Basic Dimension
Number Archive

Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.

Macro-haplogroup L (mtDNA)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the human mtDNA haplogroup. For the human Y-DNA haplogroup, see Haplogroup L-M20.
Haplogroup L | |
Time of origin | 151,600–233,600 YBP[1] |
Place of origin | Eastern Africa[2] |
Descendants | L0, L1-6 |
Macro-haplogroup L's origin is connected with Mitochondrial Eve, and thus, is believed to suggest an ultimate African origin of modern humans. Its major sub-clades include L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 and L6, with all non-Africans exclusively descended from just haplogroup L3.
Haplogroup L3 descendants notwithstanding, the designation "haplogroup L" is typically used to designate the family of mtDNA clades that are most frequently found in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, all non-African haplogroups coalesce onto either haplogroup M or haplogroup N, and both these macrohaplogroups are simply sub-branches of haplogroup L3. Consequently, L in its broadest definition is really a paragroup containing all of modern humanity, and all human mitochondrial DNA from around the world are subclades of haplogroup L. Haplogroups M and N are sometimes referred to as haplogroups L3M and L3N respectively. Mitochondrial Eveis defined as the female human ancestor who is the most recent common ancestor of the most deep-rooted lineages of humanity: haplogroups L, L0 and L1-6.
Female mitochondrial DNA

[Sub-Saharan Africa (WIKI)
With the exception of a number of lineages that returned to Africa from Eurasia after the out of Africa migration theory, all Sub-Saharan African lineages belong to haplogroup L. The "back-to-Africa" haplogroups including U6, X1 and possibly M1 have returned to Africa possibly as far back as 45,000 years ago.[3] Haplogroup H, which is common among Berbers, is also believed to have entered Africa from Europe during the post-glacial expansion.[4] ]
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
We need M (black) and N (white) from those Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc) who returned from the Arabian peninsula into North Africa. So find white and black blocks in areas in Ethiopia, Sudan and North Africa (below female mitochondrial DNA):

This mtDNA M and N corresponds with inbreeding. BTW you can follow Out of Africa by the trace of inbreeding through Asia:
For FGM in the Sub-Sahara, the rest of Africa, we use this map:
In Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt FGM and Inbreeding are heavily mixed. Quite understanding since those countries were the gates to the world and many tribes gathered there for years and blended their cultures.
L2 and L3 have an important role as mtDNA and as FGM (and inbreeding) as is shown in the maps. Both aged 90-55 ka:
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