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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Friday, 30 December 2016

(128) The Honor Syndrome

Basic Dimension

Assumption 271: The honor syndrome is a complex of phenomena representing the now unconscious 'reincarnation into the earthly universe', what is forbidden in Islam as a mortal sin. It contains a range of phenomena from honor killings to lighter forms of honor revenge as honor rape and honor harassment by other family members.

Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, loss of virginity, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like. 

Assumption 85: Muslim girls who underwent an abortion because of a non-Muslim friend must fear for their lives and immediately must terminate all relations with their family. Also they are no virgins anymore.

Short introduction

Muslim: Are there any trade-off and pay-off matrices shaping the relation between 'honor of the family' and cutting daughters to pieces?

Freud: Well, good question for a Muslim. Indeed there must be a whole system of operant conditioning leading to reinforcement and reward of this behavior. 


In the first place 'honor of the family' is the conscious term for the now unconscious concept of 'tribal self-esteem', or 'family self-esteem', which was the object of 'genetic immortality', what was the religion of the first sexual culture of Inbreeding and Incest of the Homininae     (7 Ma; 400cc), which lasted uninterruptedly for 7 million years for nowadays Muslims.

Well, see below:
Assumption 256: Human religion is developed from a set of higher order time derivatives and controls sexual culture by ethical norms and values. Therefore it looks like religion comes from God. The last time-derivative will be zero and has been always wanted diligently, for it is expected to lead the sexual culture to the eternal existence in another universe. It is the timelessness derivative of sexuality: perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe.

In the second place the invention of reincarnation into tribal descendants by Homo erectus     (2 Ma; 900cc) forced females to inbreeding and incest to deliver inbred bodies for ancestors:

And now you may see the link between honor killings and Inbreeding and incest. Only if daughters are willing to lend their reproductive organs as incubator of family semen, the inbreeding culture will survive. Without willing women ancestors cannot reincarnate into tribal- or family descendants:

So, in the third place, 'the honor of the family' replaces and represents the suppressed religion of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe', which is forbidden in nowadays Islam on pain of death, because Muslims have to reincarnate into Heaven of the parallel universe:

So Muslims suppress the meaning of inbreeding and incest for already 1400 years. Awareness of the benefits of inbreeding and incest is yielding to polytheism, which is a cardinal sin in monotheistic Islam.

So, only by pumping their daughters full with family semen, fathers unconsciously feel save to project eternal life into earthly reincarnation by inbred bodies. And that's also the reason for acid attacks on girls who do not want to breed with cousins. After acid attacks they likely will not get kids anymore, so fathers have no risk to reincarnate into hybrids of other tribes or families. Second advantage is these tragic girls become a lifelong billboard of what is not done in Islam.

The honor syndrome

Assumption 271: The honor syndrome is a complex of phenomena representing the now unconscious 'reincarnation into the earthly universe', what is forbidden in Islam as a mortal sin. It contains a range of phenomena from honor killings to lighter forms of honor revenge as honor rape and honor harassment by other family members.

Muslim: Please can you explain how my people come to honor killings?

Cult. Ant: Well, I can. In fieldwork we practice participant observation in disguise. You might guess I'm just back from Africa. So, in Muslim cultures we perceive carefully how young girls are harassed by their fathers who show insane interest in their reproductive organs. In Muslim cultures, I must say, at last, it is forbidden to rape mature daughters and that's why Muslim fathers project the honor of their family into their nephews by displacement. Then, if daughters are unwilling to serve as incubator of family semen they will be honor killed or acid attacked.


Muslim: But, to put my last question. This would mean all honor killings without explicit references to forced marriages are perceived as ordinary murders, with a gradual drain to manslaughter and wrongful death? Then we are shaping the behavior of these killers. Are you really sure the murder of Mirjam Abarkan had nothing to do with honor killings? So, killing your own daughter is a normal murder if it cannot be proved otherwise? Are you kidding me???

Cult.Anthrop .: No, I am not sure it is no honor killing, that is a misunderstanding. We only tell the judges we did not find any indication to honor killing. We are not responsible for this policor court of multiculturalism in the Netherlands, which concluded this murder had nothing to do with honor killings. Nobody can draw that conclusion. Or can you, maybe?

What determines an honor killing?

Assumption 272An honor killing is the extreme of the honor syndrome scale. This syndrome is determined by the theoretical domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. All atrocities forthcoming from the parental wish to reincarnate into the earthly universe by the inbred of their offspring, which results in child murder (Filicide), are to be seen as honor killings with or without evidence of forced marriages, which latter is no indicator but just another symptom of the honor syndrome. 

Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like.

This means the cause of honor killings is not only the refusal of an arranged marriage, but can also be dating with non-Muslims or for example having a Western lifestyle. In conclusion, all events threatening the inbreeding and incest cult of the parents concerning reincarnation into the earthly universe can in principle lead to honor killings:

Honor Rape

'So, only by pumping their daughters full with family semen, fathers unconsciously feel save to project eternal life into earthly reincarnation by inbred bodies.' 

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016


Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway 

  • The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
  • The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
  • The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle 

What causes honor rape?

On the honor syndrome scale anything can replace 'honor killing'. For example 'honor rape' can be caused by a Western lifestyle of daughters what might hinder dating Muslim males:

This has far-reaching consequences for convictions of such murderers. Let us take the case of the murder of Mirjam Abarkan:

Mirjam Abarkan R.I.P.

Indications of the honor syndrome 

Prosecutor Lambers said no premeditation (a family council) was found for honor killing and therefore concluded it was no first degree murder, but manslaughter. So, if I kill my daughter with a knife intentionally as is proved by the pathologist it will be murder, because I am no Muslim. But if a Muslim kills his daughter and Lambers finds no indication for honor killing, it is manslaughter. This is a very weird way of logical reasoning. 

The problem is he can hardly judge the indications of the honor syndrome. He gambles on whether it is honor killing without proper substantive argumentation. IMO the slaughter of Mirjam Abarkan was plain murder and no manslaughter, it was intended since the mother took the knife with her from the kitchen below to the room of Mirjam upstairs, and had time enough to think it over. Think about it, nobody with children leaves a big killing knife in the bathroom next to the rooms of Mirjam and the other children to collect tickets and labels from new garments. That's ridiculous. I don't buy this joke from the prosecutor. They might have invented the knife in the bathroom to erase intended murder, as it had to look like an instantaneous act in a fit of insanity. IMO it was pure honor killing based on a non-Muslim friend and the abortion of the life of an ancestor in a hybrid.

Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.

Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like. 

Assumption 85: Muslim girls who underwent an abortion because of a non-Muslim friend must fear for their lives and immediately must terminate all relations with their family. Also they are no virgins anymore.

Further, no recherche report has been made public about the scenario of this murder, which is very abnormal. I do not know if the mother was the murderer, but I have my doubts since in the Netherlands we cannot trust the police and the court any longer. They spin and frame and sometimes lie to change the scenario to the public. 

In conclusion: 

In Dutch, honor killing is called 'eerwraak'. Literally eer-wraak means honor-revenge.

But in our domain of reincarnation the murder of Mirjam Abarkan must definitely be seen as an honor killing for the following circumstantial reasons indicating inbreeding:

1: Mirjam dated a Dutch boy who was not a Muslim.
2: Mirjam has been pregnant two months ago.Two months before her death Miriam underwent abortion.
3: Mirjam lost her virginity.

These are most compelling reasons to kill daughters in inbreeding cultures like Islam, besides refusing a forced marriage. Remember GĆ¼lsĆ¼m Selim also told her parents to have undergone abortion just before her gruesome killing.

Annex 3:
The girl was killed during a violent argument with her mother in the family home in IJsselstein. The quarrel arose after Ben M. had snatched Miriam's phone and was shocked by the content of the messages. [Inter alia not an Islamic boyfriend, PP].

IJSSELSTEIN - Girlfriends of the stabbed Miriam Abarkan from IJsselstein suspect that a ping message from her friend led to her death. The 16-year-old girl received the phone message just before she was stabbed.

According to friends, the Moroccan family of the victim was not happy with her western lifestyle and they knew nothing of her relationship with a Dutch boy. The mother is the main suspect in the stabbing and needs to remain at least two weeks in custody.

Miriam girlfriends told RTV Utrecht the boy in question at first could not believe that the girl was dead. According to them, he broke by the bad news and feels his guilt huge.

According to Ausma [her lawyer BD] it was not about honor killings and the girl was not pregnant [anymore BD]. The two quarreled because the girl would keep to western life style and because she had a non-Muslim friend.

Bijlage 3:
Het meisje kwam om het leven tijdens een heftige ruzie met haar moeder in de ouderlijke woning in IJsselstein. De ruzie ontstond nadat Ben M. Mirjam's telefoon had afgepakt en was geschrokken van de inhoud van de berichten[o.a. niet islamitisch vriendje, PP].

IJSSELSTEIN - Vriendinnen van de doodgestoken Mirjam Abarkan uit IJsselstein vermoeden dat een ping-bericht van haar vriend tot haar dood geleid heeftHet 16-jarige meisje kreeg het telefoonberichtje vlak voor ze werd neergestoken.

Volgens vriendinnen was de Marokkaanse familie van het slachtoffer niet blij met haar westerse leefstijl en wisten zij niets van haar relatie met een Nederlandse jongen. De moeder is hoofdverdachte van de steekpartij en moet nog zeker twee weken in voorarrest blijven.

De vriendinnen van Mirjam vertellen tegen RTV Utrecht dat de jongen in kwestie in eerste instantie niet kon geloven dat het meisje dood was. Volgens hen is hij gebroken door het slechte nieuws en is zijn schuldgevoel enorm.

Volgens Ausma [haar advocaat BD] ging het niet om eerwraak en was het meisje ook niet [meer, BD]  zwanger. Wel kregen de twee ruzie omdat het meisje er een te westerse levensstijl op na zou houden en omdat ze een niet-islamitische vriend had.

Court report:

At the hearing it became clear that Miriam completely against the wishes of her parents had intimate contact with boys, used drugs and drank alcohol. The mother Chahira lives in the Netherlands since she was 8 years old and is more desperate than strictly to her daughter's behavior. She has tried to hide these behaviors as much as possible for the father, her husband. Total panic swept her off when Miriam appeared pregnant in late 2012. Two months before her death Miriam underwent abortion. Help of social workers and the school where the academic performance of Miriam were very lousy, was invoked. From all this Mirjam became more and more recalcitrant. A school trip to Paris had to be aborted by a foot-stomping Miriam.

Ter zitting werd duidelijk dat Mirjam geheel tegen de wens van haar ouders intiem omging met jongens, drugs gebruikte en alcohol dronk. Moeder Chahira woont al sinds haar 8e levensjaar in Nederland en is eerder wanhopig dan streng om het gedrag van haar dochter. Ze heeft geprobeerd deze gedragingen zoveel mogelijk verborgen te houden voor de vader, haar echtgenoot. Totale paniek brak bij haar uit toen Mirjam in het najaar van 2012 zwanger bleek. Twee maanden voor haar dood heeft Mirjam abortus ondergaan. Hulp van maatschappelijk werk en de school, waar de leerprestaties van Mirjam zeer belabberd waren, werd ingeroepen. Al dit werkte meer recalcitrantie bij Mirjam in de hand. Een schoolreisje naar Parijs moest door een ‘stampvoetende Mirjam’ worden afgebroken.

Seventh lesson: Never talk about your abortion, just run.

GĆ¼lsĆ¼m Selim and Mirjam Abarkan have been killed within weeks after their confession of an abortion.

Assumption 85: Muslim girls who underwent an abortion because of a non-Muslim friend must fear for their lives and immediately must terminate all relations with their family. Also they are no virgins anymore.

Knapp einen Monat ist es her, da wurde GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. tot in einem WaldstĆ¼ck nahe Kleve aufgefunden. Nun ist die Tat aufgeklƤrt. Die 20-jƤhrige Deutsch-Kurdin musste sterben, weil sie einer ZwangsvermƤhlung nicht zustimmen wollte. Gegen den Vater und den Bruder erging Haftbefehl. GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. sollte gegen ihren Willen verheiratet werden. Doch dann erfuhr die Familie, dass sie keine Jungfrau mehr war und schon mal abgetrieben hatte Als der Vater von dem heimlichen Schwangerschaftsabbruch erfuhr, habe sich  der Konflikt in der Familie zugespitzt, berichtete die Polizei weiter. Unter einem Vorwand sei die 20-JƤhrige dann aus ihrem Elternhaus auf einen einsamen Feldweg gelockt und umgebracht worden. Ihr Bruder habe GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. am 2. MƤrz mit einer WƤscheleine bis zur Bewusstlosigkeit gewĆ¼rgt. AnschlieƟend sei sie regelrecht totgeknĆ¼ppelt worden, berichteten die Ermittler. Der Bruder habe dann ihre Geldbƶrse an sich genommen, um einen Raubmord vorzutƤuschen.

It was almost a month since GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. was found dead in a forest near Kleve. Now the fact is cleared up. The 20-year-old German Kurd had to die because she did not want to agree to a forced marriage. Against the father and the brother came arrest warrant. GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. was to be married against her will. But then the family learned that she was no longer a virgin and had already aborted. When the father learned of the secret pregnancy, the conflict in the family had tipped, the police reported. Under a pretext, the 20-year-old was then lured from her parents home on a lonely dirt road and was killed. Her brother had choked GĆ¼lsĆ¼m S. on March 2 with a clothesline to unconsciousness. Afterwards, she was deadly struck, the investigators reported. The brother then took her wallet to pretend a robbery.

Mirjam Abarkan was an extremely awkward adolescent

UTRECHT - The substantive hearing of the murder of the 16 / year old Mirjam Abarkan makes it clear that the family of mother Chahira ben M. from IJselstein had a lot of problems. Problems we see more often in court. Miriam was a girl who wanted to go to parties at moments she had to learn for school and a girl who dealt with wrong friends (Non-Muslims, BD)

Arranged marriage (?)

A mother who, perhaps because Mirjam was forced to a marriage with a Muslim, did not have the right response on the behavior of Mirjam. And a mother with mental health problems who goes way too far during an argument. Where daughter Miriam cries out that she is pregnant, there is a knife. According to the mother she wanted to let herself be killed by her daughter.


The defense seems to suggest that daughter Miriam might have thrown herself into the knife. But the only cool woman in the audience today, the pathologist of the NFI gives the defense little hope. It is an experienced pathologist who can explain how such wounds must look like.

Appendix 3: From the statement of the pathologist follows that for the occurrence of the fatal stab wound to the heart on the one hand a substantial power was required and on the other hand a fixation of the knife. This indicates that on the one hand a motion must have taken place, and on the other hand the blade with the tip in the direction of the victim should have been taken firm and held with power or fixed in some other way, so that the knife offered sufficient resistance. 
Bijlage 3: Uit de verklaring van de patholoog volgt dat voor het ontstaan van de dodelijke steekwond in het hart enerzijds een substantiĆ«le krachtsinwerking en anderzijds een fixatie van het mes vereist was. Dit duidt erop dat enerzijds een beweging moet hebben plaatsgevonden en anderzijds het mes met de punt in de richting van het slachtoffer stevig en met kracht moet zijn vastgehouden of op andere wijze gefixeerd, zodat het mes voldoende weerstand bood.


Legally this sensational case is simple. There is a confession. Prosecutor Lambers can tell that no indication has been found of honor killingTherefore, it is not murder. The officer called Chahira slightly diminished responsible. The officer weighs the personal circumstances heavily, just as he would for any other Dutchman. He demanded seven years in prison. 

Lawyer Willem Jan Ausma requires a much shorter sentence. This family needs the mother quickly, says Ausma. Pronunciation 23rd July.

Damned, the mother confessed the murder. How can we know someone else did not kill the child? Where is the timeline and reconstruction of this murder?

     Mirjam Abarkan was een extreem lastige puber

 Plaats een reactie

utrecht-20130131-00458_thumb_thumb1UTRECHT – De inhoudelijke behandeling van de moord op de 16/jarige Mirjam Abarkan maakt duidelijk dat het gezin van moeder Chahira ben M. uit IJselstein vol zat met problemen. Problemen die we vaker zien in de rechtbank. Mirjam was Een meisje dat uit wil terwijl ze moet leren en met verkeerde vriendjes omgaat
Een moeder die, misschien omdat ze is uitgehuwelijkt, er niet al te lekker op reageert. En een moeder met psychische problemen die veel te ver gaat tijdens een ruzie. Waarbij dochter Mirjam uitroept dat ze zwanger is, komt er een mes tevoorschijn. Volgens de moeder wilde zij zich door haar dochter laten ombrengen.
De verdediging lijkt er op te koersen dat dochter Mirjam zih misschien zelf in het mes heeft gestort. Maar de enige koele vrouw in de zaal vandaag, de patholoog van het NFI geeft de verdediging weinig  hoop. Het is een ervaren patholoog die droog kan uitlegt hoe steekkanalen er dan uit moeten zien.
Juridisch stelt deze opzienbarende zaak weinig voor. Er ligt een bekentenis. Officier van justitie Lambers mag vertellen dat er geen enkele aanwijzing is gevonden dat er sprake is van eerwraak. Daarom is het geen moord. De officier noemt Chihara licht verminderd toerekeningsvatbaar. De officier weegt net als hij bij iedere andere Nederlander zou doen, de persoonlijke omstandigheden zwaar mee. Hij eist 7 jaar cel.
Advocaat Willem Jan Ausma vraagt een veel kortere straf. Dit gezin heeft de moeder snel weer nodig, vindt Ausma. Uitspraak 23 juli. 
lees ook
16 april 2013 De mo


How many honor killings and honor rapes are already passed in Western society without notice of justice. How long do we still accept the conscious mind of Muslims as a legal basis for justice?

Assumption 273: Honor killings and forced marriages in inbreeding cultures are not unambiguously causally chained as both are just symptoms of the unconscious domain of 'reincarnation into the earthly universe'. This has great consequences for the trial of honor killings, as these can also be caused by dating non-Muslims, abortions or having a Western lifestyle and the like. 


This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Attibution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.

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