Saturday 13 January 2024

(435) Introduction into bipedal primate religion

Basic Dimension

This blog doesn't follow history, 
it creates human religion

(434) Introduction into bipedal primate religion

But this does not apply to bipedal primates that left the forests and virtually no longer encountered each other. They often had to practice incest and inbreeding in order to survive at all:

Polytheism means that all sexual roles are experienced empathetically in the conscious (the ancient Greeks). But then eventually by mingling, the boundaries between cultures and races disappear. Then we get miscegenation and cultural identity loss (Christianity)Everything has its price and polytheism comes down to outbreeding and monotheism to xenophobia and inbreeding (Muslim faith):

The major difference between open (polytheism) and closed cultures (monotheism) is the close bond between members of the latter. While polytheism always disintegrates into separate individuals without any overarching sense of norms and values (American democrats after Christianity: Multiculturalism, Political Correctness, Post Modernism, Wokism). This means that closely knit monotheistic cultures (Critical Race Theory, Muslim faith) always win out over polytheism in evolution, because ultimately only them can make a stand. That's why they are called 'superior religions', nothing to do with ethical quality:

Monotheism is ultimately stronger than polytheism in bipedal evolution. These religions alternate as ebb and flow throughout evolution. There is no substantive evolution in religion, the reason why Homo naledi respectfully kept its dead in the Rising Star Cave while modern humans set them on fire with clean energy:

All human religions are basically derived from breeding. Only later derivatives move away from this basis:

Guess what, 'religion' (shaping female sexual behavior) has been a function of breeding from the beginning of sexual life in nature. And now, in the 21st century, 85% of human religions are still functions of inbreeding or outbreeding. Do you want better proof?

Islam is outbreeding established on its former inbreeding culture:
Here we need to make a clarification because we conveniently call Islam an inbreeding culture, which it still closely resembles as mixture with its former culture, but Desert Religions strove for outbreeding, in which Islam failed miserably:

Religions are male control over female behavior. They arise from each other as derivatives of previous functions and sometimes drift away from breeding:

Religious space is derived from the physiological sexual space in the brain. Religion is an interpretation of sexuality. Animals have no religious space, so sexual space is in their unconscious as well as their conscious. But in humans sexual space is often repressed in the unconscious, while religious space is male's secret language-coded counterpart in the conscious:

Women are not sexually or physically attracted to male homosexual behavior, although they psychologically identify with Jesus:

So, to deceive women, males condemned homosexuality to the unconscious (DID). Also because otherwise monotheism would become polytheism on accepting homosexuality as 'a second god'as a second empathetically felt sexual role in the conscious. 

And so, an interesting interaction arose between 'religion' and sexuality, between conscious religion (monotheism) and unconscious sexuality (homosexuality), in which one feels the contradiction, the flaw in trying taking over God's identity. Because men must be like God to rule over women and therefore they absurdly deny their possible homosexual roots in their awkward homo-erotic relationship with God:

So to sexually dominate women, heterosexual men are conditional, and there are no two flavors in that. Is this then a sexual consideration in the unconscious or a religious one in the conscious? It is both, an interesting combination, where empathy with homosexuality in the conscious would amount to acceptance of a second sexual role as a second god. 

But then male power over women would disappear and SM-dyad would switch from monotheism to Vanilla-dyad of polytheism, in which women should be given equal sexual rights, which is contrary to monotheism.

That is the unsolvable dilemma of sneaky monotheism: Needing a homo-erotic relationship to worship their heterosexual God, but at the same time appearing heterosexual in order to oppress and impress women:


The ancient Greeks believed that the gods took on sexual roles in their contact with humans. But because we don't believe in gods, the ancient Greeks simply worshiped sexual roles as gods. So we turn this around.

If women are not empathetically worshiped in the conscious, then they are objects from Adam's rib. As befits an inbreeding culture, Eve then had the same DNA as Adam, meaning that female DNA was plowed back into the male bloodline through cousin marriages (extreme inbreeding).

Polytheism and monotheism are the axis around which human cultures revolve. It gives direction to the archetypes of 'Religion', 'Law' and 'Dialectic process between the sexes':



Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.  
Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:

1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality


Only for women is god space identical to the full 5-dimensional sexual space. After all, women themselves belong to 'other sexual roles' on the third dimension. So they already feel empathy with other sexual roles in their conscious. Note that empathy is different from sympathy. (Note also that it is not really a rank 5 space, but two space. It is 5 principal components.)

But in men, sexual space shrinks in their conscious towards adulthood to only one empathetic dimension: male heterosexualityMen are therefore disabled where the religious bond between the conscious and unconscious is concerned:

Assumption 68: In humans, the number of gods in the archetype of God is by nature unlimited (polytheism), with SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) of the space of gods. By testosterone (monotheism) this number of god factors is gradually restricted to one dimension, called SM-dyad or Allah construct. With estrogen multi-dimensionality remains unaffected. This means that males tend to monotheism and females to polytheism. 

(16) Masochism Hate, the power of Islam

(NB: rank less than 5. Five principal components)

Assumption 68: In humans, the number of interdependent gods (n) in the polytheistic space of gods (rank=m=5 vectors) in the archetype of God (rank=p=5 factors) is unlimited, with the SM-dyad as principal component (main factor) (p=1). SM-dyad is called 'monotheism' otherwise. With male testosterone this space will be gradually restricted to only one conscious dimension (p=1), the SM-dyad or Allah-construct, named otherwise monotheism or sadomasochism. Remaining (m-p=4) components are relegated to the unconscious. But in case of estrogen all sexual factors (p=5) remain unaffected in the conscious of women.

Note that religious space is a male interpretation of sexual space, which was not necessary if sexual space was lived fully and empathetically in the conscious. Note also that SM-dyad in bipedal sexual space is identical to monotheism in god space, although with different perspectives (see blue picture with the archetypes above) both dimensions may differ slightly from each other.

Although 'other sexual roles' have been repressed to the unconscious in monotheism, this does not mean that they no longer play a significant role (DID). Examples include 'masochism hate' and 'masochism fear', while 'reincarnation psychosis' also arises in the unconscious as cognitive dissonance with 'resurrection' in the conscious:

In monotheism we can say that men are blind (black) to empathy for other sexual roles that are not worshiped in their religion:

(Egotheism from Australopithecus)

AdamVerily I say unto thee, I have created God as my likeness. His gratitude was great and I got the dominion over all creation. That I also get eternal life.

AdamImmortality is all that God could give to me. In my children my strong body rushes to eternity. They are like God as my likeness. So I will survive forever and be an example for humanity. Yes, indeed, I am a God in the deepest of my thoughts.

Adam: Eve, come to your senses, thou hast no soul. Thou art like a goat. Only men have a soul. Hast thou a soul than thou were a man. Thou are not a man, so do not fall into circular reasoning. Be satisfied with my beautiful body and do not talk of God, unless to praise me.

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