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In fact Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation and choose for reincarnation into Heaven of the parallel universe. Realize Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife.
Another remarkable thing is both Christianity and Islam knew thousands of years ago women are for genetic diversity (Tree of Knowledge: adultery) and men for genetic monoculture (Tree of Life: inbreeding). What we have forgotten must have been well known in the evolution of Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc).
The Myth of Abraham
We know in the Tanakh Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge (the Tree of Outbreeding)
So, the struggle between the universes is the real meaning of the Myth of Abraham and informs us about the unrest which the invention of the parallel universe has caused since Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc).
African tribes believed in God, living in the parallel universe but did themselves reincarnate into the earthly universe. By the love of Jesus later humans let themselves be seduced also to reincarnate into the parallel universe. But fear and hatred for Allah made it a curse for Muslims. It made them Heaven to Hell.
Forcing Muslims to believe in Heavenly reincarnation while forbidding earthly reincarnation defines the horrible power of the sexual dictatorship of Islam. And that's why Muslims desperately regress to the Sacrifice Feast every year, when they unconsciously celebrate their liberation from Islam and their return to earthly reincarnation:

Assumption 279: For Muslims the Sacrifice Feast unconsciously means the escape from Heaven in the parallel universe and permission to follow their basic instinct to reincarnate into the earthly universe.
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ʿīd al-aḍḥā, [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæː], "Festival of the Sacrifice"), also called the "Sacrifice Feast", is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), who then put a sheep in his son's place. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.
Islamic monotheism is enforced on pain of death and earthly reincarnation as major reinforcer of the inbreeding instinct has gone underground into the unconscious of Muslims:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
The Sacrifice Feast is a strong reinforcement of inbreeding and incest and is one of the strongest examples of the hidden mixing of universes in Islamic culture, which underlines the awkward interactions between the different stages in the evolution of this faith.
BTW, did you know Muslims are the only believers celebrating the Sacrifice Feast?
Why a worldwide feast for such a simple myth? Why not Jews and Christians? Think about it...
Would the Western world celebrate a clearly psychotic father who was able and willing to kill his own son? Without God's intervention Abraham had committed an honor killing. So Abraham is definitely to blame.
Religion controls sexual culture
We already concluded that bipedal Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) were lost in the savannas of Africa since they were too slow to meet other groups on a regular basis. Then they were forced to commit inbreeding and incest continuously. And without the exchange of juvenile females now and then, many groups must have died out from autosomal recessive disorders.

What we know is their sexual culture definitely changed since they left the Hominid quadrupeds in the forests (20 Ma; 300cc), which exchanged juvenile females regularly with next door groups to prevent inbreeding. It is the Hominid 'Alpha male model of weighted genetic monoculture with genetic diversity' versus the sick 'inbreeding and incest model' of the first Homininae:
Impossible interactions between the universes
Allah is a monotheistic God in the parallel universe. In Islam it is a mortal sin additionally to worship gods in the earthly universe, what comes down to polytheism. Also a Muslim is forbidden to believe in reincarnation into the earthly universe.
But just that happened in Paradise culture where tribal heads (read: former Muslim males) projected reincarnation into descendants:
After Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) we suspect the inbreeding instinct has been chained to reincarnation into the earthly universe. This for very good reasons.
Of course, the principal advantage of reincarnation above genetic immortality is that with reincarnation individuals stay alive forever. But reincarnation was only acceptable into the own tribe:
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslim populations, what takes a lot of forced outbreeding in many generations. In the evolution tribal inbreeding itself has been diluted reasonably among Muslims in the outer mantle of religious endogamy, but the inbreeding instinct itself has not diluted simply because it were all Muslims.
BTW, Mirjam Abarkan was killed in religious endogamy. She was brutally and psychotically murdered with a knife into her heart because she had a non-Muslim friend. Just a child of only 16 years old...
The judges made a major political correctness error of judgement not to punish the mother (the killer) heavily, because the family already had suffered so much from the loss of their dear 'Miriam'. But this family has criticized Mirjam heavily and turned against her as all against one and that's why this group had better be held fully responsible for this brutal Islamic murder:

Another problem today is pockets of tribal endogamy proliferate quickly in the Western world. Intended is inbreeding and incest in families:
Finally Isaac has been killed by Islam
In a logical analysis - independent of the Koran - reincarnation into the earthly universe is forbidden on pain of death, since it comes down to polytheism. In fact Isaac has been assassinated yet by Islam to prevent reincarnation of Abraham into his descendants:
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Anyway, Islam created a terrible hidden interaction between the universes:
This confusion between the universes might just have been done purposely to confuse believers. But this does not matter for our logical analysis.
All absurd thinking, all magical reasoning, all psychotic and schizophrenic actions of Muslims can be explained by accepting this basic flaw in Islamic religion: misunderstood interactions between the universes, which could have been brought in by the Koran purposely:
All these conflicts lead to religious convictions on those who are crushed in above interactions. It leads to Sexual Scales in Religion, sort of Sharia:
Has confusion in the interactions brought in by Islam deliberately?
Seeing how illogical the Koran has been written, for example how Adam ate from the tree of life, where in the Tanakh Eve ate from the tree of knowledge:
The Tree of Knowledge demonstrates the mental conflict women feel between their natural desire for genetic diversity versus unnatural genetic monoculture. Therefore in exogamous Christianity Eve ate from the Tree of Outbreeding, the Tree of Knowledge and in endogamous Islam Adam desired genetic monoculture and ate from the Tree of Inbreeding, the Tree of Life (BTW, that was not forbidden but permitted by God!!). Many thousand years ago people must have understand better what we have forgotten.
But maybe Islam has right, since Eve put Satan on the wrong track, as follows:
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Speech parsing 'middle of the garden'
What meant the Jewish text on the location of the tree of knowledge actually in speech parsing?

Geconcludeerd mag worden dat 'de tuin' of het 'midden van de tuin' op hetzelfde neer kan komen. Daarom is het aannemelijk dat ook de Hebreeuwse tekst uitgaat van de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin. Maar...dit geldt niet dwingend voor de boom der kennis.
It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.
Genesis (2023) Dismissed:
Notice, 'this' means that Islam does not identify the trees and correctly concludes both trees might have been in the middle of the garden as we showed above. Islam needed not to choose between the trees. Brilliant, and therefore they freely chose the Tree of Life.
I must say this is a brilliant move of the Koran and indeed the confusion has been founded by Eve in the Tanakh.
Genetic mortality (right) means exogamy and the elimination of tribes and group formation and degeneration of Western society to individualism.
And vertically we see in the picture above the Tree of Knowledge (Eve chose for outbreeding) and below the Tree of Life (Adam chose for inbreeding).
Then this completes the development of human religion:
What really happened with desert religions in their interpretation of the Myth of Paradise
Most interesting Christianity (outbreeding) kept the Jewish paradise story intact (Eve chose the Tree of Knowledge), but later added eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe through the suffering of Christ. Notice, they used an orthogonal transformation not to be compromised by the Myth of Paradise (inbreeding):
Islam on the other hand ruined the Jewish story in a very intelligent way (They took the chance to let Adam eat from the Tree of Life) and so they made a direct connection with the parallel universe. This because Allah rejected the Tree of Life as form of earthly reincarnation and wealth. By this brilliant trick Islam needed no orthogonal transformation but was left with a mess of oblique transformations between heavily correlating universes:
It is astonishing to see how both versions are basically the same. In fact Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation (or the earlier genetic immortality in descendants) and choose for resurrection into Heaven of the parallel universe. Realize Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife:
And now we see what happened. Islam (sadism and inbreeding) and Christianity (masochism and outbreeding) are the bipolar sexual aberrations around the healthy core of Judaism, for believing in the parallel universe is not realistic.
And now you will understand that Islam basically wanted the same as Christianity. God and Allah really were meant the same Gods in the parallel universe. Both are female gods reflecting the inner life of women:
But the tragic is Islam was not able to separate the universes - because they could not wipe out the inbreeding instinct - so sex contaminated Heaven with the exogamous virgins:

There also came a male Allah as self projection of Muslim males:
So Islam cannot help to be unable to leave the mess of inbreeding and incest which compromised, contaminated and confounded their religion:
Next, we find the ultimate agreement between sexuality and religion in the yellow area in the middle as the sex-religion factor. This is referred to as convergence. But as a Gestalt, it is more than the parts.
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In fact Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation and choose for reincarnation into Heaven of the parallel universe. Realize Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife.
Another remarkable thing is both Christianity and Islam knew thousands of years ago women are for genetic diversity (Tree of Knowledge: adultery) and men for genetic monoculture (Tree of Life: inbreeding). What we have forgotten must have been well known in the evolution of Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc).
The Myth of Abraham
We know in the Tanakh Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge (the Tree of Outbreeding)
But in the Koran Adam ate from the Tree of Life (the Tree of Inbreeding):
Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession (power, kingdom) that will not deteriorate?"
Notice, 'possession' correctly indicates the earthly universe, meaning this tree of eternity (living forever (sleep forever), genetic immortality in descendants, rebirth or earthly reincarnation) is wrong and leads not to eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe. So, the Tree of Life in the Koran does not point to eternal life in the parallel universe.
In the Tanakh Adam was allowed to eat of all the trees in the garden except from the Tree of Knowledge. So the Tree of Life was permitted to eat from. God's remark to eat freely from this Tree of Inbreeding (Tree of Life) refers to genetic immortality in descendants by inbreeding. But this was the primal God of the first human creatures before the invention of reincarnation (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)). This must be the original meaning of the narrative. That's why this Jewish version in the Tanakh likely is very old and authentic:

(The Quran, Surat Taha [20:120])
Sahih International
Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession (power, kingdom) that will not deteriorate?"
Notice, 'possession' correctly indicates the earthly universe, meaning this tree of eternity (living forever (sleep forever), genetic immortality in descendants, rebirth or earthly reincarnation) is wrong and leads not to eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe. So, the Tree of Life in the Koran does not point to eternal life in the parallel universe.
In the Tanakh Adam was allowed to eat of all the trees in the garden except from the Tree of Knowledge. So the Tree of Life was permitted to eat from. God's remark to eat freely from this Tree of Inbreeding (Tree of Life) refers to genetic immortality in descendants by inbreeding. But this was the primal God of the first human creatures before the invention of reincarnation (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)). This must be the original meaning of the narrative. That's why this Jewish version in the Tanakh likely is very old and authentic:

So, the struggle between the universes is the real meaning of the Myth of Abraham and informs us about the unrest which the invention of the parallel universe has caused since Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc).
African tribes believed in God, living in the parallel universe but did themselves reincarnate into the earthly universe. By the love of Jesus later humans let themselves be seduced also to reincarnate into the parallel universe. But fear and hatred for Allah made it a curse for Muslims. It made them Heaven to Hell.
Forcing Muslims to believe in Heavenly reincarnation while forbidding earthly reincarnation defines the horrible power of the sexual dictatorship of Islam. And that's why Muslims desperately regress to the Sacrifice Feast every year, when they unconsciously celebrate their liberation from Islam and their return to earthly reincarnation:

Assumption 279: For Muslims the Sacrifice Feast unconsciously means the escape from Heaven in the parallel universe and permission to follow their basic instinct to reincarnate into the earthly universe.
2 And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
10 And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son.
12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.
16 And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: عيد الأضحى ʿīd al-aḍḥā, [ʕiːd ælˈʔɑdˤħæː], "Festival of the Sacrifice"), also called the "Sacrifice Feast", is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), who then put a sheep in his son's place. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.
Islam is a monotheistic religion. Allah is God in Heaven of the parallel universe. There can be no other gods in any universe. Muslims can only reincarnate into Heaven.
That is why their old faith of reincarnation into descendants in the earthly universe by inbreeding is banned on pain of death. And therefore Abraham had to kill his only son Isaac. Then the cycle of earthly reincarnation was definitely interrupted.
That is why their old faith of reincarnation into descendants in the earthly universe by inbreeding is banned on pain of death. And therefore Abraham had to kill his only son Isaac. Then the cycle of earthly reincarnation was definitely interrupted.
Islamic monotheism is enforced on pain of death and earthly reincarnation as major reinforcer of the inbreeding instinct has gone underground into the unconscious of Muslims:
Operant response: inbreeding
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
But the Sacrifice Feast is contrary to this prohibition and is therefore celebrated with intense joy every year. Somehow reincarnation into descendants is approved anyway. If Muslims realized the real meaning of the Sacrifice Feast it would have been forbidden officially.

The Sacrifice Feast is a strong reinforcement of inbreeding and incest and is one of the strongest examples of the hidden mixing of universes in Islamic culture, which underlines the awkward interactions between the different stages in the evolution of this faith.
BTW, did you know Muslims are the only believers celebrating the Sacrifice Feast?
Why a worldwide feast for such a simple myth? Why not Jews and Christians? Think about it...
Is there any difference with the brutal and psychotic murders on Gülsüm Selim, Sadia Sheikh and Mirjam Abarkan? Is killing your own blood your own responsibility or can you hide behind a hypothetical God to give free reign to parental sexual lusts? Even animals protect their young to death. This feast is sick:
It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command.
Well, if Abraham lay down on the stake and ordered Isaac to set him on fire because he wanted to prove his faith in God, yes, then I would participate in this Sacrifice Feast too.
It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command.
Well, if Abraham lay down on the stake and ordered Isaac to set him on fire because he wanted to prove his faith in God, yes, then I would participate in this Sacrifice Feast too.
Religion controls sexual culture
We already concluded that bipedal Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) were lost in the savannas of Africa since they were too slow to meet other groups on a regular basis. Then they were forced to commit inbreeding and incest continuously. And without the exchange of juvenile females now and then, many groups must have died out from autosomal recessive disorders.

What we know is their sexual culture definitely changed since they left the Hominid quadrupeds in the forests (20 Ma; 300cc), which exchanged juvenile females regularly with next door groups to prevent inbreeding. It is the Hominid 'Alpha male model of weighted genetic monoculture with genetic diversity' versus the sick 'inbreeding and incest model' of the first Homininae:
Impossible interactions between the universes
Allah is a monotheistic God in the parallel universe. In Islam it is a mortal sin additionally to worship gods in the earthly universe, what comes down to polytheism. Also a Muslim is forbidden to believe in reincarnation into the earthly universe.
But just that happened in Paradise culture where tribal heads (read: former Muslim males) projected reincarnation into descendants:
After Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc) we suspect the inbreeding instinct has been chained to reincarnation into the earthly universe. This for very good reasons.
Of course, the principal advantage of reincarnation above genetic immortality is that with reincarnation individuals stay alive forever. But reincarnation was only acceptable into the own tribe:
Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate
safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime:
safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime:
![]() |
Sadia Sheikh R.I.P. |
Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.
Operant response: inbreeding
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
But the fatal disadvantage was the relation between inbreeding and reincarnation went on into magical reasoning in the higher order time derivatives of sexual culture (inbreeding and incest):
This instinct disappears only by outbreeding with non-Muslim populations, what takes a lot of forced outbreeding in many generations. In the evolution tribal inbreeding itself has been diluted reasonably among Muslims in the outer mantle of religious endogamy, but the inbreeding instinct itself has not diluted simply because it were all Muslims.
BTW, Mirjam Abarkan was killed in religious endogamy. She was brutally and psychotically murdered with a knife into her heart because she had a non-Muslim friend. Just a child of only 16 years old...
![]() |
Mirjam Abarkan R.I.P. |
The judges made a major political correctness error of judgement not to punish the mother (the killer) heavily, because the family already had suffered so much from the loss of their dear 'Miriam'. But this family has criticized Mirjam heavily and turned against her as all against one and that's why this group had better be held fully responsible for this brutal Islamic murder:

Another problem today is pockets of tribal endogamy proliferate quickly in the Western world. Intended is inbreeding and incest in families:
In a logical analysis - independent of the Koran - reincarnation into the earthly universe is forbidden on pain of death, since it comes down to polytheism. In fact Isaac has been assassinated yet by Islam to prevent reincarnation of Abraham into his descendants:
Then Islam made its greatest mistake in history: they explicitly forbade reincarnation into the earthly universe on pain of death. Because who believed in earthly reincarnation had rejected Islamic faith. That's correct and completely different from God's diplomacy to Abraham. In our opinion the prohibition of earthly reincarnation contradicts the celebration of Sacrifice Feast.
Remember the Tree of Life in the Myth of Paradise. Adam ate from this Tree of Inbreeding leading to earthly reincarnation which is forbidden by Allah in the Koran. That's why he had to leave Camp Paradise.
Remember the Tree of Life in the Myth of Paradise. Adam ate from this Tree of Inbreeding leading to earthly reincarnation which is forbidden by Allah in the Koran. That's why he had to leave Camp Paradise.
Maybe It looked obvious to the monotheistic dictators after this prohibition all problems were solved. But we know better, since one can forbid external idols but not internal god projections, born from an inbreeding instinct of 2 million years old:
Operant response: inbreeding
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Anyway, Islam created a terrible hidden interaction between the universes:
This confusion between the universes might just have been done purposely to confuse believers. But this does not matter for our logical analysis.
All absurd thinking, all magical reasoning, all psychotic and schizophrenic actions of Muslims can be explained by accepting this basic flaw in Islamic religion: misunderstood interactions between the universes, which could have been brought in by the Koran purposely:
All these conflicts lead to religious convictions on those who are crushed in above interactions. It leads to Sexual Scales in Religion, sort of Sharia:
Seeing how illogical the Koran has been written, for example how Adam ate from the tree of life, where in the Tanakh Eve ate from the tree of knowledge:
The Tree of Knowledge demonstrates the mental conflict women feel between their natural desire for genetic diversity versus unnatural genetic monoculture. Therefore in exogamous Christianity Eve ate from the Tree of Outbreeding, the Tree of Knowledge and in endogamous Islam Adam desired genetic monoculture and ate from the Tree of Inbreeding, the Tree of Life (BTW, that was not forbidden but permitted by God!!). Many thousand years ago people must have understand better what we have forgotten.
But maybe Islam has right, since Eve put Satan on the wrong track, as follows:
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
But God really has said the following:
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
[The place of the tree of knowledge cannot be known by speech parsing. It might have been in the middle or at the border of the garden. Realize how easy it was to imply the tree of knowledge as follows: ]
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life and the tree of knowledge also in the midst of the garden.
[We conclude this is cunningly and intentionally so written by God. This must be misleading!]
[The place of the tree of knowledge cannot be known by speech parsing. It might have been in the middle or at the border of the garden. Realize how easy it was to imply the tree of knowledge as follows: ]
And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life and the tree of knowledge also in the midst of the garden.
[We conclude this is cunningly and intentionally so written by God. This must be misleading!]
And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. [The tribe of inbreeding would 'die' by disintegration into outbreeding.]
[This means the tree of life was not forbidden to eat from, it was the tree of knowledge from which the place is unknown. So Islam is wrong but they are not to blame for the error of judgement of Satan].
[What has been done so far? Because Eve was so stupid to appoint the tree in the middle of the garden, but not to mention God actually meant the tree of knowledge, extra degrees of freedom were created for Islam to give their own twist to the story.]
[What has been done so far? Because Eve was so stupid to appoint the tree in the middle of the garden, but not to mention God actually meant the tree of knowledge, extra degrees of freedom were created for Islam to give their own twist to the story.]
What meant the Jewish text on the location of the tree of knowledge actually in speech parsing?

Geconcludeerd mag worden dat 'de tuin' of het 'midden van de tuin' op hetzelfde neer kan komen. Daarom is het aannemelijk dat ook de Hebreeuwse tekst uitgaat van de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin. Maar...dit geldt niet dwingend voor de boom der kennis.
It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.
9(Gen 2:9) And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads
ט. וַיַּצְמַח יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהִים מִןהָאֲדָמָה כָּלעֵץ נֶחְמָד לְמַרְאֶה וְטוֹב לְמַאֲכָל וְעֵץ הַחַיִּים בְּתוֹךְ הַגָּן וְעֵץ הַדַּעַת טוֹב וָרָע:
Heere God Jehova en groeien . negende (<< leesrichting eerste regel)
en goed bij leuk bomen van grond
boom tuin van het leven boom voedsel
:kwaad goed van kennis
T.. En de HEERE God had alle geboomte groeien uit de aarde en lekker eten in (het midden van) de tuin van de Boom des Levens en de Boom van Kennis (goed kwaad):
(וְעֵץ הַחַיִּים בְּתוֹךְ = boom van het leven)
(וְעֵץ הַדַּעַת= boom van kennis)
(וְעֵץ = boom = כָּלעֵץ)
(הַגָּן = tuin)
(טוֹב = goed)
(וָרָע = kwaad)
( לְמַאֲכָל= voedsel)
(וְטוֹב = en goed)
(לְמַרְאֶה = bij)
( נֶחְמָד= leuk)
( מִןהָאֲדָמָה= van grond)
(אֱלֹהִים = HEERE God)
( וַיַּצְמַח= en groeien)
( יְהֹוָה = Jehova)
( ט.= negende)
(midden =עצמאמ = לבז )
(hof = ףוחה)
(בְּתוֹךְ הַגָּן = (in het midden van) de tuin)
(midden van de hof = ףוה / ןאו / הפשא תומרע)
(midden van de hof = hof / van / midden)
(centrum = זכרמה)
(grond = הָאֲדָמָה)
(van = מִן)
T.. En de HEERE God had alle geboomte groeien uit de aarde en lekker eten in de tuin van de Boom des Levens en de Boom van Kennis:
T.. And the LORD God to grow every tree from the earth and good food in the garden the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge:
T.. Et l'Éternel Dieu à croître chaque arbre de la terre et de la bonne nourriture dans le jardin de l'Arbre de Vie et l'Arbre de la Connaissance:
Vertaal van Nederlands naar Hebreeuws
Om ons argument te checken voeren wij de Nederlandse tekst in en bekijken de Hebreeuwse spelling:
(Gen 3:3) Maar van de vruchten van de boom, die in het midden van de tuin staat, heeft God gezegd. Daar mag je niet van eten, je mag er ook niet aankomen, anders ga je dood.
אבל פרי העץ אשר בתוך הגן, אמר אלהים. מכיוון שאתה לא יכול לאכול, אתה גם לא צריך להגיע, אחרת תמות.
(בתוך הגן = midden van de tuin)
(הַגָּן = tuin)
(בתוך = in)
Geconcludeerd mag worden dat ‘de tuin’ of in het ‘midden van de tuin’ op hetzelfde kan neerkomen. Daarom is het aannemelijk dat ook de Hebreeuwse tekst uitgaat van de boom des levens in het midden van de tuin. Maar…dit geldt niet dwingend voor de boom der kennis.
[It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.]
[It can be concluded that the 'garden' or the 'middle of the garden' can amount to the same thing. Therefore it is likely that the Hebrew text also uses the tree of life in the midst of the garden. But...this is not mandatory for the tree of knowledge.]
En dit maakt het NBG (Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap 1979) ervan:
(Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, BENEVENS de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads.
In gangbaar Nederlands:
(A) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads.
[Staat hier soms het volgende:]
[Staat hier soms het volgende:]
(B) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF .
[Of kan dit ook bedoeld zijn]
[Of kan dit ook bedoeld zijn]
(C) (Gen 2:9) En de HEERE God had alle geboomte uit het aardrijk doen spruiten, begeerlijk voor het gezicht, en goed tot spijze; en de boom des levens IN HET MIDDEN VAN DEN HOF, en de boom der kennis des goeds en des kwaads AAN DE RAND VAN DEN HOF.
Genesis (2023) Dismissed:
Some other texts from the Koran
We know in the Tanakh Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge (the Tree of Outbreeding)
We know in the Tanakh Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge (the Tree of Outbreeding)
But in the Koran Adam ate from the Tree of Life:
Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession (power, kingdom) that will not deteriorate?"
Notice, 'possession' correctly indicates the earthly universe, meaning this tree of eternity (living forever (sleep forever), genetic immortality in descendants, rebirth or earthly reincarnation) is wrong and leads not to eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe:
So, the Tree of Life in the Tanakh does not point to eternal life in the parallel universe. The first meaning of the tree below is as primary reinforcer of genetic immortality in descendants. That's when human creatures were still unknown with reincarnation in the earthly universe (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)). And the secondary reinforcer gives to the second tree of life (below) the meaning of earthly reincarnation (Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc). But in the diagram below the third Tree of Life points to reincarnation into the parallel universe. This is never mentioned in the Tanakh. This is not asked for in Genesis. Later in the Myth of Abraham only God asked Abraham to acknowledge his reign, but did not require him to reincarnate into the parallel universe.
Only if we speak metaphorically about the heavenly paradise, or paradise in Heaven, only then we use this image:
(The Quran, Surat Taha [20:120])
Sahih International
Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession (power, kingdom) that will not deteriorate?"
Notice, 'possession' correctly indicates the earthly universe, meaning this tree of eternity (living forever (sleep forever), genetic immortality in descendants, rebirth or earthly reincarnation) is wrong and leads not to eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe:
So, the Tree of Life in the Tanakh does not point to eternal life in the parallel universe. The first meaning of the tree below is as primary reinforcer of genetic immortality in descendants. That's when human creatures were still unknown with reincarnation in the earthly universe (Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc)). And the secondary reinforcer gives to the second tree of life (below) the meaning of earthly reincarnation (Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc). But in the diagram below the third Tree of Life points to reincarnation into the parallel universe. This is never mentioned in the Tanakh. This is not asked for in Genesis. Later in the Myth of Abraham only God asked Abraham to acknowledge his reign, but did not require him to reincarnate into the parallel universe.
Only if we speak metaphorically about the heavenly paradise, or paradise in Heaven, only then we use this image:
And We said, "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will. But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."Notice, 'this' means that Islam does not identify the trees and correctly concludes both trees might have been in the middle of the garden as we showed above. Islam needed not to choose between the trees. Brilliant, and therefore they freely chose the Tree of Life.
But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels OR become of the immortal."
Notice, Islam easily chose for the tree of life, because Eve 'forgot' to say the tree of knowledge was meant. So Satan was right since the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of life, was not forbidden. And now Islam associates 'this' to the Tree of Life. Very smart...
And Satan found more confusion stuff because 'angels' refers to the parallel universe but 'immortal' might also refer to older versions of the myth as 'genetic immortality in descendants' or 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. If Islam meant the Tree of Life belonged to the parallel universe then Satan would have stated the following:
Notice, Islam easily chose for the tree of life, because Eve 'forgot' to say the tree of knowledge was meant. So Satan was right since the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of life, was not forbidden. And now Islam associates 'this' to the Tree of Life. Very smart...
And Satan found more confusion stuff because 'angels' refers to the parallel universe but 'immortal' might also refer to older versions of the myth as 'genetic immortality in descendants' or 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. If Islam meant the Tree of Life belonged to the parallel universe then Satan would have stated the following:
"Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels AND become of the immortal."
So Islam is misleading her believers and takes deliberate a dualistic position on the Tree of Life: it could be earthly or heavenly reincarnation. It is the prelude to choose for earthly reincarnation (Inbreeding and incest). So the Tree of Life is degraded to earthly reincarnation, where Islam apparently knew it had the choice also to reincarnation into the parallel universe (angels). And who chooses for earthly reincarnation does not come into Heaven of the parallel universe and must leave Camp Paradise.
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.]
Now we should not be too difficult and accept that the Tree of Life meant earthly eternal life under all circumstances. Then 'reincarnation into the parallel universe' was excluded. The Tree of Life was the old situation until the advent of Homo sapiens (200 ka; 1400cc) who discovered the parallel universe:
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.]
I must say this is a brilliant move of the Koran and indeed the confusion has been founded by Eve in the Tanakh.
Then Satan whispered to him; he said, "O Adam, shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and possession that will not deteriorate?"
And Adam and his wife ate of it, and their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to fasten over themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and erred.
[ Allah ] said, "Descend from Paradise - all, [your descendants] being enemies to one another. And if there should come to you guidance from Me - then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray [in the world] nor suffer [in the Hereafter].
Conclusion so far:
The above allocation of Adam (1) Good=inbreeding and Eve (1) Evil=outbreeding corresponds to the convergence theory:
Genetic immortality (left) means endogamy and is de parental mirror in descendants and not in earthly reincarnation. In the beginning of this myth there was no reincarnation (Homininae( 7 Ma; 400cc)).
But beware, because two thousand years ago the interpretation of the myth might have been already very different. Though reincarnation is not mentioned in Genesis (though 'angels'), it is very likely two thousand years ago people thought about it and connected the tree of life with reincarnation.
And vertically we see in the picture above the Tree of Knowledge (Eve chose for outbreeding) and below the Tree of Life (Adam chose for inbreeding).
Then this completes the development of human religion:
Most interesting Christianity (outbreeding) kept the Jewish paradise story intact (Eve chose the Tree of Knowledge), but later added eternal life in Heaven of the parallel universe through the suffering of Christ. Notice, they used an orthogonal transformation not to be compromised by the Myth of Paradise (inbreeding):
Islam on the other hand ruined the Jewish story in a very intelligent way (They took the chance to let Adam eat from the Tree of Life) and so they made a direct connection with the parallel universe. This because Allah rejected the Tree of Life as form of earthly reincarnation and wealth. By this brilliant trick Islam needed no orthogonal transformation but was left with a mess of oblique transformations between heavily correlating universes:
In the Koran, Satan tempted Adam to eat from the Tree of Physical Immortality (Tree of Life) to live forever in this universe as a rich man. But he could otherwise have received eternal life in heaven of the parallel universe if he had not eaten from that tree. Therefore, Adam did not obtain eternal life in heaven:
It is astonishing to see how both versions are basically the same. In fact Islam and Christianity draw the same conclusion from the Myth of Paradise. Both reject earthly reincarnation (or the earlier genetic immortality in descendants) and choose for resurrection into Heaven of the parallel universe. Realize Judaism did not belief in the parallel universe at all, only into a kind of massive rebirth of their people or not at all in the afterlife:
(121) Blood and organ donations in hybrid Islam
Belief in a bodily resurrection [Rebirth, BD] of the dead became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2, from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26] .The Sadducees, politically powerful religious leaders, rejected the afterlife, angels, and demons as well as the Pharisees' oral law.
Belief in a bodily resurrection [Rebirth, BD] of the dead became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2, from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26] .The Sadducees, politically powerful religious leaders, rejected the afterlife, angels, and demons as well as the Pharisees' oral law.
Resurrection in desert religions
In the answer to question no. 49711 we stated that the (scholarly) view that it is permissible to donate organs is most likely to be the correct view, so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Koranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34). The fact that resurrection is going to be physical (with body) plays a role – partly though – on people’s hesitation about organ transplantation. However, when the issue is examined deeply, it is seen that organ transplantation is not directly related to resurrection; or more properly that organ transplantation has got nothing to harm the belief of resurrection because the transplanted organ is going to be returned to its real owner. Actually, it does not prevent organs to be resurrected with their real owners even though they decayed under soil, burnt to ashes, or eaten by animals. As a matter of fact, the Koran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34). Islamic scholars, judging from this proof and the likes, have concluded that everyone is going to be resurrected with their own organs.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth. This, because the soul is not essential for rebirth, only the revival of the body counts. Islam needs no soul. 'Rebirth with a soul' is a regression to the animal state of 'rebirth without soul', since nowadays believers cannot deny knowledge of the soul which animals do not have.
107690: Ruling on organ donation
Praise be to Allah.In the answer to question no. 49711 we stated that the (scholarly) view that it is permissible to donate organs is most likely to be the correct view, so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor.
Resurrection and sins committed with that organ.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Koranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34). The fact that resurrection is going to be physical (with body) plays a role – partly though – on people’s hesitation about organ transplantation. However, when the issue is examined deeply, it is seen that organ transplantation is not directly related to resurrection; or more properly that organ transplantation has got nothing to harm the belief of resurrection because the transplanted organ is going to be returned to its real owner. Actually, it does not prevent organs to be resurrected with their real owners even though they decayed under soil, burnt to ashes, or eaten by animals. As a matter of fact, the Koran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34). Islamic scholars, judging from this proof and the likes, have concluded that everyone is going to be resurrected with their own organs.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth. This, because the soul is not essential for rebirth, only the revival of the body counts. Islam needs no soul. 'Rebirth with a soul' is a regression to the animal state of 'rebirth without soul', since nowadays believers cannot deny knowledge of the soul which animals do not have.
Resurrection of Jesus
The resurrection story appears in more than five locations in the Bible. In several episodes in the Four Gospels Jesus foretells his coming death and resurrection, which he states is the plan of God the Father.[24] Christians view the resurrection of Jesus as part of the plan of salvation and redemption by atonement for man's sin.[25] Belief in a bodily resurrection [Rebirth, BD] of the dead became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2, from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26] The Sadducees, politically powerful religious leaders, rejected the afterlife, angels, and demons as well as the Pharisees' oral law. The Pharisees, whose views became Rabbinic Judaism, eventually won (or at least survived) this debate. The promise of a future resurrection appears in the Torah as well as in certain Jewish works, such as the Life of Adam and Eve, c 100 BC, and the Pharisaic book 2 Maccabees, c124 BC.[27]
However, 1st century Judaism had no conception of a single individual rising from the dead in the middle of history. The historical Jewish concept of resurrection was that of a redemption of the whole people.[28] Their concept was always that everybody [sleeping forever, BD] would be raised together at the end of time [Rebirth, BD]. So the idea of one individual rising in the middle of history was foreign to them.[29]
Another remarkable thing is both Christianity and Islam knew thousands of years ago women are for genetic diversity (Tree of Knowledge: adultery) and men for genetic monoculture (Tree of Life: inbreeding). What we have forgotten must have been well known in the evolution of Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc).
And now we see what happened. Islam (sadism and inbreeding) and Christianity (masochism and outbreeding) are the bipolar sexual aberrations around the healthy core of Judaism, for believing in the parallel universe is not realistic.
And now you will understand that Islam basically wanted the same as Christianity. God and Allah really were meant the same Gods in the parallel universe. Both are female gods reflecting the inner life of women:
But the tragic is Islam was not able to separate the universes - because they could not wipe out the inbreeding instinct - so sex contaminated Heaven with the exogamous virgins:

There also came a male Allah as self projection of Muslim males:
So Islam cannot help to be unable to leave the mess of inbreeding and incest which compromised, contaminated and confounded their religion:
Explanation table Convergence Theory
First of all, note that in this analysis, there is a stepped effect: The first effect is the genetic immortality of men (brown numbers 2,3,4), which is expressed in the number of descendants by the prohibition of adultery. A quantity attribute.
In addition comes an inbreeding effect. It is the purification of the family genes
(yellow 5,6). This relates to the nature of the descendants. A quality feature.
Here we place the origin of the paradise story to the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc). The yellow area is the sex-religion factor in the mind of men. Here, the first thoughts about sexuality and immortality in his unconscious came together. It is the primal dimension of sexual religiosity. All other human ethics - as is assumed here - emerged from this ground dimension of ethics.
Metaphor: Eating the good (inbreeding) from the tree of knowledge will give earthly immortality of the gene pool of the man in his own tribe. But who eats from evil (outbreeding) will remain mortal, meaning his genes will spread over all other tribes, so he loses tribal identity. Then the tribe will die as group identity.

Next, we find the ultimate agreement between sexuality and religion in the yellow area in the middle as the sex-religion factor. This is referred to as convergence. But as a Gestalt, it is more than the parts.
There arises something new, an inbreeding factor. This was not expected in the analysis but resulted as an inevitable consequence of the technique chosen. The factor was found by the methodological principle that quantity (number of offspring) mostly is accompanied by quality (saturated inbreeding).
Literally: Who lets his wife not commit adultery will acquire earthly immortality. His genes will live on into her children. But who lets her commit adultery will possibly die out in the genes of her children.
Of course there is more which is associated with adultery, as the wounded pride and honor of the man. These feelings come together on the sex-religion factor as well as sexual lust. All these feelings are an additional basis for stoning. However, they do not contribute to a full explanation of paradise story. Therefore adultery is only an inadequate interpretation of this narrative. But along with genetic immortality and inbreeding there is a complete fit.

Adultery, woman's ultimate weapon

Adultery, woman's ultimate weapon
Deep in the unconscious of every man lurks the fear of the sexual power of women. Sexuality is the only instinct on which he has virtually no control. A woman as the bearer of life handles sexuality more naturally. She can admit anybody to her lap. For example if she commits adultery with the Serpent and gives the child as its fruit to Adam. When Adam acknowledges this child it makes himself guilty of ignorance. Therefore, Adam had to take advance measures against adultery.
Paradise story was an initiation rite
Paradise story was likely part of an initiation rite. Many thousands of years it passed from father to son at the time of his maturity. It was so functional in the archetypal sense that it passed the ravages of time. The importance of the story was the survival of the family, living in paradise, the place where the son grew up. The warning of the father concerned the sexual desires of the woman.
Her power as carrier of life was the mortality of his family. She could admit anyone to her lap. Thereby were her sexual desires a threat to the survival of the gene pool of the father.
Her power as carrier of life was the mortality of his family. She could admit anyone to her lap. Thereby were her sexual desires a threat to the survival of the gene pool of the father.
She had the power to block the transfer of his son's genes into her children. This allowed the father family could literally die out. This is the key to paradise story. It is this mortality phobia within the paradise story which the father became an obsession. He threatened his son even with expulsion from the family and the expulsion from paradise in which he was reared. This, if he were unable to restrain the desires of his wife.
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