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Monday, 27 February 2017

(155) The Melania Trump effect

Basic Dimension


With a shocking recitation of 'The Lord's prayer' in the Trump rally at Orlando Melbourne airport (Florida), Melania Trump has put a decisive step to the recovery of Christianity from the deadly assault of Marxist nihilism in the sixties of last century. 

America still has the chance which Europe has lost 40 years ago. So, wake up Christianity and throw your masochistic shackles away before it's too late.

For Europe it is way too late. The EU has ruined the cultures of the nation states, and is now replacing them with the endogamous cores of Islam:

Assumption 196: The measure of religion is group permeability seen in integration, assimilation and segregation:

Dynamics between Islam and Christianity

It is implied by our philosophy of human religion that Christianity is involved in a deadly sexual embrace with Islam. It is a sado-masochistic embrace in which both will drown in a vortex of sexual orgy:

In Western Europe humiliated Christianity actively seeks masochistic submission to Islam. Notice, it are mostly feminist women in top positions propagating this disease. They are unconsciously yearning to sexual domination by real men in SM-dyad, sick of Vanilla-dyad of Christianity:

Assumption 283: Policor. 
Policor is a worldwide movement to undermine Western culture. Nowadays representatives are the EU, the globalists and the Democratic Party of the United States. Policor started with Romanticism (Rousseau) as built-in movement of the Enlightenment. The latter failed to formulate rules to discriminate between cultures, on which Romanticism judged all cultures equal and equivalent. In fact, the Enlightenment gave the impulse to the destruction of Christianity. In the twentieth century the Frankfurter Schule proclaimed the destruction of Western culture, followed by Marxist relativism or - nihilism. Later on 'all cultures are equal and equivalent' culminated into multiculturalism. The underlying idea was to establish a world government of globalists which could benefit from an army of cheap laborers (deplorables, irredeemables). Hillary Clinton is the latest representative of American policor. To accelerate the destruction of Western culture the EU destroyed the Nation States of Europe and negated democracy. Eurocrats call democracy: 'populism'. A further goal is to set up refugee flows to erase the identity of the European culture. Policor attracts criminals, fraud and corruption and consists of sexual deviant groups which find in Islam a shining example.

Policor (political correctness):

'Rape, unwanted touch the bottom in the cafĂ© or sexual remarks at work are not just women's problems. Men also need to take a clear stand against it', says minister Jet Bussemaker. (...) 'Not only do women have to set a limit, even men need to set the standard and clear and loud reject violence against women ', said Bussemaker against NU.nl.'

'Men have an important role to talk to other men if something cannot be tolerated,' said Bussemaker. 'Otherwise, only women are the victims and males only are the perpetrators. Women get over the feeling of not being heard'.
The minister said rape and violence against women are issues that have been brought under attention by the assaults in Cologne. Victims and witnesses stated earlier the perpetrators were from North African or Arab descent.
According Bussemaker we must recognize Arab culture and Islam give women a different position than we do in the West. "That should we dare to call," said Bussemaker. "But this is a global problem that occurs in all cultures and in all walks of life, including in the Netherlands."

Are you kidding?

Latent lesbian feminists 

What really changed in our culture is women's suffrage in which 50 % of voters found no connection any longer with the homosexual clergy. Women's Western society of Bussemaker was a loose women's culture, liberated by contraception, equivalent to men and lacking any sense of spiritual values.

Also males ended individualistic and it did not matter anymore if next door woman was raped. After all, what values did they share? In multiculturalism it was every man for himself and God for us all.

In Western culture, women conquered power and felt no longer attached to the homosexual clergy. But deep in them craved the desire for the real Alpha male, the polygamous heterosexual God from the animal kingdom

And let Islam now be an exact copy of animal religion:

Feminists like Bussemaker put the sadistic component of Islam on the throne of Western masochistic culture, under the guise of multiculturalism, right into the endogamous core. Women like Bussemaker, Halsema, Vogelaar, Merkel and Mogherini were unconsciously zealous for SM-dyad as a new center of culture:


In 1991 rape was abolished within marriage in the Netherlands. A bill for artificial insemination waited for application. It was the blow for the SM-dyad. Latent lesbian feminists had won. The homosexual clergy was already banned in the sixties. Since, lesbian feminists simply did not grasp how it worked.  And by the anti-conception pill women were equal to men. Acquired women's suffrage supplemented with a proportion of masochistic Christian males gave them the majority in parliament and so Western culture went down into a free fall.

Forced tongue kissing and such innocuous was dismissed with years of prison for rape. Then take just a sex dollIn a radical change of direction SM-dyad was exchanged for Vanilla-dyad. 

It was the period of the forced fore- and after play proclaimed by the NVSH (Dutch Society for Sexual Reform) where at the same time the eight-year-old daughter learned her first lessons in the parental bed.

And then afterwards, not to forget the insipid cuddling with that worthless sherry. Many marriages were on the rocks with divorces on the assembly line. Males went on like beasts. At the office, that is.

But later, females were not charmed of the Vanilla-dyad anymore because it is not natural. And for males having to ask for sex on fixed times is an aggravation of already obliged shopping. Also women missed to be pounced in a daze: Hop, the kids outside and then presto, I cook meanwhile by. 

For yeah, also half a lesbian feminist wants sometimes be fucked hard into her ass and so it was that Western women unconsciously started looking for a more solid meal than that slouch bite there on the bench.

Then her eye fell on 'black hair sprayed from all its orifices' and he did exactly what Christian males also wanted but were not allowed anymore. He embodied the SM-dyad at its best, jummy, assaulting and raping the screaming and yelling females.

 Drool ran from her mouth.

Feminists talked shame with lust. But a new religion was born. Policor is the unconscious struggle for real men, for the Alpha male. Policor is an effeminate religion, even for effeminate males. It is no better than Christianity, even worse. Religion is a form of sexuality.

Sexual crisis now also in America

In the United States the disorder is full blown found in sexually fascinated females of the Hollywood jet set who have never experienced real life situations. Lastly Meryll Streep was crying bitter tears against president Trump from her own inner world, since she never was really interested in the disabled, as aptly pointed out by Kellyanne Conway. And in Europe the major representative of this sick movement of sexually unsatisfied women is Federica Mogherini, next to Angela Merkel, next to all horny yearning females in top positions:


Federica Mogherini (born 16 June 1973) is an Italian politician and the current High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission in the Juncker Commission since 1 November 2014.

Mogherini was Italy's Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation from 21 February 2014 until 31 October 2014 in the centre-left Cabinet of Matteo Renzi.

She is a member of the Italian Democratic Party and the Party of European Socialists.

Mogherini attended the Sapienza University of Rome where she studied Political Science graduating with a Diploma in Political Philosophy with a thesis entitled "Relationship between religion and politics in Islam", which she wrote whilst on the Erasmus programme at Aix-en-Provence, France.

A member of the Italian Communist Youth Federation from 1988, in 1996 Mogherini joined the Youth Left after the dissolution of the Italian Communist Party before its transformation into a social democratic party.

Mogherini married Matteo Rebesani; they have two daughters.


Federica Mogherini (EU) is presented as a mere representative of Marxist nihilism, aiming to destroy the cultures of the nation states. Just like the EU she has the absurd illusion a new homogeneous European culture of laborers will be created automatically, dominated by a new endogamic core:

Like Hillary Clinton this is what Mrs Mogherini really means:

But we have witnessed the first sign of the Melania Trump effect: The resurrection of Christianity without its sick and insane masochism:


Federica Mogherini

Mogherini's basic statement about Islam is as follows:

“Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe’s history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe’s present and future. Like it or not, this is the reality. ( . . .) With the European project, after World War II, not only we accepted diversity: we expressed a Desire for diversity to be a core feature of our Union.”

“We need to show some humble respect for diversity. Diversity is the core feature of our European history, and it is our strength. ( . . .) For this reason I am not afraid to say that political Islam should be part of the picture.”

'Like it or not, this is the reality.'

Firstly, note how Ms. Mogherini portrays Muslim mass immigration as a fait accompli, where we demonstrated earlier how Marxist nihilism has given rise to and partly caused this demographic disaster.

It is absolutely clear Ms. Mogherini has Islam in mind as our new European predominant endogamous culture:

Cultural Marxism cut out the endogamous heart of Europe:

Secondly, Ms. Mogherini incidentally makes a perfect analysis of European culture:

Indeed because the desire for diversity can be seen as the primal trait of genetic diversity of European peoples, manifested earlier in imperialism and colonialism.

It's what we call the complete permeability of the exogamous mantle of European culture: 

But now, because it is no longer possible to export this imperial lust to the colonies, Europe has no other choice than to import genetic diversity from abroad.

But how come the exogamous lust of European nations broke loose apparently without control? That is not an inevitable process as Ms. Mogherini wants us to believe, but is the fault of the Marxist nihilism.

The march through the institutions

The Frankfurter Schule was a cultural Marxist movement aiming to destroy the endogamous core of Western culture, especially Christianity. 
This destruction was necessary to build international socialism in Western society. Their intent was depillarization or deconfessionalization.

In the sixties of the last century nihilistic Marxism started 'the march through the institutions' to overthrow the established order. They succeeded, but instead of setting cultural Marxism as a new endogamic core:

they created nothing new, namely cultural relativism in the mantle. Look how gorgeous they brought Western culture to its multidimensional disruption, however without the promised renewal, simply because they did not understand to be nothing more than an instrument to destruction of this exogamous culture:

Actually the march cut out the heart of Western culture and destroyed the second god: the endogamous homosexual clergy: 

Depillarization resulted into cultural nihilism and cultural relativism. Western culture without its endogamous Christian heart was unprecedented and collapsed into puberty. Now it had to stand on its own as a teenager.

Marxism offered not the slightest endogamous depth and has not been able to replace Christianity. Western culture never realized how much it has been uprooted as a group without Christianity and policor was rudderless searching for a new identity.

Enlightenment and Christianity

In the eighteenth century the Western world has chosen for the Enlightenment of 
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. And in a lengthy process of ages the Enlightenment got more and more influence on the endogamous heart at the expense of the sadistic Christian church:

But what really happened in the twentieth century was Marxists expelled the Christian church from the center of power in the Netherlands. Only the Enlightenment remained in the endogamous core. The Enlightenment, which found no rules to discriminate between groups on which Romanticism (Marxism) judged all cultures equal (multiculturalism). But now Western culture was in big trouble:

Federica Mogherini:

Inclusiveness can be the key to our success – both when we talk foreign policy and when we deal with our home affairs. ( . . .) We need to pass a cultural message, to lay the basis for our political message: any attempt to divide the peoples of Europe into ‘us’ and ‘them’ brings us in the wrong direction. The migrants and us. The Muslims and us. The Jews and us, as anti-Semitism has not been defeated at all The ‘other’ and us. We learnt from our history that we all are someone else’s ‘other’. The fear of the other can only lead us to new conflicts.”

In Marxist nihilism the ideological distinction between cultures disappeared, after which the T- cells turned against all kinds of racist movements: 

But 'no discrimination among cultures' automatically means losing itself as a group, as a cultural entity. Better replace Christianity by a new endogamous core to protect European culture against Islamic terror. Time is running out...

As said with the expulsion of the authoritarian Christian church immediately we see the problem of the Western group of higher mammals in the last century. This is because they placed the exogamous mantle into their endogamous core. Now they had chosen Jesus in the mantle AND in the core:

Choosing 'all people are equivalent' as the new endogamic core, coming from Enlightenment, has been an extremely dangerous mistake, because now tension between the core and the mantle was gone:

Assumption 207: In a healthy group, there exists a tension between the endogamous core and the exogamous mantle. If one of them is missing the culture must be sick. Seen in evolutionary perspective, Western culture lacks its endogamous heart and Islamic culture has no exogamous mantle, hence both must be regarded as religious cultures on the verge of extinction.

The core lost its power over the mantle and the group of higher mammals degenerated to an uncontrolled collection of atheistic individuals eager for promiscuous genetic diversity

And exactly that happened after Western culture expelled the Christian church from its endogamous core and that's why Europe fell prey to the super sadism of Islam.

With the march through the institutions, at that historical moment, policor extradited Christianity to Islam, which became the new endogamous heart of Western culture.

But think about it, authoritarian Christianity was completed and rejected, only Islam had the power to save the Western exogamous shell from a total collapse. So it was felt unconsciously.

What means the greedily gobbling of the atrocities of Islam was no expression of cultural relativism or multiculturalism, but rather a desperate return to the laws of the group, which prescribe a forced interaction between the lost endogamous core and its exogamous mantle:

So, the basic error in Western culture is a wrong interpretation of the teachings of Jesus: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself'. This only works in completely exogamous cultures, where people respect each other in equivalence: the principle of mutuality:

Unfortunately, nowadays Christians (policor) are sick masochistic believers subjecting themselves with the ass up to every sadistic ruler (Islam) sent by God.

Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemiesbless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

Full exogamy completely freed almost all sexual roles from the sexual dictatorship of monotheism, and plunged the semi-polytheistic Christianity into the atheistic polytheism of BDSM. And Muslims were right, because for them Western culture changed into Sodom and Gomorrah which desperately needed a new endogamic heart.

The rise of Policor

In the Netherlands, Article 1 of the constitution came into effect in 1983
In this new law Policor (Political Correctness: former left wing Christians but now Marxist communists) protected Islam - known as the world's most discriminating religion - against religious discrimination. Muslims were allowed to slaughter their daughters in our backyard:

Policor unconsciously knew the only endogamous force able to replace Christianity was the even stronger sadistic Islam. 

For that reason, Western culture imported Islam massively in the fourth quarter of the last century:

Assumption 243: The cause of Chrislam:
On the sexual dimension Christianity always is a weaker religion than Islam, because the homosexual clergy of Christianity is only the second God of the animal world, arrogantly representing itself as deputy of the first on earth. As we know the first God is the masculine and polygamous heterosexual Alpha male who was left behind in the animal world. Of course Muslim males will reject homosexuality as their God. They still worship inbreeding and incest of the Alpha male and that's why Islam will always win from Christianity. Moreover, Christianity is nothing more than the masochistic counterpart of sadistic Islam. Hence, on the instinctive dimension, the SM-dyad will always defeat Vanilla-dyad. That's because the latter is only prosthesis for the real sexual instinct. Therefore we see the murder of Marxist nihilism on the homosexual clergy of Christianity automatically created a vacuum for the heterosexual God of Islam. Marxism nihilism accidentally created Chrislam.

Unaware of looking for a new religious endogamous core, policor suggested every effort to capture the endogamous heart of Islam. But they really thought they treated Islam the same as other religions under their multicultural exogamous mantle.

And so, as alleged multiculturalism, Islamic absolutism was imported right into the heart of Western culture. For in that era, choosing authoritarian absolutism (of Islam) was at odds with the prevailing cultural flow of total democracy and relativism.

And that's why multiculturalism unwittingly turned into the masochistic squirm with ass up for a gruesome and sadistic Islamic ruler. This sadistic tyrant was absolutely needed to let our masochistic culture retrieve its counterweight. This is because two points are needed to draw a straight line. 

Determinatio negatio est (Spinoza 1647). Determination is negation. In order to be determined, in order to exist as a particular entity, it is necessary to ignore the opposite. So, existence is to deny the opposite. Everything that exists in the world (masochism) requires for its existence also the existence of its opposite (sadism). The direction in space of masochism is determined by sadism as the line between two points.

Islam occupied the empty place of the homosexual clergy to peace and salvation of policor, who sacrificed the empty shell of exogamous Western culture to a sadistic mass murderer.

But a major determinant of the emergence of Chrislam is women's emancipation in Western culture. Because it was women, who instinctively did not acknowledge sexual superiority of the homosexual clergy:

Assumption 246: In the exogamous mantle (sexuality) of Christianity, women project themselves in Jesus as personification of 'other sexual roles'which includes male homosexuality as a second God. But in nature, women have an anti-projection on the endogamous core (religion)on the first sexual God, well known as male heterosexuality. That follows SM-dyad. But in current sick religion of Christianity homosexuality plays a major role, both in the endogamous core (homosexual clergy) as in the exogamous mantle (Jesus), making Christianity fall under Vanilla-dyadBut the latter is only prosthesis on the sexual instinct and women have no instinctive relation with male homosexuality. Which means in evolution Christianity will return to SM-dyad, to Chrislam and women's emancipation will drag sadistic Allah into Europe.

The travesty of the Schengen agreement

Because the core disappeared in Western society, it dissolves in atheism and individualism. There is no group any more:

Western culture is like a faded flower falling apart just as the Roman Empire. What was already evident by the elimination of all borders by the Schengen agreement.
Schengen writes the necrology of European culture. This is the end stage of exogamy, complete permeability of the mammal group. Now the body will be killed by an invasion of parasites and by a flow of fortune seekers from all directions which engulf Europe, helped by the insane bombardments on Muslim states by NATO:

Once European culture has bled to death it will be overrun by Islamic hordes:

This is the end stage of exogamy, complete permeability of a mammal group:

Schengen writes the necrology of European culture.

Western culture, too long profited of Christianity and meanwhile forgot to formulate an exogamic core more realistic than the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment, which found no means to discriminate between groups on which Romanticism (Marxism) judged all cultures equal (multiculturalism). That's the real Dutch tragedy of the last 50 years.

For Western culture, it seems the only way to regain power and to rebuild its culture is a new endogamous core that distinguishes between peopleBut that is anathema to the Enlightenment and comes down to 'racism'. Hence, as long as the Enlightenment is the current endogamous core this will not happen. That's the dilemma of Western society. Because of this impasse civil war seems inevitable.

That's why Geert Wilders has to fight Islamic culture instead of Muslims. So, there is only one hypothetical wormhole through which the exogamous Western culture can escape and 
not to be slaughtered by the endogamous core of Islamic hatred.  

But of course, this is dancing on the edge of the volcano. There only needs to be done little to address the aggression against Muslims themselves, because this difference is only artificially applied to formulate a wormhole in Enlightenment to the rescue of Western culture. 

This is artificially, because a strong interaction exists between ethnicity and culture especially in
 selective breeding cultures.

So, Western society brought itself into real trouble and will not overcome this Gordian knot 
without violence.

EU foreign policy chief to tears because of Brussels

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini has to interrupt a press conference Tuesday in Jordan because she became sad when she talked about the attacks in Brussels.

Belgians mourn and help on social media

Many Belgians Tuesday searched social media to inform themselves and to pour out their hearts about the attacks in Brussels. Also offered help in all possible ways.


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