Basic Dimension
Number Archive

Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.

The Myth of Paradise
Since the start of the inbreeding culture of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) the Myth of Paradise played a major role as initiation rite for maturing boys. In principle spoken language was not needed to clarify the dangers of adulterous females for tribal eternal identity.
Around the emerge of Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) humanlike creatures had enough brain capacity to grasp the idea of earthly reincarnation. This led to reincarnation into inbred bodies, as well as into outbred bodies.
But now interactions arose which caused the Myth of Abraham to mess up with the Myth of Paradise:
The struggle between the universes is the real meaning of the Myth of Abraham and informs us about the unrest which the invention of the parallel universe has caused since Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc).
Another more demographic effect was increasing tribal density caused tribal wars between different ethnicities. Groups of the same ethnicity went together under the heading of an overarching monotheistic God by the Myth of Abraham. This means the myth is also caused by increased tribal density.
In our view, increasing tribal density is one of the biggest causes of FGM. Tribal density in Egypt was obviously the highest of Africa in the the last 6000 years. But FGM did not originate there.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
The inhabitants of the other Northern states are from mixed origin (Berbers or
Imazighen) and mostly not Negroid. Except Egypt, these states played no role in establishing FGM. They were not focused on Africa but more on states around the Mediterranean. Their most significant mtDNA marker is L3N (white), also for Egypt and partly for Ethiopia:

Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N (white). This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
Notice FGM (Method III) can be used unconsciously by experienced older women - who mostly cut the girls - to prevent inbreeding and incest of these immature and mature girls by their father, their uncles and brothers, and all other surrounding males, and this is no nonsense. Therefore FGM is also very useful in Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, as notorious inbreeding cultures.
Then it is more likely FGM in its most primitive form also started in equatorial and West Africa and migrated later to Egypt (6000 ya), than the other way around. Tribal density likely increased earlier in evolution in equatorial Africa. Therefore, FGM has nothing to do with Egypt in the first place.

In the genes of Eve (L) (Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400 cc) we find remnants of the old inbreeding instinct which goes back on the Homininae:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
But this primary reinforcing stimulus called genetic immortality was definitely exchanged with reincarnation at the emerge of Homo erectus (2 Mya; 900cc). This because, with reincarnation individuals lived forever:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
And after the discovery of reincarnation, populations split into those believing in reincarnation into descendants from inbreeding (genetic monoculture) and from outbreeding (genetic diversity).
With outbreeding they would reincarnate into animals or just into the descendants of beautiful women of alien tribes:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies
Secondary* reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by
Operant response: outbreeding, making outbred bodies
To be complete the Homo sapiens population believed in reincarnation, in rebirth or in nothing at all:
This means Eve possibly used the operant response of inbreeding, consisting of making inbred bodies to receive reincarnation into tribal descendants.
But because the old inbreeding culture was split into inbreeding and outbreeding, also Eve had two choices. Then, we have to develop two scenarios:
1) Eve believed in reincarnation into descendants by inbreeding.
2) Eve believed in reincarnation into descendants by outbreeding.
3) Eve believed in rebirth or did not believe in the afterlife at all.
We ignore the last possibility for simplicity. So, we only develop reincarnation as top of the bill of human development. But being conservative we develop only the inbreeding variant, since this fits our scenario much better.
Eve's inbreeding variant
For the sake of simplicity let us suppose Eve still had the inbreeding instinct, since tribal density was very low 200.000 ya without much interbreeding. This means it was not yet diluted by outbreeding. Then, after 130.000 years her offspring apparently split at 70.000 ya into African Negro Populations (L2):

and at about 60.000 ya into the rest of the world, say the ancestors of Muslims, a group of about 150 people wandering out of Africa (L3N). We ignore the other descendant lines. So for clarity we generalize 'inappropriately' and from now on we speak of 'Negroes' and 'Muslims' in the following:

About 40,000 ya a number of Muslim populations returned to North Africa from the Arabian Peninsula:

L2 (Negroes)
In 150,000 years a lot can happen with mtDNA. So from descendants of Eve (L) two major characteristics of mtDNA: L2 and L3 are linked to different genes in nuDNA.
L2 was linked to the majority of outbreeding Negro tribes in Equatorial Africa. These peoples were careless and joyful and chased genetic diversity all day long. Therefore they had little time to control their numerous kids which they did not even know by name. Much later in the evolution, they preferred to cut their daughters partly to pieces, in stead of caring for them for about 15 years what responsible parents would do but what is a big investment.
FGM likely started about 60.000 ya as punishment for adulterous females by painfully cutting out their clitoris and appeared very successful in turning down Eve-like aspirations. But at that adult age wounds are considerable and females were out of use for longer time, which was a waste of male's sexual lust. Then in history gradually they finished the job earlier to end with preventing future adulterous misbehavior in babies from 5 weeks old.
FGM has nothing to do with nowadays conscious rationalizations as woman hygiene, physical desirability or potential health risks for mother and children, especially during childbirth. One traditional belief is that if a male child’s head touches the clitoris during childbirth, the child will die.
The real reason is Negro fathers in that area are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void and I will tell you why:
In outbreeding Negro cultures fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their own daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslims do, who must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
But Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. Earlier they only wanted payment for their daughters in the form of two sheep and 5 chickens. Well, would you look after your daughter thoroughly for 15 years for some chickens? Then you might prefer to mutilate your baby daughter and cut out that terrible sexual lust you selfishly reserve for yourself.
But there is also a big difference in sexual taste. Some types of males do not care about the sex life of women. These males practice FGM in SM-dyad. For their part they also like a plastic doll.
But other and more civilized males have realized that a harmonious sex life with Vanilla-dyad-like interactions between partners gives much more pleasure and satisfaction, and as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. Besides, it is unbelievably cruel and completely immoral and off your nut to see women as animal objects. All this is a fundamental difference which slows down the aversion against FGM in Africa, what has to go still a long way to civilization...
African Negroes committing FGM never built anything of cultural value in evolution, invented nothing and only contributed to the overpopulation of the world. They always chose the easiest way out, were undisciplined and never concentrated.
They followed the sun and so they arrived in West Africa at the Atlantic ocean from where they had not the slightest idea of how to go further. It is a sad shoot on the tree of evolution, this FGM culture.
Negroes and Voodoo
African tribes believed in God, who lives in the parallel universe but they themselves reincarnated into the earthly universe. By the love of Jesus later humans were seduced also to reincarnate into the parallel universe. But for Muslims it is quite a different story for fear and hatred against Allah made it a curse, from Heaven to Hell.
Assumption 279: For Muslims the Sacrifice Feast unconsciously means the escape from Heaven in the parallel universe and permission to follow their basic instinct to reincarnate into the earthly universe.
In the time interval from 200,000 to 70,000 years ago tribal density in Sub-Saharan Africa increased.

Which led to more interbreeding by which the inbreeding instinct diluted and likely returned to the original outbreeding instinct:
Hence, the Negro population lost their inbreeding instinct. For simplicity, I ignore those Negroid tribes which nowadays still adhere inbreeding in Sub Sahara.
This means Negroes massively believed ancestors to reincarnate into outbred bodies (descendants not from inbreeding). And guess what, this, we see back in Voodoo:

Ancestral worshipping (earthly idols) is related with earthly reincarnation of these idols, who had also god projections into the afterlife. So, who speaks of ancestral worshipping and reincarnation must link both concepts in the first place:
Operant response: outbreeding, making outbred bodies
Worship of earthly idols - which mostly are the ghosts of deceased ancestors - is a form of worshipping gods. Then, Voodoo must be seen as polytheism. More gods means more free sexual roles, polytheism means genetic diversity and outbreeding.
Of course West African Peoples distinguished between body and soul, since the first likely moment of forming the concept of 'soul' in evolution is Homo habilis (1.5-2.4 Ma; 700cc):
Further, Voodooism sees the afterlife not with God in Heaven of the parallel universe. They always reincarnate on Earth.
Therefore and for thousands of years, Negroes remained immune for the monotheistic terror of Hell and Heaven of desert religions.
Summarizing, being Homo sapiens, Negro peoples were known with the concept of the parallel universe but never concluded that humans needed to reincarnate into there, and so they could not be blackmailed by desert religions.
Then we sketch the religious development of L2 populations in Eve's inbreeding scenario:
Negro populations L2:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies
Secondary* reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by
Operant response: outbreeding, making outbred bodies
Negroes rejected reincarnation into the parallel universe, because there was no need for since the parallel universe brought nothing new and they already lived forever in earthly reincarnation.
Assumption 191: Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe was that tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other hostile tribes on Earth.
Assumption 157: The balance of power between earthly and parallel reincarnation is determined by the beauty of women. Smaller tribes give a smaller choice of attractive women. Hence, smaller tribes cause a greater desire for the parallel universe. What means that tribal endogamy in rural areas leads to a greater demand for the parallel universe than ethnic and religious endogamy in big cities, in which the variety of attractive women increases enormously.
L3 (Muslims)

A very small group of East African individuals from L3 was about 150 persons strong. They carefullyh planned to leave Africa because of the dry climate.
They were 75 slender and not strongly built males. They were intelligent, persistent and concentrated on their goal. All were in their twenties and had captured also 75 young females from different tribes in the neighbourhood. The girls varied in age from 12 to 16 years of age. The DNA of the group was varied by females from different tribes, but males were of the same tribe. Their faith was inbreeding and incest from the male side and they thought to reincarnate into tribal descendants.
As a group they planned their journey out of Africa from East Africa thoroughly, about 50-60 thousand years ago. They were one of the last inbreeding cultures (L3) descending from Eve (L) and trying to escape the drought of Eastern Africa:
Muslims prior to Islam (Early Paradise culture)
As mentioned, the L3 pre-Muslim population did not upgrade to outbreeding but worshipped inbreeding like the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), but now they thought to reincarnate into tribal descendants in the earthly universe, since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc).
Their first problem was dry climate was the same in the Arabian Peninsula as in East Africa.

Their second problem was a lack of fresh juvenile females, since there were no other human beings in the dry desert of later Saudi Arabia.
Now they ran into serious difficulties. A group of 150 humans might survive though it is very risky. Here we see again how sexual culture changed - by the lack of fresh females - and how the first time derivative of the new inbreeding function gave information how to survive as tribal group of hunter-gatherers on the brink of developing as Bedouin tribes roaming through Saudi Arabia.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
Now they had to refine inbreeding with tribal females too, as far as possible to survive without too many autosomal recessive disorders. And after a very long time Muslims found the pot with gold of inbreeding, they found the right formula not to die out from inbreeding, just by practicing cousin marriages:
I think this small group must have interbred for many thousands of years. What means they did not split directly. And they must have got a lot of autosomal recessive disorders.
From their interbreeding program must have resulted a number of distinct families which formulated religious rules to accommodate the lack of fresh juvenile females in the future. Their religion swooped along the edge of the abyss of extinction, by the unavoidable but absurd crossing of members from the same family repeatedly. Only after a very long time arose more genetic variation.
Then the bigger group must have fallen apart and distinct families traveled throughout the world into Asia developing L3N&M. But some of them returned to North Africa and Europe with only L3N. Meanwhile they somehow were used to survive without too much fresh blood. Maybe this lack of fresh juvenile females is one of the reasons why they returned to Africa.

An important group of pre-Muslims remained as hunter-gatherers in later Saudi-Arabia forming the core of nowadays Muslim Bedouin cultures, which has been composed completely different by natural selection and will not assimilate with peoples in the rest of the world, which lost their inbreeding instinct long ago by outbreeding:
If there is a Muslim inbreeding instinct this must have been formed and settled before Muslim populations fanned out across Asia and North Africa from the Arabian Peninsula at 40,000 ya. This is because their spasmodic cousin marriage behavior is identical in the whole Muslim world and likely could not have arisen in the same way in so many places afterwards:
So the emergence of L3N would be the last opportunity to settle this collective instinct, which of course also could have been formed much earlier during Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc).
Important is the rigid Muslim culture likely did not move in 40,000 years since the epicenter is still in the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) where Muslim groups developed from hunter-gatherers to Bedouin tribes:
For Muslims we find the following operant conditioning:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies (religious rule)
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies (by instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
We know all animals have the same outbreeding instinct. So the Negro population after Eve (L) returned from the inbreeding culture of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) along Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) to the animal outbreeding instinct:
It is possible descendants of Eve already had the inbreeding instinct before the onset of L3. But it is certain that in case this inbreeding instinct really exists the last marker must be L3N at the Arabian Peninsula.
Female circumcision has been researched extensively by an array of social sciences including anthropologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians. A multiplicity of explanations have been offered to comprehend the practice including: social prestige, sacrifice to fertility gods, decreased sexual pleasure to prevent moral degeneration, tribal signs, tests for endurance, reincarnation, enhanced sexual performance and hygienic reasons. For many cultures the practice is often a symbol of tradition, distinction, enslavement and suppression.
Addendum II
The first roaming Out of Africa likely took place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9]. Muslims possibly went to North Africa directly along the Nile":
In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans, also called the "Out of Africa" theory (OOA), recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), replacement hypothesis or recent African origin model (RAO), is the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), which proposes a single area of origin for modern humans. According to this model, modern humans evolved in Africa and started to disperse through the world roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa was cited as the scientific consensus as of the mid-2000s.[1][2]
In the 2010s, the discovery of evidence of archaic admixture of modern humans outside of Africa with Neanderthals and Denisovans has complicated the picture.[5]As of 2011, it appears likely that there were two waves of migration out of Africa, the first taking place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9]which appears to have mostly died out or retreated (although there is some evidence of a presence of modern humans in China about 80,000 years ago),[10] and a second via the so-called Southern Route, following the southern coastline of Asia, which led to the lasting colonization of Eurasia and Australia by around 50,000 years ago. Europe was populated by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
There is widespread agreement in the scientific community concerning the African ancestry of haplogroup L3 (haplogroup N's parent clade).[11] However, whether or not the mutations which define haplogroup N itself first occurred within Asia or Africa has been a subject for ongoing discussion and study.[11]
Number Archive

Assumption 275: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a religious instrument of African cultures, which will likely develop into outbreeding societies, just because they are no notorious inbreeding cultures like Islam. But until now inbreeding cultures made much more progress in their outer layer of religious endogamy, where males and females have about the same rights to choose an Islamic partner.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.

The Myth of Paradise
Since the start of the inbreeding culture of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) the Myth of Paradise played a major role as initiation rite for maturing boys. In principle spoken language was not needed to clarify the dangers of adulterous females for tribal eternal identity.
Around the emerge of Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) humanlike creatures had enough brain capacity to grasp the idea of earthly reincarnation. This led to reincarnation into inbred bodies, as well as into outbred bodies.
And at the onset of Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc) the parallel universe was discovered, which competed with the earthly universe:
But now interactions arose which caused the Myth of Abraham to mess up with the Myth of Paradise:
Another more demographic effect was increasing tribal density caused tribal wars between different ethnicities. Groups of the same ethnicity went together under the heading of an overarching monotheistic God by the Myth of Abraham. This means the myth is also caused by increased tribal density.
In our view, increasing tribal density is one of the biggest causes of FGM. Tribal density in Egypt was obviously the highest of Africa in the the last 6000 years. But FGM did not originate there.
Assumption 278: About 40.000 years ago Homo sapiens (mtDNA = L3N) returned from the Arabian Peninsula and Europe to North Africa, where they developed as Berbers or Imazighen.
The inhabitants of the other Northern states are from mixed origin (Berbers or
Imazighen) and mostly not Negroid. Except Egypt, these states played no role in establishing FGM. They were not focused on Africa but more on states around the Mediterranean. Their most significant mtDNA marker is L3N (white), also for Egypt and partly for Ethiopia:

Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N (white). This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
Notice FGM (Method III) can be used unconsciously by experienced older women - who mostly cut the girls - to prevent inbreeding and incest of these immature and mature girls by their father, their uncles and brothers, and all other surrounding males, and this is no nonsense. Therefore FGM is also very useful in Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia, as notorious inbreeding cultures.
In our view FGM must have started in equatorial Africa, be it in a very primitive form of punishing adulterous females by cutting and removing their clitoris of course without anesthesia.
So, we cannot agree with the following:
So, we cannot agree with the following:
(See Addendum)
The practice of female genital mutilation/circumcision has dated back to ancient times. Female circumcision has existed for over 4,000-5,000 years originating in a period predating God’s covenant with Abraham to circumcise his people. The practice began in Egypt and was frequently performed by the ancient cultures of the Phoenicians, Hittites, and the ancient Egyptians. The idea was created based on the belief that the foreskin was the feminine part of the male and the clitoris the masculine part of the woman. The removal of extra tissue thereby circumvented sexual ambiguity.
The Homo sapiens evolution started with Negroid people in L0 and dispersed to the North of Africa:
Then it is more likely FGM in its most primitive form also started in equatorial and West Africa and migrated later to Egypt (6000 ya), than the other way around. Tribal density likely increased earlier in evolution in equatorial Africa. Therefore, FGM has nothing to do with Egypt in the first place.

In the genes of Eve (L) (Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400 cc) we find remnants of the old inbreeding instinct which goes back on the Homininae:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
But this primary reinforcing stimulus called genetic immortality was definitely exchanged with reincarnation at the emerge of Homo erectus (2 Mya; 900cc). This because, with reincarnation individuals lived forever:
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
And after the discovery of reincarnation, populations split into those believing in reincarnation into descendants from inbreeding (genetic monoculture) and from outbreeding (genetic diversity).
With outbreeding they would reincarnate into animals or just into the descendants of beautiful women of alien tribes:
Secondary* reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by outbreeding
(*) I prefer to keep 'Secondary' for earthly reincarnation and 'Tertiary' for parallel reincarnation.
(*) I prefer to keep 'Secondary' for earthly reincarnation and 'Tertiary' for parallel reincarnation.
To be complete the Homo sapiens population believed in reincarnation, in rebirth or in nothing at all:
This means Eve possibly used the operant response of inbreeding, consisting of making inbred bodies to receive reincarnation into tribal descendants.
But because the old inbreeding culture was split into inbreeding and outbreeding, also Eve had two choices. Then, we have to develop two scenarios:
1) Eve believed in reincarnation into descendants by inbreeding.
2) Eve believed in reincarnation into descendants by outbreeding.
3) Eve believed in rebirth or did not believe in the afterlife at all.
We ignore the last possibility for simplicity. So, we only develop reincarnation as top of the bill of human development. But being conservative we develop only the inbreeding variant, since this fits our scenario much better.
Eve's inbreeding variant
For the sake of simplicity let us suppose Eve still had the inbreeding instinct, since tribal density was very low 200.000 ya without much interbreeding. This means it was not yet diluted by outbreeding. Then, after 130.000 years her offspring apparently split at 70.000 ya into African Negro Populations (L2):

and at about 60.000 ya into the rest of the world, say the ancestors of Muslims, a group of about 150 people wandering out of Africa (L3N). We ignore the other descendant lines. So for clarity we generalize 'inappropriately' and from now on we speak of 'Negroes' and 'Muslims' in the following:

About 40,000 ya a number of Muslim populations returned to North Africa from the Arabian Peninsula:

L2 (Negroes)
In 150,000 years a lot can happen with mtDNA. So from descendants of Eve (L) two major characteristics of mtDNA: L2 and L3 are linked to different genes in nuDNA.
L2 was linked to the majority of outbreeding Negro tribes in Equatorial Africa. These peoples were careless and joyful and chased genetic diversity all day long. Therefore they had little time to control their numerous kids which they did not even know by name. Much later in the evolution, they preferred to cut their daughters partly to pieces, in stead of caring for them for about 15 years what responsible parents would do but what is a big investment.
FGM likely started about 60.000 ya as punishment for adulterous females by painfully cutting out their clitoris and appeared very successful in turning down Eve-like aspirations. But at that adult age wounds are considerable and females were out of use for longer time, which was a waste of male's sexual lust. Then in history gradually they finished the job earlier to end with preventing future adulterous misbehavior in babies from 5 weeks old.
FGM has nothing to do with nowadays conscious rationalizations as woman hygiene, physical desirability or potential health risks for mother and children, especially during childbirth. One traditional belief is that if a male child’s head touches the clitoris during childbirth, the child will die.
The real reason is Negro fathers in that area are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void and I will tell you why:
In outbreeding Negro cultures fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their own daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslims do, who must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
But Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. Earlier they only wanted payment for their daughters in the form of two sheep and 5 chickens. Well, would you look after your daughter thoroughly for 15 years for some chickens? Then you might prefer to mutilate your baby daughter and cut out that terrible sexual lust you selfishly reserve for yourself.
But there is also a big difference in sexual taste. Some types of males do not care about the sex life of women. These males practice FGM in SM-dyad. For their part they also like a plastic doll.
But other and more civilized males have realized that a harmonious sex life with Vanilla-dyad-like interactions between partners gives much more pleasure and satisfaction, and as a whole is more than the sum of its parts. Besides, it is unbelievably cruel and completely immoral and off your nut to see women as animal objects. All this is a fundamental difference which slows down the aversion against FGM in Africa, what has to go still a long way to civilization...
African Negroes committing FGM never built anything of cultural value in evolution, invented nothing and only contributed to the overpopulation of the world. They always chose the easiest way out, were undisciplined and never concentrated.
They followed the sun and so they arrived in West Africa at the Atlantic ocean from where they had not the slightest idea of how to go further. It is a sad shoot on the tree of evolution, this FGM culture.
Negroes and Voodoo
African tribes believed in God, who lives in the parallel universe but they themselves reincarnated into the earthly universe. By the love of Jesus later humans were seduced also to reincarnate into the parallel universe. But for Muslims it is quite a different story for fear and hatred against Allah made it a curse, from Heaven to Hell.
Assumption 279: For Muslims the Sacrifice Feast unconsciously means the escape from Heaven in the parallel universe and permission to follow their basic instinct to reincarnate into the earthly universe.
In the time interval from 200,000 to 70,000 years ago tribal density in Sub-Saharan Africa increased.

Which led to more interbreeding by which the inbreeding instinct diluted and likely returned to the original outbreeding instinct:
Hence, the Negro population lost their inbreeding instinct. For simplicity, I ignore those Negroid tribes which nowadays still adhere inbreeding in Sub Sahara.
This means Negroes massively believed ancestors to reincarnate into outbred bodies (descendants not from inbreeding). And guess what, this, we see back in Voodoo:
In this central core of voodoo worship is Loa (god, divine being, good spirit), Oracle, ancestral worship and reincarnation. Heaven and hell do not exist in Voodooism. Why?, In Voodoo they believe in reincarnation.

Ancestral worshipping (earthly idols) is related with earthly reincarnation of these idols, who had also god projections into the afterlife. So, who speaks of ancestral worshipping and reincarnation must link both concepts in the first place:
Operant response: outbreeding, making outbred bodies
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by outbreeding
Worship of earthly idols - which mostly are the ghosts of deceased ancestors - is a form of worshipping gods. Then, Voodoo must be seen as polytheism. More gods means more free sexual roles, polytheism means genetic diversity and outbreeding.
Of course West African Peoples distinguished between body and soul, since the first likely moment of forming the concept of 'soul' in evolution is Homo habilis (1.5-2.4 Ma; 700cc):
Further, Voodooism sees the afterlife not with God in Heaven of the parallel universe. They always reincarnate on Earth.
Therefore and for thousands of years, Negroes remained immune for the monotheistic terror of Hell and Heaven of desert religions.
Summarizing, being Homo sapiens, Negro peoples were known with the concept of the parallel universe but never concluded that humans needed to reincarnate into there, and so they could not be blackmailed by desert religions.
Then we sketch the religious development of L2 populations in Eve's inbreeding scenario:
Negro populations L2:
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by outbreeding
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Negroes rejected reincarnation into the parallel universe, because there was no need for since the parallel universe brought nothing new and they already lived forever in earthly reincarnation.
There is a big difference between outbreeding Negroes and inbreeding Muslims. In inbreeding cultures Muslims yearn to 72 virgins in Heaven (perpetual orgasm) as reward for a life full of forced copulation with their dull and ugly cousins:
For Muslims the afterworld is complicated:
Assumption 151: The power of religion lies in the enhanced contrast between earthly and heavenly satisfaction of sexuality. Only the manipulation of sexuality can influence its religious derivative.
Assumption 151: The power of religion lies in the enhanced contrast between earthly and heavenly satisfaction of sexuality. Only the manipulation of sexuality can influence its religious derivative.
Assumption 152: Islam is an endogamous inbreeding culture, offering a factually exogamous afterlife in heaven. A genetic monoculture on earth (Islam) flirts with genetic diversity in heaven (Christianity), where the latter must be seen as heaven on Earth. Jealousy led to the persecution of Christians, because their masochistic suffering is compatible with exogamic lust. And violent bloodlust and hatred discharged on Jews, because though their culture relied also on inbreeding and incest, their females were left free choice to exogamy as in the group of higher mammals.
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse. Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight into an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Assumption 191: Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe was that tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other hostile tribes on Earth.
Assumption 157: The balance of power between earthly and parallel reincarnation is determined by the beauty of women. Smaller tribes give a smaller choice of attractive women. Hence, smaller tribes cause a greater desire for the parallel universe. What means that tribal endogamy in rural areas leads to a greater demand for the parallel universe than ethnic and religious endogamy in big cities, in which the variety of attractive women increases enormously.
L3 (Muslims)

L3 is an mtDNA linked to the last tribes which inherited the inbreeding remnants of the nuDNA of Eve. These were systematic thinking African peoples, planning their journeys ahead and practicing genetic monoculture as a religion.
L3 is an mtDNA linked to the last tribes which inherited the inbreeding remnants of the nuDNA of Eve. These were systematic thinking African peoples, planning their journeys ahead and practicing genetic monoculture as a religion.
A very small group of East African individuals from L3 was about 150 persons strong. They carefullyh planned to leave Africa because of the dry climate.
Assumption 276: On leaving Africa inbreeding cultures likely entered a harsh desert like environment in the Levant or on the Arabian Peninsula, which changed sexual culture and religion dramatically. Desert life facilitated rigid cultures with order and regularity needed for inbreeding across generations. In later period increased tribal density caused to enlarge the number of inbred bodies to outnumber neighbouring hostile tribes with reincarnated ancestors. A regular society and the need for population growth were impetus for the notorious incubator farms of family semen which are still characteristic for nowadays Islam.
They were 75 slender and not strongly built males. They were intelligent, persistent and concentrated on their goal. All were in their twenties and had captured also 75 young females from different tribes in the neighbourhood. The girls varied in age from 12 to 16 years of age. The DNA of the group was varied by females from different tribes, but males were of the same tribe. Their faith was inbreeding and incest from the male side and they thought to reincarnate into tribal descendants.
As a group they planned their journey out of Africa from East Africa thoroughly, about 50-60 thousand years ago. They were one of the last inbreeding cultures (L3) descending from Eve (L) and trying to escape the drought of Eastern Africa:
Muslims prior to Islam (Early Paradise culture)
As mentioned, the L3 pre-Muslim population did not upgrade to outbreeding but worshipped inbreeding like the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), but now they thought to reincarnate into tribal descendants in the earthly universe, since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc).
Their first problem was dry climate was the same in the Arabian Peninsula as in East Africa.

Their second problem was a lack of fresh juvenile females, since there were no other human beings in the dry desert of later Saudi Arabia.
Now they ran into serious difficulties. A group of 150 humans might survive though it is very risky. Here we see again how sexual culture changed - by the lack of fresh females - and how the first time derivative of the new inbreeding function gave information how to survive as tribal group of hunter-gatherers on the brink of developing as Bedouin tribes roaming through Saudi Arabia.
Assumption 277: The last possible origin of cousin marriages lies in the Arabian Peninsula about 50,000 years ago, where first human families (mtDNA =L3N) could not exchange fresh juvenile females with other tribes and desperately had to find new formulas to exchange females within just a few families. This measure from the time derivative of sexual culture might have become instinctive 'religion' for Muslims.
Assumption 280: Three elements likely caused the emergence of the Muslim instinct, which is male as well as female kin bonded in nuDNA to inbreeding and incest. This mutational abnormality is unprecedented in other inbreeding cultures, which are only bonded in the male lineage and where females are refreshed completely every generation (chimps, bonobos, Australopithecus africanus, Neanderthals and Aboriginals). This can be seen from mtDNA which is the same for males but different for females, which also have different nuDNA:
1: Inbreeding promotes tribal identity by genetic immortality in descendants since the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc), the primal human-creature religion. Tribal identity revives in Muslim cultures in Western society today. Tribal identity is male and female kin bonded.
2: And since Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) inbreeding also promotes the earthly reincarnation of Muslim fathers into descendants of their children.
3: And last but not least on the Arabian Peninsula (50 ka; 1400cc; mtDNA L3N) inbreeding was the only way to survive without the possibility to exchange fresh juvenile females. Nowadays perpetuation of this behavior despite adequate fresh juvenile females indicates an inbreeding-instinct mutation.
In the Arabian Peninsula, 50 thousand years ago, there were no other people and there was no central public administration and therefore these 150 pioneers lost track of juvenile descendants of the group. Likely sub-tribes fanned out across the Peninsula in a very early stage and did not keep track on each other. They must have built a symbolic wall around their own subgroup (endogamous tribal mantle) and let no uncontrolled females escape to other groups. So, they must have developed their notoriously hostile relations among Bedouin tribes already in an early stage of evolution.
I think this small group must have interbred for many thousands of years. What means they did not split directly. And they must have got a lot of autosomal recessive disorders.
From their interbreeding program must have resulted a number of distinct families which formulated religious rules to accommodate the lack of fresh juvenile females in the future. Their religion swooped along the edge of the abyss of extinction, by the unavoidable but absurd crossing of members from the same family repeatedly. Only after a very long time arose more genetic variation.
Then the bigger group must have fallen apart and distinct families traveled throughout the world into Asia developing L3N&M. But some of them returned to North Africa and Europe with only L3N. Meanwhile they somehow were used to survive without too much fresh blood. Maybe this lack of fresh juvenile females is one of the reasons why they returned to Africa.

An important group of pre-Muslims remained as hunter-gatherers in later Saudi-Arabia forming the core of nowadays Muslim Bedouin cultures, which has been composed completely different by natural selection and will not assimilate with peoples in the rest of the world, which lost their inbreeding instinct long ago by outbreeding:
If there is a Muslim inbreeding instinct this must have been formed and settled before Muslim populations fanned out across Asia and North Africa from the Arabian Peninsula at 40,000 ya. This is because their spasmodic cousin marriage behavior is identical in the whole Muslim world and likely could not have arisen in the same way in so many places afterwards:
So the emergence of L3N would be the last opportunity to settle this collective instinct, which of course also could have been formed much earlier during Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc).
Important is the rigid Muslim culture likely did not move in 40,000 years since the epicenter is still in the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia) where Muslim groups developed from hunter-gatherers to Bedouin tribes:
For Muslims we find the following operant conditioning:
Operant response: inbreeding, making inbred bodies (by instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
We know all animals have the same outbreeding instinct. So the Negro population after Eve (L) returned from the inbreeding culture of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) along Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) to the animal outbreeding instinct:
It is possible descendants of Eve already had the inbreeding instinct before the onset of L3. But it is certain that in case this inbreeding instinct really exists the last marker must be L3N at the Arabian Peninsula.
Addendum I
Female Genital Mutilation Circumcision Womens Rights Abuse Islam Tribal Customs
History of Female Genital Mutilation:
The practice of female genital mutilation/circumcision has dated back to ancient times. Female circumcision has existed for over 4,000-5,000 years originating in a period predating God’s covenant with Abraham to circumcise his people. The practice began in Egypt and was frequently performed by the ancient cultures of the Phoenicians, Hittites, and the ancient Egyptians. The idea was created based on the belief that the foreskin was the feminine part of the male and the clitoris the masculine part of the woman. The removal of extra tissue thereby circumvented sexual ambiguity.
The practice of female circumcision soon migrated to the Red Sea coastal tribes and the Arab traders and then eventually to eastern Sudan. Today the practice has barely waned in some of the modern day Moslim and African civilizations and with the increase of migrants from such areas; the primitive tradition has reached the coasts of America, Europe, Australia and Canada. It is estimated that over 120 million women have undergone the procedure worldwide and that between 4 and 5 million cases of female genital mutilation occur annually in infant girls and women.
Female circumcision has been researched extensively by an array of social sciences including anthropologists, psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians. A multiplicity of explanations have been offered to comprehend the practice including: social prestige, sacrifice to fertility gods, decreased sexual pleasure to prevent moral degeneration, tribal signs, tests for endurance, reincarnation, enhanced sexual performance and hygienic reasons. For many cultures the practice is often a symbol of tradition, distinction, enslavement and suppression.
Several justifications have been extended by cultures for which the practice is prevalent including the custom of preserving their cultural identity by continuing the practice; controlling women’s sexuality by reducing their sexual fulfillment; religious duty and doctrine; and social pressure in which the community creates an environment in which the practice becomes a requirement for social acceptance. In a news report “Egyptian Court allows Female Circumcision” Egyptian Sheik Yusef Badry stated to the Toronto Globe in 1997, “It’s our religion. We pray, we do fasting, we do circumcision. For 14 centuries of Islam, our mothers and grandmothers have performed this operation. Those who are not circumcised get AIDS easily.”
Although female genital mutilations have been documented in a variety of faiths, including Christians, Muslims and Jews, some supporters of the Islamic faith claim that FGM is required practice. Yet scholars and theologians of Islam assert that female circumcision is not approved by their religious doctrines or any other religion. Theologians furthermore emphasize that in many major Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Pakistan, the procedure is almost never performed. Most of the African tribes that do perform this “operation,” believe that the excision is a custom decreed by their ancestors and must be upheld under all circumstances and as such represents a peace of mind. Sadly, FGM is a barbaric act yet is still viewed as the core prerequisite to matrimony, status and acceptance.
There a still some debate about Out of Africa:
The first roaming Out of Africa likely took place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9]. Muslims possibly went to North Africa directly along the Nile":
In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans, also called the "Out of Africa" theory (OOA), recent single-origin hypothesis (RSOH), replacement hypothesis or recent African origin model (RAO), is the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens), which proposes a single area of origin for modern humans. According to this model, modern humans evolved in Africa and started to disperse through the world roughly 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Recent single origin of modern humans in East Africa was cited as the scientific consensus as of the mid-2000s.[1][2]
The major competing hypothesis of "recent single origin" has been the multiregional origin of modern humans, which envisions a wave of Homo sapiens migrating earlier from Africa and interbreeding with local Homo erectus populations in multiple regions of the globe.[3][4]
In the 2010s, the discovery of evidence of archaic admixture of modern humans outside of Africa with Neanderthals and Denisovans has complicated the picture.[5]As of 2011, it appears likely that there were two waves of migration out of Africa, the first taking place between 130,000–115,000 years ago via northern Africa,[6][7][8][9]which appears to have mostly died out or retreated (although there is some evidence of a presence of modern humans in China about 80,000 years ago),[10] and a second via the so-called Southern Route, following the southern coastline of Asia, which led to the lasting colonization of Eurasia and Australia by around 50,000 years ago. Europe was populated by an early offshoot which settled the Near East and Europe (post-Toba hypothesis).[11][12]
See also: Toba catastrophe theory
The dating of the Southern Dispersal is a matter of dispute.[28] It may have happened either pre- or post-Toba, a catastrophic volcanic eruption that took place between 69,000 and 77,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba. Stone tools discovered below the layers of ash disposed in India may point to a pre-Toba dispersal, but the exact source of these tools is disputed.[28]
There is widespread agreement in the scientific community concerning the African ancestry of haplogroup L3 (haplogroup N's parent clade).[11] However, whether or not the mutations which define haplogroup N itself first occurred within Asia or Africa has been a subject for ongoing discussion and study.[11]
The out of Africa hypothesis has gained generalized consensus. However, many specific questions remain unsettled. To know whether the two M and N macrohaplogroups that colonized Eurasia were already present in Africa before the exit is puzzling.
Torroni et al. 2006 state that Haplogroups M, N and R occurred somewhere between East Africa and the Persian Gulf.[12]
Also related to the origins of haplogroup N is whether ancestral haplogroups M, N and R were part of the same migration out of Africa, or whether Haplogroup N left Africa via the Northern route through the Levant, and M left Africa via Horn of Africa. This theory was suggested because haplogroup N is by far the predominant haplogroup in Western Eurasia, and haplogroup M is absent in Western Eurasia, but is predominant in India and is common in regions East of India. However, the mitochondrial DNA variation in isolated "relict" populations in southeast Asia and among Indigenous Australians supports the view that there was only a single dispersal from Africa. Southeast Asian populations and Indigenous Australians all possess deep rooted clades of both haplogroups M and N.[10] The distribution of the earliest branches within haplogroups M, N, and R across Eurasia and Oceania therefore supports a three-founder-mtDNA scenario and a single migration route out of Africa.[13] These findings also highlight the importance of Indian subcontinent in the early genetic history of human settlement and expansion.[14]
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