Saturday 13 January 2024

(434) Fundamental principles of this blog


This blog doesn't follow history, 
it creates human religion:





Think of gods as sexual roles.

- Then monotheism empathetically recognizes only male heterosexual roles in the conscious. Other roles are repressed to the unconscious. In Islam this leads to an unequal male-female relationship in sexuality: SM-dyad.

- But polytheism recognizes all sexual roles, including female sexuality, in the conscious. This leads to more feminine religions such as Christianity and Judaism. This leads to equality of female sexuality in Vanilla-dyad.
- Moreover, inbreeding is a male religion par excellence, while outbreeding in nature is a female religion to prevent species extinction.

- So if gods are sexual roles, then religion is a function of sexuality first and breeding second:

Homo sapiens, the deluded species

Monotheism= f(SM-dyad (Inbreeding)).
Polytheism= f(Vanilla-dyad (Outbreeding)).

Assumption 676: The Constitution of Multiculturalism.
Human religion is the rationalization of the male sexual drive in the unconscious, intended to coerce female sexuality for the pleasure of males.
Human religion is also a projection on breeding, where inbreeding cultures by definition treat people differently in terms of equality.
By providing protection for these discriminatory religions under the Moral Constitution of Western society, which purports to be the guardian of justice, the injustice of inbreeding cultures has been given a status of legal inviolability that is in direct conflict with the spirit of the Constitution.
In this way a Constitution has been created that protects inequality, murder and manslaughter.
This tragedy is the greatest fallacy of Western narrow-mindedness and conceit.
As the crowning glory of Western civilization, religion has long been seen as humanity's highest ethical value, protected by the United Nations Moral Constitution and Human Rights Watch.
But rarely has civilized man better demonstrated his moral incapacity. Therefore, in evolution, masochistic polytheism always digs its own grave, swallowed up by sadistic monotheism.

Assumption 677SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad. 

SM-dyad  is a sexual instinct caused by inbreeding and found exclusively in bipedal primates (humans). Animals do not systematically practice inbreeding and therefore have no need for SM-dyad. Animals would also not be able to control SM-dyad, which would lead to its dissolution into rape and murder and extinction of the species. After all, animal females would certainly disagree with the lustful masochism of human females, without which SM-dyad cannot exist. 

Vanilla-dyad emerged as a civilized cultural intervention on SM-dyad through human outbreeding. But SM-dyad is much stronger and will always prevail. Vanilla-dyad is not yet seen as a Sexual Instinct (SI) on this blogBut it is certainly possible that Vanilla-dyad still has some deep roots in animal sexuality, but not in contrast to SM-dyad.

Further analysis

Breeding is a sexual instinct in the unconscious: But Breeding has also a sexual image in the conscious:

For thinking about Breeding in the conscious, we need first to transfer an image of the Sexual Instinct (SI) 'Breeding' from the unconscious to the conscious. This because one cannot consciously take the function Reinc.= f(Inbreeding). from the unknown sexual instinct 'Breeding' in the unconscious: 

Only Breeding is mentioned as Sexual Religion (SR) because it is the primal sexual instinct in the animal world. But actually Breeding is already combined in the unconscious with a lot of attached and conditioned specific instincts as Rebirth and Reincarnation.

Resurrection is no Sexual Instinct (SI). It's a made up idea of Homo sapiens. It is a powerless argument from a delusion and because it is not tied to the birth process it is not a sexual instinct:

But that is only a provisional convention because we see already in the projections below that Islam and Christianity are not completely determined by their projection on Breeding: 

(So, orthogonal to Breeding there are more predictor dimensions)

In a final convention we must be able to gather all newly created predictors of Islam and Christianity in the conscious, contributing to further updates and adaptations of their religions.

This means that a religion is first reformulated in the conscious mind and only later takes shape in the unconscious during evolution.  

That is also how reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) became linked to the Sexual Instinct (SI) of Breeding. Reincarnation isn't really necessary for birthing, but because Homo erectus believed that for 2 million years, it became magically connected to and conditioned on Breeding.

Reformulated religion:

The peacock's train is also only magically conditioned on breeding, it is not essential, because with cut trains the species will not die out and court behavior will change in further evolution, so this train is not essential for breeding.

(Reincarnation is also only magically attached to Breeding, because I do not think it exists in reality)

Why is Breeding that important? Well, Breeding is the primal determinant of sexuality. Even today, 85% or more of the world's religions are a projection on, or a function of Breeding:

'Religion' (shaping female sexual behavior) has been a function of breeding from the beginning of sexual life in nature. And now, in the 21st century, at least 85% of human religions are still functions of inbreeding or outbreeding

Sexual Instincts (SI) and Sexual Religions (SR)

Resurrection is just a powerless word, no sexual instinct and only an artificial function of Reincarnation:

Resurrection is just a powerless word, no sexual instinct: 


More images of a failed reincarnation projection:

Projections on Breeding:


The first reason Muslim culture has never solved honor killings is that they did not go through the Enlightenment and subsequent Romanticismthe latter of which put the spotlight on the unconscious in the Western world:

In the Muslim world, males hide their sexual identity in their unconscious, which has terrible consequences. Women, on the other hand, express their personality more in the conscious. 

Therefore Muslim males are monotheistic, but females are polytheistic: they do not suppress empathy for sexual roles in their unconscious. (On this blog, gods are sexual roles.)

Therefore, women oversee life much better in reality, which gives them power over men:

But although women are in power, they suffer terrible consequences from their 
lusty SM-dyad with men. And that's right, because there is no SM if not both parties are into it, because suffering is lust in masochism.

(If tomorrow a billion Muslim women were to reject SM-dyad and start to live in equality with men, without Sharia law, Islam would have to change, because it takes two to tango.)

A second reason Muslim culture has never solved honor killings is that a single honor killing sets a deterrent example for countless other Muslim girls, causing them to anxiously agree to 'cousin marriage'

But if Muslim girls had a sound theory, much of that fear would be allayed and they would arrive at rational judgments and decisions. They would develop an adequate strategy and be able to effectively avoid honor killing:

Then they would understand the following:

The tragic battle between an empty word and a super strong sexual instinct

The right theory always predicts the future. But for our purposes, we are just looking for any theory that rightly predicts honor killings. To this end and as our first assumption, we integrate 'reincarnation as a sexual instinct' as auxiliary hypothesis into our honor killing theory, which so far only focused on resurrection of Islam. It provides a theoretically perfect match for predicting honor killings. 

The second assumption underlying our theory is that in nature sexual instincts are conditioned on the birth process, on breeding, on procreating the species. Religion is also such a sexual instinct, where reincarnation is (magically) conditioned on breeding but resurrection explicitly not. Then, reincarnation is a strong sexual instinct but resurrection just a powerless word. Therefore Islam can never defeat its previous inbreeding culture by indoctrinating resurrection. Not in another 1400 years

As long as Islam enforces resurrection in the conscious of Muslim males, honor killings will be created by reincarnation psychosis in their unconscious.

The lie of Desert Religions:

Desert religions don't deserve to be called 'Abrahamic Religions', because they
have stolen the myth of Abraham and reversed its original meaning completely to become surrogates of God on earthsubstitutes that took away divine self-determination from tribal heads in reincarnation and instead replaced extreme inbreeding by resurrection in heaven. Only combating 'inbreeding through reincarnation' replaced with resurrection is to be commended. 

God, who is feared and honored by Islam for his misunderstood and alleged intention to slaughter a child, was in reality the compromise between reincarnation of Homo erectus and resurrection of Homo sapiens:

The concept of earthly reincarnation was developed much earlier than heavenly resurrection:

The festival of sacrifice shows the joy of Muslims because God is not as cruel as the myth of Abraham would indicate. God fulfills their unconscious and forbidden desire for reincarnation and combines it with resurrection. Here we see a joyful embrace of the fractured Islamic faith, in which suppressed reincarnation and enforced resurrection culminate in an annual burst of unified faith.

How to fight honor killings:

But there is a way out for Muslim women by raising awareness about the real nature of honor killings and thereby avoiding unwarranted trust in fathers or brothers, leading to the right avoidance strategy in time, as suggested on many places in this blog:

Muslim respect for women depends on submission


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