Saturday 13 January 2024

(438) Religion is a projection on Breeding

Basic Dimension

What is Human Religion:

Assumption 680: Human Religion.

1: Human religion is the rationalization of the male sexual drive in the unconscious.

2. Male sexual drives serve to force women into sexual intercourse.

3: In nature, sexual drives are functions of breeding.

4: Then, human religions are rationalized functions of breeding.

5: So, human religions are deceptive functions of breeding, serving to coerce women into sexual intercourse with sacred and murderous pressure.

6: Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them (FGM, cousin marriages, pedophilia, SM-dyad, Vanilla-dyad, etc).

Only Breeding is mentioned as Sexual Religion (SR) because it is the primal sexual instinct in the animal world. But actually Breeding is already combined in the unconscious with a lot of attached and conditioned specific instincts as Rebirth and Reincarnation:


  Resurrection is just a powerless word and no sexual instinct: 

Resurrection is just a powerless word and no sexual instinct: 

Assumption 682The cause of  honor killings.

In nature, sexual instincts are among the strongest instincts, meant for the preservation of species. They are based on outbreeding.

But bipedal primates (e.g. humans) have developed an artificial sexual instinct through inbreeding, which in nature would lead to extinction.

Therefore Desert Religions developed resurrection to counter reincarnation through inbreeding.

Subsequently, Islam replaced reincarnation with resurrection, but reincarnation is a strong sexual instinct because it is linked to the birth process, while resurrection is a just a word and expressly not linked to breeding. 

Reincarnation was then pushed into the unconscious where it still lives on among the Muslim population.

The Muslim population is therefore still based on sexual instincts in the following order: as a function of reincarnation, inbreeding and reproduction: Mp = f(Reinc(Inbr(Procr). Resurrection does not appear in this derivation because it is not a sexual instinct. Resurrection is not based on birthing, it is just a word.

Because reincarnation is repressed by Islam and suppressed by Muslim males, a dangerous situation has now arisen. The unconscious of Muslim males can now operate as a dissociative identity from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

This is how honor killing arises.


Muslim faith is a hybrid religion of reincarnation (unconscious) and resurrection (conscious):

Reincarnation in inbred populations is fueled only by testosterone. Females commit no honor killings:

More images of a failed reincarnation projection:

Religion is a projection on breeding.

Where do we come from?

Fallacy of Islam:

Fallacy of Islam:
You cannot change an inbred population ex cathedra into an outbred population:

Serial monotheism exists when only males can reincarnate into the male bloodline, because females simply come from Adam's rib without own DNA (cousin marriages). They are just incubators for family sperm. They are not subjects but objects without any personal identity:

Homo sapiens, the deluded species

Monotheism= f(SM-dyad (Inbreeding)).
Polytheism= f(Vanilla-dyad (Outbreeding)).

Assumption 676: The Constitution of Multiculturalism.
Human religion is the rationalization of the male sexual drive in the unconscious, intended to coerce female sexuality for the pleasure of males.
Human religion is also a projection on breeding, where inbreeding cultures by definition treat people differently in terms of equality.
By providing protection for these discriminatory religions under the Moral Constitution of Western society, which purports to be the guardian of justice, the injustice of inbreeding cultures has been given a status of legal inviolability that is in direct conflict with the spirit of the Constitution.
In this way a Constitution has been created that protects inequality, murder and manslaughter.
This tragedy is the greatest fallacy of Western narrow-mindedness and conceit.
As the crowning glory of Western civilization, religion has long been seen as humanity's highest ethical value, protected by the United Nations Moral Constitution and Human Rights Watch.
But rarely has civilized man better demonstrated his moral incapacity. Therefore, in evolution, masochistic polytheism always digs its own grave, swallowed up by sadistic monotheism.

Assumption 681: Curtain falls over morality Western Culture.

If both, the perpetrator and the victim must be spared from sharp criticism, then there is no ethics left in our woke society and then the curtain falls over morality of Western culture.

The purpose of ethics

The purpose of ethics is to protect the weaker from the stronger. In this way one protects unborn life against the arbitrariness of the mother, the daughter against her father, the lamb against the lionoutbreeding against inbreeding and therefore polytheism against monotheism

But what if both need to be protected. That's what the Constitution intends. How can one protect the lion without it eating the lamb? Well that's self-deception. There are therefore limits to ethics where ethics go against the laws of nature. And that is also why the Moral Constitution of Western Society cannot protect victims of discriminatory religions against honor killings, stoning, murder and manslaughter. Or is masochistic Christianity wallowing in its twisted but self-fulfilling prophecy?

Assumption 681: Curtain falls over morality Western Culture.

If both, the perpetrator and the victim must be spared from sharp criticism, then there is no ethics left in our woke society and then the curtain falls over morality of Western culture.

In other words: Does the Moral Constitution of Western society - what a joke - unconsciously aim to surrender to monotheism, whereby polytheism always naturally disintegrates as a matter of time, while monotheism as a closed inbreeding culture remains integrally stable and coherent?

Assumption 677SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad. 

SM-dyad  is a sexual instinct caused by inbreeding and found exclusively in bipedal primates (humans). Animals do not systematically practice inbreeding and therefore have no need for SM-dyad. Animals would also not be able to control SM-dyad, which would lead to its dissolution into rape and murder and extinction of the species. After all, animal females would certainly disagree with the lustful masochism of human females, without which SM-dyad cannot exist. 

Vanilla-dyad emerged as a civilized cultural intervention on SM-dyad through human outbreeding. But SM-dyad is much stronger and will always prevail. Vanilla-dyad is not yet seen as a Sexual Instinct (SI) on this blogBut it is certainly possible that Vanilla-dyad still has some deep roots in animal sexuality, but not in contrast to SM-dyad.

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