Basic Dimension
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The Power of Islam
Islam is a machine with an engine that runs on a specific fuel. That machine is displayed in the cybernetic Sexual Model of Religion, the engine is the SM-dyad and the fuel is masochism hatred, ignited by masochism fear. A practical working model shows Islam born from Paradise culture.
The same machine is also applicable to Christianity, with a different engine called the Vanilla-dyad and without masochism hatred as fuel. That car runs on masochism love.
The Sexual Model of Religion:
Paradise culture:
It is undeniable that Islam has certain power over its believers. A force that is released when there is specific agreement among Muslim males.
We found three interlinked aspects:
1: We hypothesized a distinction between Islam and Christianity. Islam has created a much larger distance between the unconscious and the conscious of males, between
sexuality and religion. Therefore Islam is in our opinion a much stronger religion.
2: And we developed the psychology of 'Allahu Akbar' to show how sexual roles are divided in Islamic culture in order to authorize male sexuality by female moral standards:
3: Furthermore, Islam has relegated most sexual roles to the unconscious and male heterosexuality to the conscious. Therefore Muslim males develop a split sexual identity:
4: But basically we postulated SM-dyad for Islam and Vanilla-dyad for Christianity.
In conclusion it can be said that Islamic power originates from the unconscious of Muslim males. It looks like all they fear as weak and vulnerable is repressed to the unconscious because men lose their social position and are expelled when they thus be identified. For example, homosexuality is leading to social exclusion.
This is not unusual in patriarchal cultures. However, there is a distinctive difference between patriarchal cultures based on exogamy (Christianity) or endogamy (Islam). In Christianity other sexual roles are treated respectfully and are seen as subjects. But endogamous cultures as Islam have to oppress the drive to genetic diversity of women, by which other roles are treated as objects. Hence Islam practices SM-dyad and Christianity Vanilla-dyad.
But there is a fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity and that's how they treat their victims. Christians have learned to feel empathy and compassion for the screaming victim with wide open eyes. But Muslim warriors are killing them off immediately. This is Rosetta stone to Islam, the key to understanding Islam.
Shared responsibility for Muslim females
Muslim males consciously think they are strong and masculine and heterosexual. And within the sexual domain they are eager to score on sadism of the principal axis:
In Islamic culture Muslim females are fully aware of the state of mind of Muslim males. Muslim females fulfill a dubious role in keeping SM-dyad. As already said they strike back hard in the SM-tetrad.
Muslim females therefore have great influence on the conservation of SM-dyad and are the psychologists of their husbands:
A man can treat a woman sadistic, sometimes several times in succession. But when that lifelong happens over a period of nine million years of evolution since Homininae, then there must be mutual consent over the SM-dyad. Then Muslim women must have been selected on masochism in evolution.
Would all Muslim women in the world withdraw from their cooperation to SM-dyad, that would be end exercise for Islamic culture. And that's why Muslim women are fully responsible for the crimes of their men against humanity. This SM-dyad is pleasing for women and therefore refers to a shared responsibility.
Controlling SM-dyad
How to define the real power giving Islam its unlikely aggression? Which brutality differs fundamentally from Christianity? It is because Islam and Christianity occupy the sadistic
and masochistic pole of monotheism. These are the poles of sadomasochism, the principal component of the space of gods in the archetype of God in the head of males; it is the power center of males.
It is our opinion that the motor of Islam is hatred, and combined with sadism it would be sadism hatred. But because the definition of hate works with mirror images, it must be masochism hate. We think that the power of Islam is sadism triggered by unprocessed masochism, unprocessed in the conscious. But it may be we are wrong, may be it is much more complicated.
First we note that Christianity much better succeeds in keeping blood lust and sexual desire as a critical mass in the focal caught of SM-dyad:
The key difference between Islamic culture and Christianity is that Islam cannot hold this critical mass together, time and time again is losing control, decomposing sadomasochism over and over again in murder and sexual desire. It is a vicious circle and perpetual process; it is the basic feature of Islamic culture.
Christianity succeeds much better in holding sadomasochism in synthesis. But more likely is that Islam intentionally collapses SM-dyad time and again in the interaction with Paradise culture. It is a willful interaction giving the Islamic killing machine animal power.
SM-dyad is the machine but masochism hate is the fuel. Why is that?
The definition of hatred
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself, and thus discovers in the victim. Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure. That's why there is an inability to see reality and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim. That is the beginning of hatred.
This is our observation:
Our scenario is that if someone denies his dark side, he likely attaches to the opposite quality. When a person abhors masochism, then he likely glorifies sadism as a good feature. And by applying sadism to others, he generates masochistic behavior, exactly what he abhors and hates so much. So, the oppression of other sexual roles in Islamic culture would be a self-fulfilling prophecy to elicit masochism, to elicit hatred.
Well, let's try masochism as the cause of hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I am not a masochist), and thus discovers in the victim (she is a coward, a masochist). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the brave woman who dares to refuse a forced marriage). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is brave and I am the coward, killing a helpless woman) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, I never learned processing masochism as a virtue). That is the beginning of hatred.
As a first try it is not too bad but also not very convincing. We need more theory.
The Muslim male dilemma with masochism
It is our view that Muslim males are missing empathy for masochism, but only for the suffering of other sexual roles. Women are but objects without feelings, just like animals. But males definitely do feel masochism with heterosexual males. And that's because they see each other as subjects with feelings. The fact that Muslim males are only blind for masochism from other sexual roles is similar to Christianity where animals sometimes are still perceived as objects that can be slaughtered brutally.
With the distinction subject-object we add an additional degree of freedom to allow for a better explanation. The scenario is thus simplified by an intervening variable. Muslim males hate masochism in other sexual roles because empathy with them comes down to a blatant violation of the SM-dyad. Empathy with masochism from women would lead to the subject-subject relation of Vanilla dyad from Christianity which means the end of Islamic culture. Because then there would be two gods, two equivalent sexual roles, two degrees of freedom for culture. And that means the separation of powers and the separation of mosque and state.
Now we earlier concluded that sadomasochism is only possible when one has the empathic ability to understand the suffering of the victim.
But that is only true for the SM-dyad that is not too bandied decomposes in murder lust and sexual desire. That is true for the SM-dyad in BDSM, in porn from the Enlightenment.
Cultural psychopaths
Next we try a conditioned form of masochism, masochism under the condition of subject-object:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects without feelings like
masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not
discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects without feelings like
masochism), and thus discovers in the victim (Indeed they are objects, what I can prove because I don't feel any masochism with them). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman appeals to his understanding of masochism and certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Muslim males have a sadistic drive to mistreat their victims. That is called autistic or cultural psychopathy. But this sexual lust is threatened by the manifestation of feelings of masochism. Hence, the only acceptable way to mistreat victims sadistically is to deny that they have masochistic feelings. As long as Muslims deny masochistic feelings they need not inhibit their sadistic drive.
Although we need the term 'masochism hate' to denote the outer appearances of the process, we now know that the distinction subject - object is really underlying masochism hate:
Finally try the distinction subject-object as the real cause of masochism hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects), and thus discovers in the victim (They are objects because they don't feel any masochism). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Now we found the right definition of masochism hatred.
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Masochism fear.
The more the victim screams with eyes wide open, the greater the risk that the unconscious truth penetrates that the victim must also be a subject with normal feelings. Masochism hate facilitating the lust to mistreat victims earlier turns into masochism fear when suffering becomes too great. By masochism fear the SM-dyad explodes into murder and sexual lust. Precisely before the truth penetrates the Muslim kills the screaming victim with eyes wide open. Then the victim is dead and definitely an object.
Number Archive
The Power of Islam
Islam is a machine with an engine that runs on a specific fuel. That machine is displayed in the cybernetic Sexual Model of Religion, the engine is the SM-dyad and the fuel is masochism hatred, ignited by masochism fear. A practical working model shows Islam born from Paradise culture.
The same machine is also applicable to Christianity, with a different engine called the Vanilla-dyad and without masochism hatred as fuel. That car runs on masochism love.
Paradise culture:
It is undeniable that Islam has certain power over its believers. A force that is released when there is specific agreement among Muslim males.
We found three interlinked aspects:
1: We hypothesized a distinction between Islam and Christianity. Islam has created a much larger distance between the unconscious and the conscious of males, between
sexuality and religion. Therefore Islam is in our opinion a much stronger religion.
2: And we developed the psychology of 'Allahu Akbar' to show how sexual roles are divided in Islamic culture in order to authorize male sexuality by female moral standards:
3: Furthermore, Islam has relegated most sexual roles to the unconscious and male heterosexuality to the conscious. Therefore Muslim males develop a split sexual identity:
4: But basically we postulated SM-dyad for Islam and Vanilla-dyad for Christianity.
This is not unusual in patriarchal cultures. However, there is a distinctive difference between patriarchal cultures based on exogamy (Christianity) or endogamy (Islam). In Christianity other sexual roles are treated respectfully and are seen as subjects. But endogamous cultures as Islam have to oppress the drive to genetic diversity of women, by which other roles are treated as objects. Hence Islam practices SM-dyad and Christianity Vanilla-dyad.
But there is a fundamental difference between Islam and Christianity and that's how they treat their victims. Christians have learned to feel empathy and compassion for the screaming victim with wide open eyes. But Muslim warriors are killing them off immediately. This is Rosetta stone to Islam, the key to understanding Islam.
Shared responsibility for Muslim females
Muslim males consciously think they are strong and masculine and heterosexual. And within the sexual domain they are eager to score on sadism of the principal axis:
In Islamic culture Muslim females are fully aware of the state of mind of Muslim males. Muslim females fulfill a dubious role in keeping SM-dyad. As already said they strike back hard in the SM-tetrad.
Muslim females therefore have great influence on the conservation of SM-dyad and are the psychologists of their husbands:
A man can treat a woman sadistic, sometimes several times in succession. But when that lifelong happens over a period of nine million years of evolution since Homininae, then there must be mutual consent over the SM-dyad. Then Muslim women must have been selected on masochism in evolution.
Would all Muslim women in the world withdraw from their cooperation to SM-dyad, that would be end exercise for Islamic culture. And that's why Muslim women are fully responsible for the crimes of their men against humanity. This SM-dyad is pleasing for women and therefore refers to a shared responsibility.
Controlling SM-dyad
How to define the real power giving Islam its unlikely aggression? Which brutality differs fundamentally from Christianity? It is because Islam and Christianity occupy the sadistic
and masochistic pole of monotheism. These are the poles of sadomasochism, the principal component of the space of gods in the archetype of God in the head of males; it is the power center of males.
It is our opinion that the motor of Islam is hatred, and combined with sadism it would be sadism hatred. But because the definition of hate works with mirror images, it must be masochism hate. We think that the power of Islam is sadism triggered by unprocessed masochism, unprocessed in the conscious. But it may be we are wrong, may be it is much more complicated.
First we note that Christianity much better succeeds in keeping blood lust and sexual desire as a critical mass in the focal caught of SM-dyad:
Assumption 66: Sadomasochism is a combination of murder and sexuality. It is unstable and easy flammable. Oppression of victims easily turns into murder, decomposing SM-dyad again into killer- and sexual instinct.
As long as one keeps bloodthirstiness and sexual desire as critical mass in focus, it goes well. But after losing control over the event, sadomasochism falls apart again in murder and sexual instinct. Then magic is lost and it explodes.
The key difference between Islamic culture and Christianity is that Islam cannot hold this critical mass together, time and time again is losing control, decomposing sadomasochism over and over again in murder and sexual desire. It is a vicious circle and perpetual process; it is the basic feature of Islamic culture.
Christianity succeeds much better in holding sadomasochism in synthesis. But more likely is that Islam intentionally collapses SM-dyad time and again in the interaction with Paradise culture. It is a willful interaction giving the Islamic killing machine animal power.
SM-dyad is the machine but masochism hate is the fuel. Why is that?
The definition of hatred
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself, and thus discovers in the victim. Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure. That's why there is an inability to see reality and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim. That is the beginning of hatred.
This is our observation:
Our scenario is that if someone denies his dark side, he likely attaches to the opposite quality. When a person abhors masochism, then he likely glorifies sadism as a good feature. And by applying sadism to others, he generates masochistic behavior, exactly what he abhors and hates so much. So, the oppression of other sexual roles in Islamic culture would be a self-fulfilling prophecy to elicit masochism, to elicit hatred.
Well, let's try masochism as the cause of hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I am not a masochist), and thus discovers in the victim (she is a coward, a masochist). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the brave woman who dares to refuse a forced marriage). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is brave and I am the coward, killing a helpless woman) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, I never learned processing masochism as a virtue). That is the beginning of hatred.
As a first try it is not too bad but also not very convincing. We need more theory.
The Muslim male dilemma with masochism
It is our view that Muslim males are missing empathy for masochism, but only for the suffering of other sexual roles. Women are but objects without feelings, just like animals. But males definitely do feel masochism with heterosexual males. And that's because they see each other as subjects with feelings. The fact that Muslim males are only blind for masochism from other sexual roles is similar to Christianity where animals sometimes are still perceived as objects that can be slaughtered brutally.
With the distinction subject-object we add an additional degree of freedom to allow for a better explanation. The scenario is thus simplified by an intervening variable. Muslim males hate masochism in other sexual roles because empathy with them comes down to a blatant violation of the SM-dyad. Empathy with masochism from women would lead to the subject-subject relation of Vanilla dyad from Christianity which means the end of Islamic culture. Because then there would be two gods, two equivalent sexual roles, two degrees of freedom for culture. And that means the separation of powers and the separation of mosque and state.
Now we earlier concluded that sadomasochism is only possible when one has the empathic ability to understand the suffering of the victim.
But that is only true for the SM-dyad that is not too bandied decomposes in murder lust and sexual desire. That is true for the SM-dyad in BDSM, in porn from the Enlightenment.
Autistic psychopaths
Sadism becomes dangerous with autistic psychopaths, who are missing the subtle understanding of the suffering of masochism. Sadomasochism becomes a psychiatric phenomenon if one loses control, and is unable to relativize SM. Then sadist and masochist both are sucked in the vortex of paraphilia.
Sadism becomes dangerous with autistic psychopaths, who are missing the subtle understanding of the suffering of masochism. Sadomasochism becomes a psychiatric phenomenon if one loses control, and is unable to relativize SM. Then sadist and masochist both are sucked in the vortex of paraphilia.
Cultural psychopaths
In Islamic culture 'empathy' for other sexual roles is exempt from moral scrutiny. Cultural empathy for the own group of heterosexual males easily develops but degenerates to cultural psychopathy to homosexuals, women, children, animals and other faiths. Islam is a culture that feels no empathy for other sexual roles and therefore treats them immorally.
Next we try a conditioned form of masochism, masochism under the condition of subject-object:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects without feelings like
masochism) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not
discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects without feelings like
masochism), and thus discovers in the victim (Indeed they are objects, what I can prove because I don't feel any masochism with them). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman appeals to his understanding of masochism and certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Hatred is the unconscious knowing that other sexual roles indeed have feelings like masochism and therefore must be human subjects with equal rights. Precisely by screaming and dying a gruesome death they convince to be human beings. And therefore Muslim males hate masochism in their victims.
Muslim males have a sadistic drive to mistreat their victims. That is called autistic or cultural psychopathy. But this sexual lust is threatened by the manifestation of feelings of masochism. Hence, the only acceptable way to mistreat victims sadistically is to deny that they have masochistic feelings. As long as Muslims deny masochistic feelings they need not inhibit their sadistic drive.
Although we need the term 'masochism hate' to denote the outer appearances of the process, we now know that the distinction subject - object is really underlying masochism hate:
Finally try the distinction subject-object as the real cause of masochism hatred:
According to psychology hatred stems from a psychological projection of one's own shadow-side (discrimination: other sexual roles are objects) on the victim. A shadow side the hater denies in himself (I do not discriminate because other sexual roles really are objects), and thus discovers in the victim (They are objects because they don't feel any masochism). Hate distorts reality. Usually the victim is someone just missing the bad qualities and is pure (the lovely woman certainly must be a subject). That's why there is an inability to see reality (she is a subject and I am damned wrong) and unconscious knowing that the hater himself has debt by blaming the victim (I unwittingly know, she must be a subject). That is the beginning of hatred.
Now we found the right definition of masochism hatred.
Masochism fear.
The more the victim screams with eyes wide open, the greater the risk that the unconscious truth penetrates that the victim must also be a subject with normal feelings. Masochism hate facilitating the lust to mistreat victims earlier turns into masochism fear when suffering becomes too great. By masochism fear the SM-dyad explodes into murder and sexual lust. Precisely before the truth penetrates the Muslim kills the screaming victim with eyes wide open. Then the victim is dead and definitely an object.
Assumption 185: The reason for Muslim males to kill other sexual roles, and especially other faiths is to degrade them to objects. Precisely because they unconsciously know that all living beings are subjects, they never stop killing them because that's the only way to prove that only Muslim males are subjects.
Assumption 186: Muslims are killing off other faiths not exactly for sexual lust but because of their ideology, by which humanity has to be divided into subjects and objects literally. This originated in the inbreeding and incest culture of first Homininae.
Assumption 170: Other sexual roles are homosexuals, women, children and animals. They are regarded as objects. We add to this category 'other faiths'.
Assumption 186: Muslims are killing off other faiths not exactly for sexual lust but because of their ideology, by which humanity has to be divided into subjects and objects literally. This originated in the inbreeding and incest culture of first Homininae.
Assumption 170: Other sexual roles are homosexuals, women, children and animals. They are regarded as objects. We add to this category 'other faiths'.
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