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Monday, 13 February 2017

(151) The Muslim incrowd syndrome

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The Muslim incrowd syndrome is nothing new. It has astonished Western society already for a thousand years because of its brute autistic attitude to other cultures. Without any self-knowledge Muslims think to be better than other people. This also happens with other desert religions, but c'est le ton qui fait la musique:

In the case of the Muslim culture we notice something really dramatic. Nowhere their psychotic worldview matches reality. Their culture is based on cultural schizophrenia, not able to see real relations between peoples. In their behavior regularly they act as cultural psychopaths killing unbelievers. In 1400 years they invented nothing by themselves, all wisdom has been stolen from other and earlier cultures. They survived by murder and plunder of wealthy nations, suffocating other cultures by blowing up their monuments of art - until the present day - which they themselves enviously are not capable to build.

They are stuck to the past by something, but what is it?  I always wondered what binds them to antiquity. The only way to grasp their terrible culture is by postulating an unconscious instinct. Laying a completely new foundation under the Muslim entity. This has been accomplished by this blog. It is unconventional but offers another way of looking at the Muslim culture. Unfortunately, this not makes things better.

There must be something Muslims don't realize themselves, something which apparently can be analyzed only by them not hampered by this burden. In our view this unaware instinct might already have been founded in tribal endogamy by the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). But more likely is Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) because of the invention of reincarnation. And it definitely must have settled on the Arabian Peninsula 50,000 years ago:

Specifically, it can be called the inbreeding instinct. But that's not quite correct since its range is much wider. The inbreeding instinct is just the visible part - by cousin marriages - of a chilling proximity instinct to stick together under the umbrella of a suffocating tribal mantle. The Muslim incrowd syndrome:

This new approach to the Muslim culture processes five stages, which are inextricably linked, because the core of the Muslim issue is they cannot forget earlier religious phases; for example they cannot forget about earthly reincarnation because this is the best reinforcing stimulus of inbreeding ever in the evolution:

Operant responseinbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant responseinbreeding, making inbred bodies (religious rule, instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
Operant responseinbreeding, making inbred bodies (cousin marriages, instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding 
Tertiary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the parallel universe

These are the successive stages of religious development in humans:

Look below how Muslims are still sweeping all previous religions in a heap:

This created an intricate tangle of types of religion that led to a toxic and schizophrenic cocktail, full of contradiction in the Koran and utterly illogical to others:

Compare this to Christianity, embraced by outbred cultures with an already diluted inbreeding instinct. Christianity easily made an orthogonal projection on the horrible Myth of Paradise and neglected inbreeding and incest completely:

To cure the Muslim culture our remedy would take 20 generations of forced interbreeding with outbred cultures what would be very detrimental to Western society. This is the only way to the dilution of the inbreeding instinct and the removal of the Muslim incrowd syndrome. 

But as mentioned earlier assimilation of Muslims into Western culture is impossible without their renunciation of Islam. And even then they still have a genetic history of 7 million years character deformation by natural selection. So in the short term forced interbreeding will be a mess causing civil war and World War III:

Closed and open societies

We will recapitulate the five fundamental stages of the Muslim evolution to show its integral development, in order to let us lose any hope these people can be changed within considerable time.

Genetic diversity is the rule of survival in the animal world. It is called the outbreeding instinct belonging to an open exogamous society. Without outbreeding species would have died out:

Genetic monoculture is called the inbreeding instinct belonging to a closed society. The inbreeding instinct originates from the Alpha male of higher mammals living in groups together:

In the basic Alpha male model it is well known inbreeding comes from males and outbreeding from females. In the Alpha male model they found a compromise:

The reason why Muslims will not assimilate in Western society lies in the fact that both instincts cannot go together if they do not merge. Muslims always form an in-crowd group while Western people adhere freedom of sexual bonds. From this reasoning there can be just one solution which is named Chrislam:

But this only can be attained by civil war.

Resuming in five steps all incrowd behavior of the three Paradise cultures which points into the same direction of male terror and inbreeding.

The first step

- The first step was forced by bipedals which left the trees but lost contact with other groups and were unable to exchange juvenile females. This bolstered Alpha male inbreeding behavior in males (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)). And only groups which succeeded in reaching other groups to exchange or capture females survived. Notice, this is still mainly the original patrilineal descent with fresh females with different mtDNA and nuDNA added:

The second step

- The second step was the development of Australopithecine religion to enforce inbreeding as kind of tribal identity, called 'genetic immortality in descendants by inbreeding (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)):

Operant responseinbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding

Now females were forced to 'marry' within the tribe to promote a saturated form of genetic immortality but if needed juvenile females were exchanged to prevent too many autosomal recessive disorders:

Because of genetic immortality in the male lineage an initiation rite called: the Myth of Paradise was invented to fend off alien males from other tribes:

The third step

- The third step was the invention of earthly reincarnation by which ancestors reincarnated into inbred bodies (Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc)):

Operant responseinbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant responseinbreeding, making inbred bodies (religious rule, instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding

Unwilling tribal members were honor killed:

The fourth step

- The fourth step was the journey Out of Africa to the Arabian Peninsula, where pre-Muslims with mtDNA L3N had to invent the very clever system of cousin marriages in all gradations to survive as a group without many possibilities to exchange juvenile females with other groups. This was the last station for pre-Muslims to develop their characteristic inbreeding instinct, or broader their Muslim incrowd syndrome. Because, after this episode Muslims fanned across the world showing everywhere the same inbreeding behavior:

The fifth step:

All this combined resulted in an incrowd society which refused to mingle more than absolutely necessary with other peoples. Their incrowd instinct covers the whole evolution from the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) until the very present day. 

In the third Paradise culture (Islam) they unconsciously rejected the parallel universe in favor of earthly reincarnation:

Operant responseinbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring by inbreeding
Operant responseinbreeding, making inbred bodies (religious rule, instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding
Operant responseinbreeding, making inbred bodies (cousin marriages, instinct)
Secondary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the (earthly) universe by inbreeding 
Tertiary reinforcing stimulusreincarnation into the parallel universe

This incrowd instinct can be observed very well by cousin marriages all over the world in Muslim peoples. It definitely must be an instinct, since with the abundance of available females, cousin marriages are not needed anymore:

We rejected socio-economic grounds as reason for cousin marriages. This cannot explain the horrible atrocities as honor killings and acid attack on daughters. But we can agree socio-economic grounds are the spin-off of the inbreeding instinct:

It is true Muslims practice a form of semi-outbreeding within their religious endogamous mantle. But their inbreeding instinct has not been diluted because they only breed with Muslims. This especially for Arab Muslims.

In the outer mantle of religious endogamy a lot of pockets of tribal endogamy are still present and their numbers are rising:

By definition Muslims cannot assimilate without rejecting Islam, so they might integrate which means they follow the law, but never they will assimilate as a group:



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