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Tuesday, 18 April 2017

(184) The Muslim autosomal recessive disorder syndrome

Basic Dimension


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Below the results of the malicious evolution of the three paradise cultures, from which Islam is the latest:

Inbreeding is a malicious form of natural selection, which apparently has left deep scars on the Muslim population. The whole package of long lasting inbreeding terror likely has caused a large and similar to autosomal recessive disorder syndrome. This means at numerous places in the Muslim genome, there must have formed a pre-selection of homozygous alleles (rr), which are characteristic for inbreeding. In other words, RR has been removed and rr remains.

Typically, these cultures never used systematic outbreeding like Western cultures. This means they still have the inbreeding instinct. And although they nowadays have outbreeding in the religious periphery, they only interbreed with other Muslims. So, in the periphery of Islam there is less inbreeding but the inbreeding instinct itself is still well preserved, as can be seen from the slaughter of the sixteen year old Mirjam Abarkan, lately in the Netherlands, who had a non-Muslim friend:

Mirjam Abarkan R.I.P.

Assumption 289: Islam looks like an autosomal recessive disorder.

Every allele has the same chance to be chosen:

A select set of alleles

Every allele has the same chance to be chosen. But the question is from which population are they drawn? Are they chosen randomly from a natural population or from the Muslim population, which is saturated with pre-selected alleles? Do you realize the Muslim population and every other inbred population is not the same as outbred populations? Inbreeding means changing the population characteristics by (un)natural selection. (See ADDENDUM below). 

In the Muslim population as heir of the first inbreeding hominids, genotypes have got unnatural proportions and genotypic ratios are contaminated by millions of years of natural selection:

How it works:

'To have an autosomal recessive disorder, you inherit two mutated genes, one from each parent. These disorders are usually passed on by two carriers. Their health is rarely affected, but they have one mutated gene (recessive gene, called r or b) and one normal gene (dominant gene R or B) for the condition. Two carriers have a 25 percent chance of having an unaffected child with two normal genes (left), a 50 percent chance of having an unaffected child who also is a carrier (middle), and a 25 percent chance of having an affected child with two recessive genes (right).'


Autosomal Dominant Inheritance

Autosomal Dominant Inheritance is when one allele, on any chromosome other than X or Y, is expressed over another allele of the same gene. This allele determines the phenotype (observable characteristics) and is referred to as dominant. The allele that does not affect the phenotype is referred to as recessive. The dominant allele is often given the capital letter (R or B) for a character, while the recessive allele is given the lower case (r or b). Therefore, a heterozygous individual who is a carrier for the recessive gene would be represented as Aa.

Homozygous genotypes are represented by BB (normal) and bb (affected)  and heterozygous genotypes are represented by  Bb (carrier genotype).


Genotypes and phenotypes

Considering the alleles of a gene present in an organism and the physical results, brings us to the terms genotypephenotype, and trait. An organism's genotype is its specific combination of alleles for a given gene. So, for example, in the pea plants above, the possible genotypes for the flower-color gene were red-red, red-white, and white-white. The phenotype is the physical manifestation of an organism's allellic combination (genotype). For the pea plants, if the red allele is dominant and the white allele is recessive, only two phenotypes are possible. Both the plants with red-red and red-white genotypes will have the red phenotype, while the plants with the white-white genotype will have the white phenotype. A trait is the general aspect of physiology being shown in the phenotype. So, for example, the trait being discussed in this paragraph is the flower-color of the pea plant. The phenotype can be either red or white flower color, depending on the genotype.


We will find an accumulation of homozygous sick making genotypes (rr) or (bb) on numerous traits, together constituting what looks like the Muslim autosomal recessive disorder syndrome:

Though in general, the genetic relatedness between first cousins might be 12.5% this is only for unrelated ancestors:

In fact first cousins will be much more related with heavily related and (un)natural selected ancestors in the whole Muslim population. And now we see the reason for next comment: they must be corrected for 'the inbreeding coefficient of the common ancestor': 

With dogs we have inbred histories of maximally a decade, but for Muslims the unbroken time span is 7 million years. And if it is not severe inbreeding, it is the severe pre-selection of suitable tribal followers, which has impoverished the supply.

Gülsüm Selim R.I.P.

A cybernetic Muslim model

This means we must create a working cybernetic model of the Muslim population in which there are fundamental traits and interactions between traits. These interactions are discussed to a great extent on this site. The expected genotypes of these traits must be estimated and filled into the model. Then we likely find what looks like the Muslim autosomal recessive disorder syndrome.

- As a first step we need empathy to elicit sadomasochism in the husband-wife relationship:

- Then we need the enforced inbreeding and incest culture of the first Homininae (7 Ma: 400cc).

Fertility stress leads to the simple solution of cousin marriages.

- Enforcing females into the inbreeding culture requires sadism in SM-dyad.

- Enforcing SM-dyad for millions of years causes the elimination of not suitable characters from the population:

- This led to formidable constraints on the Muslim Population in relation to the personality traits of Muslims.

- Mainly Muslim males are aggressive and sadistic, while females are docile and masochistic. Only when females subject themselves they get some margin of maneuverability in the rebound. Then they are accepted as conditional subjects.

- This all means Muslims cannot assimilate with non-Muslims. It would need many generations of forced breeding, what is a terrible prospect for both groups:

Design of the model


Assumption 234: Selective breeding with Homininae.

Human family (Hominini) has about the same genome as chimpanzees (Panini). Both evolved as Homininae, from 7 to 4 million years ago. Because Homininae set the first steps towards human religion, chimpanzees are our natural control group.

And then it turns into the evolution, humans and chimpanzees developed the same remarkable split in religion. For the family of chimpanzees (Panini), this became clear with the split into common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus). About a similar division split Humans into Muslims and Christians. The behavior of Muslims is somewhat similar to that of common chimpanzees, while bonobos are more like Christians.

The split in Hominini is caused by the harsh environment of the desert (Paradise culture) versus the opulence of heavenly temperate regions (Christianity). And the split in Panini is caused by a shortage of food (common chimpanzee), against an abundant food supply for bonobos south of the Congo River.

Common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Muslims (Islam) developed behavior definitely characterized by unequal sexual roles. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) and Christians, however, developed behavior with equivalent sexual relations:

Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous group. Promiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.
Assumption 240: Polygamy leads to inbreeding in patriarchies (Islam) and to outbreeding in matriarchies (bonobos and elephants).

Moreover, in the evolution chimpanzees practiced selected breeding on their population by killing males, who sought for genetic diversity in other tribes. Only sadistic males survived defending genetic monoculture, though adolescent females were free to wander between tribes looking for genetic diversity.

In the evolution a worse development of selective breeding in Paradise culture (former Islam) culled all human characters not suited for inbreeding and incest, males and females. There, a population evolved with an excess of sadistic males and masochistic females.

Hence it is questionable if common chimpanzees and bonobos ever will assimilate. The same question arises with Muslims and Christians.

Assumption 204: Forcing a sexually deprived (poor) endogamous group to assimilate within a promiscuous (wealthy) exogamous group means civil war.


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