Basic Dimension
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Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen (cousin marriages) which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
There is widespread agreement in the scientific community concerning the African ancestry of haplogroup L3 (haplogroup N's parent clade).[11] However, whether or not the mutations which define haplogroup N itself first occurred within Asia or Africa has been a subject for ongoing discussion and study.[11]
Also related to the origins of haplogroup N is whether ancestral haplogroups M, N and R were part of the same migration out of Africa, or whether Haplogroup N left Africa via the Northern route through the Levant, and M left Africa via Horn of Africa. This theory was suggested because haplogroup N is by far the predominant haplogroup in Western Eurasia, and haplogroup M is absent in Western Eurasia, but is predominant in India and is common in regions East of India. However, the mitochondrial DNA variation in isolated "relict" populations in southeast Asia and among Indigenous Australians supports the view that there was only a single dispersal from Africa. Southeast Asian populations and Indigenous Australians all possess deep rooted clades of both haplogroups M and N.[10] The distribution of the earliest branches within haplogroups M, N, and R across Eurasia and Oceania therefore supports a three-founder-mtDNA scenario and a single migration route out of Africa.[13] These findings also highlight the importance of Indian subcontinent in the early genetic history of human settlement and expansion.[14]
Number Archive

Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen (cousin marriages) which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior (cousin marriages) despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.

1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior (cousin marriages) despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.

The mitochondrial DNA L3N very likely accompanies the nuDNA inbreeding instinct mutation in Muslim populations (nuDNA = nuclear DNA). Also L3N is in the genes of Asians where it accompanies L3M, which is not found in Europe.
The last moment to form the Muslim inbreeding instinct must have been about 45 thousand years ago on the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia), though it is not certain for L3N might have been formed earlier in Africa. Also, it might have entered the world along the Nile and through the Levant (Israel) in the first wave Out of Africa (115.000 - 130.000 ya).
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
On the Arabian Peninsula the inbreeding mutation might have taken about 10.000 years to develop. Well, then it seems this inbred population did not come far meanwhile:
The Arabian Peninsula must have had a harsh climate and these people likely did not wander further into Asia. They probably returned to Africa or went to Europe. The Arabian Peninsula is not like Africa. Maybe that's why they returned at last. Well, they in Africa they got fresh females again anyway...
The mitochondrial DNA L3N very likely accompanies the nuDNA inbreeding instinct mutation in Muslim populations (nuDNA = nuclear DNA). Also L3N is in the genes of Asians where it accompanies L3M, which is not found in Europe.
The last moment to form the Muslim inbreeding instinct must have been about 45 thousand years ago on the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia), though it is not certain for L3N might have been formed earlier in Africa. Also, it might have entered the world along the Nile and through the Levant (Israel) in the first wave Out of Africa (115.000 - 130.000 ya).
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
On the Arabian Peninsula the inbreeding mutation might have taken about 10.000 years to develop. Well, then it seems this inbred population did not come far meanwhile:
DNA Evidence Shows Stone Age Humans Went Back To Africa
The partial remains of a 35,000-year-old Homo sapiens discovered in a Romanian cave more than 60 years ago are providing evidence for a theory that early humans in Asia trekked back to Africa starting between 45,000 and 40,000 years ago. A distinctive pattern of alterations to mitochondrial DNA extracted from two teeth of an ancient woman who lived in what's now Romania, are similar to alterations seen in mitochondrial DNA of present-day North Africans. A team of scientists in the May 19 edition of Scientific Reports say this evidence signals an evolutionary connection. Human populations spread out of the continent by 50,000 years ago, after evolving in Africa around 200,000 years ago. The scientists propose the ancient Romanian woman's DNA came from a maternal line that originated in West Asia after humans initially left Africa but then ended up in North Africa.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.

Meanwhile tribes might have developed stable social structures which are very needed if one wants to practice inbreeding over many generations. Since one has to control the females, day in, day out. Here not the easy solution of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) was used. Gives unnecessary deterioration and loss of quality of the females. So, they learned to keep domestic animals and held the fish fresh in a fish tank:
The fish tank:
So, it's complicated geographically and sociologically, but just the change in environment must have provoked a change in sexual habits, resulting in a change of religion (extreme inbreeding which terrorized females) to extinguish women's natural sexual desire to diversity.
Further, in the Arabian Peninsula there was no central public administration and so in no time they lost track of descendants of the other tribes from the group. Therefore it is more likely the tribes of the 150 individuals fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their group (endogamous tribal behavior) and let no females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed the well known and notoriously hostile relations between Bedouin tribes already in a very early stage of evolution.
On this blog it has been argued at length Muslims must have an inbreeding instinct which only dilutes by outbreeding as is normal practice in Western Europe. But mingling Muslims with non-Muslims likely will have devastating effects for the first 20 generations. It will lower the quality of Western society on all fronts.
Also in Western Europe a lot of tiny pockets with inbreeding are known, so likely this terrible instinct is sleeping in Western European human genes too and might be awakened by systematic inbreeding in sub-populations.

Meanwhile tribes might have developed stable social structures which are very needed if one wants to practice inbreeding over many generations. Since one has to control the females, day in, day out. Here not the easy solution of FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) was used. Gives unnecessary deterioration and loss of quality of the females. So, they learned to keep domestic animals and held the fish fresh in a fish tank:
The fish tank:
So, it's complicated geographically and sociologically, but just the change in environment must have provoked a change in sexual habits, resulting in a change of religion (extreme inbreeding which terrorized females) to extinguish women's natural sexual desire to diversity.
Further, in the Arabian Peninsula there was no central public administration and so in no time they lost track of descendants of the other tribes from the group. Therefore it is more likely the tribes of the 150 individuals fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their group (endogamous tribal behavior) and let no females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed the well known and notoriously hostile relations between Bedouin tribes already in a very early stage of evolution.
On this blog it has been argued at length Muslims must have an inbreeding instinct which only dilutes by outbreeding as is normal practice in Western Europe. But mingling Muslims with non-Muslims likely will have devastating effects for the first 20 generations. It will lower the quality of Western society on all fronts.
Also in Western Europe a lot of tiny pockets with inbreeding are known, so likely this terrible instinct is sleeping in Western European human genes too and might be awakened by systematic inbreeding in sub-populations.
Suggested routes of the initial settlement of Europe based on mtDNA haplogroups M and N, Metspalu et al. 2004. A major population split near the Persian Gulf would explain the ubiquity of Haplogroup N and the absence of Haplogroup M in West Eurasia.
There is widespread agreement in the scientific community concerning the African ancestry of haplogroup L3 (haplogroup N's parent clade).[11] However, whether or not the mutations which define haplogroup N itself first occurred within Asia or Africa has been a subject for ongoing discussion and study.[11]
The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling.Torroni et al. 2006 state that Haplogroups M, N and R occurred somewhere between East Africa and the Persian Gulf.[12]
Also related to the origins of haplogroup N is whether ancestral haplogroups M, N and R were part of the same migration out of Africa, or whether Haplogroup N left Africa via the Northern route through the Levant, and M left Africa via Horn of Africa. This theory was suggested because haplogroup N is by far the predominant haplogroup in Western Eurasia, and haplogroup M is absent in Western Eurasia, but is predominant in India and is common in regions East of India. However, the mitochondrial DNA variation in isolated "relict" populations in southeast Asia and among Indigenous Australians supports the view that there was only a single dispersal from Africa. Southeast Asian populations and Indigenous Australians all possess deep rooted clades of both haplogroups M and N.[10] The distribution of the earliest branches within haplogroups M, N, and R across Eurasia and Oceania therefore supports a three-founder-mtDNA scenario and a single migration route out of Africa.[13] These findings also highlight the importance of Indian subcontinent in the early genetic history of human settlement and expansion.[14]
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