Saturday 13 January 2024

(440) Honor killing Proneness

 Basic Dimension

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Beware of what you don't want to be

Are you thinking about suicide? We can all help prevent suicide.

Are you thinking about suicide? We can all help prevent suicide › i › zelfmoordBel 112 of 113 of 0900-0113
Denk jij aan zelfmoord? Trek dan zo snel mogelijk aan de bel. 

Honor killing proneness of your father

The baseline of the threat of honor killing is your relationship with your father, which you must monitor closely from entering pubertyYou expect your father to love you the way he always did, and never will harm you. But that's a delusion, because his ''love'' for you may take on quite another dimension. He may "love" you so much that he would like to merge with you forever by being reborn into your descendants. That's reincarnation through inbreeding. He wants to preserve family DNA through cousin marriage and you must play for incubator, as breeding ground for family sperm. 

So, his love for you can just turn into sick 'love'Similar to the kind of love in which psychotic men eventually kill their unrequited "love". Romina Ashrafi's father loved his daughter dearly but became reincarnation psychotic when she 'let him down' for another man with disapproved DNA.

It starts when he unconsciously claims your body as an incubator for family sperm. You will remain a subject, a person if you don't argue about marrying his nephew, his projected stand in, by the way. But you will become an object, a thing by distorting his reincarnation delusion. Then he no longer sees you as a person. The remedy is to be diplomatic and to avoid any answer, other than "I'm not yet ready to decide to marry my cousin."

The longer your father continues to push you into a cousin marriage, the stronger his reincarnation psychosis takes shape. Mind you, as long as you don't provide a definitive answer, he will remain hopeful, but at some point you will have to plan your flight and then never come back. Because out of sight, out of mind. 

But due to this lack of communication, your father will no longer see you as a subject and if you ever return 'to make amendments', he will kill you as an object like Sadia Sheikh (killed by her brother Mudusar btw *) and Romina Ashrafi.

This simply because he lost the 'subject counterweight' from his conscious and now is only left with his unconscious reincarnation drive, in which he only sees you as an incubator of family semen:

So, you are still his beloved daughter if he experiences you every day and if you maintain good relationships. In this you are the subject of his daughter.

But if you argue about his desire to marry your cousin or accepting another forced marriage, you will create conflicts that you should have avoided. And it's here that you can delay your own honor killing.

Much has been written about this on this blog and here only in general terms. 

Finally: From puberty onwards, your father might see you as a thing (an object) and as a person (a subject) at the same time.

You are a thing if he uses you for inbreeding due to his his unconscious reincarnation drive.

And you remain a subject if you don't argue about marrying his nephew, his projected stand in

A difficult complication is that girls in puberty become increasingly distant from their fathers with more and more conflicts, which is a natural development. All this requires more diplomacy from Muslim girls than could be expected.

And if you ever run away from home, never go to the police in Muslim countries, because they will take you back home like in the case of Romina Ashrafi. Because yes, ultimately police officers are also fathers with daughters...

'Romina Ashrafi ran away from home with her 34-year-old boyfriend after her father banned them from getting married, Arab news channel Al Jazeera reports. However, the couple was found by police five days later. Although Romina told them she feared for her life, officers sent the teenager back home to Talesh, a small town more than three hundred kilometers northwest of capital Tehran.',-father-murders-daughter-after-elopement.-


NB: This blog claims that reincarnation through inbreeding (with honor killing as collateral damage) is a deeply ingrained sexual instinct from Homo erectus. But then this is genetically passed on from father to son. Cultural transmission is not decisive*In addition, it must be testosterone controlled. Young men have a higher testosterone level. So Mudusar Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim's brother may be right that their fathers were not (directly) involved in the murder and they indeed acted on their own, igniting earlier than their fathers:

* Honor killing is not supported by the Quran and has been a taboo topic of discussion within and between rural families in Pakistan and Iran for the past 1,400 years. Families also had virtually no contact with each other and cultural transmission across families was therefore less likely, although honor killings occurred on a large scale and almost identically across families.

These people had no idea what was really happening to them:

(437) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Honor killing proneness of a family

A measure of possible incidence of honor killing in a family with fertile and marriageable females is the product of 'the sum score of the probabilities of DID for all males' and 'the inbreeding coefficient of that family', divided by 1 or the number of fertile female candidates willing to marry by consanguinity.

Coefficient of Inbreeding:

The Coefficient of Inbreeding (as proposed by Sewell Wright in 1922) is the probability that two alleles at a randomly chosen locus are identical by descent. Note that alleles may be identical for other reasons, but the inbreeding coefficient is just looking at the mathematical probability that the alleles have come from a common ancestor.

The Coefficient of Relationship (R) looks more a descriptive statistic of consanguinity relations within families. For example a father and his child have 50% of their genes in common. The same for two siblings. So it is not directly a probability for specific individual situations.

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