Basic Dimension
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Assumption 313:
In nature there are two kinds of selection:
1: Sexual selection:
- Sexual attraction: survival of the most attractive.
- Sexual religion: survival of the most religious.
2: Natural selection:
- Survival of the fittest: survival of the most adaptive.
- Survival of the strongest: survival of the most
Sexual religion: survival of the most religious
Assumption 304: Religious interventions on sexual culture are always rational and realistic since they change the visible effects of first order time derivatives.
Assumption 305: With rational religious measures we mean the pursuit of realistic effects on sexual behavior AND the expectation of realistic results (rewards) from these effects given in the universe.
Assumption 306: With irrational religious measures we mean the pursuit of realistic effects on sexual behavior AND the expectation of unrealistic or magical results (rewards) from these effects, which are expected in some other universe.
Assumption 307: We think religious interventions are meant to steer sexual culture on the basis of first time order derivatives of sexual culture. Therefore religious interventions always aim for realistic effects. But religious expectations (rewards) from these effects can be realistic (in this universe) or unrealistic or magical (in some other universe).
Assumption 313:
In nature there are two kinds of selection:
1: Sexual selection:
- Sexual attraction: survival of the most attractive.
- Sexual religion: survival of the most religious.
2: Natural selection:
- Survival of the fittest: survival of the most adaptive.
- Survival of the strongest: survival of the most powerful.
Usually, species survive if sexual selection and natural selection are in line. Then, sexual selection delivers species which also survive as the fittest. But beautiful birds which can barely fly (sexual religion) might have no natural enemies, or inbreeding cultures (sexual religion) might multiply as mice (fertility stress like real mice). Then awful sexual cultures will survive as species too.
What we see here is sexual religion sets the preconditions for survival of a species. That's why religion is so important. This means a good religion fosters genetic diversity and survival of the species. That's why exogamous cultures as Western society practice genetic diversity and military strength.
Assumption 323: 'Genetic diversity' is promoted by giving all members of a population freedom of procreation.
Assumption 324: The outbreeding instinct is the lust for genetic diversity.
But a religion as Islam delivers insufficient genetic diversity and would normally die out:
In that case it must try to change the rules for natural selection and develop radical new weapons to fight other cultures. And indeed, Islam survived by developing a diametrically different morality from exogamous cultures.
In Western opinion Islam has a false and schizophrenic morality, Islam is completely untrustworthy, 'Islam' means lying (taqiya) against unbelievers, Islam slaughters the weakest (other sexual roles). So, only by the development of a completely horrifying morality Islam has been able to survive until now:
We conclude human species with completely abnormal religions can survive by defeating other species by new weapons as betrayal and deception. Then sexual selection and natural selection are in line again.
Assumption 308: A species survives if sexual selection and natural selection are in line.
Genetic diversity
The primal law of animal religion is the commandment: Thou shalt reproduce in genetic diversity:

We see something very peculiar in primate groups which are ruled by Alpha males, which practice genetic monoculture for their own sake. On the other hand females in the periphery of the group secretly copulate with males from other groups (genetic diversity).
Fortunately, Alpha males are in charge but a few years and so there is no real inbreeding with quadruped Hominids:
But things changed dramatically with bipedal Homininae, which lost other tribes out of sight and were unable to exchange juvenile females.
Genetic diversity and survival of the fittest
For animal religion no wormholes into other universes are needed, no soul and no reincarnation exist. What we call 'religion' is a much later development caused by our cauliflower brain and in principle has nothing to do with the essence of religion as found in animals.
Animal sexuality is the origin of human religion. Human religion has no intrinsic meaning, it comes down to pure magical thinking and projects into wormholes of a dearly desired parallel universe.
Assumption 323: 'Genetic diversity' is promoted by giving all members of a population the chance of procreation.
Assumption 324: The outbreeding instinct is the lust for genetic diversity.
Courtship contests (sexual religion) might deliver a random selection of the population with sufficient genetic diversity to survive as a species. But therefore, all males in the world must have the same chance to win the courtship and no endogamous barriers should be raised (Islam) m, -/:
Assumption 309: Religious measures - like courtship contests of birds - must lead to sufficient genetic variation as a necessary condition for survival of the fittest.
We distinguish between genetic diversity and survival of the fittest. A genetic diverse population based on courtship behavior can still die out in a struggle for life with other species which selected stronger males, without manners.
Assumption 310: Survival of a species implies genetic diversity. But genetic diversity is no sufficient condition for survival.
Assumption 311: Religious measures without sufficient genetic variation nor the condition of survival of the fittest, lead to phenotypical forms of inbreeding which give no guaranty for survival.
Assumption 312: Religious measures of animals which survived as a species just accidentally selected sufficient variation and fulfilled the demands of survival of the fittest. A lot of species must have died out because of selecting inadequate religious rules.
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Assumption 313:
In nature there are two kinds of selection:
1: Sexual selection:
- Sexual attraction: survival of the most attractive.
- Sexual religion: survival of the most religious.
2: Natural selection:
- Survival of the fittest: survival of the most adaptive.
- Survival of the strongest: survival of the most
Sexual religion: survival of the most religious
Assumption 304: Religious interventions on sexual culture are always rational and realistic since they change the visible effects of first order time derivatives.
Assumption 306: With irrational religious measures we mean the pursuit of realistic effects on sexual behavior AND the expectation of unrealistic or magical results (rewards) from these effects, which are expected in some other universe.
Assumption 307: We think religious interventions are meant to steer sexual culture on the basis of first time order derivatives of sexual culture. Therefore religious interventions always aim for realistic effects. But religious expectations (rewards) from these effects can be realistic (in this universe) or unrealistic or magical (in some other universe).
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I'am the victim of a religious measure (courtship) but can barely fly (natural selection) |
Assumption 313:
In nature there are two kinds of selection:
1: Sexual selection:
- Sexual attraction: survival of the most attractive.
- Sexual religion: survival of the most religious.
2: Natural selection:
- Survival of the fittest: survival of the most adaptive.
- Survival of the strongest: survival of the most powerful.
Usually, species survive if sexual selection and natural selection are in line. Then, sexual selection delivers species which also survive as the fittest. But beautiful birds which can barely fly (sexual religion) might have no natural enemies, or inbreeding cultures (sexual religion) might multiply as mice (fertility stress like real mice). Then awful sexual cultures will survive as species too.
What we see here is sexual religion sets the preconditions for survival of a species. That's why religion is so important. This means a good religion fosters genetic diversity and survival of the species. That's why exogamous cultures as Western society practice genetic diversity and military strength.
Assumption 323: 'Genetic diversity' is promoted by giving all members of a population freedom of procreation.
Assumption 324: The outbreeding instinct is the lust for genetic diversity.
But a religion as Islam delivers insufficient genetic diversity and would normally die out:
In that case it must try to change the rules for natural selection and develop radical new weapons to fight other cultures. And indeed, Islam survived by developing a diametrically different morality from exogamous cultures.
In Western opinion Islam has a false and schizophrenic morality, Islam is completely untrustworthy, 'Islam' means lying (taqiya) against unbelievers, Islam slaughters the weakest (other sexual roles). So, only by the development of a completely horrifying morality Islam has been able to survive until now:
We conclude human species with completely abnormal religions can survive by defeating other species by new weapons as betrayal and deception. Then sexual selection and natural selection are in line again.
Assumption 308: A species survives if sexual selection and natural selection are in line.
Genetic diversity
The primal law of animal religion is the commandment: Thou shalt reproduce in genetic diversity:

We see something very peculiar in primate groups which are ruled by Alpha males, which practice genetic monoculture for their own sake. On the other hand females in the periphery of the group secretly copulate with males from other groups (genetic diversity).
Fortunately, Alpha males are in charge but a few years and so there is no real inbreeding with quadruped Hominids:
But things changed dramatically with bipedal Homininae, which lost other tribes out of sight and were unable to exchange juvenile females.
Genetic diversity and survival of the fittest
For animal religion no wormholes into other universes are needed, no soul and no reincarnation exist. What we call 'religion' is a much later development caused by our cauliflower brain and in principle has nothing to do with the essence of religion as found in animals.
Animal sexuality is the origin of human religion. Human religion has no intrinsic meaning, it comes down to pure magical thinking and projects into wormholes of a dearly desired parallel universe.
Assumption 323: 'Genetic diversity' is promoted by giving all members of a population the chance of procreation.
Assumption 324: The outbreeding instinct is the lust for genetic diversity.
Courtship contests (sexual religion) might deliver a random selection of the population with sufficient genetic diversity to survive as a species. But therefore, all males in the world must have the same chance to win the courtship and no endogamous barriers should be raised (Islam) m, -/:
Assumption 309: Religious measures - like courtship contests of birds - must lead to sufficient genetic variation as a necessary condition for survival of the fittest.
We distinguish between genetic diversity and survival of the fittest. A genetic diverse population based on courtship behavior can still die out in a struggle for life with other species which selected stronger males, without manners.
Assumption 310: Survival of a species implies genetic diversity. But genetic diversity is no sufficient condition for survival.
Assumption 311: Religious measures without sufficient genetic variation nor the condition of survival of the fittest, lead to phenotypical forms of inbreeding which give no guaranty for survival.
Assumption 312: Religious measures of animals which survived as a species just accidentally selected sufficient variation and fulfilled the demands of survival of the fittest. A lot of species must have died out because of selecting inadequate religious rules.