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I graduated and worked as a methodologist in psychology and created this blog as an unknown precursor of science. Information on this blog is nowhere else to be found.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

(71) The Sexual Theory of Religion (Part 12: 220-239)

Assumption 220: Perpetual orgasm across generations in this lifetime started as a conscious operant response to elicit the reinforcing stimulus of even more saturated genes in the sexually mature offspring. In this manner, inbreeding promoted tribal identity in the form of genetic immortality. For this reason, first homininae started to fertilize sexually mature daughters and nieces.

This kind of highly saturated inbreeding also led to the insight that sexual intercourse with younger generations in itself contributed to eternal survival. Perpetual orgasm across generations got sacred meaning for eternal fertility of human-like males. This kind of incestuous pedophilia became a human male instinct.

Hence, both inbreeding and incest became human instincts. They developed as compensating instincts because sex with younger generations also was a lustful payment for males for their contribution to the system. Only in inbreeding cultures males are morally rewarded for sex with the own daughters and nieces.

Without compensation of perpetual orgasm with daughters and nieces, inbreeding and incest became unbalanced and caused honor killings much later in the evolution. Perpetual orgasm over generations was the price daughters had to pay for genetic immortality of the tribe.

From the holiness of incestuous pedophilia with daughters and nieces a different kind of pedophilia evolved: sacred pedophilia with sexually immature individuals in general. Of course this was not meant for inbreeding. 

In the evolution incestuous pedophilia lost its former goal to create saturated genes in the offspring because of autosomal recessive disorders and now pedophilia in general was left for perpetual orgasm across generations for males with sexually immature persons.

Hence, nowadays a very insane and sick form of pedophilia with sexually immature persons results from inbreeding, which is not found in the animal world. Later in the evolution, newborns were sacrificed to the gods in holy rituals, so these also could live forever in perpetual orgasm.

Resuming, in the first instance, saturating genes in the offspring contributed to the survival of the genetic identity of the tribe in genetic immortality. In the second instance, perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a human lust for males. And in the third instance, pedophilia developed with sexually immature persons. Meanwhile sacred pedophilia developed and degenerated into sacrifices of newborns to the gods.

Extreme saturated inbreeding has been forbidden already for a very long time because of autosomal recessive disorders, though incestuous pedophilia is still practiced in some parts of the world.

But non-incestuous pedophilia has not been banned. This found its outlet in ordinary pedophilia and child marriages, not found in animals. Child marriages developed as sign of powerful eternal orgasm and expected fertility of the wealthy.

Later in the evolution perpetual orgasm across generations has been sublimated in perpetual orgasm in the offspring after reincarnation in the (earthly) universe and still later in the parallel universe (72 virgins in Heaven, 200.000 ya).

Assumption 221: The Incest Inbreeding Compensation Model (I.I.C.) states if male incest - as contribution to the inbreeding culture - is not compensated by perpetual orgasm across generations, males develop hatred against wives and daughters, whose stoning and honor killings might result.

Assumption 222:

1: Incest with sexually mature girls (daughters and nieces) developed from inbreeding as super saturation of genes in the offspring. Then also incestuous pedophilia with immature daughters and nieces - as perpetual orgasm across generations - developed as reward for males for their contribution to the inbreeding culture. Later in the evolution incest with daughters and nieces was forbidden because of autosomal recessive disorders.

2: Later, the male instinct expanded into non-incestuous pedophilia with sexually immature persons (other people's children). Child marriages developed as sign of powerful perpetual orgasm and expected eternal fertility of the wealthy. It is difficult to feel any empathy for religious instigated pedophilia with sexually immature individuals. In this form it is unknown in the animal world and must have been caused by 7 million years of inbreeding culture. It is a sick aberration of sexuality.

3: Meanwhile sacred pedophilia with sexually immature persons degenerated in the sacrifice of newborns to the gods in holy rituals, so they could live in perpetual orgasm too.

Assumption 143/223: Operant conditioning: Human inbreeding developed as an operant response followed by a reinforcing stimulus of genetic immortality in the (earthly) universe.

Operant response: Inbreeding and incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality of the tribe in the offspring

Assumption 224: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for increased saturation as secondary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes

Assumption 225: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
Primary reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Secondary reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
Tertiary reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)

Assumption 226: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (immature) as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Second reinforcing stimulus: increased saturation of parental genes
Third reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)

Assumption 227: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (immature)

Assumption 228: Operant conditioning: Fertilization of daughters and nieces as operant response meant for perpetual orgasm across generations (mature)
was forbidden as tertiary reinforcing stimulus.

Operant response: Incest
First reinforcing stimulus: genetic immortality in the offspring
Fourth reinforcing stimulus: perpetual orgasm across gen. (mature)
Fifth reinforcing stimulus: disband sadomasochism into murder lust and sexual desire to compensate for lost perpetual orgasm across generations (mature).

Assumption 229: Grooming.

Pedophiles have paraphilic relationships based on unequal sexual roles. They project their infantile identity into children, degrading themselves as adults. They thereby sublimate unequal sexual roles into apparently equivalent semi-adult friendship. If children do not protest against unfamiliar touching then pedophiles conclude they are taking responsibility and they like it.

Assumption 230: Hard pedophilia is perpetual orgasm across generations.

Assumption 231: Soft pedophilia (grooming) is displaced perpetual orgasm across generations.

Assumption 232 (short): Pedophilia started with the raping of sexually mature daughters for genetic saturation of parental genes in the inbreeding culture. Because of autosomal recessive disorders, mature daughters have been replaced with sexually immature daughters later in the evolution. This is called displacement of perpetual orgasm across generations, what was the reward for males for their contribution to the inbreeding culture.

As a consequence of this hereditary displacement hard pedophilia (rape) nowadays concerns lust in sexually immature girls and boys. It is an unnatural human sexual drive evolved out of inbreeding which is only viable in sadomasochistic cultures.

As a 'logical' result of immature raping, daughters were sold for child marriage just before sexual maturity. Both, displacement (pedophilia with sexually immature daughters) and sublimation (perpetual orgasm in Heaven) have settled in the human mind as genetically transferable forms of perpetual orgasm.

Soft pedophilia (without rape, grooming) is based on the Vanilla-dyad, which in the Western world is based on equal sexual roles and equivalent relations. Hence, soft pedophiles displace rape for impermissible sexual acts, and sublimate unequal sexual roles into apparently equivalent semi-adult friendship.

If children do not protest against unfamiliar touching then pedophiles conclude they are taking responsibility and they like it.

Assumption 232 (extended): Pedophilia started with the raping of sexually mature
daughters for genetic saturation of parental genes in the inbreeding culture.
Meanwhile perpetual orgasm across generations developed as a pleasure and as reward for inbreeding. Both, inbreeding (tribal genetic immortality) and incest (perpetual orgasm for individual males) are compensating mechanisms for attaining eternal life.

The precise interaction between perpetual orgasm (incest) and the saturation of genes (inbreeding) is unknown yet. Raping of sexually mature daughters (incest) might have been justified by genetic saturation (inbreeding). But in the third instance, mating over generations signified an extreme libido, causing perpetual orgasm developed as the core of human male religion.

Because of autosomal recessive disorders, mature daughters have been replaced with sexually immature daughters later in the evolution. This is called displacement of perpetual orgasm across generations. Hard pedophilia (rape) with sexually
immature girls is the first displacement (or substitution) in hominin culture.

As a consequence of this hereditary displacement of sexual lust, hard pedophilia (rape) concerns nowadays lust in sexually immature girls and boys. It is an unnatural human sexual drive evolved out of inbreeding which is only viable within sadomasochistic cultures.

As a 'logical' result of immature raping, daughters were sold for child marriage just before sexual maturity. In this way hard pedophilia (rape) became the evolutionary end-stage of inbreeding cultures based on the SM-dyad (unequal sexual roles). This is better known as child marriages in Islamic culture and others.
Unlike pedophilia, homosexuality is a well-known phenomenon in the animal world which did not arise from hominin culture. But homosexuality combined with pedophilia (Christian Church) indeed comes from perpetual orgasm across generations. Hence perpetual orgasm does not discriminate on sexual orientation.

Later in the evolution, perpetual orgasm for a lot of other reasons sublimated
into perpetual orgasm in the parallel universe. Both, displacement (pedophilia with sexually immature daughters) and sublimation (perpetual orgasm in Heaven) settled in the human mind as genetically transferable forms of perpetual orgasm. In human evolution religious delusions interacted with sexuality and formed new instincts which are completely unknown in the animal world.

Soft pedophilia (without rape; grooming) is based on the Vanilla-dyad, which in the Western world is based on equal sexual roles and equivalent relations. Hence, soft pedophiles were forced to displace rape for impermissible sexual acts, and to sublimate unequal sexual roles into apparently equivalent semi-adult friendship.
For this purpose pedophiles project their infantile identity into children, degrading themselves as adults. They thereby sublimate unequal sexual roles into apparently equivalent semi-adult friendship. If children do not protest against unfamiliar touching then pedophiles conclude they are taking responsibility and they like it.

It is not really empathy what pedophiles are feeling; on the contrary it is a narcissistic disorder, a fake relationship with a non-existing entity, a sick self-projection into an innocent child. It is an escape from adulthood and sublimation and displacement of temporary orgasm within generations.

Assumption 233: Perpetual orgasm across generations is a form of pedophilia born out of inbreeding. It first served genetic saturation of the tribe (genetic immortality), in which sexually mature daughters were fertilized by their fathers. In the second instance, this orgasmic lust developed as a reward for inbreeding. In the third instance, mating over generations signified extreme libido, causing perpetual orgasm to develop as the core of human male religion. 

Later, perpetual orgasm developed as incestuous pedophilia with sexually immature daughters to avoid autosomal recessive disorders.

Perpetual orgasm across generations is projected in this lifetime and after death. In this lifetime it means raping and fertilizing very young persons. After death it means ancestors mating with distant descendants after reincarnation. And in the ultimate case very old men want to mate with countless virgins in the parallel universe.

Assumption 234: Selective breeding with Homininae.

Human family (Hominini) has about the same genome as chimpanzees (Panini). Both evolved as Homininae, from 7 to 4 million years ago. Because Homininae set the first steps towards human religion, chimpanzees are our natural control group.

And then it turns into the evolution, humans and chimpanzees developed the same remarkable split in religion. For the family of chimpanzees (Panini), this became clear with the split into common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus). About a similar division split Humans into Muslims and Christians. The behavior of Muslims is somewhat similar to that of common chimpanzees, while bonobos are more like Christians.

The split in Hominini is caused by the harsh environment of the desert (Paradise culture) versus the opulence of heavenly temperate regions (Christianity). And the split in Panini is caused by a shortage of food (common chimpanzee), against an abundant food supply for bonobos south of the Congo River.

Common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Muslims (Islam) developed behavior definitely characterized by unequal sexual roles. Bonobos (Pan paniscus) and Christians, however, developed behavior with equivalent sexual relations:

Assumption 203: Sexual deprivation (poverty) strengthens the endogamous group. Promiscuity (wealth) strengthens the exogamous group.
Assumption 240: Polygamy leads to inbreeding in patriarchies (Islam) and to outbreeding in matriarchies (bonobos and elephants).

Moreover, in the evolution chimpanzees practiced selected breeding on their population by killing males, who sought for genetic diversity in other tribes. Only sadistic males survived defending genetic monoculture, though adolescent females were free to wander between tribes looking for genetic diversity.

In the evolution a worse development of selective breeding in Paradise culture (former Islam) culled all human characters not suited for inbreeding and incest, males and females. There, a population evolved with an excess of sadistic males and masochistic females.

Hence it is questionable if common chimpanzees and bonobos ever will assimilate. The same question arises with Muslims and Christians.

Assumption 204: Forcing a sexually deprived (poor) endogamous group to assimilate within a promiscuous (wealthy) exogamous group means civil war.

Assumption 235: Mammal religion exists by virtue of the balance between endogamy and exogamy, determined by the number of equal sexual roles (Eq.S.R.), caused by empathy. Scaling Hominini and Panini on these measures learns bonobos outperform humans on both, while Muslims score the worst.

Assumption 236: The permeability of a culture (exogamy or endogamy) is determined by the degree of empathy with sexual roles.

Assumption 206: The permeability of a mammal group concerns the relation between its endogamous heart and the exogamous periphery, which is called ‘religion’ and is determined by the number of equal sexual roles, what is determined by empathy.

Assumption 237: Enlightenment and anti-Enlightenment(DIT IS ONZIN)
Sometimes things are much easier to understand by adding simple auxiliary functions. For example, we can conceive the Enlightenment symbolically as a dichotomous (0.1) vector from the origin. Then, Western culture scores 1 and Islam scores 0 on Enlightenment. But we also add the anti-Enlightenment vector on which Islam scores 1. Ostensibly an identical dimension, but with a different position in space, because 'man' and 'woman' also are not each other's opposite. (DIT IS ONZIN)

And of course, both vectors can be projected on a third dimension with one degree of freedom, on which they occupy the poles: exogamy (Christianity) versus endogamy (Islam).

By further processing all human cultures can be placed somewhere on this interval scaled dimension. Then, the scale eventually predicts Islam will segregate in most cultures. Christianity almost always assimilates, and Judaism will integrate. Now it happens, only by adding this extra dimension we sufficiently describe, explain and predict Homininae religion.

Assumption 238: In the animal world of the hominids sexual roles were decisive. In the human world of hominins sexual roles were gods. And in modern society gods are cultural dimensions.

Assumption 239: Christianity, Enlightenment, Romanticism 


Christianity emphatically recognized 'other sexual roles' and essentially is a doctrine obsessed with guilt and self-abasement, cultivating a masochistic slave mentality. A distinction should be made between the endogamic sadistic church and the exogamic masochistic teachings of Jesus. 


Enlightenment chose rationality above magical thinking of religion. It can be characterized as democracy, equality of race and gender, complete freedom of thought and expression and the separation of church and state. From Enlightenment comes: ‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. In particular, reason would produce universal principles to which the equivalence of races and cultures could be assessed. Also was supposed universal moral truth is known. But more tragically Enlightenment was not able to formulate and enforce widely accepted standards.


Romanticism is a reaction on Enlightenment, choosing subjective feelings above reason. In their view race, culture and moral values cannot be measured on a universal scale. Hence, equality between cultures was adopted without scientific standards, by which no superior race, culture or set of moral values exists. The cultural revolution of the sixties was in fact a romantic revolution and former Christians like Policor twisted the teachings of Jesus into masochism.

The curse of Enlightenment is its inability to formulate widely accepted universal standards to distinguish between races, cultures and morality. In response, Romanticism claimed equivalence in all areas.


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