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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

(220) Retrieving the unconscious (Convergence Theory)

Basic Dimension


Number Archive

The tragic cauliflower brain of Homo sapiens

The more cauliflower brain humans develop the bigger their unconscious is growing. There has been a moment in the evolution that humanlike creatures possessed only the basic display of a fairly rational brain. I think Homo naledi (2.3 Ma - 335ka; 550cc) might be a pretty good example:

But it is Homo sapiens who accelerated to an abnormal brain with billions of excessive nerve connections making any overview impossible. Humans had to develop a pointer of consciousness not to drown in a sea of unconscious madness. In the past, this pointer was named 'the Homunculus' in psychology. The Homunculus is just a concept to underline the perceived impossibility to control the cauliflower brain. As a wild guess people thought 90% of their brain is unconscious, but it must be much more:

'Billions of excessive nerve connections make any overview impossible'. In principle the conscious is not better than the unconscious, but at least it has the possibility of bringing some order in the stream of thoughts. The unconscious is a hormonally controlled dump of feelings and experiences, a wild and not understood mess of information which does not get any attention of the conscious. Information can be suppressed or simply is not perceived. Anything is possible in the unconscious and its best qualification is we don't know how information is processed:

But, guess what, if an individual thinks magically in his conscious, then it will not be any better in his unconscious. On the other hand, if a person is an outspoken bèta, well maybe his unconscious has about the same rules, but we don't know. As a conservative rule, at best there may be associations between feelings and concepts:

So, because we don't know how the unconscious processes information we must be cautious not to disqualify. There might be associative rules connecting concepts which we simply don't know. Therefore, we better decide to configurations without specified connections other than associations. For example, we might place this into the unconscious:

Then, we about randomly place this expression of hereditary genes of human religion in the unconscious. They lay somehow together:

And if we ever succeed to activate the stream of thought from the subconscious to the conscious we might hope this constellation moves further into the subconscious:

Well, it already looks better although we still have no think rules. But in the subconscious we slightly feel an associative Gestalt for which we must seek the logical rules in the conscious. So, we made substantial progress.

Drawn into the conscious, subconscious concepts remain associative constellations of unprocessed impressions unless we can specify how they are related, by rational or irrational thinking:

The Convergence Theory of Paradise

Reading the Paradise story after a lifetime of sinning gave me a shock of recognition. Of course I had always felt religion has something to do with sex. Of course Eve with the Serpent was adultery, it was so obvious. 

14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

15 And I will put enmity between thee (the Serpent, BD) and the woman (Eve), and between thy seed (thy tribe) and her seed (her tribe); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Reading the myth completely I saw my truth in it:

Hereafter we conclude that the common factor between sexuality and religion must be inbreeding. And that the causal relation is immortality caused by inbreeding. (The yellow band is the common factor: Inbreeding).


Explanation table Convergence Theory
This theory from:

Our first theory was that the Tree of Knowledge offered the choice to inbreeding or outbreeding. But now we developed a slightly better one, though not really different:

The right interpretation is the Tree of Knowledge leads to outbreeding and the Tree of Life to inbreeding. Therefore we have Eve - as a woman - eating from the Tree of Outbreeding in the Tanakh and Adam - as a man - eating from the Tree of Inbreeding in the Koran. 

With advanced knowledge it's no big deal. Both views are legitimate.

The trees are like vectors in space. Within 6 symbolic iterations they converge to their basic dimension: Inbreeding and incest. On this factor they must capitalize most of their common variance.

In sociological sense, paradise myth is the blueprint of morality in human culture. Norms and values, customs and habits are expressed on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. These rules prescribe mandatory an appropriate lifestyle to attain immortality on the Tree of Life. Hence, religious systems optimize eternal life like economics maximizes prosperity.

Therefore the myth says that the Tree of Knowledge provides the right knowledge to reach immortality on the Tree of Life. In this version adultery and refusal of arranged marriages are prohibited. Because inbreeding and incest offers the only way in which males can obtain genetic immortality and/or reincarnation into the (earthly) universe.

Later in the evolution reincarnation has been substituted for genetic immortality:

Explanation table Convergence Theory

First of all, note that in this analysis, there is a stepped effect: The first effect is the genetic immortality of men (brown numbers 2,3,4), which is expressed in the number of descendants by the prohibition of adultery. A quantity attribute.

In addition comes an inbreeding effect. It is the purification of the family genes
(yellow 5,6). This relates to the nature of the descendants. A quality feature.

Here we place the origin of the paradise story to the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). The yellow area is the sex-religion factor in the mind of men. Here, the first thoughts about sexuality and immortality in his unconscious came together. It is the primal dimension of sexual religiosity. All other human ethics - as is assumed here - emerged  from this ground dimension of ethics.

Metaphor: Eating the good (inbreeding) from the tree of knowledge will give earthly immortality of the gene pool of the man in his own tribe. But who eats from evil (outbreeding) will remain mortal, meaning his genes will spread over all other tribes, so he loses tribal identity. Then the tribe will die as group identity:

(Actually, inbreeding was attained by eating from the Tree of Life and outbreeding from the Tree of Knowledge.)

Next, we find the ultimate agreement between sexuality and religion in the yellow area in the middle as the sex-religion factor. This is referred to as convergence. But as a Gestalt, it is more than the parts.

There arises something new, an inbreeding factor. This was not expected in the analysis but resulted as an inevitable consequence of the technique chosen. The factor was found by the methodological principle that quantity (number of offspring) mostly is accompanied by quality (saturated inbreeding).

Literally: Who lets his wife not commit adultery will acquire earthly immortality. His genes will live on into her children. But who lets her commit adultery will possibly die out in the genes of her children.

Of course there is more which is associated with adultery, as the wounded pride and honor of the man. These feelings come together on the sex-religion factor as well as sexual lust. All these feelings are an additional basis for stoning. However, they do not contribute to a full explanation of paradise story. Therefore adultery is only an inadequate interpretation of this narrative. But along with genetic immortality and inbreeding there is a complete fit.

My subconscious thoughts

Reading the paradise story after a lifetime of sinning gave me a shock of recognition. Of course I had always felt religion has something to do with sex. Of course Eve and the Serpent was adultery, it was so obvious. Reading the myth completely I immediately saw my truth in it.

Until then, I had only recognized the connection between sex and religion. I did not see the role of inbreeding. But as a statistician I knew that quantities always have a natural component of quality. And while I made the Convergence Table I knew before that quantity (fertility stress) was an insufficient ground to explain religion:

It took me five days of painstaking thinking before I found the 'quality'- element in inbreeding. But it was a counter intuitive sort of quality. And from that moment I found closure with common sense where inbreeding between Adam and Eve sets the tone. But the Serpent was the antipode of Adam, so the real plot had to be inbreeding versus outbreeding:

14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

15 And I will put enmity between thee (the Serpent, BD) and the woman (Eve), and between thy seed (thy tribe) and her seed (her tribe); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

(Off the record, it took me years to realize that the Alpha male actually practices inbreeding and incest. But this has no damaging effect in nature, since he is in charge only for a very short time and females are adulterous by nature:

But this changes considerably for humans, for Muslims, for cousin marriages, for inbreeding over many generations.)

Now, while reading the Paradise narrative I recognized an associative system in my subconscious, a Gestalt, without think rules. Now I had to find the right way of thinking to understand how human religion works:

I managed to find my truth, hidden into more than 300 integrated assumptions.
BTW, The Convergence Theory of Paradise was my first article without any assumption yet. All those years I have been busy to find a logical model for this subconscious observation. And it never stops. When I think, that's it, then the other day it starts again. I think if you start to find a rationale for subconscious observations, then the unconscious runs out of your mind:


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Monday, 21 August 2017

(219) America dies with Christianity

Basic Dimension


Number Archive


With a shocking recitation of 'The Lord's prayer' in the Trump rally at Orlando Melbourne airport (Florida), Melania Trump has put a decisive step to the recovery of Christianity from the deadly assault of Marxist nihilism in the sixties of last century. 

America still has the chance which Europe has lost 40 years ago. So, wake up Christianity and throw your masochistic shackles away before it's too late.

For Europe it is way too late. The EU has ruined the cultures of the nation states, and is now replacing them with the endogamous core of Islam:

Democrats are the disintegrating force in the U.S. 

Though liberals are disguised as a political movement, they actually are against the State and trying to uproot and eradicate American society. As shown by the DNC, Democrats lost every moral standard led by the Clinton Clan.

Liberals show that already half the American population is disintegrated into individuality, which ongoing process is to be expected from Christianity. It is sad to say but only a police state can hold this nation together.

The lesson is only a multitude of protestant groups from Europe held this population together under the denominator of Christianity, but that's over now and only a police state can prevent a complete take over by Democratic extremism installed by cultural Marxism.

Civil war is coming to the U.S. but why?

There is a tremendous amount of interesting information in the comments of American social media, which have replaced the public news media. A lot of pundits shine their light on the coming civil war. It is something more and more people feel that cannot be avoided. 

They offer a lot of interesting causes to explain the coming disaster. But this site has not so much freedom, so Soros and the Jews of the deep state are no sufficient explanation. There must be a more fundamental cause, which will be brought in line with the European model of dying Christianity.

In our view human religion stems from primates living in groups together with an Alpha male which served as God. This model is in our genes and can not be left without impunity:

It led to this basic model in our genes:

The main condition to fulfill is primate groups are functioning well only with healthy endogamous cores and exogamous mantles. This means if one of them dysfunctions
or is missing that religion is on the verge of extinction. Then Islam (1.6 billion) and Christianity (2.4 billion) must be seen as sick religions, though they still are the largest in the world. But times are changing as analyzed elsewhere on this blog:

Assumption 207: In a healthy group, there exists a tension between the endogamous core and the exogamous mantle. If one of them is missing the culture must be sick. Seen in evolutionary perspective, Western culture lacks its endogamous heart and Islamic culture has no exogamous mantle, hence both must be regarded as religious cultures on the verge of extinction.

Christianity is falling apart

Before the Long March Through the Institutions in the sixties of last century, it was Christianity which held different groups together in the Netherlands:

But Christianity disintegrated and groups fell apart into a scatter of individualism:

This was to be expected since Christianity had to lose its endogamous core and Marxism was just a catalyst of this inevitable process:

Our basic assumption is religions are always on the move with changing cores and mantles. So if Christianity looses its core it will change into another religion or find a new combination as with Islam:

Christianity disintegrates in the States too and individualism grows strongly:

But behind the Iron Curtain of Eastern Europe and in large parts of the U.S. Christianity escaped this fate and is still flourishing. So America has still a chance and is not yet taken over by Islam or South Americans. But to survive, Christianity must be combined with a police state, I am afraid.

As mentioned, in Europe, new endogamous cores are filling the social landscape:

They are expected to attract former Christian policor women after civil war:

But in the States it will develop somewhat different. There already was a large negro community and meanwhile they are invaded also by Native South Americans who will definitely try to expel (protestant) Christians in next civil war:

In America, a new overarching religion is unimaginable, since nowadays there are only rather hostile tribes from very different origin: Whites, blacks and colored people. Earlier we saw Arab Bedouin tribes could only forcefully be united under the monotheistic dictatorship of desert religions. 

So, in the past Christianity was able to unite different white populations with about the same protestant moral compass. But until now there is no other new religion to unite different hostile ethnicities under the same umbrella. So, America will disintegrate into thousands of little satanic sects.

In Europe, former Christians (policor) dragged a completely different people (Muslims) inside:

In the United States, nowadays blacks find themselves even more remote from white culture without Christianity. So, Christianity was the last binding force between these in principle hostile tribes. Added with the inherent development to individualism, American society disintegrates just like the European:

Our conclusion is the U.S. disintegrates not by South American Natives, but it is the other way around. Different ethnic groups invaded the States because of the weakening of Christianity. That is an important conclusion, since it is not too late to save the nation.


This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.