Basic Dimension
The Muslim attitude to organ donation
Relationships Between Islamic Religiosity and AttitudeToward Deceased Organ Donation Among AmericanMuslims: A Pilot Study by Aasim I. Padela and Hatidza Zaganjorrly equal numbers of men and women. Over a third were Arab American (n=36), and nearly a quarter were either South Asian (n=23) or African American (n=25).
Respondents viewing difficulties in life as punishment from God had a decreased odds of believing deceased organ donation to be justified (OR 0.85,P<0.05).
[In fact they say Muslims who are not happy in Islam and have a negative attitude to Allah, feared organ donation as a wrong choice to come into Heaven.]
But if they see Islam as a threat for their identity, Islam with which they have to cope to come into Heaven anyway, then they are less inclined to take the risk for donate blood or organs.
Hence, Islam threats the much deeper and suppressed identity of persons, which identity is not known to them anymore, but certainly is a former and very ancient religion:
And indeed, in the tribal 'inbreeding and incest' religion it was forbidden to share semen and blood with members of other tribes, what was a deadly sin: When Eve went astray yearning for genetic diversity with the Serpent, the God of the desert religion was very angry and said:
Gen 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [thy tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.[ Sadomasochism, hatred and violence is the bond between Bedouin tribes.]
Official standpoints of desert religions
The religion of Islam believes in the principle of saving human lives. According to A. Sachedina in his Transplantation Proceedings' (1990) article, Islamic Views on Organ Transplantation, "the majority of the Muslim scholars belonging to various schools of Islamic law have invoked the principle of priority of saving human life and have permitted the organ transplant as a necessity to procure that noble end."
All four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist) support and encourage donation.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Christian Church encourages organ and tissue donation, stating that we were created for God's glory and for sharing God's love. A 1985 resolution, adopted by the General Assembly, encourages "members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to enroll as organ donors and prayerfully support those who have received an organ transplant."
What Muslims really feel
It is well known there are a number of Muslims willing to donate blood to other people. But they are severely underrepresented at blood banks, not to say they rarely appear:
(..I work at Sanquin Blood Bank in Amsterdam for several years. Being a Muslim women it attracted my attention I saw little to no Muslim blood donors. I found it remarkable, but did little else with it. I myself was after all, no blood donor either ..)
(..Al enkele jaren werk ik bij de Sanquin Bloedbank in Amsterdam. Als moslima zijnde trok het mijn aandacht dat ik weinig tot geen islamitische bloeddonors zag. Ik vond het opmerkelijk, maar deed er verder weinig mee. Zelf was ik immers ook nog geen bloeddonor..)
Usually it's not a lack of empathy but confusion if and when blood- and organ donations are permitted in Islam. That concerns Muslims among themselves. About donations to non-Muslims they generally have a negative attitude, although there are exceptions. And it must be stipulated officially Islam does not discriminate human beings, not in this respect. But there is also a lot of disagreement, remarkably not to be found on the Internet.
A Muslim scholar standpoint
1. Can a Muslim donate blood?
2. Is blood transfusion permissible or not?
3. Is organ transplant permissible of not?
All three are prohibited. One cannot donate blood and organs because these are the Amaanah of Allah, therefore it is not permissible to donate any part of one's body or (donate) the blood.
Within Islamic culture the confusion about donations is caused by their unclear and composite religion. Their faith is founded on two contradictory pillars: The policor conscious and the suppressed unconscious. Within this religion one fights a constant battle of reincarnation into two different universes:
The Islamic faith makes a schizophrenic impression and the confusion can be found in the subconscious. Muslims feel a lot of confusion but cannot properly analyze where it comes from. Political correct Islamic scholars try to convince them blood- and organ donations are okay, but a lot of Muslims feel this cannot be true.
This means Islam has to keep a line with the ancient Inbreeding and Incest faith which must not be crossed. Both Islam and Inbreeding are condemned to each other in a frenzied cooperation, which makes a schizophrenic impression on "dhimmis".
If Islam loses the battle with the old faith it will lose its primacy in society. Hence, the inbreeding and incest culture is Islam's greatest evil. BTW, they are already losing their position.
The resulting trend is though Islamic scholars emphasize that blood donations and organ transplants are allowed, individual Muslims are holding a very different view. Deep in them they feel it does not resonate well with their original faith, it collides with their suppressed belief in inbreeding and incest.
That's why this opinion will not be found officially on the controlled Web, but in private Muslims show to be not very enthusiastic about blood transfusions and organ donations. But of course, this is also a social undesirable attitude:
I have been told its Haram for Muslims to donate blood as equivalent to organ donor. I wonder how far it is true. Since non Muslims eat pork and drink beer is it ok to accept blood from a non-Muslim?
Thirdly, who will this organ go to? Will it go from the Muslims to other Muslims, or will it go from the Muslims to the disbelievers? As for the first case, then this is the focus of our discussion, since the second case is strictly prohibited. It is not permissible for a Muslim to donate one of his organs to a disbeliever. This is what seems apparent to me, and Allaah knows best. [Not the official line of Islam, BD]
Other measures of Islamic religiosity, such as intrinsic religiosity, positive[Well, that's to be expected. Islam has nothing to do with organ donations. But Islamic policor (political correctness) wants to curb inbreeding and incest, and certainly wants not to promote the subconscious fear for blood- and organ donations.]
Background. Religion-rooted beliefs and values are often cited as barriers to organ donation among Muslims. Yet how Islamic religiosity relates to organ donation attitude among Muslims is less studied.[Here the wrong religion is investigated: Islam. The religion-rooted beliefs are related with the ancient belief of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) in 'inbreeding and incest'. Islam is best be seen as a hybrid religion.]
Methods. Using a community based participatory research approach, we recruited adults from mosque communities to self-administer a questionnaire assessing levels of Islamic religiosity, attitude toward deceased organ donation, and sociodemographic descriptors.Results. Of the 97 respondents, there were none religious coping and one related to following Islamic ethical guidelines, were not associated with organ donation attitude.
Conclusion. Higher levels of intrinsic religiosity or adherence to Islamic ethics do not appear to associate with negative attitudes toward deceased organ donation. Negative religious coping appears, however, to be related to lower rates of believing deceased organ donation to be justified.In conclusion this means, if people feel fine in Islam they easily follow the policor (PC) instructions for giving blood- and organ donations, which means they have a positive attitude.
But if they see Islam as a threat for their identity, Islam with which they have to cope to come into Heaven anyway, then they are less inclined to take the risk for donate blood or organs.
Hence, Islam threats the much deeper and suppressed identity of persons, which identity is not known to them anymore, but certainly is a former and very ancient religion:
And indeed, in the tribal 'inbreeding and incest' religion it was forbidden to share semen and blood with members of other tribes, what was a deadly sin: When Eve went astray yearning for genetic diversity with the Serpent, the God of the desert religion was very angry and said:
Gen 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [thy tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.[ Sadomasochism, hatred and violence is the bond between Bedouin tribes.]
Official standpoints of desert religions
The religion of Islam believes in the principle of saving human lives. According to A. Sachedina in his Transplantation Proceedings' (1990) article, Islamic Views on Organ Transplantation, "the majority of the Muslim scholars belonging to various schools of Islamic law have invoked the principle of priority of saving human life and have permitted the organ transplant as a necessity to procure that noble end."
All four branches of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist) support and encourage donation.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
The Christian Church encourages organ and tissue donation, stating that we were created for God's glory and for sharing God's love. A 1985 resolution, adopted by the General Assembly, encourages "members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to enroll as organ donors and prayerfully support those who have received an organ transplant."
What Muslims really feel
It is well known there are a number of Muslims willing to donate blood to other people. But they are severely underrepresented at blood banks, not to say they rarely appear:
(..I work at Sanquin Blood Bank in Amsterdam for several years. Being a Muslim women it attracted my attention I saw little to no Muslim blood donors. I found it remarkable, but did little else with it. I myself was after all, no blood donor either ..)
Usually it's not a lack of empathy but confusion if and when blood- and organ donations are permitted in Islam. That concerns Muslims among themselves. About donations to non-Muslims they generally have a negative attitude, although there are exceptions. And it must be stipulated officially Islam does not discriminate human beings, not in this respect. But there is also a lot of disagreement, remarkably not to be found on the Internet.
A Muslim scholar standpoint
1. Can a Muslim donate blood?
2. Is blood transfusion permissible or not?
3. Is organ transplant permissible of not?
All three are prohibited. One cannot donate blood and organs because these are the Amaanah of Allah, therefore it is not permissible to donate any part of one's body or (donate) the blood.
Within Islamic culture the confusion about donations is caused by their unclear and composite religion. Their faith is founded on two contradictory pillars: The policor conscious and the suppressed unconscious. Within this religion one fights a constant battle of reincarnation into two different universes:
This means Islam has to keep a line with the ancient Inbreeding and Incest faith which must not be crossed. Both Islam and Inbreeding are condemned to each other in a frenzied cooperation, which makes a schizophrenic impression on "dhimmis".
If Islam loses the battle with the old faith it will lose its primacy in society. Hence, the inbreeding and incest culture is Islam's greatest evil. BTW, they are already losing their position.
The resulting trend is though Islamic scholars emphasize that blood donations and organ transplants are allowed, individual Muslims are holding a very different view. Deep in them they feel it does not resonate well with their original faith, it collides with their suppressed belief in inbreeding and incest.
That's why this opinion will not be found officially on the controlled Web, but in private Muslims show to be not very enthusiastic about blood transfusions and organ donations. But of course, this is also a social undesirable attitude:
I have been told its Haram for Muslims to donate blood as equivalent to organ donor. I wonder how far it is true. Since non Muslims eat pork and drink beer is it ok to accept blood from a non-Muslim?
Thirdly, who will this organ go to? Will it go from the Muslims to other Muslims, or will it go from the Muslims to the disbelievers? As for the first case, then this is the focus of our discussion, since the second case is strictly prohibited. It is not permissible for a Muslim to donate one of his organs to a disbeliever. This is what seems apparent to me, and Allaah knows best. [Not the official line of Islam, BD]
Apparently, more Muslims are willing to accept an ‘infidel’ organ than they are to donate one of their own.
The level of religion
On the basis of the evolutionary ordering of religious concepts the level of discussion in Islam can be estimated as 'Rebirth, body & soul'. Judaism had the same position where the Pharisees believed in rebirth and the Sadducees were atheists. Also Jesus was resurrected with his soul:
Islam as a hybrid religion with inbreeding and incest
Above table is a rational path developed from animal sexuality to human religion. If a developmental stage (rebirth) once has been passed it is very unlikely religion will ever be reset.
1: So, if mankind discovered the parallel universe 200.000 years ago it would be very unlikely later desert religions expected 'rebirth with soul' on Earth. That would be earthly reincarnation. But that comes down to unacceptable logic. On the other hand in scattered tribes of Voodoo earthly reincarnation is still common nowadays.
But maybe Islam meant 'rebirth with soul' into the parallel universe (with transparent
angels and so forth) which is however a schizophrenic and illogical combination. That would be weird, for what has our body to do with the parallel universe? Nothing. Only in inbreeding cultures the body is important. That's why Islam had to glorify the body too, to identify with the followers of inbreeding and incest. Do you see the absurd interaction between the universes? Do you understand why in the Tanakh they were not very clear about the kind of universe in which they would be reborn?
2: But there is a second line of approach. The Pharisees wanted to resurrect the whole Jewish people at the Last Judgement in a universally recognizable composition. Since persons had to recognize each other thereafter. That is possible only with rebirth but not with reincarnation. For, you know how many problems people already have to find out from what animal they are reincarnated. So, rebirth confirms the identity of persons and reincarnation does not.
3. The third line is famous persons as Jesus cannot reincarnate into second hand bodies. And also here the problem is he would not be recognized as Jesus by his followers.
4. But we do know Christianity has no problem to let Christians reincarnate into Heaven of the parallel universe without their bodies, without having sex and without 72 wild Muslim virgins.
Islam connected with inbreeding and incest to tempt believers to go over to Islam. And the connection was that the reward for copulation with their ugly cousins was not earthly reincarnation any longer, in the same tribe with the same boring cousins, what was more a curse than a reward, but reincarnation into Heaven of the parallel universe with 72 fresh new virgins of other tribes. So, Islam offered Muslims exogamy in Heaven:

So the crazy thing is Islam promoted inbreeding and incest to connect with that culture and to bend the reward from earthly reincarnation into parallel reincarnation.
So why Islam let Muslims go to Heaven with their body?
In order to settle its sexual dictatorship on numerous Bedouin tribes, Islam had to somehow incorporate the existing and ancient faith of Inbreeding and Incest into its teachings. And then the human body became of the greatest importance for the afterlife.
So at Judgement Day, Allah completes the resurrection of Muslims from their painstaking collected body parts:
As a matter of fact, the Quran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34).
Then Islam makes the most important connection with 'inbreeding and incest' ever, for the behavior of believers will be partly judged from their body parts:
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished.
So, it matters daughters marry pious Muslims. For non-Muslim genes will destroy the family line, what Allah will address to the father of the daughter:
Gen 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [thy tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.[ Sadomasochism, hatred and violence is the bond between Bedouin tribes.]
What has happened here? First 'inbreeding and incest' was reinforced by genetic immortality in descendants:
Then reincarnation into the (earthly) universe seemed to be a much better reinforcer, on which tribal heads stayed alive for ever:
Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc):
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Competing reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Competing reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
And now we understand why the believer of this combined religion Islam/Paradise culture concludes that their pious family can best be continued by inbreeding. That's why Islam tolerates honor killing.
They want not lose their followers, which in fact follow the inbreeding and incest faith:
These are the schizophrenic interactions between the universes in Islamic religion:
Islamic universes are heavily correlated, compromized and contaminated. That's why the planes easily project on each other:
It is weird but understandable that Muslims make such big problems about blood- and organ donations. Their hybrid religion is completely confusing. Christians make no trouble since they know Christ has given his body and life for his believers.
Christians invented the Fall of Sin to give their lusty masochism something to ask penance for. So Christians projected Heaven orthogonal to the inbreeding and incest culture of the Paradise narrative:

Since Christians are no Muslims, they don't take their body with them into Heaven nor do they expect to have sex with 72 lusty virgins:

Where does this difference in attitude come from? Christians have lost their inbreeding instinct for many thousands of years. They have a completely different unconscious than Muslims.
In conclusion we must say Islam is not the right religion for Paradise culture. Christianity is impossible because of the inherited inbreeding instinct of Muslims, but Judaism would fit, since this is a human religion which lets 'other sexual roles' (women) make their own choice for genetic diversity.
Conscious, subconscious and unconscious

In the superego of the conscious we find Allah who advises to help others with blood- and organ donations, albeit under certain conditions. It must be said the general standpoint of Islam is not unreasonable and does not discriminate unbelievers, i.e. Christians, Jews and Atheists.
But in the unconscious of their real faith of 'inbreeding and incest' for Muslims it is definitely forbidden to give blood or organs to members of other tribes. There is a major conflict going on in Islam between the conscious and Inbreeding in the unconscious, which spreads to the subconscious of Muslims.
All the confusion within the Muslim culture is the battle between the universes:
So, in the subconscious we see the battle in the minds of Muslims where they on the one side want to help others following the Koran, but on the other side refuse to help Christians and Jews following their ancient faith.
Resurrection in desert religions
In the answer to question no. 49711 we stated that the (scholarly) view that it is permissible to donate organs is most likely to be the correct view, so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Koranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34). The fact that resurrection is going to be physical (with body) plays a role – partly though – on people’s hesitation about organ transplantation. However, when the issue is examined deeply, it is seen that organ transplantation is not directly related to resurrection; or more properly that organ transplantation has got nothing to harm the belief of resurrection because the transplanted organ is going to be returned to its real owner. Actually, it does not prevent organs to be resurrected with their real owners even though they decayed under soil, burnt to ashes, or eaten by animals. As a matter of fact, the Koran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34). Islamic scholars, judging from this proof and the likes, have concluded that everyone is going to be resurrected with their own organs.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth. This, because the soul is not essential for rebirth, only the revival of the body counts. Islam needs no soul. 'Rebirth with a soul' is a regression to the animal state of 'rebirth without soul', since nowadays believers cannot deny knowledge of the soul which animals do not have.
Transfusion of a non-Muslim’s blood into a Muslim’s body.
In principle, there is no difference between the transfusion of Muslim’s and a non-Muslim’s blood, thus both are permissible.
However, scholars recommend that one should abstain from the blood of unbelievers, transgressors and sinners, when reasonably possible, for there is a risk that the evil effects found in such people may affect the one in whom the blood is transfused.
Classical scholars also disliked the breastfeeding of a child by a sinning and transgressing woman. [Not the official line of Islam, BD]
In principle, there is no difference between the transfusion of Muslim’s and a non-Muslim’s blood, thus both are permissible.
However, scholars recommend that one should abstain from the blood of unbelievers, transgressors and sinners, when reasonably possible, for there is a risk that the evil effects found in such people may affect the one in whom the blood is transfused.
Classical scholars also disliked the breastfeeding of a child by a sinning and transgressing woman. [Not the official line of Islam, BD]
GOOD! Many UK Muslims die awaiting organ transplants because they refuse organ donations from non-Muslims.
Apparently, more Muslims are willing to accept an ‘infidel’ organ than they are to donate one of their own.
The level of religion
On the basis of the evolutionary ordering of religious concepts the level of discussion in Islam can be estimated as 'Rebirth, body & soul'. Judaism had the same position where the Pharisees believed in rebirth and the Sadducees were atheists. Also Jesus was resurrected with his soul:
Islam as a hybrid religion with inbreeding and incest
Above table is a rational path developed from animal sexuality to human religion. If a developmental stage (rebirth) once has been passed it is very unlikely religion will ever be reset.
1: So, if mankind discovered the parallel universe 200.000 years ago it would be very unlikely later desert religions expected 'rebirth with soul' on Earth. That would be earthly reincarnation. But that comes down to unacceptable logic. On the other hand in scattered tribes of Voodoo earthly reincarnation is still common nowadays.
But maybe Islam meant 'rebirth with soul' into the parallel universe (with transparent
angels and so forth) which is however a schizophrenic and illogical combination. That would be weird, for what has our body to do with the parallel universe? Nothing. Only in inbreeding cultures the body is important. That's why Islam had to glorify the body too, to identify with the followers of inbreeding and incest. Do you see the absurd interaction between the universes? Do you understand why in the Tanakh they were not very clear about the kind of universe in which they would be reborn?
2: But there is a second line of approach. The Pharisees wanted to resurrect the whole Jewish people at the Last Judgement in a universally recognizable composition. Since persons had to recognize each other thereafter. That is possible only with rebirth but not with reincarnation. For, you know how many problems people already have to find out from what animal they are reincarnated. So, rebirth confirms the identity of persons and reincarnation does not.
3. The third line is famous persons as Jesus cannot reincarnate into second hand bodies. And also here the problem is he would not be recognized as Jesus by his followers.
4. But we do know Christianity has no problem to let Christians reincarnate into Heaven of the parallel universe without their bodies, without having sex and without 72 wild Muslim virgins.
Islam connected with inbreeding and incest to tempt believers to go over to Islam. And the connection was that the reward for copulation with their ugly cousins was not earthly reincarnation any longer, in the same tribe with the same boring cousins, what was more a curse than a reward, but reincarnation into Heaven of the parallel universe with 72 fresh new virgins of other tribes. So, Islam offered Muslims exogamy in Heaven:

So the crazy thing is Islam promoted inbreeding and incest to connect with that culture and to bend the reward from earthly reincarnation into parallel reincarnation.
So why Islam let Muslims go to Heaven with their body?
In order to settle its sexual dictatorship on numerous Bedouin tribes, Islam had to somehow incorporate the existing and ancient faith of Inbreeding and Incest into its teachings. And then the human body became of the greatest importance for the afterlife.
So at Judgement Day, Allah completes the resurrection of Muslims from their painstaking collected body parts:
As a matter of fact, the Quran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34).
Then Islam makes the most important connection with 'inbreeding and incest' ever, for the behavior of believers will be partly judged from their body parts:
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished.
So, it matters daughters marry pious Muslims. For non-Muslim genes will destroy the family line, what Allah will address to the father of the daughter:
Gen 3:15
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [thy tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.[ Sadomasochism, hatred and violence is the bond between Bedouin tribes.]
What has happened here? First 'inbreeding and incest' was reinforced by genetic immortality in descendants:
Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc):
Operant response: inbreeding
Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring'
Homo erectus (2 Ma; 900cc):
Operant response: inbreeding
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
And at last Islam merges with inbreeding and incest trying to over class the earthly universe by the parallel universe:
Operant response: inbreeding
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
But that step went awfully wrong as written extensively on this site, for earthly reincarnation has become an instinct for almost 2 million years:
Operant response: inbreeding
Competing reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Competing reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe
This is the state of the art of human religion:
And now we understand why the believer of this combined religion Islam/Paradise culture concludes that their pious family can best be continued by inbreeding. That's why Islam tolerates honor killing.
They want not lose their followers, which in fact follow the inbreeding and incest faith:
These are the schizophrenic interactions between the universes in Islamic religion:
Islamic universes are heavily correlated, compromized and contaminated. That's why the planes easily project on each other:
It is weird but understandable that Muslims make such big problems about blood- and organ donations. Their hybrid religion is completely confusing. Christians make no trouble since they know Christ has given his body and life for his believers.
Christians invented the Fall of Sin to give their lusty masochism something to ask penance for. So Christians projected Heaven orthogonal to the inbreeding and incest culture of the Paradise narrative:

Since Christians are no Muslims, they don't take their body with them into Heaven nor do they expect to have sex with 72 lusty virgins:

Where does this difference in attitude come from? Christians have lost their inbreeding instinct for many thousands of years. They have a completely different unconscious than Muslims.
In conclusion we must say Islam is not the right religion for Paradise culture. Christianity is impossible because of the inherited inbreeding instinct of Muslims, but Judaism would fit, since this is a human religion which lets 'other sexual roles' (women) make their own choice for genetic diversity.

In the superego of the conscious we find Allah who advises to help others with blood- and organ donations, albeit under certain conditions. It must be said the general standpoint of Islam is not unreasonable and does not discriminate unbelievers, i.e. Christians, Jews and Atheists.
But in the unconscious of their real faith of 'inbreeding and incest' for Muslims it is definitely forbidden to give blood or organs to members of other tribes. There is a major conflict going on in Islam between the conscious and Inbreeding in the unconscious, which spreads to the subconscious of Muslims.
So, in the subconscious we see the battle in the minds of Muslims where they on the one side want to help others following the Koran, but on the other side refuse to help Christians and Jews following their ancient faith.
Resurrection in desert religions
107690: Ruling on organ donation
Praise be to Allaah.In the answer to question no. 49711 we stated that the (scholarly) view that it is permissible to donate organs is most likely to be the correct view, so long as the donation will not lead to the death of the donor.
Resurrection and sins committed with that organ.
The majority of ahl as-sunnah scholars and Islamic theologians think that resurrection is going to be physical in the hereafter and human beings are going to be resurrected with their souls and bodies, called to account and be rewarded or punished. The Koranic verses seem to support this view (see Ta Ha 20:55, al-Hajj 22:5, 7; al-Nur 24:20, Ya Sin 36:78-79, al-Qiyamah 75:34). The fact that resurrection is going to be physical (with body) plays a role – partly though – on people’s hesitation about organ transplantation. However, when the issue is examined deeply, it is seen that organ transplantation is not directly related to resurrection; or more properly that organ transplantation has got nothing to harm the belief of resurrection because the transplanted organ is going to be returned to its real owner. Actually, it does not prevent organs to be resurrected with their real owners even though they decayed under soil, burnt to ashes, or eaten by animals. As a matter of fact, the Koran states that one’s organs are going to be gathered together with the slightest details in the hereafter (al-Qiyamah 75:34). Islamic scholars, judging from this proof and the likes, have concluded that everyone is going to be resurrected with their own organs.
BD: Resurrection of the own body - with or without soul - must be seen as rebirth. This, because the soul is not essential for rebirth, only the revival of the body counts. Islam needs no soul. 'Rebirth with a soul' is a regression to the animal state of 'rebirth without soul', since nowadays believers cannot deny knowledge of the soul which animals do not have.
Resurrection of Jesus
The resurrection story appears in more than five locations in the Bible. In several episodes in the Four Gospels Jesus foretells his coming death and resurrection, which he states is the plan of God the Father.[24] Christians view the resurrection of Jesus as part of the plan of salvation and redemption by atonement for man's sin.[25] Belief in a bodily resurrection [Rebirth, BD] of the dead became well established within some segments of Jewish society in the centuries leading up to the time of Christ, as recorded by Daniel 12:2, from the mid-2nd century BC: "Many of those sleeping in the dust shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to everlasting peril". Josephus (1st century AD) gives the following outline: The Pharisees believed in Resurrection of the Dead, and the Sadducees did not.[26] The Sadducees, politically powerful religious leaders, rejected the afterlife, angels, and demons as well as the Pharisees' oral law. The Pharisees, whose views became Rabbinic Judaism, eventually won (or at least survived) this debate. The promise of a future resurrection appears in the Torah as well as in certain Jewish works, such as the Life of Adam and Eve, c 100 BC, and the Pharisaic book 2 Maccabees, c124 BC.[27]
However, 1st century Judaism had no conception of a single individual rising from the dead in the middle of history. The historical Jewish concept of resurrection was that of a redemption of the whole people.[28] Their concept was always that everybody [sleeping forever, BD] would be raised together at the end of time [Rebirth, BD]. So the idea of one individual rising in the middle of history was foreign to them.[29]
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