marriages), who instinctively chose for outcrossing. An alternative explanation is Vanilla-dyad arises without hetero sexual male oppression from 'other sexual roles'.
SM-radiation from the birth of SM-dyad in bipeds
SM-dyad inherently combines the opposites of sadism and masochism. SM-dyad (weak) is the background SM-radiation still to be found in bipedal primates in outbred populations. It is the echo from the big bang from the birth of SM-dyad in the times of Australopithecus. So, this weak background radiation is still present in outcrossing cultures named as SM-dyad (weak). And SM-dyad (strong) is still vividly present in inbreeding cultures as Islam, heavenly interacting with the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims.
Quadrupeds developed no inbreeding:
Because Panini (bonobos) are quadrupeds (without inbreeding) they did not inherit SM-dyad and so they developed Vanilla-dyad without masochism from SM-dyad. This is in contrast to Political Correctness which developed Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong) from Christianity:
So, Christians as bipeds inherited SM-dyad (weak) from their outbred populations in Northern Europe, in which the masochism part, however, was exaggerated by the Desert Religions, changing into masochism (strong):
Moreover, masochism is also a highly appreciated cultural phenomenon in Christianity, which means Christians are proud of their masochistic traits:
Assumption 265:
Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Muslims come in Heaven by killing unbelievers, Christians being killed by unbelievers.

So, we get this total picture:
Assumption 489: Political correctness has Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong).
Bonobos inherited no masochism. But human outbred populations have SM-dyad (weak) with masochism (weak). Later outbred populations as Christianity have SM-dyad (weak) plus masochism (strong) from Desert Religions with SM-dyad (strong) and masochism (strong). Then for Political Correctness (PC), outbred populations have Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong), which yearns to Islam sadism (strong), leading to Chrislam and civil war:
Assumption 488: SM-dyad (strong) and SM-dyad (weak). [PC = Political Correctness.]
SM-dyad (strong) is found in Homo sapiens non-PC (Islam, inbreeding).
SM-dyad (weak) in Homo sapiens non-PC (Ancient Greeks, Old Christianity (Catholicism), outcrossing). Vanilla-dyad is found in Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness, outcrossing).
SM-dyad (strong) is used in inbreeding cultures like Islam where females are forced to cousin marriages, while their instinctive drive is outcrossing.
SM-dyad (weak) is found in outcrossing cultures as the ancient Greeks and old Christianity (Catholicism), where females are not oppressed.
Vanilla-dyad is found in outcrossing cultures from Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness), where males and females are sexually equivalent.
SM-dyad inherently combines the opposites of sadism and masochism. SM-dyad (weak) is the background SM-radiation still to be found in bipedal primates in outbred populations. It is the echo from the big bang from the birth of SM-dyad in the times of Australopithecus. So, this weak background radiation is still present in outcrossing cultures named as SM-dyad (weak). And SM-dyad (strong) is still vividly present in inbreeding cultures as Islam, heavenly interacting with the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims.
Quadrupeds developed no inbreeding:
Because Panini (bonobos) are quadrupeds (without inbreeding) they did not inherit SM-dyad and so they developed Vanilla-dyad without masochism from SM-dyad. This is in contrast to Political Correctness which developed Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong) from Christianity:
So, Christians as bipeds inherited SM-dyad (weak) from their outbred populations in Northern Europe, in which the masochism part, however, was exaggerated by the Desert Religions, changing into masochism (strong):
Moreover, masochism is also a highly appreciated cultural phenomenon in Christianity, which means Christians are proud of their masochistic traits:
Assumption 265:
Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Muslims come in Heaven by killing unbelievers, Christians being killed by unbelievers.

So, we get this total picture:
Assumption 489: Political correctness has Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong).
Bonobos inherited no masochism. But human outbred populations have SM-dyad (weak) with masochism (weak). Later outbred populations as Christianity have SM-dyad (weak) plus masochism (strong) from Desert Religions with SM-dyad (strong) and masochism (strong). Then for Political Correctness (PC), outbred populations have Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong), which yearns to Islam sadism (strong), leading to Chrislam and civil war:
Assumption 488: SM-dyad (strong) and SM-dyad (weak). [PC = Political Correctness.]
SM-dyad (strong) is found in Homo sapiens non-PC (Islam, inbreeding).
SM-dyad (weak) in Homo sapiens non-PC (Ancient Greeks, Old Christianity (Catholicism), outcrossing). Vanilla-dyad is found in Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness, outcrossing).
SM-dyad (strong) is used in inbreeding cultures like Islam where females are forced to cousin marriages, while their instinctive drive is outcrossing.
SM-dyad (weak) is found in outcrossing cultures as the ancient Greeks and old Christianity (Catholicism), where females are not oppressed.
Vanilla-dyad is found in outcrossing cultures from Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness), where males and females are sexually equivalent.