Basic Dimension
(An alternative interpretation is the Gihon is a river from the land of Cush, a mountain region in Iran and the Pishon is now a dry riverbed. All rivers ended in the Persian Gulf. Further, de story of Adam and Eve marks the transition from a hunter-gatherer to a farmer culture (Juris Zarins)).
Scenario Paradise culture
Father [OR: forced inbreed. daughter ==> PR: Reincarn. into parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: refusal arranged marriage ==> NP: Father removes her safety]
Adultery of cousin:
Husband [OR: wants own offspring ==>PR: Reincarn. into the parallel universe]
Cousin [OR: adultery ==> PP: Husband kills his wife by stoning]
Homosexuals with and without offspring:
Gay [OR: wants own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Rape scenario Islamic culture
In Islamic culture, earthly reincarnation is prohibited as well as perpetual orgasm across generations. By breaking SM-dyad the father first is cashing perpetual orgasm from his daughter just like in Paradise Culture. Thereafter, he punishes her persistent refusal to deliver inbred bodies by lustful murder. That's what Sexual Scales of Religion really means.
Sexual abuse creates a common family interest to prevent daughters from going to the police. The "honor of the family" will be offset against the shame of their collective rape of the fallen daughter. In a joint action to save the "honor of the family", daughters will be slaughtered after which families remain silent forever.
In Islamic culture, honor killings mostly happen because of suppressing earthly reincarnation (see below). Numerous interactions are possible. Most common are honor killings caused by mental incest, observed as suffocating stalking of the daughter. This scenario is described earlier, wherein fathers take all freedom to rape their daughters first before killing by breaking SM-dyad.
That's what our model predicts:
Scenario Islamic culture
The relation between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation is the prevailing instinct since Homo erectus. Whoever ignores this relation makes a fundamental error of judgment. This is also the fundamental problem of Islamic culture and the explanation of honor killings:
Genetic immortality is the natural and primary reinforcer of tribal inbreeding in which case the individual unfortunately will not survive. But earthly reincarnation as a second reinforcer is a much better reinforcer of inbreeding, because there man lives forever. Therefore and for some other reasons inbreeding has been definitely and instinctively connected with earthly reincarnation since Homo erectus. Inbreeding was not for the genetic mirror in the descendants any longer, but descendants served as inbred bodies for the reincarnation of tribal heads.
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Maximum gain in reinforcement occurs from inbreeding to earthly reincarnation. Man got eternal life. Hence, reincarnation into the parallel universe as a third reinforcer was not better than earthly reincarnation. Within reincarnation no additional profit in lifetime of the afterlife can be made.
But the advantage was that the parallel universe as a tertiary reinforcer offered a perpetual afterlife far from the tribe in another dimension. Endogamous tribal men could escape to perpetual orgasm with 72 exogamous wild virgins in the afterlife.
This potential difference between the conscious and unconscious is intentionally maintained by Islam:
The killer who loves his daughter dearly
- Now, because of his unknown wish to reincarnate in the (earthly) universe, the father puts pressure on his daughter to inbreed with her cousin for 'the honor of the family'. The latter is because he does not know how to connect inbreeding with Allah in the parallel universe.
(N.b. I do not support all theory from 5 years ago any longer)
Refusal arranged marriage:
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Honor of the family: staying together]
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the earthly universe]
Correcting cognitive dissonance
Now, after having paid the highest price on earth that a loving father can pay, he corrected for cognitive dissonance and certainly will deserve the kingdom of heaven.
Is this a crazy theory? Yes, it is, but millions of honor killings in history ask for crazy theories. In this theory we correlated father love with degree of violence. The more intense the love for his daughter, the more gruesome her killing must be.
Assumption 161: Addressing honor killings.
Number Archive
Monday , 7 July 2014
Theory of honor killings
The theoretical differences between Paradise culture and Islamic culture have already been discussed in:
(5) Honor killings caused by inbreeding and incest
(6) Masochism Hate, SM-dyad and Sexual Scales
(7) Honor killings in Islamic culture
Classical and operant conditioning
In classical conditioning the conditioned response (saliva) resembles the response elicited by the unconditioned stimulus: the meat. The saliva response is identical in conditioned and unconditioned situations. And that means that the behavior of the dog will not be shaped.
Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement always leads to an increase of behavior, punishment leads to a decrease of behavior:
Positive reinforcement adds something to increase desired behavior.
Positive punishment adds something to decrease undesired behavior.
Negative reinforcement takes away something to increase desired behavior.
Negative punishment takes away something to decrease undesired behavior.
Positive = adding something.
Negative = taking away something.
Number Archive
Monday , 7 July 2014
The theoretical differences between Paradise culture and Islamic culture have already been discussed in:
(5) Honor killings caused by inbreeding and incest
(6) Masochism Hate, SM-dyad and Sexual Scales
(7) Honor killings in Islamic culture
Classical and operant conditioning
In classical conditioning the conditioned response (saliva) resembles the response elicited by the unconditioned stimulus: the meat. The saliva response is identical in conditioned and unconditioned situations. And that means that the behavior of the dog will not be shaped.
Light: conditioned stimulus.In operant conditioning however behavior can be shaped into all kinds of directions:Meat: unconditioned stimulus.
Saliva:unconditioned response.
Unknown trigger: unconditioned stimulus.
Pigeon pecks on button: unconditioned response.
Reinforcement: conditioned reward afterwards.
Pigeon pecks two times on button: conditioned response.
Reinforcement: conditioned reward afterwards.
With all kinds of procedures one can influence behavior by operant conditioning. Operant conditioning means that the individual has to take some particular behavior to attain the reward. A pigeon must peck in some order to get the grain. His behavior 'operates' on the environment to get a reward. Hence, it is called operant behavior.
Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement always leads to an increase of behavior, punishment leads to a decrease of behavior:
Positive reinforcement adds something to increase desired behavior.
Positive punishment adds something to decrease undesired behavior.
Negative reinforcement takes away something to increase desired behavior.
Negative punishment takes away something to decrease undesired behavior.
Positive = adding something.
Negative = taking away something.
Honor killing scenarios
In Paradise culture:
In Paradise culture, honor killings were meant as sanctions which kept the inbreeding system working. Anybody not following the rules of inbreeding and incest was killed by decomposing SM-dyad by Sexual Scales of Religion into murder and sexual lust. Adulterous cousins and unwilling daughters were wrong investments who delivered worthless bodies for reincarnation. Mental stress was not involved. Daughters were not raped before killing because sexual intercourse between fathers and daughters was already quite normal.
In Islamic culture:
In Islamic culture sexual intercourse with daughters is forbidden, just like the belief in the earthly universe. Islam purposely frustrates Muslims by inflicting tension between Paradise culture and Islamic culture, generating her endless power.
In Islamic culture, honor killings still can happen without mental stress as in Paradise culture. But an unconscious conflict between earthly and parallel reincarnation is not excluded. Certainly not, because earthly reincarnation dwells in the collective unconscious of Muslims. In this scenario daughters are not raped before killing. But plenty of other scenarios are conceivable, contrasting with Paradise culture.
Following our rational model of religion, honor killings happen also because of suppressing earthly reincarnation. Numerous interactions are possible. Most common are honor killings caused by mental incest, observed as suffocating stalking of the daughter. A special case is described earlier, where fathers take all freedom to rape their daughters first before killing them after breaking SM-dyad.
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Honor killings in Islamic culture deliver a lot of horrible scenarios. We describe a fantastic and unbelievable script which might be as realistic as well:
Scenarios in operant conditioning
In Paradise culture:
In Paradise culture, honor killings were meant as sanctions of Sexual Scales of Religion, which kept the inbreeding system working. Anybody not following the rules of inbreeding and incest was killed by decomposing SM-dyad. Adulterous cousins and unwilling daughters were wrong investments who delivered worthless bodies for reincarnation. Mental stress was not involved. Daughters were not raped before killing.
It is hardly conceivable that daughters like Eve would reject arranged marriages in a culture where they already were abused by their fathers or brothers like Adam. Therefore we change 'rejecting arranged marriage' into 'dated with a man of another tribe, for example the Serpent'.
In Paradise culture:
In Paradise culture, honor killings were meant as sanctions which kept the inbreeding system working. Anybody not following the rules of inbreeding and incest was killed by decomposing SM-dyad by Sexual Scales of Religion into murder and sexual lust. Adulterous cousins and unwilling daughters were wrong investments who delivered worthless bodies for reincarnation. Mental stress was not involved. Daughters were not raped before killing because sexual intercourse between fathers and daughters was already quite normal.
In Islamic culture:
In Islamic culture sexual intercourse with daughters is forbidden, just like the belief in the earthly universe. Islam purposely frustrates Muslims by inflicting tension between Paradise culture and Islamic culture, generating her endless power.
In Islamic culture, honor killings still can happen without mental stress as in Paradise culture. But an unconscious conflict between earthly and parallel reincarnation is not excluded. Certainly not, because earthly reincarnation dwells in the collective unconscious of Muslims. In this scenario daughters are not raped before killing. But plenty of other scenarios are conceivable, contrasting with Paradise culture.
Following our rational model of religion, honor killings happen also because of suppressing earthly reincarnation. Numerous interactions are possible. Most common are honor killings caused by mental incest, observed as suffocating stalking of the daughter. A special case is described earlier, where fathers take all freedom to rape their daughters first before killing them after breaking SM-dyad.
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
- The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
- The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
- The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle
Honor killings in Islamic culture deliver a lot of horrible scenarios. We describe a fantastic and unbelievable script which might be as realistic as well:
Scenarios in operant conditioning
In Paradise culture:
In Paradise culture, honor killings were meant as sanctions of Sexual Scales of Religion, which kept the inbreeding system working. Anybody not following the rules of inbreeding and incest was killed by decomposing SM-dyad. Adulterous cousins and unwilling daughters were wrong investments who delivered worthless bodies for reincarnation. Mental stress was not involved. Daughters were not raped before killing.
The Garden of Eden
Paradise story is an evolutionary belch from the darkest recesses of the male soul. It is a testosterone driven instinct in endogamous cultures to inherit eternal survival by inbreeding and incest.
The patriarch of the Homo erectus family felt a God in the deepest of his thoughts. It is He who is meant by 'God' in the garden of Eden. His family tree was the tree of life. The branches were his descendants: his son Adam and daughter Eve. The first tree of life symbolized his eternity projection in the genes of his children, discovered by Homininae. In his grandchildren he ever hoped to reincarnate by the second tree, discovered by Homo erectus.
Paradise story is an evolutionary belch from the darkest recesses of the male soul. It is a testosterone driven instinct in endogamous cultures to inherit eternal survival by inbreeding and incest.
The patriarch of the Homo erectus family felt a God in the deepest of his thoughts. It is He who is meant by 'God' in the garden of Eden. His family tree was the tree of life. The branches were his descendants: his son Adam and daughter Eve. The first tree of life symbolized his eternity projection in the genes of his children, discovered by Homininae. In his grandchildren he ever hoped to reincarnate by the second tree, discovered by Homo erectus.
The Garden of Eden was nothing more than a meadow along the banks of the river Gihon, where God, the father of Adam, possessed a piece of land. It seemed to Homo erectus like a paradise near the dry and barren Sahara that existed already for five millions years. But in our rational development of human religion the exact place of the inbreeding paradise is not important, because it is all but an initiation rite for young men in which the inbreeding and incest message is passed from father to son.
Camp Paradise was ruled by a religion of inbreeding and incest. The inbreeding tree, euphemistically called the tree of life, stood not to miss in the middle of the 'Paradise'. It was this tree of life, whose sour fruits women had to pick and eat every day.
Camp Paradise was ruled by a religion of inbreeding and incest. The inbreeding tree, euphemistically called the tree of life, stood not to miss in the middle of the 'Paradise'. It was this tree of life, whose sour fruits women had to pick and eat every day.
The problem was that women naturally have an instinct for outbreeding by genetic diversity, where men in endogamous cultures cultivate their inbreeding and incest instinct because of their fear to die. Hence, SM-dyad is a fight between instincts. Therefore women had to be oppressed and were seen as objects for delivering inbred bodies for the reincarnation of tribal heads.
Assumption 170: In endogamic cultures SM-dyad is the fight between male genetic monoculture (Tree of Life) and female genetic diversity (Tree of Knowledge).
Assumption 170: In endogamic cultures SM-dyad is the fight between male genetic monoculture (Tree of Life) and female genetic diversity (Tree of Knowledge).
At Camp Paradise God perfected his genetic experiments on autosomal recessive disorders. The daily consumption of the acid of the tree of life kept women forever crooked and stupid. God called this line of unbroken inbreeding: the tree of Life. Unbroken until women like Eve ate from the tree of outbreeding and became adulterous with Serpents of other tribes. In which case, the patriarch of the tribe had to fear for reincarnation into hybrids.
God still is practicing these endogamic experiments on a billion people in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. And today we find his paradise also in Europe, as evidenced by the growing number of honor killings.
As said, the eternity projection of the patriarch of the family could be broken by the adultery of his wife, or by his daughter's refusal to serve as incubator for family seed. Such branches of the tree of life had to be cut off. Such women were not allowed to eat of the tree of life any longer and had to be slain by stoning and honor killing. And hanging meant for practicing gays without children.
And on the edge of the camp, near the exit and barely visible to the wretched spirits, stood the tree of evil, the so called tree of knowledge. That was the tree of outbreeding. Its fruits were sweet and delicious, just like the Serpent.
(An alternative interpretation is the Gihon is a river from the land of Cush, a mountain region in Iran and the Pishon is now a dry riverbed. All rivers ended in the Persian Gulf. Further, de story of Adam and Eve marks the transition from a hunter-gatherer to a farmer culture (Juris Zarins)).
Scenario Paradise culture
OR = operant response (trying an action)
PR = positive reinforcement (accepted in the family again, reincarnation)
PR = positive reinforcement (accepted in the family again, reincarnation)
NR = negative reinforcement (stops raping daughter)
PP = positive punishment (raping or killing victim)
NP = negative punishment (removing safety daughter by threatening her life)
PP = positive punishment (raping or killing victim)
NP = negative punishment (removing safety daughter by threatening her life)
Refusal arranged marriage by daughter:
Father [OR: forced inbreed. daughter ==> PR: Reincarn. into parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: still refusal ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Adultery of cousin:
Husband [OR: wants own offspring ==>PR: Reincarn. into the parallel universe]
Cousin [OR: adultery ==> PP: Husband kills his wife by stoning]
Homosexuals with and without offspring:
Gay [OR: wants own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Practicing gay [OR: has no offspring ==> PP: Tribe hangs homosexual]
Not practicing gay [OR: has no offspring ==> NP: No reincarnation]
Rape scenario Islamic culture
In Islamic culture, earthly reincarnation is prohibited as well as perpetual orgasm across generations. By breaking SM-dyad the father first is cashing perpetual orgasm from his daughter just like in Paradise Culture. Thereafter, he punishes her persistent refusal to deliver inbred bodies by lustful murder. That's what Sexual Scales of Religion really means.
By breaking SM-dyad a new world of sexual lust opens for fathers, brothers and uncles. By breaking the code of inbreeding, daughters easily become the whore of the family:
In Islamic culture raping of daughters is forbidden and their virginity is checked at marriage. But when social structure collapses because daughters refuse arranged marriages, their virginity does not matter anymore.
Honor killings immediately after an abortion are suspect and indicate a tangle of potential conflicts. Did the father sexually abuse his daughter
after his decision to decompose SM-dyad into rape and murder? Did he make her pregnant? That's forbidden in Islam. Did she threaten to make this public?
Are father and daughter checkmate? He wants her to marry her cousin, while she puts him under pressure because of his sexual abuse. Was the honor killing caused by panic? And why is the family agrees with the murder? To protect the "honor of the family"? Or to prevent shame on the family, because of the behavior of her father, her brothers and her uncle?
Many complications cannot be treated here. Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan were killed shortly after an abortion. Do families unconsciously still believe in earthly reincarnation? A mortal sin in nowadays Islam! Did families take unconsciously revenge because of killed ancestors, already descended into the fetuses?
How many tragic complications take the daughter to her grave?
Sexual abuse creates a common family interest to prevent daughters from going to the police. The "honor of the family" will be offset against the shame of their collective rape of the fallen daughter. In a joint action to save the "honor of the family", daughters will be slaughtered after which families remain silent forever.
In Islamic culture, honor killings mostly happen because of suppressing earthly reincarnation (see below). Numerous interactions are possible. Most common are honor killings caused by mental incest, observed as suffocating stalking of the daughter. This scenario is described earlier, wherein fathers take all freedom to rape their daughters first before killing by breaking SM-dyad.
That's what our model predicts:
Scenario Islamic culture
Refusal arranged marriage:
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: refusal arranged marriage ==> NP: Father removes her safety] Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: still refusal ==> PP: Father rapes his daughter]
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==>PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
First situation:
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==>PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
First situation:
Father [OR: last warning marriage ==> PR: Reincarn. into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: hesitates ===> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: accepts forced marriage ==> NR: Father stops raping his daughter]
Second situation:
Father [OR: last warning marriage ==> PR: Reincarn. into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: hesitates ===> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: still refusal ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Third situation:
Father [OR: made daughter pregnant ==> PP: Daughter threatens with police]
Family [OR: protect "honor family" ==> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Fourth situation:
Father [OR: made daughter pregnant ==> PR: Daughter takes abortion]
Daughter[ OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Family panics]
Family [OR: protect "honor family" ==> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Adultery of cousin:
Husband [OR: own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Cousin [OR: adultery ==> PP: Husband kills his wife by stoning]
Homosexuals with and without offspring:
Gay [OR: own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: hesitates ===> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: accepts forced marriage ==> NR: Father stops raping his daughter]
Second situation:
Father [OR: last warning marriage ==> PR: Reincarn. into the parallel universe]
Daughter [OR: hesitates ===> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: still refusal ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Third situation:
Father [OR: made daughter pregnant ==> PP: Daughter threatens with police]
Family [OR: protect "honor family" ==> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Fourth situation:
Father [OR: made daughter pregnant ==> PR: Daughter takes abortion]
Daughter[ OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Family panics]
Family [OR: protect "honor family" ==> PP: Father threatens her to kill]
Daughter [OR: threatens with police ==> PP: Father kills his daughter]
Adultery of cousin:
Husband [OR: own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Cousin [OR: adultery ==> PP: Husband kills his wife by stoning]
Homosexuals with and without offspring:
Gay [OR: own offspring ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Practicing gay [OR: no offspring ==> PP: Tribe hangs homosexual]
Not practicing gay [OR: no offspring ==> NP: No reincarnation]
Cognitive dissonance in Islamic culture
The relation between inbreeding and earthly reincarnation is the prevailing instinct since Homo erectus. Whoever ignores this relation makes a fundamental error of judgment. This is also the fundamental problem of Islamic culture and the explanation of honor killings:
Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile, inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for millions of years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Reincarnation into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Maximum gain in reinforcement occurs from inbreeding to earthly reincarnation. Man got eternal life. Hence, reincarnation into the parallel universe as a third reinforcer was not better than earthly reincarnation. Within reincarnation no additional profit in lifetime of the afterlife can be made.
But the advantage was that the parallel universe as a tertiary reinforcer offered a perpetual afterlife far from the tribe in another dimension. Endogamous tribal men could escape to perpetual orgasm with 72 exogamous wild virgins in the afterlife.
Because of the incompatibility of reincarnations and some other reasons the merge of Paradise culture and monotheism failed within the philosophy of Abraham. Hence, thousands of years later, Islam chose to enforce parallel reincarnation and to suppress earthly reincarnation.
Assumption 168: Islam forbade reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Hence, eternal orgasm in tribal afterlife was excluded. Not prohibited was inbreeding and perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe.
Assumption 166: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused in endogamous cultures in order to preserve the inbreeding and incest culture. In Paradise culture this was meant for genetic immortality of the tribe. But in human evolution inbreeding merged with (earthly) reincarnation. This instinctive combination is currently in force. Hence nowadays Muslim males unconsciously need appropriate inbred bodies for later earthly reincarnation. Hence, they enforce inbreeding and incest, (read: forced marriages with cousins) on their daughters.
Assumption 168: Islam forbade reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Hence, eternal orgasm in tribal afterlife was excluded. Not prohibited was inbreeding and perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe.
Assumption 166: Honor killings and acid attacks are caused in endogamous cultures in order to preserve the inbreeding and incest culture. In Paradise culture this was meant for genetic immortality of the tribe. But in human evolution inbreeding merged with (earthly) reincarnation. This instinctive combination is currently in force. Hence nowadays Muslim males unconsciously need appropriate inbred bodies for later earthly reincarnation. Hence, they enforce inbreeding and incest, (read: forced marriages with cousins) on their daughters.
Assumption 162: Religious indoctrination in Islamic culture expresses the struggle of the parallel universe of Allah in the conscious, with the earthly universe of tribal gods in the unconscious.
We hypothesize that earthly reincarnation is the real evolutionary objective of Muslim males but that this link is suppressed in their collective unconscious:
We hypothesize that earthly reincarnation is the real evolutionary objective of Muslim males but that this link is suppressed in their collective unconscious:
A discrepancy arose between the unconscious Paradise culture and the conscious monotheism of Allah in the parallel universe. That's what we call cognitive dissonance:
This potential difference between the conscious and unconscious is intentionally maintained by Islam:
The killer who loves his daughter dearly
- Now, because of his unknown wish to reincarnate in the (earthly) universe, the father puts pressure on his daughter to inbreed with her cousin for 'the honor of the family'. The latter is because he does not know how to connect inbreeding with Allah in the parallel universe.
OR = operant response (trying an action)
PR = positive reinforcement (accepted in the family again, reincarnation)
NR = negative reinforcement (stops raping daughter)
PP = positive punishment (raping or killing victim)
NP = negative punishment (removing safety daughter by threatening her life)
(N.b. I do not support all theory from 5 years ago any longer)
Refusal arranged marriage:
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Honor of the family: staying together]
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the parallel universe]
Father [OR: Inbreeding daughter ==> PR: Reincarnation into the earthly universe]
The father consciously wants to come into heaven of the parallel universe. But inbreeding has no logical link with the parallel universe. Unconsciously he strives to reincarnation into the earthly universe. But there is no natural relation between inbreeding and reincarnation at all.[ Well, there is a link]. What means that all his motives are in fact pure nonsense. And 'the honor of the family' is a rehash of what really matters: his self-projection as a tribal god in the afterlife. He is the result of an interaction of religious indoctrination and an inbred population. [OK]
We concluded earlier that Muslim fathers are not allowed to worship themselves as tribal gods and to believe in earthly reincarnation. That’s why inbreeding is not propagated in the Koran.
Muslims suppress their intense desire for reincarnation into the (earthly) universe for 1400 years. Polytheism (tribal gods and idols) are forbidden on pain of death. Now, how would Allah possibly know of this hidden drive, where Muslims don’t even know by themselves consciously?
In the present scenario, conflicts are created in the conscious of the Muslim male, but the whole conflict of dissonance can easily be transferred to the unconscious. Then the father 'knows nothing' about it:
Immanent Allah sees everything. But only when Muslims themselves realize the reason of their inbreeding instinct (earthly reincarnation), they will come into panic. That’s the theory.
Cognitive dissonance between conscious and unconscious
Muslims suppress their intense desire for reincarnation into the (earthly) universe for 1400 years. Polytheism (tribal gods and idols) are forbidden on pain of death. Now, how would Allah possibly know of this hidden drive, where Muslims don’t even know by themselves consciously?
In the present scenario, conflicts are created in the conscious of the Muslim male, but the whole conflict of dissonance can easily be transferred to the unconscious. Then the father 'knows nothing' about it:
Immanent Allah sees everything. But only when Muslims themselves realize the reason of their inbreeding instinct (earthly reincarnation), they will come into panic. That’s the theory.
Now we found the critical turning point in honor killings. That’s when the father realizes that inbreeding has to do with his deepest wish for reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Then he understands that the immanent Allah has seen and heard everything. Then he is ashamed of his mortal sin and thinks he might burn in hell for ever. He must do penance to avoid hell and yet earn his virgins in heaven.
From that moment he will panic in a transient psychosis and work on a plan for the gruesome killing of his own daughter.
If the theory is right it is here that women must be warned. They must never argue with their father and pierce the real reason for inbreeding into his mind. Cognitive dissonance can arise immediately. Fathers might panic and get a nervous breakdown. They may collapse in a transient psychosis and kill their daughters.
Therefore cognitive dissonance is a contradiction of interests, of the unconscious earthly reincarnation as a tribal god and the conscious parallel reincarnation into heaven of Allah, a contrast between Paradise culture in the unconscious and secondary Islam in the conscious.
Therefore cognitive dissonance is a contradiction of interests, of the unconscious earthly reincarnation as a tribal god and the conscious parallel reincarnation into heaven of Allah, a contrast between Paradise culture in the unconscious and secondary Islam in the conscious.
It is not necessary that girls understand the real reason for inbreeding by themselves. Constantly arguing is sufficient to alert their fathers.
Daughter [OR: Constantly arguing ==> PR: Father panics and insecure]
Daughter [OR: Constantly arguing ==> PR: Father panics and insecure]
Father [OR: silent, thinks about killing ==> PR: Daughter determined, aggressive]
Further advice is to leave parental home at the first discussion about arranged marriages, certainly before the first wedding proposal. Never argue with your father about forced marriages, do not alert him. And never come home again "to make it right"(Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim.)
And also never admit a committed abortion. Fathers may unconsciously think that a tribal ancestor has been reincarnated in the aborted foetus. He possibly takes revenge.
Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan have been killed within weeks after their confession of an abortion.
Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan have been killed within weeks after their confession of an abortion.
The more I love my daughter the more gruesome her killing
Immanent Allah sees everything and perceives the sinister motives of the father. Reincarnation into the universe is a mortal sin. The father has sinned. Now Allah must be very angry, where upon the father calculates his chances on eternal life. He already can forget earthly reincarnation with this unwilling daughter, but now he must fear also losing heaven in the parallel universe. He must do penance for Allah to come into heaven anyway. Without penance he would burn in hell forever.
Note that a sinister moment of 'calm before the storm' occurs, where the daughter thinks that her father has abandoned the idea of the arranged marriage. This is seen correctly because he has realized that he must kill his daughter in the name of Allah. After some period of silence he will set a trap and invite her to restore family ties. This fatal moment occurred in the cases of Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim.
Assumption 111: An honor killing can [sometimes] be seen as a human sacrifice, by which the father desperately confirms his belief in the parallel universe of Allah. By killing his daughter he makes earthly reincarnation impossible.
Note that a sinister moment of 'calm before the storm' occurs, where the daughter thinks that her father has abandoned the idea of the arranged marriage. This is seen correctly because he has realized that he must kill his daughter in the name of Allah. After some period of silence he will set a trap and invite her to restore family ties. This fatal moment occurred in the cases of Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim.
Daughter [OR: Escapes from home ==> PR: removes quarrels with her father]
Father [OR: silent, thinks about killing ==> PR: Daughter thinks the crisis is over]
Now because he loves his daughter dearly the penance must look real. He cannot strangle her with a pillow because then she would not be hurt. That’s no penance. Then yet he will burn in hell. No, it is he who must feel and show real suffering.
Hence the more he loves her, the more violent the kill must be. Of course his beloved daughter must show also sincere suffering. So he thinks he has to slaughter her in the most brutal and gruesome way.
Hence the more he loves her, the more violent the kill must be. Of course his beloved daughter must show also sincere suffering. So he thinks he has to slaughter her in the most brutal and gruesome way.
Father [OR: invites daughter home again ==> PR: Daughter thrilled with joy]
Father [OR: Slaughters his daughter gruesome ==> NR: Comes in Heaven again]
Correcting cognitive dissonance
Now, after having paid the highest price on earth that a loving father can pay, he corrected for cognitive dissonance and certainly will deserve the kingdom of heaven.
Is this a crazy theory? Yes, it is, but millions of honor killings in history ask for crazy theories. In this theory we correlated father love with degree of violence. The more intense the love for his daughter, the more gruesome her killing must be.
We think that those killers do not have a heart. But we can be wrong. Cognitive dissonance could be an intervening variable, installed by Islamic culture. Hence, we need also to develop a working model for Muslim fathers with a huge bond with their daughters. This all means that already in pre-puberty relations between daughters and fathers should be loosened. Obscene interest in the reproductive organs of daughters must be punished with immediate eviction from home of the daughter, by law and by force.
Assumption 161: Addressing honor killings.
4. Honor killings arise from the over-identification of fathers with their
daughters, who they regard as possessions. It is the sublimation of the forbidden incest instinct. They do not see them as subjects but as objects, as extensions of themselves, as ribs, so to speak. Therefore fathers develop a morbid self-projection in their daughters out in suffocating control over their behavior. It is a form of stalking.
Honor killings are promoted by an overly close relationship between fathers and
daughters at puberty. The relaxation of sick relations between fathers and daughters in pre-puberty is a prerequisite to preventing honor killings.
Honor killings are promoted by an overly close relationship between fathers and
daughters at puberty. The relaxation of sick relations between fathers and daughters in pre-puberty is a prerequisite to preventing honor killings.
7. Western psychologists should not try to improve bad relations between Muslim girls and their parents at puberty. Young women perceiving the morbid interest of fathers in their reproductive system must be taken away from home immediately. The bond between fathers and daughters must be broken by law forcefully.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.
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