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'Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States, until our country representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.'
If objective people got wrong information from the Koran, it could be easily corrected and believers would change their behavior.
But if they had the same attitude as given in the Koran then of course, it would not help to rewrite the Koran in a lighter version without murder and manslaughter on 'other sexual roles' (women, gays, children and unbelievers).
Still a step further, if their behavior was not given by an attitude but obtained by natural selection caused by an hereditary instinct (from Inbreeding and Incest) then these people would change their behavior only after about 20 generations of forced outbreeding.
This all means one must look further than just 1400 years back in history. Then one might conclude that nowadays inbreeding cultures are the last of the Hominins which have not changed their religion in the course of the evolution since Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc):
Islamic culture is a hybrid religion emerged from inbreeding and monotheism:

Meanwhile, other cultures (Christianity) lost their inbreeding instinct by outbreeding many thousands of years ago. Remember, we will head for big explanatory problems if we do not postulate the inbreeding instinct to understand honor killings and acid attacks and to explain the schizophrenics of Islamic culture. The derivation of this instinct is a major part of this blog.
Islamic culture is a hybrid religion emerged from inbreeding and monotheism:

Meanwhile, other cultures (Christianity) lost their inbreeding instinct by outbreeding many thousands of years ago. Remember, we will head for big explanatory problems if we do not postulate the inbreeding instinct to understand honor killings and acid attacks and to explain the schizophrenics of Islamic culture. The derivation of this instinct is a major part of this blog.
If we understand humanlike religion exists for already 7 million years, then the last 2000 years are just an insignificant ripple in the pond. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are founded on earlier religions and we better find an all-inclusive structure for human religion in the Homininae period as a whole:
As mentioned, we must accept hereditary differences caused by natural selection in inbreeding and outbreeding cultures. Outbreeding cultures will select randomly, but inbreeding cultures will cause a dependability between ethnicity and culture.
For example in Paradise culture brave women yearning for genetic diversity have been slaughtered systematically for millions of years. And soft, masochistic and wise males had no chance to survive and have been systematically eradicated:
We are left with an over representation of sadistic males and masochistic females.
An extreme sado-masochistic distribution emerged, in which sadistic Muslim males and masochistic Muslim women occupy the poles. On the other hand in outbreeding cultures (Christianity) sado-masochistic effects are greatly reduced:
It is obvious, endogamous cultures as Islam and exogamous cultures as Christianity cannot exist together, since inbreeding cultures will segregate on all fronts:
Religions are operationalized by group permeability which shows Islam curdles with every other culture:
Exogamous cultures must not accept Islamic culture, since this will be suicide of Western culture. For Muslims already living in Western culture, there must be enforced stringent legislation that restrict their cultural expressions:
Most important is the prohibition by law of any inbreeding and incest. See addendum.
A laissez-faire policy of multiculturalism will be treason to Western culture:
Western culture will be extinguished and eradicated:
At best it will merge with Islam into Chrislam:

Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
As mentioned, we must accept hereditary differences caused by natural selection in inbreeding and outbreeding cultures. Outbreeding cultures will select randomly, but inbreeding cultures will cause a dependability between ethnicity and culture.
For example in Paradise culture brave women yearning for genetic diversity have been slaughtered systematically for millions of years. And soft, masochistic and wise males had no chance to survive and have been systematically eradicated:
We are left with an over representation of sadistic males and masochistic females.
An extreme sado-masochistic distribution emerged, in which sadistic Muslim males and masochistic Muslim women occupy the poles. On the other hand in outbreeding cultures (Christianity) sado-masochistic effects are greatly reduced:
It is obvious, endogamous cultures as Islam and exogamous cultures as Christianity cannot exist together, since inbreeding cultures will segregate on all fronts:
Religions are operationalized by group permeability which shows Islam curdles with every other culture:
Most important is the prohibition by law of any inbreeding and incest. See addendum.
- Prof Steve Jones, one of Britain’s most eminent scientists, has warned that the level of inbreeding among the nation’s Muslims is endangering the health of future generations.
- First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families. Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.
- Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
Western culture will be extinguished and eradicated:
At best it will merge with Islam into Chrislam:

Hay Festival 2011: Professor risks political storm over Muslim 'inbreeding’
Prof Steve Jones, one of Britain’s most eminent scientists, has warned that the level of inbreeding among the nation’s Muslims is endangering the health of future generations.-----------------------------------------------
The geneticist said that it was common in the Islamic world for men to marry their nieces and cousins. He said that Bradford has a particular problem and warned that it could affect the health of children born into these marriages.“It is common in the Islamic world to marry your brother’s daughter, which is actually closer than marrying your cousin.(..) We should be concerned about that as there can be a lot of hidden genetic damage. Children are much more likely to get two copies of a damaged gene.”
He added: “Bradford is very inbred. There is a huge amount of cousins marrying each other there.” Research in Bradford has found that babies born to Pakistani women are twice as likely to die in their first year as babies born to white mothers, with genetic problems linked to inbreeding identified as a “significant” cause.
Studies have found that within the city, more than 70 per cent of marriages are between relations, with more than half involving first cousins.
First cousin marriages in Pakistani communities leading to 'appalling' disabilities among children.
"You go to any such family and there will be four or five children, at least one or two of whom will have some disability. That is absolutely unacceptable, and if we cannot do anything about it, is it fair to the children?"
First-cousin marriages, which are are legal in the UK, are practised within Britain’s Pakistani community, as well as among some Arab and African families. Medical data previously suggested that while British Pakistanis were responsible for 3 per cent of all births, they accounted for 30 per cent of British children born with a genetic illness.
Tuesday, Oct 11th 2016
Muslim father rapes his daughter as punishment because she had become 'too Westernised' living in Norway
- The man, in his 40s has been charged with rape and incest after he attacked his daughter in their family home
- The daughter ran out of the house in the city of Fredrikstad and told a passing postman who called the police
- The daughter told police she had been punished by her father for living a Western lifestyle
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