Basic Dimension
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a condition marked by the presence of two or more distinct personalities within one individual. The mental health condition, which used to be called multiple personality disorder, is one of the dissociative disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).
A person with DID will experience the presence of two or more distinct identities or personalities, also known as alters. These personalities recurrently take control of the person's behavior and they often experience a loss of memory of what happened while another personality or alter was in control.'Particular identities may emerge in specific circumstances. Transitions from one identity to another are often triggered by emotional stress':
The criteria require that an individual be recurrently controlled by two or more discrete identities or personality states, accompanied by memory lapses for important information that is not caused by alcohol, drugs or medications and other medical conditions such as complex partial seizures.[3]
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
What It's Like To Live With Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
(41:26/59:34) People's identity can change, sometimes against their will. In above case, the lady might think to be the central figure, dividing the roles, but maybe she herself is also under control by one of the other personalities, you never know the real coordinator in DID.
The lady in the video above told that it is nonsense that one of her personalities would kill people, that only happens in movies. Well, we respect that. But she had 11 personalities, 7 of which are unknown.
Transferred to the case of honor killers, we need an unknown personality in the unconscious (reincarnation) and a known personality in the conscious (resurrection).The lady in above video might think to be the role dispatcher, but she doubts because of her 7 unknown personalities. Perhaps she herself is the mouthpiece of an unknown personality and that's scary.
So reincarnation is repressed by Islam to the unconscious. But that doesn't mean that both personalities can't work together. And that's exactly what they do, without the would be honor killer knowing:
'Particular identities may emerge in specific circumstances. Transitions from one identity to another are often triggered by emotional stress':

- Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) discovered resurrection in the parallel universe.
- Desert Religions wanted to end massive inbreeding by telling believers that earthly reincarnation does not return the original genome to ancestors, who clearly lost their body in this process.
- They proclaimed ex cathedra that upon resurrection in heaven their bodies would be completely reconstructed by God in their original genome. This was called physical resurrection in heaven. Now this is not the Christian point of view but the Muslim belief, which are also not allowed to believe in the soul, because not necessary in heaven.
- But reincarnation is a sexual instinct while resurrection is just a powerless word. That's why the Muslim faith became a hybrid religion of earthly reincarnation (Inbreeding (cousin marriages)) and heavenly resurrection (Islam, outbreeding).
- The point is that Homo naledi made the wisest choice, he also believed in physical resurrection, not in heaven but on earth. Furthermore, he needed no soul and in doing so had found a parsimonious variant of human religion. Homo naledi was a brilliant 'animal' with his 'orange' brain. He invented the most elegant and perfect form of human religion.
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