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Sunday, 18 October 2015

(67) The Sexual Theory of Religion (Part 8: 140-159)

Basic Dimension


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Other sexual roles (10)

Assumptie 140: Religie is als gedaante van de seksualiteit een speelbal van de zich ontwikkelende moraal. Religie zal evenals de moraal nooit verdwijnen. Zij is de moraal van seksualiteit.

Assumptie 141: Het dialectische proces

Man en vrouw hebben een verschillend verstand gebaseerd op testosteron en oestrogeen. Tussen hun denkwerelden bouwt zich van nature een spanningsveld op met een spanningsboog als onderhandelingsruimte. Dat is het dialectische proces.

Daarbinnen bereiken man en vrouw dan samen in wijsheid een afgewogen oordeel over hun bestaan. Alleen deze dialectiek bevordert de culturele ontwikkeling van de mens. Beschouwt de man zijn vrouw als seksueel object dan vervalt zijn inspiratie tot intellectuele, culturele en kunstzinnige verdieping en vooruitgang.

Daarentegen wordt de vrouw als subject juist de muze van de man. Haar schoonheid wijst hem op de wonderen der kunst, haar fijnzinnige aard wekt zijn waardering voor cultuur en haar schaamteloos gespeelde bewondering stuwt zijn inspiratie, zijn lust en tomeloze inzet tot economische voorspoed en vooruitgang. Het dialectische proces is zo de katalysator van iedere culturele evolutie, voorwaardelijk voor iedere culturele dynamiek.

Tezamen beschikken man en vrouw over een briljant verstand. Dat is de bedoeling van de natuur. En alleen deze combinatie zal de evolutie overwinnen. Culturen die de vrouw onderdrukken gaan uiteindelijk ten onder aan de ongebreidelde tirannie van testosteron, waarin de man zijn zaad ongeïnspireerd en zinloos over Gods akkers laat stromen.

(2) Human religion as operant conditioning

Inbreeding and incest started as an unconscious and an unintentional life style:

Assumption 142: Classical conditioning:

Human inbreeding started as an unconditioned stimulus followed by an unconditioned response of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe. Genetic immortality means the tribe did not change of genetic composition.

Inbreeding and incest developed as a conscious and intentional lifestyle:

Assumption 143: Operant conditioning:

Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.

Assumption 144: Secondary reinforcement:

In primary religion, human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the (earthly) universe. Earthly reincarnation is the prevailing instinctive reward for inbreeding, because with genetic immortality the individual died.

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe.

Assumption 145: tertiary reinforcement:

In secondary religion, human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus (of the expectation) of reincarnation into the parallel universe. Though parallel reincarnation is the competitor of earthly reincarnation it is not the instinctive reward for inbreeding:

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe

Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation.

Parallel reincarnation was not better than earthly reincarnation because reincarnation into the parallel universe brought not about a longer eternal life than earthly reincarnation. And with heavenly reincarnation tribal heads were no gods any longer (no reincarnation into their own tribe) and they would become completely dependent on the God of monotheism. And for a lot of other reasons a stalemate arose between earthly and heavenly reincarnation:

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe

Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.

Assumption 143/223: Operant conditioning: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.

Operant response: Inbreeding and incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality of the tribe in the offspring

Assumption 224: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for increased saturation as secondary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes

Assumption 225: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant responseIncest 
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes 
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)

Assumption 226: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (immature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest 
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Second reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes 
Third reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)

Assumption 227: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest 
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring 
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)

(2) The Myth of Paradise (Part I)

Assumption 145: Inbreeding and reincarnation into the (earthly) universe form a profitable interaction, wherein the whole is more than the parts. After the invention of reincarnation, tribal inbreeding cannot exist any longer without earthly reincarnation. It is very unlikely that tribal cultures are willing or able to disentangle this combined instinct or archetype on their own initiative. We conclude that reincarnation into the earthly universe must be suppressed in the collective unconscious of Islamic Culture.

(3) The Myth of Paradise (Part III)

Assumption 146: In inbreeding and incest humans found a promising mechanism for genetic immortality of the tribe. Therefore, inbreeding refers to timelessness within human sexuality. It is a physical variable with timelessness dimension. Hence religion, or better inbreeding, stands for the time dimension within the sexual domain.

(4) The Myth of Paradise (Part IV)

Assumption 147: Inbreeding cultures see women as objects. Outcrossing cultures might see them as subjects.

Assumption 148: Inbreeding and incest is a human male instinct in endogamous populations. Outcrossing is a female instinct.

(1) Human religion, derivative to perpetual orgasm

Assumption 149: The first derivative of sexuality is timeless sexuality, called religion or genetic immortality, operationalized as perpetual orgasm.

Assumption 150: Genetic immortality as primordial religion is the first derivative of sexuality.

Assumption 151: The power of religion lies in the enhanced contrast between earthly and heavenly satisfaction of sexuality. Only the manipulation of sexuality can influence its religious derivative.

Assumption 152: Islam is an endogamous inbreeding culture, offering a factually exogamous afterlife in heaven. A genetic monoculture on earth (Islam) flirts with genetic diversity in heaven (Christianity), where the latter must be seen as heaven on earth. Jealousy led to the persecution of Christians, because their masochistic suffering is compatible with exogamic lust. And violent bloodlust and hatred discharged on Jews, because though their culture relied also on inbreeding and incest, their females were left free choice to exogamy as in the group of higher mammals.

Assumption 153: With the invention of earthly reincarnation inbreeding lost its rational connection with genetic immortality and now became magically bound to earthly reincarnation. And in a way it still made sense. Males could only reincarnate safely into their own tribe if they enforced inbreeding on women during lifetime. Hence, inbreeding was not meant for immortality of their genes any longer, but instead inbred bodies served for reincarnation. And this latter relation became the principal connection in the inbreeding instinct, because it was the best reinforcer of inbreeding.

Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse. Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.

Assumption 191: Another reason to prefer the parallel universe above the earthly universe was that tribal members did not have to reincarnate into other tribes on earth.

Assumption 155: Genetic immortality does not exist as a primary reinforcer of inbreeding any longer. Early in human evolution it has been set aside by earthly reincarnation as a secondary reinforcer. Meanwhile, inbreeding has been connected to earthly reincarnation for 2 million years. This connection is the prevailing human instinct. Reincarnation into the parallel universe failed to overthrow earthly reincarnation. Hence both forms of reincarnation are reinforcers of inbreeding.

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe

Assumption 156: Incest was the first form of perpetual orgasm: timeless orgasm across generations. Earthly reincarnation as a second form offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse.

Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight to an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension. It comes down to never ending orgasm, the center of gravity of male religion.

Assumption 157: The balance of power between earthly and parallel reincarnation is determined by the beauty of women. Smaller tribes give a smaller choice of attractive women. Hence, smaller tribes cause a greater desire for the parallel universe. What means that tribal endogamy in rural areas leads to a greater demand for the parallel universe than ethnic and religious endogamy, in which the variety of attractive women increases enormously.

Now, both forms of reincarnation had their peculiarities:

1: Earthly reincarnation replaced genetic immortality since six million years and became the new instinct: inbreeding - earthly reincarnation.

2: Parallel reincarnation promised a better quality of afterlife for perpetual orgasm (the 72 new virgins in heaven).

Hence, parallel reincarnation as a tertiary reinforcer of inbreeding, was a good substitute but was not able to expel earthly reincarnation as an instinct.

Tertiary reinforcement (third order conditioning):

Operant response: inbreeding
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the (earthly) universe
Later reinforcing stimulus: reincarnation into the parallel universe

Assumption 158: Cultures imposing unreasonable restrictions on sexuality are purposely promoting sexual desperation in men, who then build an extreme expectation of sexual orgasm in an unknown universe of hope.

The difference between Islam and Christianity is the assessment of other persons. Thus, Islam distinguishes between male Muslims (subjects) and other sexual roles (objects). But in the personification of Jesus, Christianity found a role model for 'other sexual roles' and therefore sees all people equivalently as subjects.


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