Basic Dimension
Number Archive
Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
Above we see the second dispersal out of Africa.
A second dispersal took place via the so-called Southern Route, either before[28] or after[11][12] the Toba event, which happened between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago.[28] This dispersal followed the southern coastline of Asia, crossing about 250 kilometres (155 mi) of sea, and colonized Australia by around 50,000 years ago. According to this theory, Europe was populated either by a migration out of India, which was repopulated from southeast Asia after the Toba-event (pre-Toba hypothesis), or by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
[N.B. Their are a number of competing theories around the timeline of migration out of Africa.]
Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc)
In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans, also called the "Out of Africa" theory (OOA), recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), replacement hypothesis or recent African origin model (RAO), is the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), which proposes a single area of origin for modern humans. According to this model, modern humans evolved in Africa and started to disperse through the world roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa was cited as the scientific consensus as of the mid-2000s.[1][2]
The major competing hypothesis of "recent single origin" has been the multiregional origin of modern humans, which envisions a wave of Homo sapiens migrating earlier from Africa and interbreeding with local Homo erectus populations in multiple regions of the globe.[3][4]
In the 2010s, the discovery of evidence of archaic admixture of modern humans outside of Africa with Neanderthals and Denisovans has complicated the picture.[5] As of 2011, it appears likely that there were two waves of migration out of Africa, the first taking place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9] which appears to have mostly died out or retreated (although there is some evidence of a presence of modern humans in China about 80,000 years ago),[10] and a second via the so-called Southern Route, following the southern coastline of Asia, which led to the lasting colonization of Eurasia and Australia by around 50,000 years ago. Europe was populated by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
Map of the migration of modern humans out of Africa, based on mitochondrial DNA. Colored rings indicate thousand years before present.

(135) Early signs of FGM and Inbreeding
Human religion is a control on sexual culture, which depends on a changing environment:
Assumption 256: Human religion is developed from a set of higher order time derivatives and controls sexual culture by ethical norms and values.
This is the first wave of migration to West Africa and Sub-Sahara (70.000 ya):
It is different from the much later wave into North Africa:
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
And when the environment changes then likely also sexual habits start to differ. And different sexual cultures need different control mechanisms, which we call 'religion'.
That's why in Middle and West Africa and Sub-Sahara developed Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and in North Africa came inbreeding and incest:
We know from paleo-religion, time is rather irrelevant and brainsize really matters. If we agree there was no difference in brainsize in both sorts of Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc), then it must have been the change of environment that really caused FGM in Sub-Sahara and the further derailment of inbreeding and incest in the north:
So we don't bother about the 30.000 years of difference between West African tribes and East African peoples which migrated into two different directions.
What we do know is West Africans did not really leave their fertile African habitat so sexual habits might have not changed too much. On the other hand East African peoples wandered into the harsh environment of the Arabian peninsula which profoundly must have changed their sexual habits:
Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous group. Promiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.
And more importantly, the second wave which migrated out of Africa partly stuck in the desert of the Arabian peninsula for about 10.000 years and went not to Asia:

After about 10.000 years they returned to Northern Africa.

This means the first group which left Africa 60.000 years ago on their way to Asia might have discovered a rather pleasant environment suitable for more promiscuous and exogamous behavior:
But the second wave was partly trapped in the harsh desert of the Arabian peninsula and developed extreme endogamous group behavior (inbreeding and incest).
And after about 10.000 years they returned to Northern Africa.

Number Archive
Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
Above we see the second dispersal out of Africa.
A second dispersal took place via the so-called Southern Route, either before[28] or after[11][12] the Toba event, which happened between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago.[28] This dispersal followed the southern coastline of Asia, crossing about 250 kilometres (155 mi) of sea, and colonized Australia by around 50,000 years ago. According to this theory, Europe was populated either by a migration out of India, which was repopulated from southeast Asia after the Toba-event (pre-Toba hypothesis), or by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
[N.B. Their are a number of competing theories around the timeline of migration out of Africa.]
Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc)
In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans, also called the "Out of Africa" theory (OOA), recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), replacement hypothesis or recent African origin model (RAO), is the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), which proposes a single area of origin for modern humans. According to this model, modern humans evolved in Africa and started to disperse through the world roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa was cited as the scientific consensus as of the mid-2000s.[1][2]
In the 2010s, the discovery of evidence of archaic admixture of modern humans outside of Africa with Neanderthals and Denisovans has complicated the picture.[5] As of 2011, it appears likely that there were two waves of migration out of Africa, the first taking place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9] which appears to have mostly died out or retreated (although there is some evidence of a presence of modern humans in China about 80,000 years ago),[10] and a second via the so-called Southern Route, following the southern coastline of Asia, which led to the lasting colonization of Eurasia and Australia by around 50,000 years ago. Europe was populated by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
Dating: pre-or post-Toba
See also: Toba catastrophe theory
The dating of the Southern Dispersal is a matter of dispute.[28]
It may have happened either pre- or post-Toba, a catastrophic volcanic
eruption that took place between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago at the site
of present-day Lake Toba.
Stone tools discovered below the layers of ash disposed in India may
point to a pre-Toba dispersal, but the exact source of these tools is
Map of the migration of modern humans out of Africa, based on mitochondrial DNA. Colored rings indicate thousand years before present.

(135) Early signs of FGM and Inbreeding
Human religion is a control on sexual culture, which depends on a changing environment:
Assumption 256: Human religion is developed from a set of higher order time derivatives and controls sexual culture by ethical norms and values.
This is the first wave of migration to West Africa and Sub-Sahara (70.000 ya):
It is different from the much later wave into North Africa:
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
And when the environment changes then likely also sexual habits start to differ. And different sexual cultures need different control mechanisms, which we call 'religion'.
That's why in Middle and West Africa and Sub-Sahara developed Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and in North Africa came inbreeding and incest:
We know from paleo-religion, time is rather irrelevant and brainsize really matters. If we agree there was no difference in brainsize in both sorts of Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc), then it must have been the change of environment that really caused FGM in Sub-Sahara and the further derailment of inbreeding and incest in the north:
So we don't bother about the 30.000 years of difference between West African tribes and East African peoples which migrated into two different directions.
What we do know is West Africans did not really leave their fertile African habitat so sexual habits might have not changed too much. On the other hand East African peoples wandered into the harsh environment of the Arabian peninsula which profoundly must have changed their sexual habits:
Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous group. Promiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.
And more importantly, the second wave which migrated out of Africa partly stuck in the desert of the Arabian peninsula for about 10.000 years and went not to Asia:

After about 10.000 years they returned to Northern Africa.

This means the first group which left Africa 60.000 years ago on their way to Asia might have discovered a rather pleasant environment suitable for more promiscuous and exogamous behavior:
But the second wave was partly trapped in the harsh desert of the Arabian peninsula and developed extreme endogamous group behavior (inbreeding and incest).
And after about 10.000 years they returned to Northern Africa.

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