Basic Dimension (400 - 700)
Number Archive
Assumption 265:
Matthew 5:44
King James Bible Jesus:
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Muslims come in Heaven by killing unbelievers, Christians being killed by unbelievers.
Assumption 401: Long-term effects from inbreeding are only expected from a physiological and genetic base. Therefore, inbreeding cultures must be based on an enduring instinct. We further assume dilution of the inbreeding instinct by mixing with outbreeding cultures.
Assumption 402: Rebirth or reincarnation caves.
In rebirth caves nothing was given to the dead. In the first place they never saw a baby newborn with a stone axe in his hand. Also, precious gifts would attract thieves, where the chambers were open and not protected. After all, reborn ancestors had to be able to leave the cave. So, rebirth and valuable gifts do not go together. Of course Homo naledi had stone tools, of course they had grass cables but they never left anything of value in the caves. Nobody was allowed to track their rebirth graves.
Assumption 403: The evolution of human religious concepts keeps track with their intellectual development. But more advanced and magical concepts from their cauliflower brain do not supplant rational concepts from the animal world. Interactions occur between 'sleep forever', 'rebirth with and without soul', 'reincarnation' and 'resurrection in the multiverse'. The schizophrenia of Islam is caused by impossible interactions between these concepts, in which Muslims instinctively believe in earthly reincarnation, but are also forced to accept Allah and resurrection into the parallel universe. Notice the similarity between Allah and the God of Darkness.
Assumption 404: Rebirth and resurrection.
Rebirth is the complete renewal of the DNA of a dead person into a foetus, complete with long telomeres (Homo naledi). Resurrection is the revival of a dead person in his last appearance (Christianity, Jesus). Islam mixes rebirth (repairing DNA completely) with resurrection (reinstating the last stage) into some parallel universe.
Assumption 405: It were rational impossibilities (coming to life again), which in the long run triggered magical thinking (reincarnation and resurrection). Magical thinking replaced genetic immortality from the animal world.
Assumption 406: 'Rebirth without soul' is just a rational analogy from the life cycle of plants. It is not magical thinking, it is just the wrong analogy. Rebirth has no free will. It does not have a soul in the afterlife, which offers the deceased to reincarnate into the tribe of their choice.
Assumption 407: In polytheism the soul was invented to let ancestors choose their tribe of reincarnation. But in monotheism a higher power has their fate. Monotheism as supranational sexual terror brought ethnic tribes under the same command with resurrection in some parallel universe.
Assumption 408: In religious evolution a monotheistic God has been created (desert religions) who has dethroned all gods from ancestors. An unknowable God, in an invisible parallel universe, who has forbidden polytheism. Whose sexual terror is superimposed on all other religions, but specifically collapsed the Muslim culture into craziness.
Assumption 409: The biggest mistake in evolutionary thinking about human development is that it magically began with the hominids and ended rationally with hominins. Writing out all phases reveals the opposite. The bipedal mutation was intrinsically rational, but derailed in a magical way. Our brain has evolved into a magical nucleus that is rationally sublimated in the mantle.
Assumption 410: Homo naledi can be called 'a late hominid'. Bipedal hominids survived for seven million years with their vulnerable bodies against feline predators. Without a sharp and rational brain, they would not have survived. From the moment they left the trees they must have used wooden spears to defend themselves. They were not stupid at all, although they must have functioned at a low level of rationality.
Assumption 412: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam). It is the clash between the unconscious belief in tribal self determination of the afterlife of Muslim males and their conscious faith in heavenly resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah.
Assumption 466: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a later human religion (resurrection) and a former human religion (reincarnation).
Assumption 413: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a sexual religion (Inbreeding) and a human religion (Islam). It is a Muslim male dilemma. Honor killings are caused by the incompatibility of earthly reincarnation by inbreeding and heavenly resurrection by Islam. It is the incompatibility of the unconscious faith in tribal (family) reincarnation and the conscious faith in heavenly resurrection in the parallel universe of Allah. Islam is 1400 years old, but the Muslim inbreeding instinct dates from Homo erectus, from 2.2 million years ago.
Assumption 414: The Alpha male (inbreeding) is the solitary God of higher mammals (females, outbreeding). Therefore, inbreeding is causally linked to monotheism in the evolution.
Monotheistic religions in metaphorical form (e.g. Islam) are artificial higher aggregates of the Alpha male model, in which fictitious Gods (e.g. Allah) replace the Alpha male.
Human religions using pure inbreeding from sexual religion as oppression of females are most powerful. This sets the power of Islam. Desert religions took over power from Bedouin tribes by deceiving them about the existence of an invisible and unknowable God in an unknown parallel universe.
Assumption 415: Honor killings.
Without cousin marriages, Muslim males must reincarnate into descendants who are hybrids from unknown Muslim families or from other faiths (Sadia Sheikh). And once reincarnated into these hybrids they can never return to their own tribe after their next death. The idea that Muslims can marry any other Muslim comes from religious endogamy (Islam) and is at odds with the inbreeding instinct.
So, Muslim fathers unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in the family. Then, they are condemned to roam as ghosts through space forever. This, unconsciously, is almost deadly frightening for Muslim fathers. Their inbreeding instinct is much stronger than their belief in heaven.
All honor killings have the same denominator: The fear of Muslim males to lose their afterlife, because they unconsciously believe in earthly reincarnation and not in heaven of the parallel universe. So, because a lot of Muslims do not really believe in the parallel universe, they enforce cousin marriages.
For unwilling daughters, honor killings or acid attacks will follow. Only then Muslim fathers will find their inner peace, being paid with sexual pleasure from the kill as compensation for the loss of their afterlife (Sexual Scales of Religion).
Therefore, refusal of a cousin marriage, or having been raped, or loss of virginity or having committed abortion, all this may lead to the death of the daughter.
Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother or your Muslim uncle. Also never trust your Muslim mother, your Muslim aunt or even your blood own sister Tahira Sheikh, who assisted her brother Mudusar Sheikh in killing Sadia. Only trust unrelated peers from school.
Assumption 248: Most compelling difference between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection is the first is finite, if dependent on tribal survival of the own inbred tribe, while the latter is infinite and achieves eternal life without any restriction.
Assumption 416: Earthly reincarnation does not guarantee eternal life for members from inbreeding cultures, which cultures are vulnerable to extinction (fertility stress). Therefore, reincarnation led to the revival of outbreeding cultures at the onset of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). From Homo sapiens (350 kya; 1450cc), resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe was forever and became the panacea for inbred populations. That is why Desert religions (Islam) are fond of God in heaven of the parallel universe. Note that Judaism and Christianity have become outbreeding cultures already a long time ago.
Assumption 417: The Myth of Abraham is not about polytheism or monotheism in the first place. These are not fundamental religious concepts in human development. It just comes to counting the number of gods. On the other hand, earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection are paradigm shifts in human religious thinking. That is the real importance of the myth. Monotheistic sexual terror from Desert religions is a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
Assumption 418: Reincarnation and the soul.
1: Homo erectus conquered the world as a long distance runner without permanent residence.
2: This means, ancestors could not be reborn where they were buried.
3: Therefore, the plant theory collapsed.
4: Then, for the sake of reborn, some unknown entity from ancestors must have joined the tribe on its journey out of Africa.
5: This way, Homo erectus came on the soul already two million years ago.
6: And the soul reincarnated into the tribe, wherever they migrated.
7: So, Homo erectus invented the soul and reincarnation 2.2 Mya.
8: Homo erectus redeemed hominins from the shackles of rebirth without soul.
Reincarnation is rebirth anywhere and anytime in the earthly universe. Blood and genes from ancestors were not needed anymore. A fleeting entity as the soul replaced reality and by magical thinking hominins opened the gates to the afterlife, in which the deceased had full control over anything to be reborn.
What you see coming is that reincarnation and the soul gave tribal heads enormous power. This ultimately provoked the resurrection in the parallel universe from monotheism, the sexual terror still worshipped in this rotten world.
Assumption 419: The animal world started with polytheism because all sexual roles (all gods) are allowed for solitary animals, meaning animals are not hindered in their sexual play. But for animals living in groups together with an Alpha male (a single God) we call monotheism as their religion. Monotheism means terror over sexual roles from others.
Assumption 198: The alpha male is a polygamous heterosexual and monotheistic God, who attaches to genetic monoculture. In the anti-projection we find 'other sexual roles' (mostly female roles), pursuing genetic diversity.Assumption 420: Monotheism and inbreeding.
Originally monotheism comes from the Alpha male as a polygamous heterosexual and monotheistic God, who practiced inbreeding. But after Abraham developed resurrection in the parallel universe with a metaphorical God, also monotheistic but now a-sexual, without inbreeding. But Muslim males changed a-sexuality into outbreeding, with the result that they believe in resurrection in heaven with 72 blonde Christian whores from other tribes. As a result, Muslim males consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe (outbreeding), but unconsciously in earthly reincarnation with inbreeding.
Assumption 421: The Muslim faith is based on polytheism with inbreeding, used for reincarnation after Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), mixed with monotheism with outbreeding, as resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe (Allah). Not used in the Muslim faith is genetic immortality from Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc): that is monotheism with inbreeding from the Alpha male model of the animal world.
Assumption 414: The Alpha male (inbreeding) is the solitary God of higher mammals (females, outbreeding). Therefore, inbreeding is causally linked to monotheism in the evolution. Monotheistic religions in metaphorical form (e.g. Islam) are artificial higher aggregates of the Alpha male model, in which fictitious Gods (e.g. Allah) replace the Alpha male.Assumption 422: Human religions using pure inbreeding as oppression of females are most powerful. This sets the power of Islam. Desert religions took power from Bedouin tribes by deceiving them about the existence of an invisible and unknowable God in an unknown parallel universe.
Assumption 422: Human religions using pure inbreeding as oppression of females are most powerful. This sets the power of Islam. Desert religions took power from Bedouin tribes by deceiving them about the existence of an invisible and unknowable God in an unknown parallel universe. Meaning that the power of Islam actually is not metaphorical monotheism based on a single God (Allah) in the parallel universe. The real power of the Muslim faith is still based on the original monotheism from the Alpha male, who practiced inbreeding. Let it be that inbreeding now is linked to reincarnation. Below the development of the Alpha male model, in which the Muslim culture is based on pure (and not metaphorical) monotheism from the Alpha male with pure inbreeding. So, in the end this hybrid religion is nevertheless based on two pillars: monotheism and inbreeding. It is totally confusing:
Assumption 111: An honor killing is a human sacrifice, in which the father confirms his belief in the parallel universe of Allah. The death of his daughter makes earthly reincarnation impossible.
Assumption 425: The Muslim faith is a tangled knot from inbreeding (earthly reincarnation) and outbreeding (Islam promotes outbreeding within religious endogamy). Inbreeding means 'cousin marriages' in earthly reincarnation, while 'outbreeding' means 'Muslims marry other Muslims'. Furthermore, Muslim males hope for perpetual orgasm with virgins from other tribes in heaven (outbreeding). Both religions: earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection are at odds, resulting in honor killings.
Assumption 426: The assumption of 'Gods are sexual roles' has the important implication that honor killings are an Islam phenomenon that not happened earlier. Females from inbreeding cultures from the time of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) had more sexual freedom (polytheism = more sexual roles accepted) than in nowadays Islam (monotheism means: male heterosexual terror). Homo erectus females accepted cousin marriages out of free will for the 'honor of the family', for fertility stress, for not to go extinct as a species. Honor killings are an Islam issue, caused by Muslim females who do not understand anymore why cousin marriages are needed. In other words, they intuitively understand very well that cousin marriages are absurd.
Assumption 428: The clash between reincarnation and resurrection. The idea of the soul is the most shocking revelation of human religion, conceptualized by Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). The soul was needed for choosing the tribe to reincarnate. And without reincarnation, the soul would wander hopelessly and helplessly, forever in the universe. So there was a binary choice.
But would the soul remain in the earthly universe as an invisible ghost? With the increase of the frontal lobe, doubts increased too. Maybe still another universe could be imagined.
But what kind of universe? It took bipedal primates until Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) to conceptualize the parallel universe. In this first phase, humans reincarnated on Earth and gods lived in the parallel universe. This agreement with the gods is shown in the Myth of Abraham. Still visible in Voodoo.
But about 10,000 years ago humans imagined themselves to resurrect in heaven of the parallel universe. And about 4000 YA Desert religions arose, which insisted on giving up effectively reincarnation and massively resurrect in heaven of the parallel universe. This monotheistic coup deprived tribal ancestors of power over their afterlife. Monotheism is just a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
This transition from reincarnation to resurrection in the parallel universe is the greatest revolution in human religion. Thus, we have 'reincarnation with the soul' and 'resurrection in the parallel universe' as masterpieces of human religion.
In a tragic and historical error 1400 YA, Islam forbade reincarnation and enforced resurrection in heaven from the parallel universe on pain of death. With that, Islam overplayed its hand, for which Christianity and Judaism guarded themselves.
The inbreeding instinct is two million years old and can only be diluted by outbreeding, but not with other Muslims. Islam is not an instinct and only 1400 years old. Beyond that it is enforced on pain of death. Consciously, Muslim males believe in resurrection, unconsciously in reincarnation.
And now we can understand the tension between these two super ideas. Exactly here, the Muslim faith crushed between inbreeding from SexualReligion (reincarnation) and Islam from HumanReligion (resurrection). It became a psychotic and psychopathic hybrid faith, enforced on pain of death on its 'believers'. On a daily basis we still see the results in numerous honor killings and acid attacks.
Assumption 429: The Myth of Abraham (350Kya - 10,000 Ya) simply means the covenant that God made with Abraham in which humans were allowed to reincarnate into the earthly universe (into the male kin bonded lineage, Isaac) on condition that they would worship God in the parallel universe. This covenant was valid for all ancient African religions like polytheistic Voodoo (gods), later adapted to monotheism (God). It was the cultural acceptance of the parallel universe by them who still believed in reincarnation.
Assumption 430: 'Inbreeding and incest' was the primal sexual religion of the first bipedal primates (Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc) and became an instinct at the onset of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), who linked inbreeding to reincarnation. Although Muslims consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe,
they cannot forget their innate inbreeding instinct. This is why the Muslim faith is
a mixture of inbreeding (sexual religion) and Islam (human religion). Muslims can
get rid of this instinct only by mingling with outbred peoples, which is detrimental
for the latter.
Assumption 431: 'Inbreeding and incest' was the primal sexual religion of the first bipedal primates (Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc) and became an instinct at the onset of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), who linked inbreeding to reincarnation.
Although Muslims consciously believe in resurrection in the parallel universe, they cannot forget their innate inbreeding instinct. That is why the Muslim faith is a mixture of inbreeding (sexual religion) and Islam (human religion). Muslims can get rid of this instinct only by mingling with outbred peoples, which is detrimental for the latter.
Assumption 432: Rebuilding human religion from animal sexuality shows Desert Religions as torchbearers from the primal hominid religion: Inbreeding and incest. Islam is the flamboyant exponent of the group.
Rebuilding human development from scratch, creates understanding of the Gordian knot in which Islam is entwined. Where in the evolution religious concepts come and go, this is not the case in Islam. The ancient and innate inbreeding instinct of Muslims, meant for reincarnation, clashes with nowadays resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe. This linea recta causes honor killings.
One way or the other, Islam must recognize the flaws in its religion. Awareness of negative interactions between religious concepts is the first step towards recovery. If only Muslim males would understood honor killings, much would have been accomplished.
Assumption 433: The way in which Muslims have interpreted the Tanakh shows severe imbalance, traced back to uncontrolled hatred and anger. Alternative hate and love form a bipolarity which makes unpredictable as form of power. Contradictions between the conscious and the unconscious are used to frighten others. That is the power of the Muslim faith, the entanglement of the unconscious SexualReligion (inbreeding > reincarnation) with the conscious HumanReligion (outbreeding > resurrection). By (un)natural selection of the population during millions of years, some characteristics have been formed which look like autosomal recessive disorders. Because the whole population has been selected consistently in the same direction, not much carriers are left over. This means, by consistent inbreeding while permanently exterminating outliers, human populations can differ fundamentally in time.
Assumption 434: Islam and Christianity are both extremes on the sadomasochistic dimension. A total civil war among parallel societies can be prevented by insight into the unconscious. Judaism, the Jewish people as a whole, has developed into a fairly reasonable and moderate religion. If only Islam and Christianity would come to their senses, mankind could be saved from disaster.
We built a reasonable model for tracing back honor killings to reincarnation and resurrection, as a disturbance in the Muslim faith. Can we generalize this theory to other disharmonies? Is the supposed conflict between reincarnation and resurrection symptomatic for still other inconsistencies? If this is true, then Muslim males must be aware of their unconscious and they must have the choice to believe in reincarnation or resurrection. This will not differ greatly from the current situation. Only then the unconscious is conscious and Muslim girls are saved. But if the Muslim faith does not change by itself, it will be overtaken by former Paradise cultures in time.
Assumption 436: A rational model has been developed for explaining human religion from animal sexuality, resulting in 450 internal consistent assumptions, to be found in Number 73-76.
Human religion as a function of sexual religion (inbreeding - outbreeding) is the most parsimonious theory imaginable with maximal heuristic value. I mean, all puzzle pieces fall into place and the explanation of honor killings is obvious as well.
Is there any other possible explanation for honor killings? No, because I would have found it.
Is the battle against honor killings lost? No, we did not even try. Awareness of Muslim males is the start to recovery and the first step of ending honor killings. Just follow me ...
Assumption 437: The cause of honor killings:
With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the idea of reincarnation arose, which caused big problems for inbreeding cultures:
1) Because of hostility among tribes, ancestors could only be reincarnated safely into their own tribe.
2) Next problem was that ancestors did not want to reincarnate into hybrids, because after their next death they would be strangers in their own tribe and refused for reincarnation. Then they had to roam through the universe for ever.
3) A third problem was the greater mortality from inbred populations which boosted fertility stress. So, the risk was tribal extinction if ancestors did not dare to return to the harsh tribal life to save the species.
And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in hybrids.
non-tribal males. So, rape of a young girl, loss of virginity through a stranger, pregnancy from a non-Muslim, abortion in which an ancestor is killed who cannot return into the tribe as a hybrid, Western slutty lifestyle leading to possible adultery, or whatever suspicion which drives Muslim males mad can cause the death of a Muslim girl.
But with the brilliant finding of the soul and reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the meaning of inbreeding changed. Inbreeding merged with reincarnation into the inbreeding instinct. From then on, inbreeding (cousin marriages) served reincarnation from tribal males, who did not want to reincarnate into hybrids from other tribes.
Assumption 439: From masochism hate to masochism fear:
Muslim boys grow up without respect for women. If they were respected, women had same rights as men and could marry non-Muslims. Bluntly said, monotheism is plain heterosexual terror, without any respect for women's feelings.
In addition, masochism is considered weak and objectionable. That is why Muslim boys do not experience masochism as a valuable trait in education. They will not identify. They do not develop an empathic model for masochism in their conscious mind. So, masochism is suppressed and remains unprocessed in their unconscious.
As a result they hate women's weakness and molest them regularly to induce masochism as proof of being right. Indeed, screaming and crying women can be a shocking event. But the more screaming and shouting, the more the Muslim male's own unconscious is addressed and alarmed. Since he has no model to handle this.
It is like burning fire that comes out of control. In panic he tries to extinguish the fire by killing the woman. A Boko Haram killer told once he killed his victims because he saw the ghosts coming out of their bulging eyes. It was a terrible sight and that is why he had to kill them ...
Assumption 440: Cultural psychopaths.
There are natural psychopaths and cultural psychopaths. The last if boys do not develop empathy with girls in education. If they are only indoctrinated with religion.
Masochism hate is in the conscious mind, but masochism fear goes across the border of the unconscious. When delusion takes the place of reality, Muslim males enter a psychotic state. A state with a psychopathic load.
Assumption 441: In monotheism, sadistic heterosexual male terror monopolizes and shrinks religious space into one sadistic dimension, leaving 'other sexual roles' suffering masochistically in the mantle. The whole is called the sadomasochistic dimension in sexual space or monotheism in religious space. Both dimensions form an identity.
Assumption 442: In polytheism, religious space permeates sexual space with as many sexual roles as there are gods. All sexual roles are equivalent and experienced in the conscious.
Assumption 443: The Origin of Human Religion.
You need no proof that Sexual Behavior (SB) is under control of Human Religion (HR). Then, Sexual Behavior is a function of Human Religion:
But that is only half the truth, because religion was a function of sexuality in a much earlier stage. So, the function must be reversed: Human Religion began as a function of Animal Sexuality (AS):
The first function SB=f(HR) represents monotheistic terror from a malicious oppressive male ideology against women. It is called monotheism in religious space and sadomasochism in sexual space. This under the condition that religion falls within the sexual domain.
This blog is mainly interested in the origin of Human Religion. That is why we stuck to: HR= f(AS). But we change the term AS into SR. Sexual Religion (SR) is the basic dimension of Animal Religion and comes down to the dimension:
Inbreeding - Outbreeding.
Human Religions (functions of breeding) are functions of Sexual Religions (kinds of breeding): HR=f(SR).
Assumption 444:The existence of God.
Does God exist? Of course, since so many people believe in God. But we all are animals, we are mammals. And more importantly, we are mammals evolved in groups together. And in groups there always is a leader. And over a period of more than 30 million years we are used to be led by a leader, the Alpha male. Humans are herd animals following the leader, just like horses. Horses have the same God-trace in their brains as humans. There is no principal difference. So, does God exist? Of course, but only in your mind...
Assumption 445: The metamorphosis of Islam:
Islam is changing but they do not have a clue. The key to understanding human religion is to identify gods as sexual roles. Islam ruled for 1400 years with absolute terror over women. There was only one God, standing for male heterosexuality.
But panels are sliding to multiple gods in the porno-sphere of the internet. The second god accepted by Muslims will be homosexuality. But that means Islam is no monotheism any longer.
Within a few decades Islam will return to polytheism from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). It is the second paradise culture in which inbreeding was meant for reincarnation. That is polytheism.
But part of the Muslim culture will regress further into the inbreeding and incest culture from Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). There, every man was his own god in egotheism. There were no laws and criminality was the rule.
Islam must anticipate this situation and forget about religious indoctrination, forget about terrorizing females any longer and give Muslim males the choice to earthly reincarnation or heavenly resurrection. That was the real meaning of the Myth of Abraham. Only that insight can stop honor killings...
Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions: (Not this one)
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with a severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Assumption 446: Split of FGM and INBREEDING as sexual religions:
About 60-50 Kya, (Kya = thousand years ago), some inbred populations (pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N)), left Africa with severe diminished genome, caused by the super volcano from Mount Toba, 74 Kya, and by being just tiny selections of the East African population.
The problem from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was that there were no other tribes for exchanging juvenile females, so they were forced to practice inbreeding (cousin marriages) with their already inferior genome.
Sexual religion from pre-Muslims (mtDNA L3 M/N) was inbreeding and Human religion was pre-Desert Religion (monotheism). They swarmed in all directions, and 40 Kya a number of them settled as pre-Muslims back into North Africa. They had become inbred populations.
On the other hand we have outbred Negro-populations (Negroes (mtDNA L2)), who fled into West-Africa around 70 Kya, having a much more varied genome, because they possibly escaped the super volcano from 74 Kya and kept their complete population roaming to the West, where they developed FGM as sexual religion. The date of the super volcano (74 Kya) is precisely determined, but not the migration to West and North Africa from about 70 Kya.
Negroes (mtDNA L2) were surrounded by neighboring tribes, all small in number, creating a lively exchange of juvenile females. All tribes still had their complete genome. Sexual religion was Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Human religion was Voodoo (polytheism). They became outbred populations.
Assumption 447: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughter's sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into her descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes. Because, if ancestors (Muslim males) reincarnate into hybrids, they are refused into the tribe after their next death. Then they will be ghosts roaming through space forever. In other words, tribal inbreeding leads to secure earthly reincarnation in the tribe.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the wombs of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy:
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia are transit states. In the evolution they were melting pots of cultures along the fertile banks of the Nile and the Red Sea, waiting for leaving Africa. Hence, tribal density has always been enormous in Egypt. From Sub-Sahara arriving peoples brought in the FGM habit and in Egypt they were already known with inbreeding by L3N. This combination works perfectly for nowadays Islam in transit states. But this does not mean FGM originates in North Africa, though it might be the most sophisticated cruelty has been invented lately by Muslims (Method III: Infibulation). This was to safeguard (im)mature girls against incest with their own male Muslim family. Their father, uncles, brothers and other males in the direct neighbourhood:
Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Assumption 448: Inbreeding and FGM as sexual religions.
Human religions are profitable functions of sexual religions. Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that they benefit from it:
We give two examples: inbreeding and outbreeding.
1: In inbreeding cultures, fathers pay close attention to their daughters. Later on, Muslim fathers modify their daughters' sexual behavior into cousin marriages, so that they can reincarnate into their descendants without being afraid of reincarnation into hybrids from males from other tribes.
It goes without saying that Muslim fathers will not mutilate the womb of their daughters, through which descendants will be born in whose offspring they hope to reincarnate. On the contrary, Muslim girls are fully controlled and shielded in their youth. Muslims must keep their daughters in optimal physical shape to function as incubator of family semen. So, Muslims keep the fish fresh in the fish tank, the closed mantle of endogamy.
2. Negro cultures are outbred populations where fathers do not necessarily reincarnate into descendants of their daughters and that's why they don't invest time to control them like Muslim fathers do. Negro fathers in FGM areas project their afterlife in all kinds of women they encounter. They are lazy, selfish and completely irresponsible and immoral. For them their own daughters are null and void. They do not look after their daughters thoroughly for 15 years. They prefer to mutilate their baby daughters and cut out that terrible sexual lust they selfishly reserve for themselves.
Now we see cousin marriages as instrument for inbreeding cultures and FGM for outbred populations. Both are sexual religions.
Assumption 449: Perpetual orgasm (72 virgins in heaven) is a human religion, derived
Assumption 450: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion:
Assumption 451: Pedophilia and perpetual orgasm.
HR = f (SR); Perp = f (Ped).
HR = f (SR); GI = f (Inb).
Note: Genetic immortality, in which the individual died but the tribe survived is the oldest human religion (Australopithecus (7-5 Mya; 400cc). Perpetual orgasm came much later because Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) had first to find out the soul and the afterlife by reincarnation.
Animal sexuality focuses on well-developed secondary sex characteristics in order not to die out. The sexual model of animals is outbreeding. But bipedal primates were involuntary trapped in inbreeding and incest and became sexually interested in undeveloped secondary sex characteristics. It is here that sexual behavior from bipeds (humans) is diametrically opposed to quadrupeds (chimps). ('Pedophilia' from bonobos is just coping behavior.)
Assumption 526: From pedophilia to perpetual orgasm:
Incest with mature daughters and nieces started as a natural reward for remaining in the group, because males were bored with older tribal females. More and more they focused on juvenile females, which could not escape to other tribes, what is their natural outbreeding instinct. Bipeds rarely encountered other tribes.
Because excessive inbreeding with mature daughters led to autosomal recessive disorders, males finally focused more on immature daughters. But now, incest became pedophilia. This led to very sick sexual behavior, characteristic only for bipedal primates including later humans. It also became the prelude to perpetual orgasm, as follows:
The younger prey, the greater difference with the aging, impotent male as boost for his waning sexuality. But at a certain moment this absurd optimization passed the limit of sexual immaturity. Precisely undeveloped sex characteristics delivered full blown sexual satisfaction. It developed as sort of perpetual orgasm in this lifetime. It is called perpetual orgasm across generations. But it was not yet human religion, because perpetual orgasm had to wait for the concept of the afterlife (the soul, reincarnation).
Only after the invention of the soul and reincarnation came the great breakthrough of perpetual orgasm in the afterlife, where males older than Methuselah always mate with young virgins. Perpetual orgasm is the perfect boost for a waning sexual drive. It has always been the deepest strive of human male religion.
Later humans developed a sexual variant on pedophilia, which depends on male's psychological insecurity to form sexual bonds with adults. It is a variant on perpetual orgasm in this lifetime. But it is obvious that this can not explain the fundamental drive to pedophilia that is now massively revealed on the internet. This need for stronger sexual stimuli refers to a sexual addiction from which the desire to perpetual orgasm in the afterlife also originates.
Assumption 452: Pedophilia is an abnormality in nature and is caused by inbreeding and incest from bipedal primates.
Assumption 453: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion.
The idea is that human religion comes from animal sexuality. Then, the sexual dimension on which religion is based is inbreeding vs outbreeding. So, Human Religion is a function of Sexual Religion: HR = f (SR) and all human religions were originally based on the dimension of inbreeding versus outbreeding. Understanding human religion in this way provides an integral explanation for the Myth of Paradise, the Myth of Abraham and honor killings.
Assumption 454: Rosetta Stone of Human Religion.
Assumption 455: 'Inbreeding and incest' is collateral damage from the bipedal mutation.
Islam distorted the 'inbreeding and incest' payoff model
Inbreeding is the general tribal concept, while incest works more within the family. Inbreeding enhances saturation of the tribal genome, perpetuating tribal identity, also called genetic immortality. And incest promotes the same at family level. it promotes perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime:
There also is incest which is not perpetual but sex within the same age category:
In the interaction, tribal inbreeding promotes perpetual orgasm in this lifetime from tribal males:
Of course it is all intertwined and about the same, because you cannot completely separate incest from inbreeding. Sex with children in general is also popularly called 'incest'. But that's not the issue here.
But beware, if incest is forbidden as in Islam, which is the human religion, while inbreeding is the sexual religion, then rewards for inbreeding get lost:

Then the system loses its reinforcement and falls apart. Then, fathers lose rewards and possibly switch to outbreeding for more sexual profit. They also project their earlier sexual satisfaction from raping their daughters into their nephews. Then, the system is left with cousin marriages only, a very unsatisfactory model for fathers, also leading to honor killings from frustration if daughters refuse cousins:
Assumption 457:
Hypothetical stages of genetic variation:
- Solitary breeding pairs of birds: 100% genetic variation.
- Quadrupedal primates (Chimp ancestors (7 Mya; 400cc):
outbreeding: 95 % genetic variation.
- Bipedal primates (Australopiths (7 Mya; 400cc)):
outbreeding: 85% genetic variation.
- Bipedal primates (Australopiths (7 Mya; 400cc)):
severe inbreeding: 70% genetic variation.
- Bipedal primates [1,2 Mya]: (Homo erectus (2,2 Mya; 900cc)):
outbreeding: 60% genetic variation.
- Bipedal primates [1,2 Mya]: (Homo erectus (2,2 Mya; 900cc)):
severe inbreeding: 50% genetic variation.
- Neanderthals (600 Kya; 1600cc), Denisovans (600-744 Kya):
severe inbreeding: 40 % genetic variation.
- San people [after Toba 74 Kya]: (Homo sapiens (350 Kya; 1450cc)):
outbreeding: 30% genetic variation.
- Other humans after Toba: At least half the population lost:
15% genetic variation.
- San people [present day]: (Homo sapiens (350 Kya; 1450cc)):
outbreeding: 25% genetic variation.
- Other humans after Toba [present day]:
outbreeding: 10% genetic variation.
- Other humans after Toba:
inbreeding: 5 % genetic variation.
Inbreeding (Islam) means racism.
Outbreeding (Christianity) means anti-racism.
Racism = separation of tribal inbreeding cultures = peace and harmony.
I rediscovered some old assumptions of mine:Assumption 458, I forgot meanwhile but it is very enlightening for this article. It says that the faded flower of Christianity vanishes into racial turmoil of anti-racism. And that means that Political Correctness is on track with its incitement to racial violence as form of anti-racism. So it is part of polytheism:
Assumption 458:Inbreeding (Islam) means racism.Outbreeding (Christianity) means anti-racism.It simply means that Christianity ultimately rejects any form of racial or ethnical discrimination, which is based on group identity politics.But it hangs on the right use of racism in the first place. If the legitimacy of original racism is denied than there is room for anti-racist violence.Next an example of the wrong claim of the word 'racism':Further, racism is justified only to protect one's own tribe from foreign influences. But racism is not allowed to oppress other cultures. And the latter was the role of the Western Empire in former ages:Assumption 249: Wherever Western culture was introduced by imperialism or colonialism it created anti-racism and drowned the world in an orgy of murder and manslaughter. The odd thing is promiscuous Western culture often sees 'racism' as the cause while 'anti-racism' clearly is the culprit:
Racism = separation of tribal inbreeding cultures = peace and harmony.Anti-racism = mixing of tribal inbreeding cultures = murder and manslaughter.What is wrong in Assumption 249 is that 'racism' is an unjustified term defending Western culture.
Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder. Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.
Assumption 462: Heavenly resurrection has nothing to do with honor killings. Earthly reincarnation at itself neither. But their poisonous combination which ignited millions of honor killings in the last 1400 years, does.
Assumption 464: As long as bipedal primates live in groups together, they remain stuck to the basic dimension, ranging from inbreeding to outbreeding. Belief in God is not necessary.
Assumption 465: Human Religion (HR) is sort of bonding B, with (f = B) as natural function of Sexual Religion (SR), because it depends causally on inbreeding and outbreeding: HR = (f=B)(SR).
Assumption 466: The Muslim faith is a hybrid combination of a later human religion (resurrection) and a former human religion (reincarnation).
Assumption 468: Earthly reincarnation is a hominin instinct for inbreeding as well as outbreeding. Combined with inbreeding we speak of the inbreeding instinct.
Assumption 469: Open and closed graves: When people believe in the soul graves are closed with a stone, since the soul simply leaves the cave through stone into another body. Also precious gifts were given in the grave, which the deceased could take with him on his journey. The question is whether they can also pass through walls. But with rebirth there is no soul and it is the body which must leave the cave, which must have an open connection with the outer world. Then, unprotected precious gifts would only attract thieves, and btw. a foetus with an axe in his hand has never been seen.
Assumption 470: Homo naledi was the core Australopithecus from which we all descend. Homo naledi is the principal and ancient ancestor of Homo sapiens. Homo naledi interbred with Homo erectus and delivered the advanced extremities as modern arms and legs, hands, wrists and feet. Homo erectus brought in his retarded cauliflower brain which caused him to seriously derailed into magical religion, in which he sexually terrorized the females. So, there must have been two breeding lines of Homo erectus, with and without advanced features from Homo naledi.
Assumption 471: Religion is a function of male sexuality to dominate women with religious authority, where male sexual lust alone does not impress the females.
Assumption 472: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Reincarnation is exactly the same religion (but now with a soul), in which the individual reincarnates into descendants. Because of the nearly identical link with animal religion, reincarnation is the strongest human religion, which will survive all the others with the soul. Atheism (without soul) is identical to genetic immortality and is purely animal religion. In the end atheism will survive all human religions.

Assumption 473: Reincarnation and Genetic Immortality is coming to life in a different body, while Resurrection and Rebirth are revival in the own body, sounding somewhat weird and unreal. This means Reincarnation will survive Resurrection. Also, in the Muslim faith 'Reincarnation into descendants of cousin marriages' will survive 'Resurrection in the parallel universe from Allah'. This only for Arab and Asian Muslims who still possess the inbreeding instinct.
Assumption 474: Genetic immortality (without soul) is animal religion and is living on in the genes of the offspring, while the individual dies. Genetic immortality is the basic law of sexuality in nature and comes down to outcrossing. For primates there is a complication, since in the evolution bipedal primates (hominins) usually chose for inbreeding, while quadrupedal primates (e.g. chimps) chose for outbreeding.
Assumption 475: Honor killings are caused by tribal separation anxiety disorder from Muslim males, based on their fear not to reincarnate into the tribe again after being reborn into a hybrid earlier, who was not an authentic tribal member.
Assumption 476: Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
Assumption 477: Islam (resurrection) will never defeat honor killings (reincarnation), because the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims (reincarnation), though based on magical thinking (inbreeding leads to reincarnation), is nearly identical to the primal sexual instinct of nature: genetic immortality in descendants. This, because both project the afterlife into another body, with breeding as mediator.
But resurrection, which is also based on magical thinking, is not really based on genetic immortality (no breeding). Resurrection and rebirth project the afterlife into one's own body, which is weird and no religious instinct.
So, Islam (resurrection) is not based on the primal sexual law of nature (genetic immortality) and therefore will lose from inbreeding (reincarnation), where Inbreeding is in line with genetic immortality. Said differently, inbreeding and genetic immortality are sexual instincts (inbreeding is a subset from genetic immortality), while resurrection is no sexual instinct.
Assumption 478: The Muslim instinct of 'reincarnation through inbreeding' is a bad modification of genetic immortality. Originating from magical thinking it has got super power in the Arab and Asian Muslim culture, where the instinct for procreation by outcrossing (genetic immortality) has been mixed fallaciously with the inbreeding instinct for reincarnation.
Assumption 479: The Muslim inbreeding instinct is thought to lead to reincarnation and is based on genetic immortality, the primal sexual drive in nature. Both, reincarnation and genetic immortality project the afterlife into another body, by breeding. But resurrection is not really based on genetic immortality nor on any other sexual instinct. And both, resurrection
Assumption 480: The inbreeding instinct is rather permanent and is meant to let Muslim males reincarnate into descendants from cousin marriages. The instinct can only be diluted by outcrossing. But we need not eliminate the inbreeding instinct in the first place to do something against honor killings.
Honor killings are not caused by the inbreeding instinct itself, but by ignorance from Muslim males about their deeper self. When daughters grow up their fathers more and more come into conflict with Islam unconsciously, because their unaware wish for earthly reincarnation increasingly conflicts with resurrection in heaven from Allah. Islam is the real cause of the extreme expansion of honor killings. Fathers also have to convince their unwilling daughters of their insane wishes for cousin marriages. All this leads to psychosis from which honor killings are born.
So, let's make them timely aware of their desire for reincarnation and fight the rejection of earthly reincarnation by Islam. Awareness does not prevent the desire for inbreeding but prevents psychosis which ultimately causes honor killings. This must be accomplished before girls become teenagers, since thereafter Arab and Asian Muslim males can already be in a psychotic state.
Assumption 482: Wome's suffrage and population transfer (Omvolking).
In the evolution women never had decisive power and it was male sadistic aggression which ruled the world in SM-dyad. But that changed with women's suffrage, about 60 years ago, in which women were set in power in the Western world. The first thing they changed was SM-dyad into Vanilla-dyad. But this soft form of sexuality did not satisfy their natural masochistic needs. Unconsciously unhappy with their new softy males, they yearned to the ideal of strong Muslim males in whom they could project their masochistic desire to surrender. Former christian women, supplemented with masochistic Christian males got the majority in parliaments of the Western world, which regressed from sadism to masochism. This will lead to the merge of former Christian females (political correctness) with idealized sadistic Muslim males, called Chrislam, which will end in a population transfer (Omvolking), resulting in civil war.
Assumption 483: Omvolking is the battle between subspecies of Homo sapiens. It is the fight between monotheism and polytheism. Between Political incorrectness and Political Correctness (PC). It is the clash between SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad. Omvolking is not essentially different from the myth of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Assumption 484: Omvolking is the battle between subspecies of Homo sapiens.
Assumption 485: Omvolking is the fight between SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad.
Assumption 486: Omvolking (Population transfer) is the reinforcing interaction between outcrossing and masochism, in which masochism is an alien element in outcrossing cultures, brought in by Desert Religions. It is a sick and insane element which will eliminate Western culture.
Assumption 487: A lot of civil wars are battles between subspecies of Homo sapiens. It is fights between monotheism and polytheism. Clashes between SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad. These conflicts are not essentially different from the battle for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Assumption 488: SM-dyad (strong) and SM-dyad (weak). [PC = Political Correctness.]
SM-dyad (strong) is found in Homo sapiens non-PC (Islam, inbreeding).
SM-dyad (weak) in Homo sapiens non-PC (Ancient Greeks, Old Christianity (Catholicism), outcrossing). Vanilla-dyad is found in Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness, outcrossing).
SM-dyad (strong) is used in inbreeding cultures like Islam where females are forced to cousin marriages, while their instinctive drive is outcrossing.
SM-dyad (weak) is found in outcrossing cultures as the ancient Greeks and old Christianity (Catholicism), where females are not oppressed.
Vanilla-dyad is found in outcrossing cultures from Homo sapiens PC (Political Correctness), where males and females are sexually equivalent.
Assumption 489: Political correctness has Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong).
Bonobos inherited no masochism. But human outbred populations have SM-dyad (weak) with masochism (weak). Later outbred populations as Christianity have SM-dyad (weak) plus masochism (strong) from Desert Religions with SM-dyad (strong) and masochism (strong). Then for Political Correctness (PC), outbred populations have Vanilla-dyad with masochism (strong), which yearns to Islam sadism (strong), leading to Chrislam and civil war.
Assumption 490: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad are independently formed sexual strategies, which turn out to be each other's opposite. For example, Vanilla-dyad is formed by bonobos south of the Congo river independently from chimps living north of the river. Bonobos have plenty of fiber foods and no gorillas around. But the behavior of Chimpanzees - which do not have SM dyad - is formed in harsh competition with gorillas for fiber foods to the north of the river. Vanilla-dyad may be natural in the animal world, especially in pairwise reproduction (not in groups), while SM-dyad is definitely from bipedal origin. SM-dyad is needed to force females to inbreeding (cousin marriages), who instinctively chose for outcrossing. An alternative explanation is Vanilla-dyad arises without hetero sexual male oppression from 'other sexual roles'.
Assumption 491: Breaking down Homo sapiens.
Just like Pan split up into chimps (periodic sex) and bonobos (Vanilla-dyad), also Homo sapiens will fall apart into Political Incorrectness (PI, SM-dyad) and Political Correctness (PC, Vanilla-dyad). It is about the same species, whose members can no longer go together. Pan is separated by the Congo river, but Homo sapiens (non-PC) and Homo sapiens (PC) are divided and will fall into civil war.
Assumption 492: Inter cultural orgasm is sexual satisfaction based on alleged sexual interest of other cultures.
Assumption 493: Inter cultural orgasm is symbolically teasing and pleasing exotic cultures to outcrossing at institutional level, which drive politicians and directors from Western institutions are not aware of.
Assumption 494: Inter cultural orgasm is a symbolic sadomasochistic relationship between politically correct, former Christians and representatives from Muslim organizations. In accordance with their underlying religious relationship, representatives from PC fulfill the submissive masochistic role, while Muslims eagerly exercise sadism.
Assumption 495: Political Correctness is the follow up religion from Christianity. It does not matter they do not acknowledge a god in their central core. They are a religion anyway. What matters is the number of recognized sexual roles, which can be seen as gods. Then PC has as many gods as there are individuals in LGBT-xyz to gender dysphoria*, meaning Christianity has evolved into atheism (polytheism).
*Gender dysphoria (GD) is the distress a person feels due to a mismatch between their gender identity and their sex assigned at birth. People who experience gender dysphoria are typically transgender.
Assumption 496: SM-dyad is a sexual instinct exclusively for bipedal primates to fantasize sexuality in order to facilitate sexual play.
Assumption 497: Vanilla-dyad is a cultural product of civility and love, while SM-dyad is a sexual instinct based on rudeness and lust. SM-dyad is a sexual mindset exclusively for bipedal primates to fantasize sexuality in order to facilitate sexual play. SM-dyad combined with Vanilla-dyad is complementary sexual behavior for bipedal primates.
Assumption 498: Political Correctness chooses consciously for Vanilla-dyad, but unconsciously yearns to SM-dyad.
Assumption 499: Political Correctness supports Vanilla-dyad in the conscious, but at the same time adheres SM-dyad in the unconscious,
Assumption 500: The strongly promoted Muslim immigration of Western Europe is an unconscious reaction to the flattened unipolar sexual relationship between husband and wife, named as Vanilla-dyad. Contrary to this Western unisex model, Muslims still use SM-dyad, which is bipolar and based on a sexual instinct.
Assumption 501: Multiculturalism is against discrimination and made it Article 1 of the Constitution. But this law protects Islam in the first place as the greatest discriminatory religion in the world. Multiculturalism drew Orwellian doublespeak into the Constitution and made Western morality to a farce.
Assumption 502: As an example of Orwellian doublethink latent lesbian men haters at top positions of Western society choose consciously for Vanilla-dyad (Me Too movement), while unconsciously yearning to SM-dyad by dragging in the Muslim culture.
Assumption 503: The Muslim immigration is a sexual correction on the loss of the sadistic God in the central core of Christianity.
Assumption 504: The Muslim immigration is caused by an unconscious sexual fantasy from latent lesbian females is top positions of society, who try to compensate their boring sex life based on Vanilla-dyad, with the reintroduction of SM-dyad.
Assumption 505: Inbred cultures from Australopithecus had fertility stress, because great apes don't get many offspring. And living on the ground bipedal primates needed a lot of individuals to survive. They noted sexual intercourse not always resulted into offspring. That's why they concluded the God of Darkness had to be worshipped to get rebirths into the womb.
Assumption 506: Christian masochism is an indoctrinated cultural projection in the conscious. Though SM-dyad is the sexual origin of sadomasochism in the unconscious, images of sadism (Islam) and masochism (Christianity) are projections into the conscious, disguised as 'religion'. Islam and Christianity are simply the sadomasochistic extremes of Desert Religions.
Assumption 507: Quadrupedal primates as Panini (chimps and bonobos) do not know SM-dyad as a booster of sexuality. Chimps are not interested at all and practice only periodic sex. But bonobos, on the contrary, make a cultural fest of sexuality as a means of empathic communication. Their booster of sexual play is Vanilla dyad. The point is SM-dyad is not in the genes (and not in the unconscious) from quadrupeds, while Vanilla-dyad is more a cultural aspect in the conscious from bonobos than an instinct.

Assumption 508: The image of the Inbreeding Instinct in the conscious
1: Inbreeding and outbreeding are sexual instincts in the unconscious. But also, sadomasochism, SM-dyad, infanticide, pedophilia, abortion and a tough of cannibalism. And there are more sexual instincts.
2: Twisted images of inbreeding and outbreeding are found in the conscious and are called SexualReligions (SR).
3: Also in the conscious are HumanReligions (HR), which are functions of SexualReligions (SR): HR= f(SR). For example, HumanReligions are Islam (monotheism) and Christianity (semi-polytheism) as functions of breeding (SR).
4: Sadomasochism is also a sexual instinct in the unconscious, as well as SM-dyad, the sexual relationship between husband and wife. But sadomasochism is not a SexualReligion (SR), like breeding, because breeding, especially outbreeding, is the fundamental animal sexual trait. SM Is a specific human sexual trait and a function of breeding, e.g. we have SM-dyad (strong) from inbreeding (Islam) and SM-dyad (weak) from outbreeding (Christianity). And because sadomasochism is a function of breeding, in the conscious it must be also a HumanReligion(HR): HR=f(SR).
5: So, HumanReligions (HR) are functions of breeding (SR). BDSM is also a HumanReligion based on sadomasochism, which is a function of breeding, just as the other instincts.
6: Muslim males do not realize their inbreeding instinct in the unconscious anymore. They only know a twisted version of that instinct in the conscious. It is an image of the inbreeding instinct contaminated with the ancient ground of 'honor of the family'. This is called a SexualReligion (SR). From this twisted SR, Muslims derive their rationalization of nowadays cousin marriages on the basis of 'honor of the family', called HumanReligion (HR). But they sell it as a dark twist between resurrection (Islam) and their former religion
Conclusion: The inbreeding instinct itself can only be diluted by outcrossing. After the onset of Islam (resurrection), Muslims had to suppress their former inbreeding culture of reincarnation based on cousin marriages. They had to 'forget' the reason for inbreeding (reincarnation) 'on pain of death'. On top of that, they twisted the reason for cousin marriages into the ancient 'honor of the family'. So, Muslim fathers unconsciously strive to earthly reincarnation by telling their daughters that inbreeding is mandatory because of the 'honor of the family' (HR). And the 'honor of the family-culture' was before the inbreeding culture:

Assumption 509: The cause of honor killings lies in the unconscious.
The inbreeding instinct is developed by Homo erectus (2.2 Mya, Million years ago; 900cc) meant for earthly reincarnation through cousin marriages.
But at the onset of Islam (resurrection), 1400 years ago, the inbreeding instinct of Muslim males forcefully disappeared to the unconscious, while the ancient 'honor of the family' (HR) returned as reason for inbreeding.This, while the harmless Honor had nothing to do with earthly reincarnation, but everything with fertility stress.
Please, read this sentence again, because above is stated the unknown reason for honor killings. A Muslim cannot believe in earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection at the same time. That has been a reason for the death penalty for 1400 years.
Summarizing, Muslim males do not recognize their unconscious inbreeding instinct any more, what aimed at earthly reincarnation. Today, they only remember 'honor of the family' (HR) as reason for inbreeding. So, they suppress the whole period of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya, 900cc) based on earthly reincarnation through cousin marriages. And honor dates from far before Homo erectus and is from Australopithecus (7 Mya; 400cc).
And to correct for this suppressed omission, we place an intermediate image (SR) from the inbreeding instinct into the conscious.This is a very twisted version contaminated with modern elements of Islam and the ancient 'honor of the family'. As follows:
We have:
1: The inbreeding instinct in the unconscious: = A.
2: Also, a twisted image of the Inbreeding instinct (SR) in the conscious: = B.
3: And we also have 'honor of the family' (HR) in the conscious: = C
Then, we have C as function of B, which is some function of A.
Honor (HR) is a function of the image (SR), but it is the WRONG IMAGE of the inbreeding instinct from the unconscious. 'Honor of the family' was the reason that females made themselves available for inbreeding through cousin marriages to prevent extinction of the bipedal clan of Australopiths. Here, the correct underlying image (SR) would be inbreeding with the aim of reincarnation of ancestors (Muslim males) into their original tribe in about the same genetic mode by cousin marriages.
So, what happened is that Muslim males 1400 years ago were forced to believe in resurrection, on pain of death. It is always questionable to force one's religious attitude. And it also turned out to be impossible to wipe out the ancient inbreeding instinct from Homo erectus. Then, Muslims regressed deeper in their unconscious to Australopithecus, beyond erectus. Australopiths had a different reason for inbreeding, namely 'honor of the family' to overcome fertility stress and extinction. Well, first bipedal primates likely couldn't speak yet, but girls definitely grasped the intention.

This all illustrates the main fallacy of nowadays Islam. But, knowing this fallacy of thinking makes reparation of the Muslim faith not impossible, see further below.

Assumption 510: 'Honor of the family' is an ad hoc moralization of honor killings.
All the atrocities committed by Muslim males against females cannot in any way be justified by their ethical claim of 'honor of the family'. What the heck can butchering women, stoning and acid attacks have to do with high ethical standards? Is 'honor' a bitter and tasteless joke?
No, not at all, that would be true if 'family honor', as justification of honor killings, was developed consciously after the onset of Islam. But that is very unlikely, because this cynical justification is completely detached from any 'honor' or any morality.
This honor argumentation simply does not justify the deed. It is completely immoral. Muslim males really would have devised somewhat better in their conscious.
Therefore, 'family honor' must have been formed ad hoc somewhere in the unconscious of Muslim males to disguise the real purpose of honor killings: to enforce reincarnation by inbreeding through cousin marriages.
On the arrival of Islam, Muslim males were trapped and stood checkmate against their newly enforced faith. They had to abandon reincarnation to their unconscious, because it was incompatible with resurrection in heaven of Allah. That's why they unconsciously merged the argumentation of the ancient 'honor of the family' from Australopithecus with Reincarnation from Homo erectus. This for not to lose inbreeding, the real path to reincarnation in this former inbreeding culture.
And precisely because the justification of honor killings makes no sense at all, Muslim males did not invent it by themselves, but unconsciously resorted to a religious phase from far before reincarnation.
And so 'honor of the family' got a completely new foundation after 7 million years. Family honor took the place of reincarnation, although it had nearly nothing to do with it originally. Therefore, honor killings have nothing to do with family honor but everything with reincarnation.
Assumption 512: Symbiotic relationship between honor killings and Islam:
Christianity as a Human Religion (HR) is a function of Outbreeding, which is a Sexual Religion (SR). So, Christ= f(Outbr).
Islam is a function of Inbreeding: Islam= f(Inbr). This means we expect a causal relationship between Islam and Inbreeding, a meaningful connection between Islam and cousin marriages or between Islam and honor killings.
We also postulated that later Human Religions (HR2) are functions of former Human Religions (HR1), apart from Sexual Religions (SR), which underlie all religion:
So, besides Islam (HR)= f(Inbr(SR)),
we also have Resurrection (HR2)= f(Reincarnation (HR1)).
This is a double check on the causal relationship from Islam on Reincarnation. So, we expect Resurrection of Islam to have something to do with Reincarnation of Homo erectus. But what would this connection be? What kind of relationship can we suspect?
We concluded earlier there can be no functional relationship between Resurrection (HR2) and Reincarnation (HR1), because both religions are mutually exclusive. So, we conclude this functional relationship must hide in the unconscious of Muslim males.
We hypothesize: Resurrection (HR2) of Islam benefits from the gruesome character of honor killings caused by enforcing cousin marriages for Reincarnation (HR1). This symbiotic relationship between Resurrection and Reincarnation perfectly explains the hatred, contempt and oppression against females in the Muslim world.
So, Resurrection (Islam) secretly supports Reincarnation (cousin marriages), but the causal relationship is mutual, because the atrocities of honor killings (Reincarnation) underscore the terrible nature of Resurrection (Islam).
So, reincarnation (cousin marriages) is used to promote resurrection (belief in Allah): cousin marriages is the will of Allah. (You obey because you believe in Allah).
And at the same time resurrection (belief in Allah) is used to promote reincarnation (cousin marriages): cousin marriages are the will of Allah. (If you don't obey you will end in hell).
It is a subtle difference but it works in symbiotic harmony.
For young Muslim females the difference between reincarnation and resurrection is blurred. Within this dual based Muslim faith, they are unable to conclude that reincarnation through cousin marriages has nothing, nada, niente to do with resurrection in heaven of Allah. But because of this obscure relationship, they allow themselves to be persuaded to marry cousins by their belief in Islam.
That's the villainous and horrible power of Islam.
Note: Islam is a function of inbreeding from the past (reincarnation), but at the same
time a function of outbreeding (resurrection) of the future.
Assumption 513: The real meaning of the Myth of Abraham.
Abraham would make earthly reincarnation in the male kin bonded lineage impossible by killing his only born tribal son Isaac. But God was wise and saw that Abraham would worship him anyway.
Then, God offered Abraham the compromise that human reincarnation on Earth should continue if God would be honored in heaven of the parallel universe. This wise compromise is now celebrated with the Sacrifice Feast. By the way, this is exactly Voodoo.
Later, Islam forbade
This way, unwillingly and unwittingly Islam created a dual, hybrid religion from reincarnation in the unconscious and resurrection in the conscious, a combined religion named the Muslim faith.
Assumption 514: Without inbreeding intended for earthly reincarnation, sexuality falls back to outbreeding or a-sexuality in the afterlife.
Outbreeding is nature's primary sexual law. The first bipedal primates were forced into inbreeding, which became a hereditary Sexual Religion (SR). Because Australopiths had a vastly varied genome, such as chimpanzees, they did not die out. But for Homo sapiens with its impoverished genetic variability, inbreeding caused severe autosomal recessive disorders that were devastating to his survival.
Desert Religions then broke Abraham's covenant with God and replaced the earthly human afterlife (reincarnation) to heaven in the parallel universe (resurrection), to make inbred earthly reincarnation unnecessary. Their biggest mistake, however, was not to understand that forced resurrection could never defeat the inbreeding instinct of Arab and Asian Muslims.
Since sexuality was not originally intended in the hereafter, her hypothetical sexuality falls down on the primordial sexual law of nature: outbreediing or here, asexuality. Christians and moderate Jews expect a sexless afterlife.
But the expected sexuality of Muslim males in heaven amounts to perpetual orgasm with blonde Christian harlots from other tribes: outbreeding. All this means that the afterlife of Muslims is based on outbreeding of males and asexuality for women.
The Muslim faith hopelessly failed to eradicate the inbreeding instinct, with the result that the holy grail for Asian and Arab Muslims now amounts to 40% inbreeding and 60% outbreeding.
Assumption 515: The Holiness of the Festival of Sacrifice:
There are hundreds of religious myths. Why would the Myth of Abraham be so important to Muslims? Almost nothing happens in this story, only Abraham is subject to God. Is that so unusual? No, and that's not the point. Christianity and Judaism do not celebrate this myth. This myth is of fundamental importance to Muslims, as it underscores the core identity of the Muslim faith, which consists of two other religions. Islamic faith is not just Islam, it is the hybrid between reincarnation and resurrection, an impossible combination that is only achievable with tolerance.
Assumption 516: Preventing Honor killings.
With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) bipedal primates invented the soul to determine the afterlife. Most likely, they wished to reincarnate into their own tribe, whether inbreeding or outbreeding.
No religion survives for as long as two million years. Therefore, the belief in reincarnation must have become a Sexual Instinct (SI). But in a time series expansion it also appears as a Human Religion (HR) like Voodoo or Hinduism in our era.
The ban on reincarnation by Islam doubles down on suppressing the reincarnation instinct into the unconscious. Its horrible consequence is honor killings by Muslim males.
Then the conclusion must be honor killings are no instinct in itself, but are the consequence of the suppression of reincarnation, which is definitely an instinct.
And that means that the recognition of reincarnation in Islam will prevent further honor killings.
And now we see that Islam as a Human Religion (HR) is a function of Inbreeding, which is a Sexual Religion (SR). HR = f (SR). Also that Resurrection (HR2) must be a function of a former Human Religion Reincarnation (HR1) in a time series alternation. So, in this time series expansion Reincarnation (HR) appears in interaction with Resurrection (HR), where the former is also a Sexual Instinct (SI), but the latter is not:
Assumption 517: Provisional classification of some religious entities.
Genetic Immortality from the animal world is a Sexual Instinct (SI), which can also be thought of as a Human Religion (HR), e.g. for contemporary atheism.
Genetic Immortality as a Sexual Instinct (SI) is a function of Outbreeding, which is a Sexual Religion (SR). So, GenImm = f (Outbreed).
But bipedal primates as Australopithecus also developed the alternative function: GenImm = f (Inbreed). Australopiths practiced both inbreeding and outbreeding.
We prefer to define only Inbreeding and Outbreeding as Sexual Religions (SR), where they are basic Sexual Instincts (SI) originally. In our view breeding is the fundamental religion from which all other religions are derived functions: for Humans HR= f(SR) and for Animals AR= f(SR).
Reincarnation is a Sexual Instinct (SI) originally, which can also be seen as a Human Religion (HR) for contemporary Hindus, but it is not a Sexual Religion (SR). The term Sexual Religions (SR) is reserved for Inbreeding and Outbreeding, because the latter is nature's primary sexual law.
Assumption 518: Previously useful sexual instincts have been distorted by magical thinking since Homo erectus.
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) invented the soul and reincarnation. Millions of years later, Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) invented the parallel universe. Of course, a conflict of interest has arisen. For, during the period of Homo erectus, males had become egotheistic gods with absolute self-determination to reincarnate into their own tribe. They never wanted to live with the gods in the afterlife.
That's why the myth of Abraham created the compromise in which God was worshipped in the parallel universe and humans were allowed to reincarnate on earth. So far, so good.
But Homo erectus had a much more diverse genome and was much more tolerant of inbreeding than Homo sapiens, who dropped to 3,000-10,000 breeding pairs with a very reduced genome, 100-50,000 years ago.
That is why Desert Religions changed the rules about 4,000 years ago and ex cathedra forced believers to resurrection in heaven to make inbreeding unnecessary for reincarnation. But at the same time males lost their divine egotheistic power. So, Muslim males lost divine power 1400 years ago to monotheistic terror which took all power to itself.
To establish their terror, Desert Religions changed the Myth of Abraham. It would be about polytheism (ancestors, idols) and monotheism (God). But the original myth takes on a more important role in reincarnation and resurrection. Because only then is Abraham's proposed murder on Isaac understandable.
So, what kind of situation has been created by Islam? Muslim males believe in Allah today, just as Abraham (a mythological figure) believed in God. But in nowadays Islam, people take it for granted that belief in Allah at the same times means the acceptance of resurrection in heaven. And that is the flaw in the Islamic faith. And here it goes wrong, because just like Abraham, Muslim males instinctively continued to believe in earthly reincarnation. And that is why they cherish the Feast of Sacrifice so exuberantly.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Assumption 521: Homo naledi, bridgehead to human religion.
Homo naledi (2.3 Mya-236 Ka; 550cc) would be surprised to learn that the arrogant Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1430cc) calls him an animal, while they themselves still believe in a world that is only 6000 years old. Homo sapiens has a cauliflower brain that disrupts its religion by magical thinking.
The first Australopiths (4.3 Mya; 400cc) - of which Homo naledi is a late hybrid with Homo erectus - had small but rational brains with which they survived for millions of years on the African plains, armed only with sharpened wooden spears, while also knowing how to tie ropes together. So, they survived millions of years against feline predators and did not die out. And 1.5 million years ago, there were no more than 26,000 bipedal primates in the world and great apes had but few offspring (fertility stress). So, they were not stupid animals at all and survived in a smart and rational way for millions of years.
Homo naledi was also an empathic bipedal primate, who lived in close harmony with his group. He did not believe in magical concepts as the soul, nor in reincarnation. His small but rational brain only needed the concept of rebirth to imagine the afterlife. Rebirth is rationally derived from life sprouting from the soil, in which analogy the rejuvenated fetus is placed in the womb by the God of Darkness.
It is just because of Homo naledi that we are able to extend the development of human religion to the earliest bipedal primates, which roamed the savannas from 14 to 4 million years ago. Homo naledi buried his dead in a way that gives us insight into his religion, into his culture and also into the dramatic philosophical depth of this 'half ape'.
Assumption 522: What is this blog about?
This blog is not science, but based on science, somewhat like paleo anthropology. It is about types of human procreation, about sorts of breeding. It establishes the link between breeding and human religion, which is seen as a pure function of breeding, fundamentally.
Assumption 523: What would Abraham advise?
Religion works through conviction, not through indoctrination. Islam has no authority to enforce resurrection by force. Historically, Islam has failed to remove reincarnation from Muslim society. We also know that honor killings are not caused by the fertility instinct, not by the instinct of reincarnation, nor by the inbreeding instinct. Honor killings are caused by a rigid and cold psychosis in Muslim males, driven by ignorance of their reincarnation instinct. What, then, would be wise in accordance with the myth of Abraham? Islam should give believers back the choice between resurrection and reincarnation. We cannot eliminate cousin marriages, but we can prevent honor killings by raising awareness.
Assumption 524: The Space of Gods.
Gods are sexual roles. We identify 5 sexual main directions, 5 sexual factors in the m-space: Male heterosexuality, male homosexuality, female sexual roles, pedophilia and bestiality. This means the Space of Gods has rank 5 (m-space). All sexually related human gods form an overdetermined set (from n-space) as interdependent godvectors in the m-space. So, the n-space is superimposed on m-space and shrinks to rank = 5. As vectors in m-space, interdependent gods load variably on the 5 sexual factors. For grown males the m-space shrinks to m = 1 factor (monotheism, or sadomasochism), because males always want all sexual power. Females keep rank 5 space, since they are from 'other sexual roles', just like homosexuals, children and animals.
Assumption 525: Sexual intercourse with immature daughters was not about sexual attraction in the first place, but to underscore perpetual orgasm across generations.
Assumption 526: From pedophilia to perpetual orgasm:
Incest with mature daughters and nieces started as a natural reward for remaining in the group, because males were bored with older tribal females. More and more they focused on juvenile females, which could not escape to other tribes, what is their natural outbreeding instinct. Bipeds rarely encountered other tribes.
Because excessive inbreeding with mature daughters led to autosomal recessive disorders, males finally focused more on immature daughters. . But now, incest became pedophilia. This led to very sick sexual behavior, characteristic only for bipedal primates including later humans. It also became the prelude to perpetual orgasm, as follows:
The younger prey, the greater difference with the aging, impotent male as boost for his waning sexuality. But at a certain moment this absurd optimization passed the limit of sexual immaturity. Precisely undeveloped sex characteristics delivered full blown sexual satisfaction. It developed as sort of perpetual orgasm in this lifetime. It is called perpetual orgasm across generations. But it was not yet human religion, because perpetual orgasm had to wait for the concept of the afterlife (the soul, reincarnation).
Only after the invention of the soul and reincarnation came the great breakthrough of perpetual orgasm in the afterlife, where males older than Methuselah always mate with young virgins. Perpetual orgasm is the perfect boost for a waning sexual drive. It has always been the deepest strive of human male religion.
Later humans developed a sexual variant on pedophilia, which depends on male's psychological insecurity to form sexual bonds with adults. It is a variant on perpetual orgasm in this lifetime. But it is obvious that this can not explain the fundamental drive to pedophilia that is now massively revealed on the internet. This need for stronger sexual stimuli refers to a sexual addiction from which the desire to perpetual orgasm in the afterlife also originates.
Assumption 527: Structural design flaw of the Muslim faith.
The Muslim faith is a horrible combination of Islam and its previous inbreeding culture. Islam enforced resurrection in heaven of Allah, while reincarnation was based on inbreeding (cousin marriages). The problem is inbreeding as well as reincarnation are million years old sexual instincts.
On the other hand, resurrection is not an instinct and just a few thousand years old. For 1400 years this has created a schizophrenic situation in the minds of Muslims between the conscious (resurrection) and the unconscious (reincarnation). The result is honor killings, which may be seen as a kind of worldwide autosomal recessive disorder.
Assumption 528: The design flaw in the Muslim faith.
The Muslim faith is a horrible combination of Islam and its previous inbreeding culture. Islam enforces resurrection in heaven of Allah, while reincarnation is based on inbreeding (cousin marriages). Inbreeding and reincarnation are millions of years old sexual instincts.
But resurrection is not an instinct and just a few thousand years old. For 1400 years this has created a schizophrenic situation in the minds of Muslims between the conscious (resurrection) and the unconscious (reincarnation). The result is honor killings, which may be seen as a kind of worldwide autosomal recessive disorder.
Islam was enforced in a fossilized society where women were permanently monitored. However, Muslim women now have a higher education than men and withdraw from any social control.
For the Muslim faith to survive as an overarching faith, reincarnation must be released according to the wise understanding of the mythological Abraham.
And it is up to women to agree to cousin marriages.
Assumption 529: Why the Myth of Abraham must be false:
Well, we are used to psychotic prophets, but Abraham takes the cake. Do we really believe Abraham would kill his only tribal son to please God, apparently with no other reason than to demonstrate his submission? And that would be a masterpiece of human religion? While there are numerous stronger myths about worshiping God?
No, originally this myth must have had a completely different meaning and it must be as old as Homo sapiens, about 350,000 years old.
The myth is not about the transition from polytheism (ancestors, idols) to monotheism (God). Monotheism has recently been developed in the evolution of human religion. This myth must have been crippled by the Desert Religions, which wanted to divert attention from what really matters. The puzzle fits only in case Abraham tried to kill his son to end reincarnation. Because then, where else should he reincarnate in his male kin bonded lineage with outbreeding? And indeed, now we have recovered an extremely powerful myth in line with the eloquence of the ancient Greeks. Now, the Myth of Abraham makes sense. And now we also understand that Desert Religions disguised 'reincarnation' as 'polytheism' and 'resurrection' as 'monotheism'. Because if the attention of believers would be focused on reincarnation, they never would have accepted the fake Myth of Abraham. But monotheism, AKA the supremacy of the terror of the Desert, as a surrogate of God, yes, that's what believers swallowed. Hostile Bedouin tribes desperately needed an overarching God to fight alien intruders. So, Desert Religions tried to kill two birds with one stone: the extinction of inbreeding and the establishment of their own monotheistic terror 'in the name of God'.
Muslim fathers suppress their intense desire for reincarnation into the (earthly) universe for already 1400 years. In Islam polytheism (tribal gods and idols) was forbidden on pain of death. Now, how would Allah possibly know of this unconscious drive for reincarnation, where Muslims don't even know by themselves?
Only when Muslims realize the reason of their inbreeding instinct, they will come into panic: 'Allah must have heard this mortal sin. Now, I will burn in hell forever. I must do penance to earn my 72 virgins in heaven. ' That's the theory.
And now we come across a critical turning point in honor killings. That's when the father realizes that inbreeding has to do with his deepest wish for reincarnation. Then, he understands that immanent Allah has seen and heard everything. Then, he is ashamed of his mortal sin and thinks he might burn in hell for ever. So, he must do penance to avoid hell and yet earn his virgins in heaven. From that moment on he will work on a plan for the gruesome killing of his daughter.
If the theory is right it is here that Muslim girls must be warned. They must never argue with their father and pierce the real reason for inbreeding into his mind. Her father might panic and get a nervous breakdown. He may collapse in his psychosis and kill his daughter.
Constantly arguing is sufficient to alert fathers. So, avoid any conversation about arranged marriages. Simply don't answer. Further advice is to leave parental home at enduring conflicts about arranged marriages, certainly before the first wedding proposal.
Muslim fathers must be informed about their reincarnation instinct long before puberty of their daughters. At the onset of puberty, it's too late and fathers are already becoming psychotic.
And never come home again "to make it right". That killed Sadia Sheikh and Gülsüm Selim.
Assumption 533: Confounding fertility stress with reincarnation.
Since Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc), family honor has served without speech for kind of cousin marriages to prevent groups to die out. This concerns in particular the fertility instinct. A literal confounding of fertility stress with the reincarnation instinct developed 2.2 million years ago by the onset of Homo erectus (900cc). It is no wonder that all these instincts are merged into the unconscious of Muslim males today. But it is remarkable that cousin marriages are enforced on behalf of the honor of the family and that reincarnation has been supplanted to the unconscious.
Assumption 535: Chrislam replaces the Christian paradise.
Christians tore themselves free from monotheistic sadism (Catholic church) in the sixties of last century, but now their masochism lost direction in space, however. Masochism without sadism is meaningless. Therefore, Political Correctness as heir to Christianity constructed a new concept of evil as 'sin' in themselves. So, they again found their second point in space to determine the direction of their masochistic lust. Christianity cannot survive without sadistic counterweight, for which Islam was dragged into Western culture recently. Synthesis is called Chrislam.
Assumption 536: From the ancient Myth of Paradise, Christians chose to reject and neglect inbreeding at all and focused only on Heaven in the parallel universe. So, they projected a completely new religion orthogonal to the narrative. From the narrative they acknowledged the first version of the Homininae (7 Ma; 400cc) in which young males as initiation rite were warned non verbally for the adulterous genetically based lust to diversity (outcrossing) of women. This means, Christians followed the Jewish Script and let Eve eat from the Tree of Knowledge what was seen as 'evil', a very abstract formulation of adultery. But at the same time they changed the meaning of the Tree of Knowledge into an unnamed moralistic sin against God.
Assumption 537: In fact Christians constructed a double religious system: Firstly, sin versus guilt, and secondly the masochistic prayer versus his not existing inner God (sadism). Sin, guilt and God are the unknowns in these equations, this schizophrenic homo-erotic praying of Christians. It is an ingenious system and it works rather well and it is the better of the two religions. Thus, the system is intertwined:

Assumption 537: Christianity, or how the Romans created a religion for the people:
Psychologically, Christianity first constructed 'guilt' which had to be punished and what generated their beloved masochism, what is a sexual lust. This guilt, which is the well known and hypothetical 'sin', would lead to a sadistic reaction of God, who would condemn and forbid Christians to enter Heaven of the parallel universe. Then Christians invented a Deus ex machina in the form of an identifiable and human like Super person, Jesus Christ, God alike, who gave a moralistic turn to guilt in that he took all guilt on his shoulders. This last part is 'displacement' of hypothetical guilt. Then, by the suffering of Christ they created 'sublimation' of the earthly paradise - from which they were banished - into Heaven of the parallel universe. Really, this is well conceived.
What we see is Christianity could not satisfy its masochistic lust without sadism and that's why they constructed 'sin' as evil. In our days Western peoples do not believe in Christianity any longer, but their masochistic lust must be relieved, and that's why policor (political correctness), former Christians, Marxists, socialists, left wingers and latent lesbian feminists are so fond of Islam, without realizing what drives them into Chrislam.
Assumption 538:
Psychologically, Christianity first constructed 'guilt' which had to be punished and what generated their beloved masochism, what is a sexual lust. This guilt, which is the well known and hypothetical 'sin', would lead to a sadistic reaction of God, who would condemn and forbid Christians to enter Heaven of the parallel universe.
Then Christians invented a Deus ex machina in the form of an identifiable and human like Super person, Jesus Christ, God alike, who gave a moralistic turn to guilt in that he took all guilt on his shoulders. This last part is 'displacement' of hypothetical guilt. Then, by the suffering of Christ they created 'sublimation' of the earthly paradise - from which they were banished - into Heaven of the parallel universe. Really, this is well conceived.
What we see is Christianity could not satisfy its masochistic lust without sadism and that's why they constructed 'sin' as evil. In our days Western peoples do not believe in Christianity any longer, but their masochistic lust must be relieved, and that's why policor (political correctness), former Christians, Marxists, socialists, left wingers and latent lesbian feminists are so fond of Islam, without realizing what drives them into Chrislam:
Assumption 539 (3): The desperate emergency measures from Islam:
Regarding the enormous inbreeding problems of the Muslim culture, 1400 years ago, Islam ruled that it was completely wrong to condemn the adultery of Eve with the Serpent of another tribe. Women choose instinctively for genetic diversity (outbreeding), which was at odds with the genetic monoculture (inbreeding) that was protected in the former Myth of Paradise.
So, the old Myth served to protect the Tree of Life (the Tree of Inbreeding) by condemning Eve's evil on the Tree of Knowledge (knowledge of autosomal recessive disorders).
Islam rightly decided that not the Tree of Knowledge, but the Tree of Life had to be condemned and therefore it let the Serpent seduce Adam to eat from the Tree of Life, from inbreeding. So Islam changed the original meaning of the Myth of Paradise completely into its opposite.
And therefore, now it was Adam who was chased out of the (heavenly) paradise, because he had chosen the earthly paradise of inbreeding and incest, recognizable by accompanying earthly wealth and eternal power in the lyrics of the Koran, over Heaven of the parallel universe of Allah.
Well, it was a very wise decision of Islam, but they must have known beforehand that resurrection could never defeat reincarnation and that they tragically had created a schizophrenic situation of two completely contrary religions under one overarching Muslim faith. And this way, Islam has created millions of honor killings in history. But I don't suspect it was deliberate, I think they had no choice ...
Assumption 540: Prospective and retrospective analyses of religion.
The Sexual Theory of Religion took as starting point 20 million years ago and built a prospective model of Human Religion based on the natural dimension: Breeding. The Theory has a kind of bottom-up approach, which begins at the specific and moves to the general. It starts with the concrete (breeding) and possibly ends at the abstract religious macro level (polytheism or monotheism).
Mainstream religions (Desert Religions) would start the other way around, from the present time to look retrospectively back into the past. It would have a kind of top-down approach, which goes from the general to the specific. It would start at macro level (polytheism or monotheism) to end with the specific and concrete breeding.
Analyzing retrospectively is not such a good idea, because there is no correction for time dependent causality. One cannot retroactively correct for instantaneous interactions. And time-series analysis starts also from the beginning and never from the end.
Time dependent causality means A is caused in time by B, so A = f(B).
For example, predictive (prospective) research starts 20 million years in the past and tries to experience the same development as the first bipedal primates:
1: Great apes left the trees.
2: They walked upright.
3: The thighs slid at an oblique angle into the hip socket. This allowed the primate to put one leg in front of the other and not get tired, like chimpanzees who have to shift their full weight with each step.
4: The occipital hole (foramen magnum) slid to below the head.
If one were to work purely retrospectively (looking back) and find a skeleton of a Hominid, one would find the lowered foramen magnum and the modified thigh angle together and would not know cause and effect.
It is our natural habit to look backwards in history. Then we see the Myth of Abraham as a conflict between polytheism and monotheism. But that is wrong. In those days, people indeed worshipped many idols (polytheism), and agreed to honor the only true God (monotheism).
But with this easy conclusion we started at the endpoint of history. Why not beginning from the start? Because, was Abraham kind of psychopath willing to kill his own son? Of course not, in ancient times people also had empathy. So, the Myth must have been changed in history. There must have been an earlier myth, which made sense.
In the bottom-up method we know reincarnation is a function of breeding. It can be inbreeding or outbreeding. The latter is no problem but the former is. When reincarnation becomes a function of inbreeding we get autosomal recessive disorders. That's the first reason why Desert Religions had big problems with reincarnation. But of course, they also wanted to break the power of their citizens, who were egotheistic in determining their own afterlife, with their idols.
But the point is, polytheism / monotheism was not the original meaning of the Myth of Abraham. Originally, Abraham wanted to prove to God his willingness to resurrection in heaven of the parallel universe, which proof could only be delivered by killing his only tribal son from the male kin bonded lineage. Then of course, the chain of reincarnations would be broken.
And then God made the covenant with Abraham that people would be allowed to reincarnate if they would worship the true God in heaven (kind of Voodoo). So, the real significance of the Myth of Abraham is reincarnation/resurrection and not polytheism/monotheism. The covenant with God is a compromise between reincarnation from Homo erectus and resurrection from Homo sapiens.
But the covenant between Abraham and God was ad odds with the policies of the Desert Religions, which worked towards resurrection. Therefore, they probably falsified the myth as if Abraham would sacrifice his son out of docility to God. A very sad joke.
All of that is understandable, but it is weird that contemporary religious science is still deceived by following the top-down method.
For the same reason honor killings were never resolved, though millions of women in history must have intuitively felt how things were. What they missed was making a total model of Human Religion, in which honor killings fit seamlessly.
Honor killings can only be explained with the bottom-up method. They explanation that honor killings are related to old habits is a typical top-down approach that does not provide any insight in the nature of the event.
Assumption 541(1): Islam, time is running out!
Assumption 541(2): Islam, time is running out!
Islam and Christianity are Human Religions (HR).
1400 years ago, Islam forbade reincarnation and killed all the reincarnation believers to far beyond Persia. Monotheistic terror forced resurrection into heaven of the parallel universe. In this way, Islamic scholars must have thought to exterminate reincarnation. But the alleles of reincarnation were already widespread in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims for millions of years.
Parents no longer dared to tell their children about their true faith, because that would be an immediate dead-sentence. So, reincarnation was pushed into the unconscious, causing millions of honor killings in the next 1400 years.
Just like Abraham believed in God, Muslims believe in Allah. But just like Abraham, many Muslim males unconsciously do not believe in resurrection in some parallel universe. The Myth of Abraham is about 350,000 years old and not for nothing. It is the compromise between Homo erectus (reincarnation) and Homo sapiens (resurrection). It is the most fundamental myth of Human Religion connecting two types of Humanoids.
The following cluster of factors dived into the unconscious of Muslim males:
1: The reincarnation instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
2: The inbreeding instinct and the fertility stress instinct from the
Hominids (14 Mya; 300cc) through Australopithecus (3,4 Mya; 400cc).
Muslim fathers and daughters are unaware of this reincarnation instinct, which explodes when daughters do not follow their fathers' guidelines.
What really happens with honor killings is that Islam has placed a time-bomb in the heads of Muslim fathers, which can go off any time a daughter does not comply.
Inbreeding instinct. Fertility stress instinct.
Reincarnation instinct.
Honor killings are the brick in the wall of Islam.
Assumption 553: Solution honor killings had to wait for the discovery of HR = f(SR=Breeding).
The solution to the cause of honor killings had to wait for the development of the fundamental definition of Human Religion: HR = f(SR=Breeding). Human Religion had to be linked first to the (in)breeding instinct of bipedal primates, before reincarnation could also be called an instinct.
Reincarnation is a natural function of (in)breeding, while resurrection has no real connection with breeding other than through reincarnation. Therefore, resurrection is not a sexual instinct.
To be clear, resurrection was invented to make 'inbreeding for reincarnation' unnecessary.
This means that 'resurrection' is just a word in the conscious of Muslim males, while reincarnation has been a fundamental instinct in their collective unconscious for already 2 million years. Therefore, resurrection of Islam can never defeat reincarnation of Homo erectus. Islam cannot defeat reincarnation. And honor killings arise from this standstill as collateral damage.
Assumption 554: The Islamic Stress Factor.
The Islamic Stress Factor is the tension between reincarnation in the unconscious and resurrection in the conscious. Trying to combine the impossible has affected Muslims' logical thinking. The great place that magical thinking occupies in the Muslim culture points to this.
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.

2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.

4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible. And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.

5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:
Number 3, Monotheism - Polytheism is the only factor not based on a Sexual Instinct (SI). It is the asexual pendant of number 1, unless we see gods as sexual roles.
1: Male Heterosexuality
2: Inbreeding
3: Monotheism - Polytheism
1: Other sexual roles
2: Outbreeding
3: Monotheism - Polytheism
Assumption 557: Alternating Human Religions without any progress:
1: First, we had an instinctive eruption of inbreeding leading to the polytheistic
inbreeding culture from Arabs and Asians about 10.000 years BC. [HR = f(SR)]
2: Then, we got the monotheistic counter action from the Desert Religions about
1500 years BC, which tried to change reincarnation into resurrection. [HR2 = f(HR1)]
3: Subsequently, we saw again a counteraction from a small group around Jesus,
which again paved the way for polytheism but now without inbreeding, because it concerned outbred populations. Polytheism, because 'gods are sexual roles' and Jesus himself stood for 'other sexual roles'. [HR3 = f(HR2(HR1))]
We conclude that Sexual Instincts (SI) in the unconscious of bipedal primates lead to eruptions of drives over and over again, whether it's inbreeding or fertility stress or whatever. They only look like 'new' religions, thousands of fertility religions in the evolution. There is no progress in Human Religion...
Assumption 558: Cognitive dissonance is the cause of honor killings.
If religion is just an attitude, it can be changed, although very difficult. Maybe within several generations. But if religion is based on a sexual instinct, it cannot be changed, only diluted by outcrossing.
There is every reason to believe that human religion was originally based on the inbreeding instinct of the first bipedal primates. Arab and Asian Muslims still have this instinct.
This hereditary predisposition cannot be removed by indoctrination with resurrection in heaven of Allah. It can only be suppressed with horrible consequences. As a result, Muslim males believe in resurrection in their conscious, while their reincarnation instinct based on inbreeding in their collective unconscious says otherwise.
Islam created an unconscious form of cognitive dissonance that leads to psychosis and possibly honor killings. Muslim fathers must be made aware of this cognitive dissonance, thereby preventing this stone-cold psychosis from leading to the honor killings of their daughters.
Assumption 559: Breeding is the magic word in Human Religion.
Honor killings and the fundamental formula of Human Religion have been developed in a mutual simultaneous interaction. Honor killings can only be understood if reincarnation is a function of Inbreeding. And the most parsimonious formula of Human Religion based on natural science indicators is also based on breeding.
The main rule is not to argue with your father. The worse the relationship, the stronger his urge for honor killing. If your father asks you if you want to marry your cousin, you don't answer. If he does not ask again, his drive to reincarnate is not so strong and you are lucky. But if he comes back to it regularly, you know it will only get worse and you need to prepare your escape with the help of the aid agencies.
What is the psychology of this situation? As long as you have a friendly relationship with your father, he probably won't kill you. Because, in his conscious he sees you as a subject, as a person. This is the counterbalance to his unconscious where he sees you as an object, as an incubator of family semen.
But this balance is disrupted if you argue with your father or if you leave the house for longer time. In both cases your subject
Sadia Sheikh, Gülsüm Selim and Romani Ashrafi returned home for whatever reason and it became deadly. The counterbalance of the Sexual Scales of Religion had turned into murder. The unconscious had defeated the conscious. So, remember you can never come home again.
Assumption 561: The function of Human Religion: HR = f(SR).
In case of HR = f(SR), we speak of a blue rational function (f) if HR is literally a function of breeding (e.g. cousin marriages). But in case of a magical derivation of HR from SR (Inbreeding) we write a pink f in HR = f(SR). For example, a rational function of inbreeding bends inbreeding into outbreeding to prevent further autosomal recessive disorders. But irrational or magical functions are further away from breeding and eventually lose any contact with reality. So, reincarnation is a magical (and direct) function of breeding, because we don't know if reincarnation really exists. But still farther away is resurrection, which has nothing to do with the birth process and is a magical but also indirect function of breeding.
Honor killings are caused by cognitive dissonance between resurrection in the conscious and reincarnation in the unconscious.
Assumption 563: Cognitive dissonance and magical thinking. Honor killings are caused by cognitive dissonance between resurrection in the conscious and reincarnation in the unconscious. This impossible stand-off caused distorted logical thinking, known as magical thinking of the Muslim culture.
Assumption 564(1): Polytheism and Serial Monotheism: 2020
First, on this blog we see 'gods as sexual roles':
The first god is male heterosexuality, which is normally seen as monotheism.
The second god is male homosexuality.
The third is female sexual roles.
The fourth pedophilia.
and the fifth bestiality.
Which makes sexual space in the archetype of god in the human mind of rank = 5.
If all these sexual roles are acknowledged in the male conscious, we speak of polytheism. Greek mythology and Voodoo are pure polytheistic. Christianity is semi-polytheistic and Islam monotheistic, because they only worship Allah. With the addition of Mohammed, which is forbidden, Islam would still be serial monotheism.
The problem is Desert Religions defined polytheism as plainly worshiping idols, statues that mostly came from deceased ancestors. That's right for Voodoo and Greek mythology, outbreeding cultures with male and female gods. But the pre-Islam inbreeding culture probably only worshipped male ancestors, which would be serial monotheism.
This is another indication that the corrupted Myth of Abraham from Desert Religions is a joke, while the real myth from 350,000 years ago likely was based on the difference between polytheism (male and female statues) and monotheism (the God of Abraham), though the real subject was reincarnation and resurrection.

Assumption 565: The explanation of honor killings:
There is no explanation for honor killings, unless Human Religion is redefined as
HR = f(SR), in which SR is Sexual Religion = Breeding.
Only if religion (HR) is a function of breeding, can reincarnation (HR) also be seen as a function of breeding, in the unconscious.
And we need this connection between inbreeding (conscious) and reincarnation (unconscious), because we only observe inbreeding in the conscious Muslim world, from which we have to derive reincarnation in their unconscious.
In other words, by enforcing cousin marriages, Muslim fathers fulfill the necessary
condition for reincarnation into their descendants without being aware of it.
Reincarnation in inbreeding cultures requires maintaining tribal genetic identity by enforcing inbreeding through cousin marriages.
Assumption 566: The origin of religion
Nearly human religions erupt from primitive sexual drives from the first Hominids, of which Breeding is fundamental. Animal religions always sprout from Outbreeding, while bipedal primate religions erupt from Inbreeding or Outbreeding. To be clear, human religions nearly always start from Breeding, while Racism (Inbreeding), Fertility Stress (Inbreeding) and for example Reincarnation (Inbreeding or Outcrossing) are only additional drives.
There is no continuity in religions, no evolution and therefore Homo naledi indeed could already have buried his dead with empathy, while we throw them in an oven.
But there is indeed a clear interaction between successive religions, because inbreeding religions are mostly followed by outbreeding religions and male terror (monotheism) is mostly followed by religious democracy (polytheism).
Human religions mostly start with Breeding but easily diverge into all moral directions. But most importantly, there is no evolution in religion and Homo naledi probably had more religious depth and empathy than Islam (Inbreeding) or Christianity (Outcrossing).
Muslim culture has evolved very differently from Western culture. The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, Romanticism and the resulting Depth Psychology are not well known in Muslim culture. And depth psychology is the right entrance to the solution of honor killings.
With only one degree of freedom in the conscious, Muslims try to infer the degree of punishment (honor killing) as proportional to the seriousness of the crime committed (Western lifestyle), thereby relying on 'family honor'.
Assumption 568: Honor killings are Reincarnation killings.
Assumption 581: Honor killings and honor revenge.
Assumption 581: Honor killings (eermoord) and honor revenge (eerwraak, Dutch) are from different theoretical origin.
'Family honor' can refer to reincarnation in the following derivation: Family honor comes from Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc) and referred to tribal identity, which later led to tribal religion, starting with ego-theism and resulting in reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). But then, instead of honor killings, it would be better to speak directly from 'reincarnation killings', which are always committed by relatives.
And if the term 'honor' refers to 'family honor', it is incorrectly used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) such as acid attacks, which are usually committed by non-relatives and do not lead to the woman's death. This is a very different kind of 'honor' of a man being rejected by a woman and taking revenge for it. This is no 'family honor' but wounded pride. And that is why the term 'honor' is misused here. Instead, it would be better to speak of 'resentment revenge' (wrokwraak, Dutch).
So, if 'honor killings' (eermoord) can only be used in case of reincarnation, then the term 'reincarnation killings' is preferable for clarity. And because we decide 'honor' to refer only to 'family honor', it cannot be used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) committed by non-relatives. Therefore, we propose the term 'resentment revenge' for 'honor revenge' and in case of murder 'resentment killing'.
A final comment is that besides that 'honor' cannot be combined with 'revenge', the reverse is not the case either. 'Revenge' is not the primary goal of reincarnation killings and will rarely occur. This means that honor revenge (eerwraak) is a theoretical non-existent concept. Honor does not belong to revenge and revenge not to honor. Honor and revenge are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
In fact, eerwraak (honor revenge) is inadmissibly derived from bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta). Because blood feuds are between families, whereas reincarnation murders take place within families. And family honor between families (vendetta) is fundamentally different from family honor within families (reincarnation killings).
This Puritan exercise will no popularly replace the terms 'honor killings' and 'honor revenge' and is for analytical purpose only.
Assumption 569: Evidence of Human Religions (HR) as functions of Breeding.
The only way to understand honor killings is to see Reincarnation
(HR) as a function of Sexual Religion (SR = Breeding). So, HR = f(SR).
And since there is no other explanation for honor killings and
Reincarnation is not a special case of religion, HR = f(SR) cannot be falsified
and can be generalized to all Human Religions, redefined as functions of
In principle Breeding could be seen as a special case only for
honor killings, falsifying the generalizability of HR = f (SR). But we found
clear evidence of HR = f (SR) elsewhere. For example, Islam is a function of
its previous inbreeding culture, while Christianity is embraced only
by outcrossing cultures.
Assumption 570: Lessons to avoid a forced marriage.
First lesson: Never react directly to your father if he asks how you think about marrying your cousin. Don't argue with him! Say you will think it over. As long as he has hope he will not harm you. He does not like honor killings either. From now on you must plan your escape from home, because he might not change his mind.
Second lesson: Never trust anybody from your family, they all are going to kill you. Never speak with them about how you think about arranged or even worse: forced marriages. Especially, don't trust your mother, because she is indoctrinated. But if you have a close friend, one of your peers in school, who you trust completely and is no family, then it is okay to talk about your problems.
Third lesson: Avoid an intimate relationship with your father. He has to back off your reproductive organs. In some cases your cousin can be his projected substitute. Never look your father in the eyes anymore, you mesmerize him.
Fourth lesson: Never tell your father that Allah knows his inappropriate feelings about reincarnation. You're not in the position to tell him and will only cause huge conflicts.
Fifth lesson: So, you have control of your own destiny. If you do not make any conflicts with your father, you will come to know the strength of his inbreeding instinct. And without conflict he will also not grasp his unconscious lust for reincarnation in the earthly universe. It is just you who activates his unconscious. BTW, it's already too late to warn him, because he's already in a moderate psychotic state, which only can aggravate.
Sixth lesson: Never, never talk with anybody about your abortion, just run.
Gülsüm Selim and Mirjam Abarkan had abortions too, known to the family. The unconscious message is that an ancestor reincarnated into the hybrid (no Muslim) and was killed also with the fetus, with no chance to reincarnate again into the family, this all definitely meaning the death penalty for Gülsüm and Mirjam.
Seventh lesson: So, never, never trust anybody from your family. Don't talk about your planned break away. Go to a help organization in your country. In Muslim countries never go to the police, for they will take you home again.
Eight lesson: After leaving home, never make peace again with your family. Never come home again and disappear forever! They will kill you! Sadia Sheikh, Gülsüm Selim and Romina Ashrafi were trapped and came home to make peace again. Subsequently, they were murdered by their brothers or father. Mirjam Abarkan's case is unclear.
Ninth lesson: Don't look your Muslim father in the eye anymore.
This blog reconstructed human religion from bottom to top, starting 14 million years ago with the first hominids. The construct is built from a house of cards of 600 mutual corresponding assumptions.
We used religious benchmarks from well-known regular religions. So, we used 'The Myth of Abraham' as an important event in religious history. But we did not accept the circumstances, which are said to have led to these benchmarks. Because written religious texts result from a top-down view, in this case a retrospective view on how the myth came about.
This blog takes a sort of prospective approach, explaining the future from the built-up past. Then, the Myth of Abraham is much more likely a God-given compromise on the 'reincarnation - resurrection' point of contention between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens then a polytheism - monotheism contrast.
So, we synchronized religious events with our 'made up' history and placed the Myth of Abraham 350,000 years back in time, at the onset of Homo sapiens. The result is that the Myth of Abraham is not primarily concerned with 'polytheism versus monotheism', but with the choice of the afterlife.
And now we see the difference between traditional retrospective research and this prospective approach, the latter resulting in the duality of reincarnation versus resurrection.
To resume, through the bottom-up approach, this blog revives human religion and is placed before all difficult choices in the evolution, just like the first bipedal primates.
Assumption 572: Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham.
Assumption 574: Family honor as reason for honor killings.
'Family honor' as reason for honor killings is a downright lie, an anti-climax of honor. Such a sick motivation must come from the unconscious, ignoring reincarnation, which must be the real reason for honor killings.
But there is another reference to honor. 'Family honor' is at the heart of 'tribal
identity', which is synonymous to 'religion', to ‘family-religion’ which is
linked to ego-theism from inbreeding cultures.
Desert Religions have stolen tribal heads
ego-theism. Islam has stolen tribal identity from families from
inbreeding cultures believing in reincarnation. That has been replaced by
honor killings justified by 'family honor' could mean: justified for
reincarnation, for tribal identity, for family religion, for 'honor of the
Assumption 575: The traumatized honor killer.
An honor killer is a lamentable psychotic who has the true Myth of Abraham in his genes. The true Abraham instinct consists of the factor cluster: reincarnation, inbreeding and fertility stress. These Muslims stem from inbreeding cultures of Arab and Asian descent.
All his life he has been forcibly indoctrinated with resurrection in Allah's heaven. We call that the fake Myth of Abraham. Under duress, because resurrection is not an instinct, but just a meaningless word. And this playing hide and seek between both Myths of Abraham drives him crazy.
It leads to cognitive dissonance between the unconscious reincarnation instinct and the conscious indoctrination with the meaningless concept of resurrection. In the end, it could lead to the murder of his daughter.
contaminated with the lust of Abrahamic Religions to establish monotheistic terror states. Ex post facto reasoning ruined the original myth. So, post facto research is hindered by events finding place after the creation of the original myth. Therefore, Desert Religions obviously changed the goal of the Myth of Abraham retroactively from the afterlife into 'polytheism versus monotheism'.
Assumption 579: The change of the Myth of Abraham.
The paradigm shift in human evolution has been the change of the afterlife from reincarnation to resurrection, which characterizes the true Myth of Abraham. And because reincarnation easily leads to polytheism and resurrection to monotheism, these concepts later turned into their corresponding number of gods. That created the false Myth of Abraham.
Only in the original myth it becomes clear why Abraham wanted to kill his only tribal son Isaac. Abraham wanted to prove his willingness to break the reincarnation cycle and subsequently to offer his transition to resurrection. So, Abraham was not a psychotic without empathy, serving only a cruel, merciless God. On the contrary, this must have been a wonderful epic drama of Greek proportions with the fundamental clarity about a wise God.
The transition to the false myth with the contrast polytheism - monotheism becomes clear from Abraham's now seemingly absurd behavior. In this myth the concept of reincarnation was not mentioned any longer, or it would not be accepted by a desert population who still had reincarnation in their genes.
Desert Religions wanted a monotheistic takeover of power. Their concealment of reincarnation combined with the introduction of monotheism reversed the true myth of Abraham and caused a new paradigm shift in human religious revolution. Here they also took grateful use of the now merciless nature of their new and ruthless God. A dramatic change which would cause millions of honor killings.
Assumption 568: Honor killings are Reincarnation killings.
'Honor' killingshave nothing to do with 'family honor', but everything with reincarnation. On the other hand, acid attacks have everything to do withhonorrevenge, but nothing with reincarnation. Because in case of reincarnation the woman is always killed. But 'honor' killings are only reincarnation killings if the woman is killed by a relative. Otherwise, it likely is a realhonorkilling, just like acid attacks are real honor revenge.But seen from a completely different perspective, 'honor killings' and 'honorrevenge' are confusing and contradictory concepts because honor killings should be kept separate fromhonorrevenge. With honor killings, the indication 'honor'is incorrectand it is better to speak of 'reincarnation killings'. These are always committed by a family member, while revenge is not the main motive here. Acid attacks, on the other hand, belong tohonorrevenge because the term 'honor' isappropriatehere. These attacks are usually committed by non-family members. In reincarnation killings, the woman is always killed, while inhonorrevenge this is less common because it would nullify the effect of revenge. If a non-family member commits the murder, it may again be anhonorkilling. This fundamental difference is not covered by the commonly used term 'honor killing'. More closely, a woman is always killed in a reincarnation psychosis of a male relative, because the Muslim (the man, the father or her brother) does not want to reincarnate in her descendants. In the case ofhonorrevenge, on the other hand, the woman must continue to live in order to continue to experience the damage and shame of the revenge of, for example, acid attacks for life. In this view, 'honor killings' and 'honorrevenge' must therefore be regarded as of different theoretical origin.
A final comment is that besides that 'honor' cannot be combined with 'revenge', the reverse is not the case either. 'Revenge' is not the primary goal of reincarnation killings and will rarely occur. This means that honor revenge (eerwraak) is a theoretical non-existent concept. Honor does not belong to revenge and revenge not to honor. Honor and revenge are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
Eerwraak (honor revenge) is in fact impermissibly derived from bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feuds are between families, whereas reincarnation murders take place within families. Therefore, family honor between families (vendetta) is fundamentally different from family honor within families (reincarnation killings).
This Puritan exercise will no popularly replace the terms 'honor killings' and 'honor revenge' and is for analytical purpose only.
Assumption 582: Magical thinking leads to magical instincts.
Assumption 596: Why reincarnation is a male sexual instinct.According to assumption 582 magical thinking led to human magical instincts. For example it led to the soul and reincarnation. And we also decided reincarnation to be a sexual human instinct, because it depends on breeding. On the other hand resurrection is just a word formed out of magical thinking, but it is not a (sexual) instinct because it has nothing to do with procreation.Sexual instincts vary by gender, which makes sense. That is also why only the male related line of chimpanzees appears as a family tribe, while young females leave. This combination is judged as outbreeding, insofar the male line does not develop hereditary diseases. But for bipedal primates, these tribes transitioned to inbred, because young females could not be interchanged regularly with other groups.In a secondary evolutionary step, bipedal primates bound reincarnation to male sexuality through magical thinking. Reincarnation replaced genetic immortality, because with reincarnation men would live forever.
As a form of procreation, reincarnation was associated with sexuality and ended up as a male sexual instinct. But later in evolution, female variants of reincarnation also appeared in outbred populations, but no longer as sexual instincts. So reincarnation is just a compelling sexual instinct in inbreeding.
Assumption 586: Drawings of the Prophet (Core of Islam).
Assumption 587: Imaginary prospective research.
This blog followed an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates from 14 million years ago through the evolution to the present. It is prospective research into their religious conceptual development.
For example, I encountered religious dilemmas between reincarnation (2 million years ago) and resurrection (350,000 years ago) leading to the true Myth of Abraham (300,000 years ago). Would I have done retrospective research from the present to the past, the false Myth of Abraham (10,000 - 4,000 years ago) would refer to the dilemma polytheism versus monotheism.
The point to make is that prospective research gives different outcomes on the evolution of human religion. This because interactions between conflicting variables (reincarnation vs resurrection) will be encountered prospectively, while retrospectively only the effects (polytheism vs monotheism) of these interactions are visible and the interactions themselves are missed in the evolution.
Assumption 588: Displacement of anger into the prophet Mohammed.
Christians are a bit reluctant to turn to God because God represents male heterosexuality, which can sometimes lead to a harsh response. It is like females who are a bit afraid of the Alpha male. Then Jesus is much more accessible with his feminine attitude, modulated by the Romans. So Christians prefer to turn to Jesus to complain about their need.
It is not Muslims but unbelievers who draw pictures of Mohammed. Also here infidels automatically address the Prophet as being an easier target than Allah. And they know Mohammed is loved by Muslims. Attacking the prophet is a welcome form of displacement, whereby drawings of Mohammed are equivalent to that of Allah. Displacement is a psychological concept.
Assumption 590: Responsibility for beheadings after showing the drawings.
Legally, Muslims are guilty of killing people who disclose drawings of the prophet Mohammed.
- But morally, Christianity is guilty of dragging Islamic culture into Europe for the last 60 years.
- European law is also morally guilty because in the 1960s it introduced the new political correct Constitution, in which Article 1 against discrimination offered complete protection to the most discriminating religion in the world, Islam. This law, based on Orwellian doublespeak, no longer has any right to speak because of its horse-trading of moral principles with the Muslim culture.
- Finally, political parties are also guilty of wrongly telling citizens that absolute freedom of expression is a right. Utopian total freedom of speech, however, is only possible within an amoral culture, such as multiculturalism in its initial phase after Marxist nihilism. But since the murdered Christian heart has been taken over by Islam, this seemingly self-evident freedom of speech no longer applies. Islam now occupies the endogamous core of European culture.
- Political parties transcend moral boundaries by portraying citizens who still dare to put the freedom of expression into perspective as traitors. This in the context of Mohammed's drawings.
- Political parties that incite citizens to disclose drawings of Mohammed are guilty of inciting hatred and are morally accountable for the dire consequences.
Assumption 591: Remove the anti-discrimination principle from the Constitution.
Some political parties want to reduce the influence of Islam in the Netherlands. Therefore, they try to activate the inert population. But a phlegmatic population is no wonder, as Article 1 of the constitution prohibits discrimination between anything and everything.
Article 1 is a clone of Marxist nihilism that considered all cultures equal and equivalent. Marxism emerged from Romanticism after the Enlightenment was unable to formulate criteria to distinguish between cultures.
In Article 1 of the Constitution discrimination is already prohibited before it has been decided whether a distinction between cultures should be made. And as long as Europe wants to maintain its masochistic submission to sadistic Islam, Article 1 will be maintained.
Assumption 592: Why not to publish drawings of Mohammed.
I hesitate to write this assumption, but I have to stick to my model, which flows from the other assumptions. So, as much as I would love to join the 'free speech' hype, I can't because it would belie my blog. So, here we go:
Freedom of speech exists nowhere in society, also not in the USA with their first amendment. Theoretically, it can exist in amoral cultures where nobody cares. Like in Marxist nihilism, multiculturalism and the first phase of political correctness, the successor to Christianity but then without a God in the empty endogamous heart.
But in the last sixty years, Islam has occupied this empty heart of West European Culture, legally protected by PC and Article 1 of the Constitution. In Orwellian doublespeak the greatest discriminatory religion in de world has been protected against discrimination for already 60 years. European population has chosen for PC and is not really interested in freedom of speech. Public support is therefore weak.
In the case of the drawings of Mohammed, Muslims have a point beyond their knowing, because these drawings really are an insult to their holy belief in God, who is 'known, but cannot to known by people'. It is therefore not a Muslim whim to be heavily upset by drawings of Mohammed as Allah's substitute. For them it is really concerning and an unconscious trauma. For that reason alone it is counter productive to try to persuade Muslims in this way to freedom of speech by showing just these drawings. It's actually rather tasteless too.
But there is still another point. Advocates of freedom of speech intentionally try to insult Muslims with ridiculous drawings, where it appears to be not primarily about freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech is impossible where it concerns the endogamous heart of Muslim culture, meanwhile dragged into the Western empty religious heart by PC. They better can proliferate freedom of speech in the mantle of the Muslim culture, where much less resistance and more success can be achieved.
Assumption 593: Masochism is just a point in space, without direction.
Gods are sexual roles. It was Jesus, who unleashed a polytheistic response to the monotheism of the Desert Religions. Jesus covered the entire god-space by adding 'other sexual roles' to monotheistic male heterosexuality. Jesus primarily protected and added female sexual roles to the conscious of believers.
Jesus reverted to polytheism, which naturally involves masochism, because of feminine gods. That is why Islam and Christianity were the sadomasochistic extremes of the desert religions for 1,400 years. For many reasons, both religions today collapse into the origin and merge into Chrislam.
Marxist nihilism and following political correctness denied a sadistic God in the endogamous core, reshaping core and mantle into tensionless masochism.
But masochism alone is just a meaningless point in space (Vanilla-dyad). That's why 300 million Christians have dragged the Muslim culture into Western Europe, only to satisfy their masochistic need to submit to a new sadistic God at its core. They desperately needed a new sadomasochistic field of tension to fulfill their masochistic instincts in SM-dyad.
And now political correctness is satisfied, because with two points in space their masochistic lust has regained direction. So, remember, it is not the Muslim's fault to be in Western Europe, it is the sadomasochistic lust of Christians to bow to a new sadistic god.
Assumption 594: Tribal-, ethnic and religious endogamy in Islam.
Ethnic endogamy and even more religious endogamy are basically spoken outcrossing, they are exogamies. But ethnic endogamy is only an exogamy within the own Arab ethnicity. Religious endogamy on the other hand is technically equal to exogamy, because it is exogamy across races. But in Islam, we call everything 'endogamy' because of the obligation to marry a Muslim. Of course, inbreeding is also nearly diluted in religious endogamy. But the coercion to marry Muslims is a horrible relic from the original tribal endogamy. So, Islam still strives to follow its former inbreeding culture, but without too much inbreeding. But this has great consequences, where Muslims don't want to assimilate but segregate from other peoples.Assumption 596: Why reincarnation is a male sexual instinct.
According to assumption 582 magical thinking led to human magical instincts. For example it led to the soul and reincarnation. And we also decided reincarnation to be a sexual human instinct, because it depends on breeding. On the other hand resurrection is just a word formed out of magical thinking, but it is not a (sexual) instinct because it has nothing to do with procreation.
Sexual instincts vary by gender, which makes sense. That is also why only the male related line of chimpanzees appears as a family tribe, while young females leave. This combination is judged as outbreeding, insofar the male line does not develop hereditary diseases. But for bipedal primates, these tribes transitioned to inbred, because young females could not be interchanged regularly with other groups.
In a secondary evolutionary step, bipedal primates bound reincarnation to male sexuality through magical thinking. Reincarnation replaced genetic immortality, because with reincarnation men would live forever.
As a form of procreation, reincarnation was associated with sexuality and ended up as a male sexual instinct. But later in evolution, female variants of reincarnation also appeared in outbred populations, but no longer as sexual instincts. So reincarnation is just a compelling sexual instinct in inbreeding.
Assumption 596: Why reincarnation is a male sexual instinct.According to assumption 582 magical thinking led to human magical instincts. For example it led to the soul and reincarnation. And we also decided reincarnation to be a sexual human instinct, because it depends on breeding. On the other hand resurrection is just a word formed out of magical thinking, but it is not a (sexual) instinct because it has nothing to do with procreation.Sexual instincts vary by gender, which makes sense. That is also why only the male related line of chimpanzees appears as a family tribe, while young females leave. This combination is judged as outbreeding, insofar the male line does not develop hereditary diseases. But for bipedal primates, these tribes transitioned to inbred, because young females could not be interchanged regularly with other groups.In a secondary evolutionary step, bipedal primates bound reincarnation to male sexuality through magical thinking. Reincarnation replaced genetic immortality, because with reincarnation men would live forever.
As a form of procreation, reincarnation was associated with sexuality and ended up as a male sexual instinct. But later in evolution, female variants of reincarnation also appeared in outbred populations, but no longer as sexual instincts. So reincarnation is just a compelling sexual instinct in inbreeding.
Assumption 600: About the origin of this blog.
But anyway, the main reason to discard bloedwraak (blood feud) is that revenge is not the real reason for honor killings. The real reason is the sick and distorted love for the own tribal genome, which can be found in the daughter as well as in the tribe.
Separation anxiety is a desolate feeling of terrible loneliness that makes some people decide to commit suicide. It plays a role in many psychological problems. For most people, it is difficult to identify the cause of their anxiety, let alone that it is unconscious. Conceivably, the threatening severing of tribal ties and the prospect of being doomed to roam like a ghost forever, is driving Muslim fathers over the edge to kill their daughters.
Assumption 459: Separation anxiety disorderAssumption 611: Murder by displacement:
Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder. Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.
Separation anxiety is a misunderstood cause of many mental health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide (for Muslim fathers: accepting loss of the afterlife). If unconscious, it can sometimes lead to murder by displacement: the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from the original object (himself) to another one (his daughter). The father's own misunderstood suffering then results in the death of his daughter. But this statement is way too simplistic, because honor killings are much more complicated.
Assumption 612: Reincarnation psychosis:
Step 5: The father gets into a 'transient psychosis'.
Step 10: But his daughter still refuses forced marriage.
Step 11: Then, the father enters a stone-cold psychosis, he is shocked, caught by his daughter's betrayal of his 'love'.
Step 14: The relationship with his daughter (as a subject) deteriorates in his conscious. This worsens if she argues with him or leaves home for a longer time.
Step 15: The father unconsciously sees his daughter increasingly as an object, as an incubator for family semen. At some critical moment, for example when she comes home after a while to make up for it, the bomb burst and the balance of Sexual Scales turns to the wrong side.
Assumption 613: Separation anxiety and gender
Separation anxiety is caused by attachment problems within the family. Although it is more common in females, we think tribal separation anxiety is specific for males in inbreeding cultures. We also expect this attachment to be hereditary in the male line, or only manifest in males. In contrast, reincarnation in outcrossing populations is not linked to gender.
On this blog we also postulate 'reincarnation through inbreeding' to be a male characteristic, because this magical religion is profitable only for males at the expense of females, who naturally outcross. Our hypothesis is that tribal separation anxiety is caused by 'reincarnation through inbreeding'.
The deterrent power of the Muslim faith is synergy between reincarnation and resurrection. Both forms of afterlife are in mutual symbiosis to keep believers under control. Neither fact nor fiction can change this belief. Religions are known for obvious contradictions, which turn confusion into terrifying power. People love it. Therefore, religions disintegrate over time, but never through science.
*Christianity and Islam have progressed towards disintegration, although the Muslim culture has more grip on the people. Judaism is less vulnerable to falling apart.
Most 'religions' developed far before Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc) out of Sexual Instincts as SM-dyad, Fertility stress, Racism, Cousin marriages, Pedophilia and Perpetual orgasm.
The Fallacy of Christianity:
1: Sin (Religious Concept)
2: Guilt (Moral Concept)
3: Penance (Legal concept)
4: Masochistic Lust (Sexual Concept)
Christianity is based on the untenable premise that Christians are sinful, leading to the circular reasoning that they must be sinful or else they would not experience the masochistic lust of penance: suffering. So, the experience of masochistic lust through penance proves the proposition that Christians are sinful. Where people normally do not attach feelings of lust to penance.
The Truth about Christianity:
1: Masochistic Lust (Sexual Concept)
2: Penance (legal concept)
3: Guilt (Moral Concept)
4: Sin (Religious Concept)
Christians have a masochistic lust, leading to the socially acceptable concept of penance compensating for moral guilt from religious sin.
Assumption 632: Transitions between Polytheism and Monotheism:
Bipedal Primate religions are subsequent varying between inbreeding (monotheism) and outbreeding (polytheism).
If this transition takes place within one generation, we speak of a religious conflict. Well-known is the abrupt paradigm shift from Judaism (Monotheism) to Christianity (Polytheism) that gave big problems in 33 AD.
And now we witness another transition back from PC (Polytheism) to Postmodernism (Monotheism). This happens also within one generation and therefore can cause great social unrest (Civil War).
Characteristic is the final phase from polytheism that passes into individualism. Polytheism then loses every group identity and becomes a simple prey for super strong monotheism, which is based on tribal collectivism.
So it's easy:
1: Monotheism creates a stifling dictatorship predicated on collectivity (identity politics).
2: After which polytheism gets a chance (Jesus).
3: But in its final phase of development, polytheism always ends in individuality.
4: As a result, every tribal identity is lost, so that a monotheistic power hold is obvious.
Assumption 632: Transitions between Polytheism and Monotheism:
Bipedal Primate religions are subsequent varying between inbreeding (monotheism) and outbreeding (polytheism).
2: After which polytheism gets a chance (Jesus).
3: But in its final phase of development, polytheism always ends in individuality.
4: As a result, every tribal identity is lost, so that a monotheistic power hold is obvious.
Assumption 637: Fundamentally, Religion is a function of breeding, meaning sexual instincts are the strongest drivers, like Reincarnation for example. Because Reincarnation has a link with the birth process, although this is not a natural link but based on magical thinking. But ok, when a people sincerely believe in reincarnation then for them it has become a real and powerful sexual instinct.
Later on, many follow up magical religions such as Resurrection have nothing to do with breeding anymore. Resurrection is a powerless word which cannot defeat Reincarnation. By the way, did you know that 85% of world religions are still purely based on breeding: Islam (cousin marriages, inbreeding), Islam (obligation to marry a Muslim), Christianity (no cousin marriages, outbreeding, Hinduism (breeding within castes).
sufficient condition for honor killings.
Assumption 642: Paraphilia (previously known as sexual perversion and sexual deviation[1]) is the experience of intense sexual arousal to atypical objects, situations, fantasies, behaviors, or individuals.[2][3]
The object of a paraphilia may be human or non-human; the process of a paraphilia may also involve the treatment of human persons as objects or things, rather than erotic partners.Assumption 648:
Homo sapiens makes the mistake of thinking that only humanoids with enlarged skulls began to ritually bury their dead for religious purposes. This is because their premise is wrong that an afterlife expectation is based on the assumption of the soul.
And magical thinking requires a larger prefrontal cortex. And Homo naledi had no enlarged prefrontal cortex. So he had no religion. This is circular reasoning based on the wrong premise. All animals have religion. Magical thinking is by the way an enlarged prefrontal cortex disorder leading to psychosis in DSM-V.
Assumption 648:
Homo sapiens makes the mistake of thinking that only humanoids with enlarged skulls began to ritually bury their dead for religious purposes. This is because their premise is wrong that an afterlife expectation is based on the assumption of the soul.
And magical thinking requires a larger prefrontal cortex. And Homo naledi had no enlarged prefrontal cortex. So he had no religion. This is circular reasoning based on a wrong premise. All animals have religion. Magical thinking is by the way an enlarged prefrontal cortex disorder leading to psychosis in DSM-V.
It means that what you want to be true is also true. So, God exists because you want it to be true. And if you don't get it, then remember that God can lift mountains, so it can. God lives in a parallel universe, because he could not have created himself, although in magical thinking of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens anything is possible, if you just believe in it. That was not the view of Homo naledi. He was not the crazy species to believe in the soul.
So, the soul is not conditional for the belief in an afterlife. The soul is an inadmissible auxiliary hypothesis to perpetuate personal identity after death, which is based on no evidence. Homo naledi was a logical thinker with a small brain and averse to magical thinking that led to absurd assumptions as the soul.
He buried his dead in Dinaledi Chamber, because he believed they would be brought back to life by the God of Darkness. Well, that's tricky too. And it is not clear if they were really dead or in hibernation. And the problem was that because they had no soul, they could not choose their tribe of destiny after rebirth. That was a real problem for Homo naledi.
Therefore, their entire religion was based on taking care of the fetuses. And that's why the cave entrance was also the exit to keep the fetuses under control. Which entrance should not be closed to fetuses leaving the Rising Star Cave. Closed graves are only possible in reincarnation, because the soul goes through walls.
And that is also why no gifts and valuables were given to the dead. Because robbers could walk right through to the dead or sleeping. So, it was not the soul that descended into another body as with reincarnation, but a fetus with renewed telomeres became that other body, made from the deceased or hibernated person, called 'rebirth', more or less as resurrection in desert religions which, by the way, presuppose a soul.
Assumption 649: Why humanoids invented the soul.
- But the soul was not necessary in Genetic Immortality (Australopithecus), because there the individual died where his genes lived on.
Assumption 650: Circumcision in monotheism.
Males from some ancient monotheistic tribes were circumcised to identify as members of their group, the male bloodline. And so the male kin bonded lineage of 'chimpanzees' was recognizable for their monotheistic God. In polytheism, such measure made no sense, as identity emerged from tribal diversity.
So, circumcision was a mark to identify members of a monotheistic tribe with a heterosexual God.
But members of other hostile monotheistic tribes would not let themselves be circumcised, because then they would not belong to their own tribe anymore. Therefore, circumcision was too high a price to penetrate behind enemy lines. And so it only made sense if practiced by a single monotheistic tribe.
Circumcision belongs to monotheism, to the male bloodline of chimps, which changed for bipedal primates into inbreeding and incest.
Inbreeding led to fewer births, causing the extinction of bipedal great apes in the savannas. Therefore, masturbation was also made more difficult by circumcision, in order to increase the number of births and lower fertility stress.
Assumption 651: The moral inequality of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Bible is based on monotheism from a heterosexual god and a religion founded on inbreeding. In monotheism, heterosexual males are considered subjects, while 'other sexual roles' are seen as objects. Heterosexual males do not learn empathy with other sexual roles that are suppressed in their unconscious.
In Sodom and Gomorrah, homosexuals challenge two men (recognizable as angels, BD) from the house of Lot to sexual intercourse with the intention 'to know them'. But homosexuals are but objects without any moral position to challenge these heterosexual subjects.
On the other hand, Lot, who is a heterosexual subject himself, offers his virgin daughters (objects) to the homosexuals (objects), who besiege his house, thereby trying to convert them to heterosexuality.
The Important rule above is that in monotheism subjects possess all power over objects and objects are powerless. Daughters are the possession of fathers who can Impose cousin marriages on them or give them away to homosexuals.
The conclusion is that the guests (the angels) in the house of Lot can refuse and actually do, while the fate of the daughters of Lot is extremely uncertain. They may even be killed. And that means that for Sodom and Gomorrah the reverse morality should have applied. Lot himself should have been changed in a salt pillar.
Assumption 652: Superior (Monotheism) and Inferior (Polytheism) religions:
1: In the animal world, Outbreeding (Polytheism) is the primal sexual instinct.
2: In groups of higher mammals with an Alpha male as leader, a split model emerged: the Alpha male chooses inbreeding, while females in the periphery of the group choose outbreeding in genetic diversity. They want protection, not inbreeding.
3: Chimpanzees have inherited this split sexual model and practice the generalized Alpha male model over males with extreme inbreeding in the male bloodline. But because females are released across groups, the end result is outbreeding for chimpanzees.
4: Bipedal primates lost track of other groups and went into extreme inbreeding for males and females. They practice what we now call 'cousin marriages'.
5: Inbreeding (Monotheism) and Outbreeding (Polytheism) alternate for bipedal primates and so inbreeding cultures are succeeded by outbreeding cultures and vice versa.
6: But while outbreeding is the primary sexual instinct in the animal world, inbreeding is strongest in bipedal primates and Monotheism takes the lead in the evolution time and again over Polytheism.
Assumption 653: Superior (Centripetal) and Inferior (Centrifugal) religions:
Superior religions are monotheistic and based on male heterosexuality as first God. Superior religions are predicated on inbreeding, which is at odds with the outbreeding instinct of females. That is why their husband-wife model is based on SM-dyad, to force women into cousin marriages.
Superior religions are furthermore 'centripetal' in keeping groups together and giving believers a sense of group identity. This at the expense of freedom of speech and sexual diversity. Individuality is lost and males do not develop empathy with sexual roles other than male heterosexuality.
Especially female sexual roles are suppressed in the unconscious and women are seen as objects, like tables and chairs. On the other hand heterosexual males are seen as subjects and are empathically experienced in the conscious.
Inferior religions are polytheistic and based on all possible sexual roles with maximum rank in the god space. So, polytheism is the full rank model of empathically experienced sexual space nested in god space. In other words, polytheism is the full rank female god space, from which the male god space shrank to the main factor: the only empathically experienced male heterosexuality factor or SM-dyad for males.
The problem with polytheism is their open-ended group admission policy, which ultimately results in the complete loss of group identity in individualism. And without group identity, religion cannot exist.
As a result, Christianity falls apart like a fading rose and turns into completely individual and morally unfettered political correctness.
Ultimately, dying Christianity will be swallowed up by Islam, which still retains its SM-character and retains group identity. Meanwhile, Christianity is drowning in Vanilla-dyad.
Judaism is the exception to the rule, because it is polytheistic because of sexual freedom of women but has also remained an ethnic group because of female mt-DNA.
Assumption 654: Physical resurrection is the superlative of inbreeding.
Homo naledi knew three kinds of breeding:
1: Inbreeding by Genetic Immortality:
The first form is well known inbreeding what we now call 'cousin marriages'. They saw parental traits returned in the offspring. But they also feared that the individual itself had been lost as an entity. That's exactly Genetic Immortality, standard animal religion in which DNA is past to the offspring but the individual dies.
2: Rebirth by the God of Darkness (fertility stress):
And since not all intercourse manifested in births, Homo naledi further assumed a force that placed the fetus in the mother's womb after the act. And so they came up with the God of Darkness, who decided on conception.
Inbred populations were plagued by fertility stress, what means too few births to sustain the species. Perhaps DNA was lost underground so that the God of Darkness couldn't turn it into fetuses. And so they decided to pile up all the dead in Dinaledi Chamber, so that the God of Darkness could at least find them. Therefore the dead were put in the ground as deep as possible. In fact, their first scientific experiment was born of fertility stress.
So if the number of births equaled the number of deaths, then this proved the existence of the God of Darkness who previously simply could not find the DNA of the deceased.
3: Physical resurrection as superlative of inbreeding:
But the experiment took on a second interpretation over time, because tracking how many deaths were delivered and how many births this resulted in also meant that the deceased themselves were integrally reborn as fetuses when incoming deaths and outgoing fetuses went hand in hand. It therefore no longer mattered which womb the fetuses ended up in. Further, they all looked alike and were indistinguishable. So, they were unable to prove their theory. But never mind, and their possible decision to physical resurrection on Earth could theoretically have been the end of their inbreeding culture. But Homo naledi's physical resurrection did retain the link with breeding, the birth process, just like reincarnation.
So Homo naledi was eager to know:
1: whether the God of Darkness really existed and
2: whether Rebirth existed as physical resurrection on Earth, without magical assumptions of the soul or reincarnation. And in case of physical resurrection of the individual the inbreeding culture itself became obsolete and fetuses could be expected in whatever womb. So the link with ancestors was lost, which was not a problem because individuals of Homo naledi were almost identical by million years of extreme inbreeding.
The Soul and Reincarnation:
And Homo naledi was right because for them the soul and reincarnation were unnecessary assumptions where they saw everything shoots out of the ground in the real world.
Physical resurrection outclasses reincarnation:
If Homo naledi really looked for Rebirth as physical resurrection, then he outclassed Reincarnation, in which the individual himself was not replicated but only his soul was placed in a foreign body.
But of course, unlike Homo naledi, we see Rebirth and the God of Darkness also as forms of magical thinking. The point here, however, is that Homo erectus with his cauliflower brain (900cc) strayed further from reality than Homo naledi with his 550cc.
But what's the point? Homo naledi really aligns with Islam, which believes in physical resurrection in heaven, not from the God of Darkness, but from Allah. It is about the same, but without the unnecessary assumption of the soul, the fallacy of Homo erectus.
A further difference, however, is that for Islam physical resurrection in Heaven is not linked to the birth process, but that this remains the case for Homo naledi, who thus retains the link with the sexual breeding instinct.
But both, Islam and Homo naledi were right. Physical resurrection is the superlative of inbreeding, which only meant to replicate males somewhat in their offspring. While physical resurrection delivers exact replicas of human beings without inbreeding. Homo naledi and Islam thought they possibly found the egg of Columbus.
Finally, it should be noted that Homo naledi's first interpretation of Rebirth is associated with a sexual instinct: Inbreeding. But had he gone into physical resurrection, he would have lost that instinctive bond with inbreeding and could be born in any mother. But that does not alter the fact that the link with breeding itself would have been preserved.
The Muslim faith, however, has fallen into a mixture of two religions: inbreeding from polytheism (idols) versus physical resurrection (monotheism), where resurrection is just a meaningless word. Which means that in Islam reincarnation by inbreeding will always remain stronger than resurrection, just a word.
Conclusion: Homo naledi could have been much wiser than we think.
Then, in this second phase of Rebirth, the bond with the parents had been completely released and the fetus could be born anywhere in the Homo naledi population. Homo naledi could not verify this because all individuals looked alike, like a balanced dog race.
Assumption 656: (655 rewritten). In the second sense of Rebirth, Homo naledi transcended the spiritual value of Reincarnation (Homo erectus). Because in the latter the soul was placed into a foreign body, by which the deceased lost his physical identity (his own body). While the ultimate conception of Rebirth was a complete rebirth of the original body, possibly within any woman of the tribe. And because naledi did not believe in the soul they were fully reborn with their original physical and psychological identity.
So their new parents weren't necessarily their biological parents, because the newborn's DNA didn't have to match their parental DNA, because it only had to come from the tribe as a whole, where everyone looked perfectly alike. Newborn DNA could come from deceased anywhere in the tribe.
As a consequence inbreeding on family level as a sexual religion did not make sense any longer and they behaved adulterously, like bonobos, although the tribe as a whole remained pure inbred as a calibrated dog race. This led to outbreeding within a closed balanced inbred population.
As said, Homo naledi didn't believe in the soul, which was not necessary, because the God of Darkness did all the work. Therefore, Rebirth of Homo naledi resulted in a complete physical and psychological rebirth of the deceased. That's why Rebirth transcended Reincarnation.
Then, in this second phase of Rebirth, the bond with parents was completely released and the fetus could be born anywhere in the Homo naledi population. Homo naledi could not verify this because all individuals looked alike, like a balanced dog race.
Assumption 659: Rebirth requires open graves (Rising Star Cave), allowing the fetus (from the dead body) to rejoin the life cycle, aided by the God of Darkness. In reincarnation, the soul rises from closed tombs through stone and concrete.
Step 14: Human Religions (HR)
Homo naledi reached the astonishing conclusion that inbreeding at family level to bring ancestors back to life - completely with their original genome - was not necessary at all, if there was a God who could make exact replicas from their DNA.
And this growing understanding ultimately ended the inbreeding cult of Homo naledi at family level, but not for the group as a whole, which had to remain a closed inbred population. Homo naledi was therefore extremely afraid of mixing with Homo erectus.
And note: Islam later did exactly the same to eradicate inbreeding and incest: Allah reconstructs the deceased exactly and integrally before Muslims appear before him for judgment for heaven or hell. But just like Homo naledi, Muslims must remain a group and marry Muslims.
But Islam tragically failed to eradicate its culture of inbreeding, turning the Muslim faith into a hybrid religion of earthly inbreeding and heavenly resurrection:
Homo Naledi exceeded Islam with regard to physical resurrection, because rebirth did not need a soul for the hereafter. Both cultures, Homo naledi and Islam, thought to stop earthly inbreeding by physical resurrection in the afterlife.
But the afterlife of Homo naledi was very realistic and in this universe, in its own tribe, just like reincarnation. Rebirth and reincarnation are based on sexual instincts, because they depend on breeding. They are not primary instincts but later on attached secondary sexual instincts, after people believed in it for millions of years.
- Homo erectus (2,1 Mya; 900cc) discovered the soul, needed for reincarnation in the offspring of its inbreeding culture, although there were also outbred populations.
- Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) discovered resurrection in the parallel universe.
- Desert Religions wanted to end massive inbreeding by telling believers that earthly reincarnation does not return the original genome to ancestors, who clearly lost their body in this process.
- They proclaimed ex cathedra that upon resurrection in heaven their bodies would be completely reconstructed by God in their original genome. This was called physical resurrection in heaven. Now this is not the Christian point of view but the Muslim belief, which are also not allowed to believe in the soul, because not necessary in heaven.
- But reincarnation is a sexual instinct while resurrection is just a powerless word. That's why the Muslim faith became a hybrid religion of earthly reincarnation (Inbreeding (cousin marriages)) and heavenly resurrection (Islam, outbreeding).
- The point is that Homo naledi made the wisest choice, he also believed in physical resurrection, not in heaven but on earth. Furthermore, he needed no soul and in doing so had found a parsimonious variant of human religion. Homo naledi was a brilliant 'animal' with his 'orange' brain. He invented the most elegant and perfect form of human religion, although he was only an Australopith.
Assumption 664: Asexuality in heaven for souls and outbreeding for resurrected bodies (art 428).
Muslim fathers (brothers) who suffer from a long-term depression (stable negative), or who are subject to severe mood swings, may well have a greater proneness to honor killing.
These include: dissociative identity disorder (DID), major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), psychotic disorder, substance use disorder, seizure disorder and personality disorder.
Anyone without a tidy and stable character (stable positive) can pose
an honor killing hazard.
Assumption 669: Dissociative identity disorder (DID). Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is usually caused by traumatic experiences in childhood. Muslim Islamic religious indoctrination produces culturally initiated DID on a massive scale, just like cultural and natural psychopaths.
Assumption 670: Dissociative
Identity Disorder (DID)
Islam causes culturally instigated Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) by compressing two incompatible religions (reincarnation and resurrection) into a single religious space. However, DID only develops in males because they are susceptible to inbreeding, while females opt for outbreeding. For honor killings and in addition to cultural DID, there must also be a genetic predisposition to reincarnation from inbreeding. This inherited predisposition is strongly present in certain populations in Pakistan and Iran. This syndrome then leads to honor killings and is not necessarily passed on orally from father to son, but rather by inherited genes, simply triggered by Islam.
Assumption 671(1): The Pay-Off model of Honor Killing.
Long ago our ancestors lived as bipedal primates on the
savannas in Africa. Then we have to think of 15 - 5 million years ago. They
lived in small families and did not often meet other groups to exchange young females
for outbreeding and healthy DNA. So, everyone had sex with everyone and
especially fathers with daughters.
This is how hereditary inbreeding in the human genome originated. It is also the first inbreeding culture in the animal world,
unknown to other animals. Fortunately, bipedal primates had a very varied
genome – just like chimps - and did
not die out easily as a result of inbreeding.
Of course, pedophilia was
an integral part of this inbreeding culture. And the greater the age difference
between males and females, the better and more powerful males felt. Another
word for pedophilia with this increasing age difference is 'perpetual orgasm across generations' or 'perpetual orgasm in this lifetime'.
Millions of years later, the difference was also artificially enlarged by reversing an important sexual law from the animal world: pedophilia was aimed at children with not yet developed secondary sexual characteristics, a gotspe in the animal world.
Assumption 671(2): The Pay-Off model of Honor Killing.
With the arrival of Homo Erectus (2.1 Mya; 900cc),
eternal orgasm was projected into the earthly hereafter, in descendants from males.
And now we move on to honor killings. Muslim fathers unconsciously want an everlasting orgasm with their female descendants in the afterlife. Not in this life anymore, because unlike the first bipedal primates with their strong and varied genome, father-daughter inbreeding in Homo sapiens (350 ka; 1400cc) gives enormous physical abnormalities and was therefore better projected to the afterlife.
So they want to get their own DNA back - as well as possible - in the hereafter and they also want a kind of platonic merger with their daughters in this lifetime. In many cases, they view their nephews as the best platonic sexual substitute for equal DNA and sexual fusion. Then they can merge Platonic with their daughters in this lifetime and forever with their descendants in the hereafter. So they combine pedophilia with perpetual orgasm in the earthly afterlife.
But if a daughter refuses her cousin as sexual stand-in from her father, he breaks SM-dyad into murder and sexual lust. He rapes her to enjoy incestuous pedophilia in this lifetime in retaliation. And he kills her as satisfaction for the loss of perpetual orgasm along her descent line in the afterlife. So, honor killing is a compensation for fathers and brothers by killing daughters or sisters.
And with that, honor killing is a religion as part of the unfortunate marriage of reincarnation with resurrection, a form of collateral damage.
Assumption 672: Honor killings serve as a model for all the illogic of the Muslim faith.
On this blog, honor killings are a fully analyzed clash between reincarnation and resurrection. But this drama serves as a model for almost all the illogic in the Muslim faith. I think that the disaster of the Muslim faith was caused by Islamic scholars not realizing that resurrection is just a word and reincarnation is a strong sexual instinct. Then the unconscious mingling of reincarnation with resurrection in the conscious led to impossible problems only solvable with magical thinking.
Assumption 673: Why Islam followed Homo naledi.
Islam born from Desert Religions, arose out of confusion about the afterlife at the time when Christianity banned (earthly) reincarnation and moved to asexual resurrection without body in heaven. But no perpetual orgasm in the afterlife was unmarketable to pre-Muslims, which were not willing to give up earthly inbreeding for a boring afterlife without sex. So, Islamic scholars had to offer the illusion of sexuality in the afterlife. After all, it was Homo erectus (2.1 Mya; 900cc) who already assumed perpetual orgasm in the hereafter.
Now it was true that Christianity - from the ancient Greeks - was embraced by North European Outbreeding cultures, who cared little in which people they would reincarnate or in heaven.
Islamic scholars offered Muslims a sexual afterlife without mentioning what that would be. So they sold them an illusion. Muslims would be completely rebuilt in heaven according to their original DNA, while with reincarnation through inbreeding only an inferior family DNA would result. That was the deal.
Well, a completely reconstructed body without the now unnecessary soul was the result with which Muslims were at peace. And they consciously switched en masse from reincarnation through inbreeding to resurrection in heaven. But not unconsciously!
But that turned out completely wrong because reincarnation is a function of breeding, while resurrection is just a word. Because the primal significance of (human) religion is its dependency on breeding, which is therefore an extremely strong sexual instinct. And reincarnation is an attached and conditioned sexual drive to (in)breeding. So, Islam had to indoctrinate resurrection for 1400 years to keep reincarnation at bay. And because of this hopeless contradiction between reincarnation and resurrection, the Muslim faith became a hybrid religion from inbreeding and outbreeding (Islam).
Assumption 674: Desert religions have stolen gods from reincarnation believers.
Desert Religions first stole the Myth of Abraham and then adorned themselves with the sexy name: 'Abrahamic Religions'. Their arguable purpose was twofold. In the first place, they wanted to end mass inbreeding necessary for reincarnation and second, they wanted to break the divine power of reincarnation believers to determine their own afterlife and convert all this earthly power from countless tribal heads into a single monotheistic God in an unknowable parallel universe, proclaiming themselves as rulers of the earth in the name of God.
Assumption 674: Muslim emotional instability due to conflicting religions
The explanation for the joy surrounding the Feast of Sacrifice is that the unconscious (reincarnation) and the conscious (resurrection) co-operate briefly through illogical magical reasoning and reinforce each other in delirious joy. The emotional balance of Muslims here swings to the 'positive' side. But when - on the other hand - reincarnation comes into conflict with forced resurrection, the balance easily tips to the negative side. Then, for example, honor killing arises. This emotional imbalance in Muslim behavior is due to the basic flaw in combining two conflicting religions. Emotional instability therefore causes both the Sacrifice Feast and honor killings. And that is why emotional instability such as DID and other mood disturbances from DSM-V are dangerous indications for honor killings.
Assumption 675: The real meaning of the Myth of Paradise.
The Tree of Knowledge of attractive strangers seduces tribal women (Eves) into attractive males of other tribes (Serpents) and poses a real threat to inbred cultures (Muslim faith). In this way, alien male seed dilutes the male bloodline of former chimpanzees and humans from inbred populations. To succumb to the temptation of Serpents from other tribes (his seed) is to fall to the evil of the Tree of Good and Evil.
Human religion is the rationalization of the male sexual drive in the unconscious, intended to coerce female sexuality for the pleasure of males.
Human religion is also a projection on breeding, where inbreeding cultures by definition treat people differently in terms of equality.
By providing protection for these discriminatory religions under the Moral Constitution of Western society, which purports to be the guardian of justice, the injustice of inbreeding cultures has been given a status of legal inviolability that is in direct conflict with the spirit of the Constitution.
In this way a Constitution has been created that protects inequality, murder and manslaughter.
This tragedy is the greatest fallacy of Western narrow-mindedness and conceit.
As the crowning glory of Western civilization, religion has long been seen as humanity's highest ethical value, protected by the United Nations Moral Constitution and Human Rights Watch.
But rarely has civilized man better demonstrated his moral incapacity. Therefore, in evolution, masochistic polytheism always digs its own grave, swallowed up by sadistic monotheism.
Assumption 677: SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad.
SM-dyad is a sexual instinct caused by inbreeding and found exclusively in bipedal primates (humans). Animals do not systematically practice inbreeding and therefore have no need for SM-dyad. Animals would also not be able to control SM-dyad, which would lead to its dissolution into rape and murder and extinction of the species. After all, animal females would certainly disagree with the lustful masochism of human females, without which SM-dyad cannot exist.
Vanilla-dyad emerged as a civilized cultural intervention on SM-dyad through human outbreeding. But SM-dyad is much stronger and will always prevail. Vanilla-dyad is not yet seen as a Sexual Instinct (SI) on this blog. But it is certainly possible that Vanilla-dyad still has some deep roots in animal sexuality, but not in contrast to SM-dyad.
Assumption 678: Honor killing proneness of a family.
A measure of possible incidence of honor killing in a family with fertile and marriageable females is the product of 'the sum score of the probabilities of DID for all males' and 'the inbreeding coefficient of that family', divided by 1 or the number of fertile female candidates willing to marry by consanguinity.
Homo naledi (2.3 Mya - 236 Ka; 550cc) was an Australopithecus with an excellently functioning speech center in his small 'animal brain'. A brain, however, based on a simple but reasonably complete human design. A basic human brain inherited from 'natural thinking animals'. This means that even Australopiths from 3 million years ago could speak and apparently didn't believe in the soul and the afterlife and that kind of psychotic nonsense. Because that's why you need an enlarged psychotic brain.
And also interesting: from 2.3 million years to 236 thousand years ago, Homo naledi probably remained the same unchanged creature, all individuals of which looked alike and were copies of each other. A clear indication of extreme inbreeding as a balanced dog race.
Homo naledi was more civilized in a religious sense than Homo sapiens and did not bluntly throw his deaths into CO2 neutral ovens, but conscientiously 'buried' them deep down in the Rising Star Cave (Johannesburg) near the God of Darkness to bring their bodies to life again as renewed fetuses with original DNA and personality (Just like Muslims btw).
As a natural thinker, with only half a brain, Homo naledi did not need a soul to replace himself somewhere in another life. The God of Darkness simply extended his previous life through rebirth without a soul.
Then, it is quite understandable to expect psychotic Homo erectus with his extremely enlarged brain (900cc) to believe in the soul and reincarnation.
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) could not accept that he was nothing more than his body without any eternal identity and so he postulated the soul. His soul also had to reincarnate him long after death into the right tribe where he belonged. That tribe could also be an inbred population.
But for inbreeding cultures this meant the difficult task of preserving family genome through 'cousin marriages' for the male bloodline and also of keeping offspring of females free from alien seed caused by adultery (hybrids: Eve's Serpent).
Daughters therefore had to reinforce XY-DNA of the male lineage with their female XX-DNA (cousin marriages), which incidentally came from Adam's rib and so also from the male bloodline.
This all, for not to reincarnate into hybrids from unknown origin and thereafter to be refused from re-entering their tribes as bastards themselves. After which they had to wander as ghosts through space forever in tribal separation anxiety.
In these days, daughters knew very well why they had to neglect their inborn outbreeding instinct, while propagating the male bloodline. But in nowadays Muslim culture, nobody knows where cousin marriages are really meant for because reincarnation is repressed in the unconscious on pain of death for already 1400 years. The bottom line is when Muslim girls would know what is really happening to them, they would lose unreasonable fear and would be much more capable of taking countermeasures.
Homo sapiens also believed in reincarnation, which had become a Sexual Instinct (SI) in two million years and is unconsciously still vividly alive in Muslim populations, despite their conscious belief in resurrection with Allah in heaven.
Conditioning reincarnation (magically) on the birth process made it just another superstrong (magically and thus not really needed) sexual instinct. This because the primal sexual law in nature is bond to birthing and directed to outbreeding to prevent extinction of species. And because religion is just a rational interpretation of an unconscious sexual instinct, religion is also a projection on breeding in the first place.
The problem with resurrection is that it explicitly has nothing to do with procreation, with breeding, with the birth process, or propagation of the species. This means that resurrection is also not a Sexual Instinct (SI). Resurrection is nothing but a meaningless word, a joke in religion. And that is precisely why the Muslim faith will have to indoctrinate Islam until the end of time to keep repressed the ineradicable magical reincarnation instinct linked to inbreeding. It's a hopeless endeavor.
Homo sapiens inherited reincarnation from Homo erectus. Reincarnation with outbreeding was no problem (FGM) but with inbreeding it became disastrous, because Homo sapiens had a less varied genome than Homo erectus. That's why Desert Religions were terrified from autosomal recessive disorders caused by extreme inbreeding.They told believers that resurrection to God in heaven would prevent the birth process and that their own bodies would be reconstructed before God with their own souls and original DNA. That would suit them better than reincarnation through inbreeding.
Well, apart from the needless soul this is exactly Rebirth from Homo naledi. And they also told believers how stupid cousin marriages were because reincarnation into descendants after so many generations caused impaired family genomes through mismatches from adulterous females.
Another point they will have said is that the body forms the soul, just as modern psychology learns about self identity. And so Desert Religions tried to throw sand in the eyes of believers to become God's Representatives on earth.
But as said before, Desert Religions did not understand that religion is a function of breeding. And that's why they told believers in vain to follow resurrection, where reincarnation is a super strong (magical) sexual instinct.
As long as humans do not understand where religion comes from they will have less brains than Homo naledi. He did not believe in resurrection in heaven and also not in the soul. He believed in rebirth on earth with his own self identity and his own DNA but not in some fake universe from psychotic cauliflower brains.
Assumption 680: Human Religion.
1: Human religion is the rationalization of the male sexual drive in the unconscious.
2. Male sexual drives serve to force women into sexual intercourse.
3: In nature, sexual drives are functions of breeding.
4: Then, human religions are rationalized functions of breeding.
5: So, human religions are deceptive functions of breeding, serving to coerce women into sexual intercourse with sacred and murderous pressure.
6: Males modify female sexual behavior in such a way that benefits them (FGM, cousin marriages, pedophilia, SM-dyad, Vanilla-dyad, etc).
Assumption 681: Curtain falls over morality Western Culture.
If both, the perpetrator and the victim must be spared from sharp criticism, then there is no ethics left in our woke society and then the curtain falls over morality of Western culture.
Assumption 682: The cause of honor killings.
In nature, sexual instincts are among the strongest instincts, meant for the preservation of species. They are based on outbreeding.
But bipedal primates (e.g. humans) have developed an artificial sexual instinct through inbreeding, which in nature would lead to extinction.
Therefore Desert Religions developed resurrection to counter reincarnation through inbreeding.
Subsequently, Islam replaced reincarnation with resurrection, but reincarnation is a strong sexual instinct because it is linked to the birth process, while resurrection is a just a word and expressly not linked to breeding.
Reincarnation was then pushed into the unconscious where it still lives on among the Muslim population.
The Muslim population is therefore still based on sexual instincts in the following order: as a function of reincarnation, inbreeding and reproduction: Mp = f(Reinc(Inbr(Procr). Resurrection does not appear in this derivation because it is not a sexual instinct. Resurrection is not based on birthing, it is just a word.
Because reincarnation is repressed by Islam and suppressed by Muslim males, a dangerous situation has now arisen. The unconscious of Muslim males can now operate as a dissociative identity from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
This is how honor killing arises.
Assumption 683: The steps of Pedophilia: