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Friday, 18 August 2017

(218) How Democrats lost their credibility

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Long ago believers postponed their reward for helping the needy until Heaven. 
Real Christians still have this attitude: 

But times have changed and liberals - mostly former Christians - lost their faith in God and the endogamous core disappeared: "Love thy neighbour as thyself":

This process started with the Enlightenment and was set forward by Romanticism, Marxism, socialism, communism, liberalism and the European Union. It is a quite normal development within Christianity, which ultimate destiny is pure exogamy:

Something fundamentally has changed with the removal of Christianity from society. People can not count on help anymore. Somebody in-between has to pay the benefactor. Pay to play, fraud and corruption is how nowadays Democrats are worshipping the Mammon as their new God. But Republicans are no better.

There has always been fraud and self-enrichment in history. But in American politics it seems institutionalized as in the third world. A lot of politicians from left to right seem to have special interests that do not match the interests of their voters anymore. 

As an example, fraud and corruption might keep the insurance premiums and deductibles high of the Affordable Care Act and possibly guaranties billions of financial support from the government to the insurance companies. 

There must leak away an awful amount of money from this open end system if compared with European health insurances. In the Netherlands, individuals pay a fraction of American premiums. As an example a single person pays about 1400 euros premium and about 400 euros deductibles a year. And health care in the Netherlands is really, really good. Of course, a lot of tax money is involved to insure the needy.

Anyhow, something is rotten in the States. Drugs must be much too expensive and the mandatory protocols for each trifle must drive the prices crazy high to benefit the manufacturers:

More than 80 percent of physicians say that they prescribe tests for fear they will be sued if they do not. Washington PostAug 17, 2017

If this is the swamp of Washington DC then beware of all other hidden agreements of Congress with the industry. Congress is the cancer of American democracy. I doubt if the founding fathers meant this immoral mess.

Democrats were for the needy and Republicans for the rich. But that has changed fundamentally since nowadays Democrats want cash on delivery.

Until now Democrats trusted to be known as the savior of the poor and the needy:

But the needs of the poor are no longer in their minds, and the Clinton clan sold American factories and jobs all over the world as clear cases of bribery. So, they forgot their legitimacy as representatives for the workers in the Rustbelt.

It has taken long before white Americans realized the corruption of congress. It was Donald J. Trump who brought the swamp of DC for the spotlights in the elections.

But there was more and Trump jumped into the endogamous vacuum of Democrats and Republicans together. His program is a mixture of the failed two party system in the States. And guess what, he hit a nerve of the Americans.

In 2016, American policor (political correctness) was trapped by Donald J. Trump, while taking over their social agenda. Until then Democrats claimed to be the guardians of blue collar workers in the Rust Belt:

But in reality they were already driven away in unreasonable individualism, while the accusations of white collar racism came up just as in the Netherlands of last century:

The first law of Bart Croughs
1. The law of the abject West: "In a conflict between Western and non-Western, the progressive intellectual chooses for non-western."
Translated into our terms:
1: The law of exogamous Christianity: "In a conflict between exogamous Christianity and endogamous Islam, Christians choose for infiltration into Islamic endogamy by appeasement."

This coup of Trump made liberals rudderless since they realized their betrayal, where they also called blue collars deplorable and irredeemable. Trump has filled the vacuum of their endogamous core and now they are naked showing their real moral identity:

Liberals can not revenge themselves, cause then they must follow Trump. They can do nothing and are trapped in their selfishness and must fear future elections. Former Christians lost their endogamous heart for a second time. And see, just as with Marxist nihilism, liberals have no real agenda, have no moral heart. They have become fools in a Babel-like confusion working towards a second civil war.

But to be fair, Trump did not steal their endogamous core, since he owns this ideology already for more than 40 year. So he is sincere and that was felt in the Rustbelt.

But what is the real mess Trump dumped into American politics? He merged the agenda of Democrats AND Republicans into a single program. But that means future Americans might be able to choose from candidates without political party. And that means an independent candidate as Trump might be able to drain the swamp best by figuring as an independent candidate next elections where a lot of democratic voters might choose for Trump. So, just Trump can break down this rotten system with a crowbar. Maybe then they get an independent Senate and House of Representatives.




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