Basic Dimension
Number Archive
By the invention of the parallel universe (Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc)) humans thought it'll be safer if gods remain there and we reincarnate only into the earthly universe.
But the invention of the inbreeding instinct (At the latest 40 ka; Arabian Peninsula; mtDNA L3N) had such terrible effect that mankind chose anyway to let humans reincarnate into Heaven of the parallel universe to break the absurd bond between inbreeding and 'reincarnation into the earthly universe by inbred bodies'.
This measure was not needed in Sub Saharan Africa, for not much inbreeding there and also not for Western outbreeding civilizations embracing Christianity, which used the parallel universe in quite a different way. Also it was not needed for Judaism, for they do not believe in the parallel universe but in rebirth of the whole nation or they do not believe in the afterlife at all. Further Jews let females free to chose for genetic diversity.
So, it was only necessary for Muslims, the heirs of Paradise culture. But the tragedy is the strangling grip of cruel Islam is loosening these days and now Muslims start to regress to their basic instinct again: Inbreeding and incest. They will instinctively return to the Paradise culture of murder and manslaughter in which every Muslim is his own God again.
The partly escape from inbreeding for the Muslim culture could be outbreeding within their own religious endogamous zone which will indeed dilute autosomal recessive disorders, but which will not extinct the inbreeding instinct itself because they only breed with other Muslims:
Every year Muslims celebrate the Sacrifice Feast in which they memorize God permitted Abraham to reincarnate into his only born tribal son Isaac. Then they unconsciously celebrate the defeat of Islam, the terror from Heaven:
The Arabian Peninsula
Around 50-60,000 years ago a small group of about 150 Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc) with mtDNA L3 left Africa through the Red Sea to arrive in the dry and rough climate of the Arabian Peninsula.

And 20,000 years later some of them returned to Africa or migrated to Europe and Northern Asia, but now as mtDNA L3N:
These courageous people had not expected to be the only human beings on the Peninsula and realized the impossibility to exchange juvenile females with other tribes. Now them the same happened as the first bipedal Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) which also lost contact with other groups. Those, which were not able to exchange juvenile females have died out in evolution by autosomal recessive disorders.
Without other tribes available, sexual culture changed dramatically on which 'religion' inspected the first order time derivative of the impaired sexual function to take appropriate action to survive. The new religious measure was the exchange of juvenile females within the own family (cousin marriages) in addition to the exchange of females with families genetically somewhat different.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
And after many thousands of years and a lot of autosomal recessive disorders further they found an optimum what later crystallized into 40% cousin marriages (tribal endogamy) and 60% (ethnic endogamy):
This culture is still concentrated on the Arabian Peninsula but now as mtDNA L3N:
Now, to understand the picture of Panoramix, it is the prerogative of religion to interfere with sexual culture on the basis of its changed function. And of course it is the tribal head who explains the will of God.
Assumption 256: Human religion is developed from a set of higher order time derivatives and controls sexual culture by ethical norms and values. Therefore it looks like religion comes from God. The last time-derivative will be zero and has been always wanted diligently, for it is expected to lead the sexual culture to the eternal existence in another universe. It is the timelessness derivative of sexuality: perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe.
If the inbreeding curve rises too quickly then genetic disorders are threatening but as the curve drops then the eternity projection of the tribe is endangered. It is only 'God' who is entitled to decide between inbreeding or outbreeding. Inbreeding is attained by forcing more cousin marriages and outbreeding by the exchange of juvenile females or by the capture of fresh woman slaves in 'religious' wars.
Myth of Paradise
In the Myth of Paradise no way was Eve entitled to decide to outbreeding with the Serpent of another tribe. And because Adam did not control his
Assumption 281: The eternal identity of the tribe is male kin bonded and maintained only along the male gene line in the offspring. Thus, seed from aliens as the Serpent in a tribal woman as Eve does not belong to the tribe and must be eliminated or expelled. Adam, who recognized the fruit of the Serpent as his own child, was the stupidity at its best. Both Adam, Eve and the child of the Serpent were expelled. That's the original meaning of the Myth of Paradise as initiation rite and as severe warning for maturing boys.
And this is what 'God' said to the Serpent:
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Well, the Myth of Paradise simply says adulterous females must be stoned. It is only for the myth God behaved somewhat diplomatically.
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
Apart from inbreeding, adultery is rarely accepted in cultures where humans live packed together:
Later this myth has been used in Genesis of the Tanakh to derive the origins of the Jewish people, but that is an artistic interpretation which can be appreciated.
So, if genetic diversity had to be accomplished this lust would be blushed exclusively by tribal males on fresh woman slaves and never by tribal females. In inbreeding cultures women have no identity, they are empty shells and incubators for tribal male semen and nothing else. That's exactly the quintessence of the Myth of Paradise which already came from the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). In a quite natural way also the Homininae must have practiced cousin marriages if there was no choice. But later, with increased tribal density this principle might have been relaxed.
As already mentioned, the myth must be seen as an initiation rite for boys on the verge of sexual maturation. In that period of early adolescence, also sexual shame is elicited as a natural developmental stage. So the narrator chained the burgeoning embarrassment about sexual nakedness of maturing boys psychologically to the credibility of the Myth.
From the information that Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness we can be definitely sure their sin had a sexual ground. That's a very hard fact in this myth:
Because of their naked and humanlike bodies (Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc)), it is quite likely human female anatomy evolved to mimic permanent signaling of fertility. Indeed, the reason for permanent signaling of fertility likely was to replace the effects of concealed ovulation. Of course males in the evolution systematically selected the most sexually appealing females:
At some point in this overzealous selection of attractive women with prominent sexual characteristics it must have gone awfully wrong. Sexual culture threatened to change from inbreeding culture into outbreeding culture.
Women more and more followed their natural drive for genetic diversity and Eve seduced a male from another tribe (the Serpent). But also males as Adam - who did not like to copulate with his sister every day - were delighted of fresh females from other tribes. So Eve seduced Adam to enjoy himself since both were bored of each other.
Now time had come for 'religion' to take a conclusion from the time derivative and to correct the derailing inbreeding culture. The Myth of Paradise warned human beings (males and females) to cover their private parts for members of other tribes. No permanent signals of fertility may be visible. From now on they must use fig leaves and so 'religion' proved to be the steering on sexual culture by "God":
But that was not enough for Islam and they forbade their females even to keep their bodies in good shape:
BTW, because of the indisputable sexual content of the myth, the Christian claim the Tree of Knowledge has a metaphorical ethical basis of good and evil is therefore not substantiated.
The inbreeding instinct
The problem with the Arabian Peninsula is that chained to mtDNA L3N likely is an inbreeding instinct in nuDNA, kind of mutation which forces nowadays Muslims compulsively to cousin marriages even though there is no need for any longer. We must conclude inbreeding itself is the primal religion of Muslims. And since they do not grasp why they are cutting their females to pieces for 'the honor of the family' this culture must be very sick and is a big danger for the civilized world.
Inbreeding is the primal human-creature religion of the Homininae, nowadays used by Muslims all over the world to enhance Muslim tribal identity. So, even if there are enough Muslim women in religious endogamy for - a kind of - outbreeding, then still the tribal endogamous core feels the pressing need for cousin marriages to underline the Muslim identity. It is a combination of reincarnation of the father in the earthly universe and their strive to a new Muslim identity in the Western world. And that's the real danger of what is happening in our world today. What I mean to say is though Muslims still call their religion 'Islam' they factually are regressing to Paradise culture of the Arabian Peninsula.
No doubt the Arabian Peninsula was the last moment in evolution for this inbreeding instinct to develop, though it might have been founded much earlier. From this Peninsula Muslims fanned all over the world as mtDNA L3N demonstrating everywhere the same insane and weird sexual behavior. So it cannot have been founded later in all places together in the same way. Likely Western cultures in Europe and Asia lost their inbreeding instinct by outbreeding already long ago.
BTW the wave of inbreeding in Great Britain nowadays is a measure from 'God' to enhance Muslim identity on the same sexual function as the first Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). They are desperately establishing a new tribal identity in completely new surroundings. This besides the fathers projection into the earthly universe. But the Western world does not understand this scope.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
The cure from the parallel universe
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
Later this myth has been used in Genesis of the Tanakh to derive the origins of the Jewish people, but that is an artistic interpretation which can be appreciated.
So, if genetic diversity had to be accomplished this lust would be blushed exclusively by tribal males on fresh woman slaves and never by tribal females. In inbreeding cultures women have no identity, they are empty shells and incubators for tribal male semen and nothing else. That's exactly the quintessence of the Myth of Paradise which already came from the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). In a quite natural way also the Homininae must have practiced cousin marriages if there was no choice. But later, with increased tribal density this principle might have been relaxed.
As already mentioned, the myth must be seen as an initiation rite for boys on the verge of sexual maturation. In that period of early adolescence, also sexual shame is elicited as a natural developmental stage. So the narrator chained the burgeoning embarrassment about sexual nakedness of maturing boys psychologically to the credibility of the Myth.
Because of their naked and humanlike bodies (Homo erectus (2 mya; 900cc)), it is quite likely human female anatomy evolved to mimic permanent signaling of fertility. Indeed, the reason for permanent signaling of fertility likely was to replace the effects of concealed ovulation. Of course males in the evolution systematically selected the most sexually appealing females:
At some point in this overzealous selection of attractive women with prominent sexual characteristics it must have gone awfully wrong. Sexual culture threatened to change from inbreeding culture into outbreeding culture.
Women more and more followed their natural drive for genetic diversity and Eve seduced a male from another tribe (the Serpent). But also males as Adam - who did not like to copulate with his sister every day - were delighted of fresh females from other tribes. So Eve seduced Adam to enjoy himself since both were bored of each other.
Now time had come for 'religion' to take a conclusion from the time derivative and to correct the derailing inbreeding culture. The Myth of Paradise warned human beings (males and females) to cover their private parts for members of other tribes. No permanent signals of fertility may be visible. From now on they must use fig leaves and so 'religion' proved to be the steering on sexual culture by "God":
But that was not enough for Islam and they forbade their females even to keep their bodies in good shape:
BTW, because of the indisputable sexual content of the myth, the Christian claim the Tree of Knowledge has a metaphorical ethical basis of good and evil is therefore not substantiated.
The inbreeding instinct
The problem with the Arabian Peninsula is that chained to mtDNA L3N likely is an inbreeding instinct in nuDNA, kind of mutation which forces nowadays Muslims compulsively to cousin marriages even though there is no need for any longer. We must conclude inbreeding itself is the primal religion of Muslims. And since they do not grasp why they are cutting their females to pieces for 'the honor of the family' this culture must be very sick and is a big danger for the civilized world.
Inbreeding is the primal human-creature religion of the Homininae, nowadays used by Muslims all over the world to enhance Muslim tribal identity. So, even if there are enough Muslim women in religious endogamy for - a kind of - outbreeding, then still the tribal endogamous core feels the pressing need for cousin marriages to underline the Muslim identity. It is a combination of reincarnation of the father in the earthly universe and their strive to a new Muslim identity in the Western world. And that's the real danger of what is happening in our world today. What I mean to say is though Muslims still call their religion 'Islam' they factually are regressing to Paradise culture of the Arabian Peninsula.
No doubt the Arabian Peninsula was the last moment in evolution for this inbreeding instinct to develop, though it might have been founded much earlier. From this Peninsula Muslims fanned all over the world as mtDNA L3N demonstrating everywhere the same insane and weird sexual behavior. So it cannot have been founded later in all places together in the same way. Likely Western cultures in Europe and Asia lost their inbreeding instinct by outbreeding already long ago.
BTW the wave of inbreeding in Great Britain nowadays is a measure from 'God' to enhance Muslim identity on the same sexual function as the first Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). They are desperately establishing a new tribal identity in completely new surroundings. This besides the fathers projection into the earthly universe. But the Western world does not understand this scope.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
We are not the first to be alarmed by Muslim atrocities. Also in antiquity religious scholars must have noticed the horror of this inbreeding and incest culture. They really tried to cure this people from their insane compulsive religion. How insane? Well, let's see what the Jews forbade from Paradise culture. Did you ever need these rules:

African Negroes believed in a Creator living in some parallel universe but they themselves preferred to reincarnate into the earthly universe. Something like this we see with very old Germanic religions where gods lived somewhere upstairs in the clouds but humans did not reincarnate into Heaven of some parallel universe.
Egypt's god Osiris and some Pharaoh's were thought to reincarnate into stars as Orion and Sirius, which albeit in our universe, looks a bit like the parallel universe:
But here again normal people reincarnated into the earthly universe. BTW, Egypt is a well known L3N (white) spot apparently known with inbreeding from Paradise culture which returned from the Arabian Peninsula 40 ka ago:
The success story of the Christian parallel universe
In antiquity Christianity as well as Islam used the parallel universe to break the instinctive lust for inbred bodies of the second Paradise culture:
Christianity must be seen as an orthogonal projection on the monotheism of Judaism:

In fact Christianity found the way back to polytheism, certainly for sexuality, because Jesus as Son of God, must be seen as a God too:
As first Alpha male God covered the heterosexual polygamous role and Jesus represented 'other sexual roles', that's to say both together covered the whole sexual spectrum, since in this blog gods are sexual roles:
This is the original sexual model of the Alpha male:
And this is how Christianity developed in Western Society:
So, in Christianity all sexual roles are in the conscious of believers and accepted as subjects. But that's not true for Islam which denies 'other sexual roles' as subjects and suppresses them as objects into the unconscious:
Bestiality is usual in Islam:
So, it was meant to break the bond between inbreeding and inbred bodies, the bond between inbreeding and reincarnation into inbred bodies into the earthly universe.
Christianity neglected inbreeding and incest completely and founded a new religion on the Fall of Man and the Passion of Christ. Though all this came from the Romans. Notice, in Christianity Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge and committed adultery with the Serpent, which was sin as Jesus said:
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.
But this better is not interpreted as violation of inbreeding but as:

The real message of Christianity is in Heaven humans are freed from the curse of sexual lust. This means perpetual orgasm must be fulfilled on Earth.
That's why Christian priests had to commit pedophilia on young boys on a gigantic scale in the church of God in this lifetime. They knew they could not postpone their lust until Heaven.

Then this is the development of sexuality in Christianity:

So, in fact Christianity succeeded in blocking sexuality from the parallel universe, though it was only embraced in already exogamous (Western) cultures.
The disaster of Islam
Islamic scholars had taken note of Christianity without understanding that this alone was embraced by exogamous cultures. They tried to implement this success story on their own endogamous tribes, which became a disaster.
They really started with the sex free parallel universe in which the female Allah was like Jesus:
But in Islam the inbreeding instinct of Muslims could impossibly be separated from Heaven in the parallel universe. Their faith became an illogical mess of schizophrenic interactions which explains their complete insane religion:

The EGO of Islam is the level playing battle field of the unconscious of males and the conscious of females:
This caused confounding and contamination between the universes where Muslim males expected 72 wild fresh Christian whores in Heaven of the parallel universe and females expected to be freed from sexuality and inbreeding:
So, the Islamic religious model is a disaster of sexuality by inbreeding in all stages of religion. Their Heaven became a terror for Muslims, afraid as the were for the hatred and fury of Allah.

And that's the reason why Muslims are so fond of the Feast of Sacrifice:

Chapter 8
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