Basic Dimension
Twitter: @BasicDimension
It's all about morality:
Last monthly update homepage:
May 2021.
This blog started in 2010 and articles have not changed fundamentally since then.
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- August 2020:
- October 2, 2020: Added to: Art 330, 334, 335, 337: Assumptions 574, 581.
- Nederlands: Herzien verschil eerwraak - eermoord.
- Search 'Assumption 581' on this Homepage.
- March 12, 2021: Added to Art 10: Assumption 616.
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(300) Q&A (Question-and-answer) [Empty]
(282) How to prevent honor killings ๐ด๐ด
(293) Why Islam will never defeat honor killings (reincarnation)๐ด๐ด
(298) Omvolking รคr en sadomasochistic intrassling ๐ด๐ด [English:(294)]
(305) The cause of honor killings๐ด๐ด
(339) Islam is guilty of Honor Killings
(340) The Origin of Human Religion
The following articles represent consecutive sections of the homepage below.
They contain more references than full articles. When the links are placed in
'search' or 'find', they will be taken directly to the appropriate place in the homepage.
A number also leads to this, eg (394).
(341) The Origin of Human Religion
(342) The Truth about Honor Killings
(343) Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham
(344) The Archetype of God, AKA the Space of gods
(345) Gods are sexual roles
(346) Eerwraak (Honor Revenge) is a contradictio in terminis(347) True Myth of Abraham: settling dispute Homo erectus and Homo sapiens
(348) Human instincts
(349) Paradigm shift explains Honor Killings
(350) The Truth about Honor Killings
(351) New Foundations Human Religion
(352) Bizarre and twisted love is the sick cause of honor killings(353) Sadia Sheikh: Legal implications Reincarnation Theory
(354) Quick Scan Honor Killing Checklist
(355) Conflict Reincarnation Resurrection
(356) Why Muslims have failed to end Honor Killings
(357) How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof
(358) The Crux of this Blog
(359) Human religion arose from procreation (360) Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)(361) The Origin of the Myth of Paradise
(362) The Origin of the Myth of Abraham
(363) Honor killings are the organizing principle of Islam
(364) God created inbreeding from outbreeding
(365) Homo naledi: Highly rational creature (366) What is a Sexual Instinct (SI)?
(367) Gods are sexual roles(368) Masochism hate: Rosetta stone to Islam (Tahrir Square)
(369) The Sexual Theory of Religion
(370) Chimpanzees and bonobos
(371) Muslims lack control over SM-dyad
(372) Monotheism is masculine control over female sexual behavior
(373) Desert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity)(374) Two main laws of Human Religion
(375) Timeline of Honor Killings
(376) Muslim faith: confounded, contaminated and contradictory (377) How Honor Killing works(378) Why haven't Muslims solved honor killings themselves?
(379) Breakthrough in Honor Killings
(380) Genesis or the Sacrifice Cultus (Jordan Peterson)
(381) How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham
(382) Contemporary explanation of the Hebrew Bible (Jordan Peterson)
(383) What the Bible says about reincarnation and ascension
(384) The fallacy of the Catholic Church
(385) Abrahamic religions are a niche in the religious landscape
(386) The real reason of Quran schools
(387) The predictability of religious perturbations
(388) The Archetypes of Human Civilization
(389) Expected Civil Wars over Religion(390) The Downfall of the Muslim Faith
(391) Super religions and inferior religions
(392) Political Correctness craves for SM-dyad
(393) Women's suffrage absorbed the Muslim Culture in Western Europe
(394) Human Religion integrates SM-dyad with Breeding
(395) The Fundamental Equation in Human Religion
(396) The SM-dyad / Vanilla-dyad ratio
(397) Intercultural Orgasm
(398) Freedom of Speech
(399) The Archetype of God
(400) The Sexual Model of Religion
(401) Honor killings: cultural transfer or sexual instinct?
Basic Dimension

(401) Honor killings: cultural transfer or sexual instinct?
Honor killings: cultural transfer or sexual instinct ?
Until now, there was no solution for honor killings:
- We know that talking about honor killings is taboo in Muslim countries.
- We also know that honor killings happen most in rural areas, where males have less contact with others.
- Then we conclude that cultural transfer of honor killing information among Muslim males is just marginal.
- But isn't it strange that all these men do about the same thing to young Muslim women of about the same age? And that for already 1400 years? Without any communication?
- Thus Muslim males who have no mutual contact are programmed to do the same thing at about the same age of young Muslim women. But why?
- Our mistaken belief is that honor killings are passed on through culture. But there is still another possibility.
- Because honor killers have no rationally defensible idea of what they are doing, a possible solution lies in their unconscious.
- And in the unconscious there is only one solution imaginable: an inherited sexual instinct.
- And so we arrive at the reincarnation instinct of Muslim males, responsible for honor killings.
- Then arise two questions: how does reincarnation be suppressed in the unconscious and how do we get it out again?
Even in case of premeditation before the murder, which is sort of family deliberation to discuss the immoral behavior of the daughter, it is males who seek permission to act out of their unconscious motives. In the rare case that women participate in honor killings, it is because of social pressure, since they do not have a reincarnation instinct out of inbreeding.
Honor killings start in the unconscious and are completed in the conscious:
Honor killings come forward from the drive of reincarnation out of inbreeding (cousin marriages). So, find Reinc = f(Inbreed):
But reincarnation is a form of religion. So, Human Religion must also be a form of breeding: HR = f(Breeding = SR):
So, to be able to solve honor killings, Human Religion and Reincarnation must both be functions of Breeding: HR = f(breeding) and Reinc = f(Inbreed). And this is not an arbitrary conclusion. It is groundbreaking insight into bipedal primate religion:
Subsequently, the function Reinc = f(inbreed) is divided between the unconscious (Reinc) and the conscious (f(inbreed)), where f(inbreed) = cousin marriages. Then this is the result:
This blog developed a fairly complete analysis of the reincarnation tragedy in Islam. It comes close to proof of honor killings, but it at least provides enough circumstantial evidence to take the conclusions seriously.
Oddly enough, I started this blog in 2010 with the end result: Human Religion is a Function of Breeding. It might have been a compelling command from my right hemisphere:
What have I done in all those years? I searched for a deeper meaning of the first bipedal religions. But it wasn't there. In 2021, I was tremendously pleasured by hearing the Religious Lectures of Dr. Jordan Peterson. And I concluded that a deeper meaning of religion must have been added over time, but not by evolution.
According to Dr. Peterson the Hebrew Bible is a moralistic construct to direct believers to God, who is their bargain with the future, by worshiping Him, by sacrificing now for a better life later. So, God is our unlocking of the future.
So, the Hebrew Bible was not a childish book for stupid believers. Believers were highly intelligent Jews who were illiterate, but further perfectly able to project their own, evolutionary given morals into the mythological stories of Cain and Abel and Abraham and Isaac.
We only arrogantly thought they were simple people. And guess what, Homo naledi wasn't 'a stupid animal' either, as current science would have us believe. Their 'primitive' archaic brains allowed them to survive 14 million years in the African Wilderness, where they defended themselves only with pointed sticks and ropes against felines, while they also had a more civilized religion than we have by burying their dead deep underground near the God of Darkness, while we throw them into ovens.
Thus, there is no forcing causal relationship between morality and evolution, although Dr. Peterson is absolutely right with the Hebrew Bible. From Peterson we learn that Jewish scholars tried to implement an overarching morality on their people, which functioned for more than 2,000 years. So, morality must be implemented time and again on new religions. And there is no law of moral progress in religious evolution. Which means Homo naledi may have had higher moral awareness than current political correctness.
In other words: Sexual Instincts (SI) are inbreeding and outbreeding, which follow each other in the evolution as sexual impulses from the unconscious. They are our basic Sexual Religions (SR), which are complemented with other Sexual Instincts such as SM-dyad, FGM, Racism, Cousin Marriages, Pedophilia, Perpetual Orgasm and Fertility Stress. Such religious impulses are in principle amoral and must be morally shaped every time. And that's what Dr. Peterson showed us with the Hebrew Bible.
Basic Dimension

(400) The Sexual Model of Religion
A Simplified Introduction to Human Religion
The Sexual Model of Religion
Basic Dimension

(399) The Archetype of God
Basic Dimension

(398) Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Speech
Basic Dimension

(397) Intercultural Orgasm
Without antagonism between
SM-dyad and Vanilla-dyad no proper understanding of Human Religion.
Above diagram means that Western feminine institutions are courting Islamic society as if they were receiving Muslim male interest from Islamic institutions for their institutional entity. So, we reshape institutional relations between Christian and Islamic institutions as if it were sexual encounters on a personal level.
Basic Dimension

(396) The SM-dyad / Vanilla-dyad ratio
The SM-dyad/Vanilla-dyad ratio:
Basic Dimension

(395) The Fundamental Equation in Human Religion
The Fundamental Equation in Human Religion
Basic Dimension

(394) Human Religion integrates SM-dyad with Breeding
Human Religion Integrates SM-dyad with Breeding
Basic Dimension

(393) Women's suffrage absorbed the Muslim Culture in Western Europe
Do we really think that 300 million European Christians brought in tens of millions of Muslims from charity? The Muslim immigration must have a very simple cause, as European States have all agreed on this migration for 60 years. And if we skip charity there must still be a simple cause, then polytheistic masochism remains.
In the sixties there were also many cheap and highly intelligent Asians available from South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore and other States. They had only one problem: They were highly civilized moderate people, not to say Buddhists. And Buddhism is not the right other point in space to draw a straight line between Christian masochism and sadism. So, these Asians did not have SM-dyad between husband and wife, that's the problem.
Do I myself believe this theory? Well, there is no other theory to explain the self chosen suffering of Christians from Muslims' inappropriate behavior in the last sixty years. Of course, I shouldn't be guided by identity politics, but whoever has a better but conclusive explanation for Muslim immigration, without those silly capitalistic arguments, may say so.
And, of course, benevolent Muslims are completely pushed aside by the ongoing Muslim criminality. But even if we look at the matter in the right proportions, former Christians, now Political Correctness are victims of a major self-inflicted wound. The final conclusion must be that Muslims are not responsible for this migration, it is Christian Europeans themselves who are responsible.
The sado-masochistic tension between monotheism and polytheism, which has built up between Islam and Christianity over a few thousand years, will lead to the collapse of this bubble, because SM cannot be sustained in this way without disturbing its focal point at which SM disintegrates again into murder, manslaughter and sexuality, as has happened already numerous times in bipedal evolution. So, there is nothing new under the sun.
Basic Dimension

(392) Political Correctness craves for SM-dyad from Muslim culture
Political correctness rejected God and now craves for SM-dyad by swallowing the Muslim culture into Europe:
Basic Dimension

(391) Super religions and inferior religions
Assumption 556: Super religions and inferior religions.
Super religions are simply male heterosexuality, the first god. Inferior religions are 'other sexual roles', mostly women. These religions alternate in the evolution.
We have struggled to find a comprehensive model of human religion. The strongest
dimension is Male heterosexuality - Other sexual roles. Within sexuality we find
Inbreeding - Outbreeding as second best. Monotheism and Polytheism are sexually complicated, because polytheism (outbreeding) means 'when gods can have any sexual role', but 'polytheism' also happens in case of reincarnation (inbreeding) when tribal heads (ancestors) are their own ego-theistic gods. Then we prefer the term 'serial monotheism' for 'polytheism'.
1: Male heterosexuality - Other sexual roles
2: Inbreeding - Outbreeding
3: Monotheism - Polytheism

Assumption 557: Alternating Human Religions without any progress:
1: First, we had an instinctive eruption of inbreeding leading to the polytheistic
inbreeding culture from Arabs and Asians about 10.000 years BC. [HR = f(SR)]
2: Then, we got the monotheistic counter action from the Desert Religions about
1500 years BC, which tried to change reincarnation into resurrection. [HR2 = f(HR1)]
3: Subsequently, we saw again a counteraction from a small group around Jesus,
which again paved the way for polytheism but now without inbreeding, because it concerned outbred populations. Polytheism, because 'gods are sexual roles' and Jesus himself stood for 'other sexual roles'. [HR3 = f(HR2(HR1))]
We conclude that Sexual Instincts (SI) in the unconscious of bipedal primates lead to eruptions of drives over and over again, whether it's inbreeding or fertility stress or whatever. They only look like 'new' religions, thousands of fertility religions in the evolution. There is no progress in Human Religion...

Basic Dimension

(390) The Downfall of the Muslim Faith
The Downfall of the Muslim Faith
Basic Dimension

(389) Expected Civil Wars over Religion
Expected Civil Wars over Religion
Basic Dimension

(388) The Archetypes of Human Civilization
The Archetypes of Human Civilization
Desert Religions:
Basic Dimension

(387) The predictability of religious perturbations
About the purpose of this blog
Assumption 618: The predictability of religious perturbations.
We all know that religion can lead believers through life. For them, the word of God has a depth that can best be described as divine, transcendent, metaphysical, occult and esoteric. It gives comfort and hope for the future. This clearly refers to the latest version of religion in human evolution. It is the State of the Art of Human Wisdom.
Religions are also characterized by describing and guarding the arrangements and practices of their doctrines. And they warn seriously against desecration thereof. But the failure of believers to follow doctrines is different from the perturbation of the religious process itself. And that is the reason of this blog.
Honor killings in Islam are an example of such perturbation. Islam cannot predict or prevent honor killings. Because unforeseen collateral damage of the religious process is not in the Quran. And here I give Islam the benefit of the doubt not to have institutionalized honor killings for other reasons.
Therefore, understanding and predicting unforeseen side effects of religions requires a different approach. Contemporary religions create Babylonian chaos where we need order.
For this we must see religion as a cybernetic process. Or better as a kind of time-series analysis in which we follow a fictitious set of variables through the evolution and investigate their putative interactions.
Such a process always starts at the source. And that is what this blog has aimed for. It has conceived of human religion as an ever-changing process throughout the evolution.
So in order to make predictions about the religious process itself, we first determined the primary purpose of the first bipedal primate religions, 14 million years ago. To this end, we empathically followed an imaginary cohort of hominids over time. Our conclusion is that the original purpose of hominid religions was to choose the mode of reproduction: inbreeding or outbreeding:

Disclaimer: On this blog human religion is reconstructed from supposed evolution of religious concepts and not from the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible:

Basic Dimension

(386) The real reason of Quran schools
Resurrection was meant to prevent the disastrous effects of autosomal recessive disorders through inbreeding. And of course, monotheism also wanted to ban the divine status of tribal heads who arranged their own afterlife on Earth by egotheism. Monotheism proclaims to represent God on Earth.
Reincarnation has become a sexual instinct because this magical derivative is linked to the birth process. And because with resurrection persons arise in heaven without being born again, it is not a sexual instinct but just a powerless word.
The real reason of Quran schools
So, resurrection in heaven is no match for reincarnation and that's why Allah's final judgment for heaven or hell has to be indoctrinated permanently to set genuine sexual instincts as reincarnation astray.
Note: Human religion is a function of sexual instincts and not of meaningless words.
Note: Only reincarnation out of inbreeding leads to honor killings, because only that leads to forced cousin marriages.
For Christians there is no sexuality in heaven and for Jews it is not clear, but for contemporary 'reincarnation Muslims' things went awfully wrong, because they are plagued by their unconscious urge to reincarnation, but now without any reward in the afterlife (no perpetual orgasm in heaven):
Assumption 154: There exists a magical but reasonable connection between the parallel universe and inbreeding and incest. Earthly reincarnation offered endless orgasm in the afterlife of the tribe. But the prospect of the same unattractive cousins and sisters appeared no promise but a curse. Therefore Homo sapiens invented the parallel universe. It was the flight into an unknown paradise where one could have perpetual orgasm with 72 beautiful fresh woman slaves on an entirely new dimension.
Therefore, in Islam, males desperately imagine 72 virgins in heaven from other tribes, giving them perpetual orgasm in genetic diversity. This means Muslims reward themselves with genetic diversity (virgins from other tribes) in heaven as satisfaction for the burden of genetic monoculture on Earth:
So for Muslim males resurrection is unconsciously linked to outbreeding or genetic diversity. And for Christians, Jews and Muslim females asexuality comes down to regression to the mean of breeding and that is outcrossing as the basic sexual law of nature. Because inbreeding is an outlier, an abnormality in nature. This means that resurrection in monotheism boils down naturally to outbreeding, to genetic diversity:

To proceed, in order to make predictions about the religious process itself, we first determined the primary purpose of the first bipedal primate religions, 14 million years ago. To this end, we empathically followed an imaginary cohort of hominids over time. Our conclusion is that the original purpose of hominid religions was to choose the mode of reproduction: inbreeding or outbreeding:
It turns out that following this line of reasoning leads to the cause of honor killings. Honor killings can now be understood, predicted and prevented.
Basic Dimension

(385) Abrahamic religions are a niche in the religious landscape
Abrahamic religions are a niche in the religious landscape
In order to understand honor killings, we first need to reinterpret so called biblical reality. We believe that parts of the original Myth of Abraham have been more or less deliberately left out. We miss the terms 'reincarnation' and 'idols' in Genesis.
'Reincarnation, rebirth and reborn' or derivations thereof are unknown concepts in the King James Bible (1611 KJV and 1769 Cambridge). 'Resurrection' has been mentioned 40 times and there are some indications of 'ascension' of Jesus.
The Bible is a very one-sided script, completely focused on monotheism and not representative of religious concepts such as polytheism, which much earlier developed in the evolution, especially in the animal world.
Although immensely popular, the Bible and Abrahamic religions are actually a niche in the religious landscape.
'Idols' has been mentioned in 95 places and probably to cast polytheism in a bad light.
From an evolutionary point of view, the Bible is a completely one-sided interpretation of the religious landscape, a book in which monotheistic terror against polytheistic divinity is morbidly emphasized:
Basic Dimension

(384) The fallacy of the Catholic Church
In this blog the conclusion is reached that the number of worshiped gods is a reflection of the number of sexual roles that is experienced empathically in the conscious mind. Also the integration of these roles takes place in the conscious:
Therefore, polytheism makes room for feminine roles as sexual gods.
Polytheism is the optimal human religion, because of the integration of the total personality. But beware, this must be a personal weighing within each individual.
This means that we cannot impose an ideologically founded monotheistic personality ex cathedra on other people. Islam cannot force Muslim homosexuals to hang other gays or throw them from the flat. That's no religion, that's completely insane and plain male heterosexual terror.
In other words: Monotheism can never integrate people's polytheistic personality by force, because one cannot integrate people's conscience from the outside, which is the fundamental and terrible mistake of Desert Religions. That is pure indoctrination. Desert Religions are inherently immoral, except of course for Jesus Christ, whom I admire personally, because he turned Christianity into polytheism.
A harmonic personality is formed in a more or less existential way, unless it is polytheistic religion.
Monotheism (the Catholic Church) turns it around and proclaims: praising all kinds of gods (idols) leads to the disintegration of the personality: 'Sin is bad praise of false gods which leads to the disintegration of the self'. This proclaimed without any psychological substantiation.
In Islam, the illuminating implication of this is that an indoctrinated belief system imposed on the conscious (resurrection) will cause the real personality (reincarnation) to be suppressed in the unconscious:
And that is the cause of honor killings:
A further complication is that in human tribes, males normally are in charge. Then monotheism always operates under the side condition of male heterosexuality. But if this forced integration of 'all possible gods' into a male supreme God is fallacious, then this side condition serves precisely the ultimate goal of monotheism: male heterosexual terror over 'other sexual roles', pure sadomasochism.
Sexual identity and conscience:
So, monotheism of Desert Religions must be seen as sick male heterosexual terror mainly against females and homosexuals:
Gay Man Reportedly Killed By His Own Family
In Greek polytheism, homosexuality was in the conscious of males. Therefore, homosexual relationships (Zeus - Ganymede) were empathically accepted sexual roles in the conscious.
But in monotheism of Desert Religions homosexuality is suppressed in the unconscious. Monotheistic males are afraid of their hidden homosexual feelings and will kill gay people, because of their own unprocessed masochism in the unconscious.
Gays will eventually be killed because of masochism hate and masochism fear of Muslim males. Monotheistic males hide their own masochistic homosexual tendencies, because this tragically happens to be part of their most intrinsic sado-masochistic
relationship with God. But in polytheism, males prefer a sado-sado relationship with Zeus, what is pure competition with the gods and that's the healthy difference:
It must be said that later Christianity developed semi-polytheistic and Judaism is female kin bonded and sexually free for women. So, in the end only Islam turned extremely into the monotheistic direction.
Basic Dimension

(383) What the Bible says about reincarnation and ascension
New King James Version 1975
What does the Bible say about the topic of reincarnation?
What does the Bible say about reincarnation? The idea of reincarnation is never mentioned in the Bible, however, scripture does talk of being "born again" as a child of God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible does not mention people having a second chance or coming back as someone or something different. God is very specific in His word that our body is mortal and our spirit will have eternal life either in heaven or hell.
What does the Bible say about the topic of ascension?
Day of Jesus Ascension
After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples, friends, and others. Forty days after his body was resurrected, Jesus and His disciples went up to Mount Olivet where Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit would come to give them strength and power in being witnesses to all nations for God's glory. After saying these things, Jesus ascended into heaven, meaning a literal bodily return to heaven. Many onlookers saw and bore witness on that day of Jesus's ascension. As a cloud began to hid Jesus as he ascended, two angels appeared to the disciples and promised that Christ would "come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
Note: Muslims expect to be resurrected in heaven both physically and spiritually.
Conclusion about Abrahamic religions
So, what will be our conclusion? Abrahamic religions turned a blind eye to reincarnation. In doing so, they overlooked or ignored the cause of honor killings. They apparently declined to check it out. Their religious attitude prevents them to even think about reincarnation, which is neither in their vocabulary, nor in their mind.
But do they have a responsibility to prevent honor killings? I think so, because they steered the religious development of Islam into the wrong direction. And with that, I am not referring to the Old Testament's adaptation to the specific needs of Islam, but to its inherent choice for resurrection, the ailing and one-sided choice for monotheism and the resulting monotheistic terror of Desert Religions against polytheistic pagans with their idols, which have been devastating to reincarnation Muslims to the present day. That is the root cause of honor killings:

And now we have come to the source of the phlegmatic attitude of Muslims, Christians and Jews towards honor killings. Somehow, despite suppressing reincarnation, they could have understood that Desert Religions themselves are the fundamental cause of honor killings, which are collateral damage from their religion.
Honor killings are therefore a perturbation of the religious process of Abrahamic religions.

Basic Dimension

(382) Contemporary explanation of the Hebrew Bible (Jordan Peterson)

Desert Religions crushed the Myth of Abraham and the Myth of Paradise
Disclaimer: Please realize that this blog is searching for the fundamentals of human religion. It is not intended to debunk the many wisdoms of the Bible, which, however, are only the final derivatives in a long line of the origins of human religion:
Contemporary explanation of the Hebrew Bible:
The Old Testament is based on the interweaving of fragments of numerous ancient myths into a new overarching narrative to underscore the unity of a coveted monotheistic Jewish State. And this Hebrew Bible also contains a clear moral message. This philosophical wisdom became evident for a broader public through psychological lectures of Dr. Jordan Peterson (Biblical Series), who clarified that sacrificing to God is actually negotiating with the future by making sacrifices for a better life, as to invest in a study for a better job.
This means that the morality of the Bible is not about pursuing hedonic happiness, the contemporary globalistic opium for the people, but about realizing that especially human suffering creates the conditions for understanding the true depth of life. And that the pursuit of a low life of hedonistic happiness does not provide enough resilience to the adversities of the future.
Consumption drive has made Western civilization weak and looking foolish. Western society lost moral compass and degenerated into identity politics, especially through Western universities, which became the laughing stock of Eastern civilizations.
So, the Bible makes our inner morality explicit through personalized stories like Cain and Able and Noah's Ark, which of course must not be taken literally and were only meant to be remembered easily by people who were not yet able to read or write. These strong and powerful Greek like metaphysical myths survived until now and guide believers through life, whereas without a deeper 'religious' compass people become self-satisfied steerless atheists.
Jordan Peterson's success lies in his psychological approach to religion. As a result, he traverses and transcends differences between religions that hitherto have separated people hopelessly. His psychological approach is a 'eucumenical' breakthrough and offers an objective view on human religion. Psychological arbitrage between religions, who would have ever thought that.
Young people are allergic to religious diversity, because they know that Babylonian confusion is not the way to the core. But this has created a reservoir of unfulfilled religious hunger. And because psychology as a science tries to be devoid of all kinds of false morals, we may be on a paradigm shift in understanding religion. Modern people are certainly interested in the Hebrew Bible, but are unable to translate casuistry like Cain and Abel into more abstract morality. And that's Peterson's strength.
Moreover, young men today lack a sensitive father figure for in-depth conversations in which they can project their own future development. So, Jordan's non-disguising, open and honest personality is a trustworthy and disarming cultural symbol for young people in the current arid landscape of racist cultural identity, which is another word for tribal religion.
'God created order out of chaos. He confronted the potential of the future and determined in an ethical way which of these possibilities would become actual. He created being out of possibility. That's how he created the world and participated in the creation of reality. That was what God did in the beginning of time according to the old stories. God spoke and transformed potential into the being that was good. For humans it is the soul who transforms reality by truthful speech.'
'The soul is a singularity which we strangely share with other people. It unites us as sovereign individuals. The soul is part of our creative consciousness and might be in our collective unconscious.'
As an example of myths that have taken on a life of their own, let us take the myth of Abraham. Biblical accounts of Abraham's life should be seen as magical derivatives of earlier myths in which this powerful figure of ancient times regularly took on new meaning.

Well, in the Bible it will even no longer be primarily about women but more about philosophical issues.
So, biblical stories reflect the time in which they were written. And that might be far before the onset of the Desert Religions. And so, at last, all awareness of the earliest meaning of the Myth of Abraham has been erased from memory, from our collective unconscious, leaving us with a very cruel and illogical myth about Isaac.
Finding the right start configuration:
The origin of the Myth of Abraham can only be reconstructed afterwards by thinking logically towards the intellectual development of religious concepts in the evolution:

So, exploration of the hierarchy of religious concepts in the evolution is the only method that provides a rational and reliable start configuration of mythological figures, with Abraham as a great example. So it is quite possible to conduct scientific research on human religion by just thinking logically.
And then it makes sense that reincarnation and resurrection are religious concepts whose origins date back up to millions of years before the introduction of concepts as 'polytheism' and 'monotheism':

Basic Dimension

(381) How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham
How to make sense of the cruel Myth of Abraham:
The true Myth of Abraham is about blocking the reincarnation cycle by killing Isaac.
Glorifying reincarnation in the early stage of Genesis would have been devastating to the nascent Jewish monotheistic religion. The worship of idols (polytheism) was contrary to their belief that only promoted monotheism for unity of their constituted tribes and so the true myth of Abraham would be completely out of order and not done:
So, we suppose that Desert Religions have implicitly replaced the true Myth of Abraham with a false Myth of Abraham by omitting the real meaning of the myth (reincarnation and idols), which will be clarified in more detail later.
The correctness of the Myth of Abraham in the Bible cannot be established and therefore, we are free to develop an alternative interpretation. There must have been a logical development of religious concepts in the evolution, leading to conflicting forms of afterlife, namely reincarnation and resurrection. This conflict will have been presented to the gods and led to a Solomon's judgment in which reincarnation was permitted (polytheism), if God was worshiped in heaven (monotheism). This is a bit like ancient Voodoo. So, based on the inevitable ordering of religious concepts, we can reconstruct the most likely Myth of Abraham and place it at the onset of Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) in the evolution.
In any case, by implicitly enforcing 'resurrection' in the false myth, Islam condemned the sexual instinct of 'reincarnation' to the unconscious, which later became the direct cause of honor killings.
In the true myth, Abraham had to give up reincarnation in descendants by killing his only tribal son Isaac. Reincarnation comes from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). In this way Abraham had to prove his willingness to arise (resurrect) with the only God in heaven. Resurrection comes from Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc), who postulated that God lives in a parallel universe, because he could not have created himself.
Here two kinds of hominins settled their conflict over the afterlife through a Solomon judgment from God. God saw Abraham's willingness to block his reincarnation by killing his only tribal son Isaac as willingness to worship God, what was sufficient reason to decide that people could continue to reincarnate on Earth (polytheism) if they worshiped God as the one God in the alternate universe (monotheism).
In our view, the religious conflict between reincarnation and resurrection concerns the original Myth of Abraham, which becomes now less cruel and as logical as possible. It represents a bit old Voodoo from West Africa: polytheism on Earth through worshiping of ancestors (reincarnation), while worshiping gods in the parallel universe.
Idols are mentioned throughout the Old Testament, but not in Genesis. Isn't that strange? No, a positive story about idols was not done in Genesis. And that is why the crippled myth of Abraham looks so cruel and absurd. It's really incomprehensible.
The image below shows on the left the reconstructed Myth of Abraham on the basis of the Solomon judgment from God and on the right the Islamic reality in which reincarnation is forbidden under penalty of death and resurrection is mandatory. This whole situation shows the paradigm shift of the Desert Religions:
In the true Myth of Abraham polytheism (idols of ancestors) and monotheism (God in heaven) coexisted, but in the false myth polytheism has been killed by Desert Religions. And it is no longer about reincarnation vs resurrection, but about polytheism vs monotheism:
But here Islamic scholars overestimated the power of resurrection, which is no sexual instinct at all but just a word, to replace reincarnation, what is a genuine Sexual Instinct (SI). And sexual instincts are the carriers of Human Religion (HR): HR = f(SR):
Basic Dimension

(380) Genesis or the Sacrifice Cultus (Jordan Peterson)
Genesis or the Sacrifice Cultus.
Psychological breakthrough from sacrifice
We know that polytheism and monotheism are crucial aspects of the Jewish faith. But these concepts are not found explicitly in Genesis. But what we do find is the concept of 'sacrifice'. And Dr. Jordan Peterson provides a psychological basis for this remarkable habit:
The Old Testament is based on the interweaving of fragments of numerous ancient myths into a new overarching narrative to underscore the unity of a coveted monotheistic Jewish State. And this Hebrew Bible also contains a clear moral message. This philosophical wisdom became evident for a broader public through psychological lectures of Dr. Jordan Peterson (Biblical Series), who clarified that sacrificing to God is actually negotiating with the future by making sacrifices for a better life, as to invest in a study for a better job.
This means that the morality of the Bible is not about pursuing hedonic happiness, the contemporary globalistic opium for the people, but about realizing that especially human suffering creates the conditions for understanding the true depth of life. And that the pursuit of a low life of hedonistic happiness does not provide enough resilience to the adversities of the future.
But if it is really the case that the moral basis of Genesis is to educate people to sacrifice present privileges in order to gain a better future, then we can fit 'sacrifice' into our theory as well as 'polytheism vs monotheism'.
In the true Myth of Abraham, God pronounced as a Solomon judgment that people may reincarnate on Earth if they continued to worship God in the parallel universe (the first time in Genesis that 'worship' is used).
And although Isaac would be sacrificed literally, 'reincarnation' would be sacrificed only figuratively.
Now think about it. If ancient people knew what it was all about, they needed to memorize only the sacrifice of Isaac to understand that it was actually about reincarnation. And human culture went over into resurrection much earlier than Desert Religions came up. I think about 8,000 years ago. And that means that in the myth of Abraham reincarnation was disguised already long before the "Abrahamic" religions:
Biblical Series XII: The Great Sacrifice: Abraham and Isaac
BD: So 'reincarnation' probably faded away as a concept sooner than 'Isaac'. And if Jewish scholars really wanted to emphasize the morality of sacrifice in Genesis, as Dr. Peterson supposes, then the greatest sacrifice a father could make was his own child. Which means that God demanded from Abraham the heaviest sacrifice imaginable, which gave Jewish new morality the strongest boost possible, while at the same time showing the immorality of their sadistic God, as being a monotheistic God, who is above any law. (While at the same time another rule of Jewish scholars was that no ruler is above the law: emperor Marduk in Mesopotamian religion, Abraham, Isaac and Joseph).
Then, the emphasis on reincarnation had to give way to the emphasis on murdering one's own son at God's command, which is yet another explanation of the false Myth of Abraham.
It is with this alleged immorality of God that Dr. Peterson has great moral difficulties (3:08/2:33:31) and decided that the new Jewish morality apparently meant that one should make the highest conceivable sacrifice for one's future well-being. He also concluded that morality was harsh in those days. But anyway there is enough room for misunderstanding in Genesis.
And so, for Jewish scholars the temptation was great to leave out 'reincarnation', also because it was at odds with 'resurrection' with which the Jewish State could draw all power to itself.
And it worked out excellently, because believers feared their immoral God, THE characteristic feature of God in the Hebrew Bible, and that is also why Muslims celebrate the Feast of Sacrifice every year, because Isaac did not need to be killed by their cruel God, while Muslims at the same time unconsciously honor the Feast of Sacrifice because God apparently allows reincarnation anyway:
Eid al-Adha (Arabic: ุนูุฏ ุงูุฃุถุญู สฟฤซd al-aแธแธฅฤ, [สiหd รฆlหสษdหคฤงรฆห], "Festival of the Sacrifice"), also called the "Sacrifice Feast", is the second of two Muslim holidays celebrated worldwide each year, and considered the holier of the two. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son, as an act of submission to God's command. Before he sacrificed his son God intervened by sending his angel Jibra'il (Gabriel), who then put a sheep in his son's place. The meat from the sacrificed animal is divided into three parts: the family retains one third of the share; another third is given to relatives, friends and neighbors; and the remaining third is given to the poor and needy.

In human tribes, inbreeding must be imposed on females, who naturally opt for outcrossing, which is why a vigorous and sadomasochistic relationship is necessary to subject the females. On the other hand, outcrossing peoples in Northern Europe developed an equal relationship between man and woman converging into Vanilla-dyad:
Now see here the reason of our implementation of the sadistic God against his masochistic believers:
If we really want understand human religion we must accept that sadomasochism in sexuality is by far the most glorious evolutionary attainment of bipedal primates, more than Einstein's relativity theory, and I'm not joking.
Because of course, God must be immoral in Desert Religions, in which the whole husband wife relationship already was based on SM-dyad. And so, the proposed sadistic murder of Isaac is yet another reason for the neglect of reincarnation.
For the sake of completeness in this place Jordan's remarkable interpretation of the Myth of Adam and Eve:
Contemporary explanation of the Myth of Adam and Eve:
Dr. Jordan Peterson: The Exclusive Uncut Interview with Dr. Oz.
- Adam and Eve: Self Consciousness.
- Scales falls from their eyes.
- Realized their nakedness.
- Realized their vulnerability.
- They clothed themselves for not to be hurt.
- Everyone else is vulnerable too.
- You could hurt them.
- That's why the knowledge of good and evil goes along with nakedness.
- Morality: Only human beings can manipulate others, unlike animals.
BD: Now remember, before the onset of Homo sapiens there was only a Tree of Life (Tree of Inbreeding). Because up to Homo erectus, hominins had abundant genetic diversity to survive inbreeding, apparently. See Homo erectus variation in Dmanisi:
'Traditionally, researchers have used variation among Homo fossils to define different species. But in light of these new findings, Dr Lordkipanidze and his colleagues suggest that early, various Homo fossils, with their origins in Africa, actually represent variation among members of a single, evolving lineage - most appropriately, Homo erectus.'
But Homo sapiens got a disastrous impoverished genome, with alleles the same and prone to autosomal recessive disorders. Therefore I placed the wording of the Tree of Knowledge of autosomal recessive disorders at 74,000 years ago, central in the outburst of Mount Toba on Sumatra. The genetic downfall of Homo sapiens actually was from 100,000 - 50,000 years ago.
So from then on a new version of the Myth of Adam and Eve started and was in function till the onset of Desert Religions, about 4 thousand years ago. Thereafter the myth split for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Search on this page for The Origin of the Myth of Paradise. The remarkable interpretation of Dr. Peterson is a new and psychologically based version and the State of the Art from our time.
But this is our final conclusion about the origin of human religion:
Basic Dimension

(379) Breakthrough in Honor Killings
Remember, Islamic scholars overestimated the power of resurrection, which is no sexual instinct at all but just a word, to replace reincarnation, what is a genuine Sexual Instinct (SI). And sexual instincts are the carriers of Human Religion (HR): HR = f(SR):
Muslim culture confuses reincarnation in the unconscious with resurrection in the conscious:
This creates cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, which is the cause of reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:
Assumption 611: Murder by displacement:
Separation anxiety is a misunderstood cause of many mental health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide (for Muslim fathers: accepting loss of the afterlife). If unconscious, it can sometimes lead to murder by displacement: the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from the original object (himself) to another one (his daughter). The father's own misunderstood suffering then results in the death of his daughter. But this statement is way too simplistic, because honor killings are much more complicated.
Muslims need to become aware of their reincarnation instinct, so that cognitive dissonance between reincarnation and resurrection is shifted to the conscious and no longer causes a reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:

Psychology of Honor Killings:

The role of Muslim women in history
Here I want to give credit to millions and millions of Muslim women throughout history, who must have felt that reincarnation through inbreeding has something to do with honor killings, even though they have no inbreeding instinct themselves. But reincarnation stems from their earlier inbreeding culture that still lives in their collective unconscious:
But their problem was the immense indoctrination with resurrection in Allah's heaven, which made reincarnation an absurd thought. A Western psychologist does not have to overcome this barrier.
Human Religion is a function of Procreation (HR = f(SR)) and therefore Reincarnation (HR) must also be a function of Breeding (Inbreeding):
This blog formulated the rational model in the first place and then simplified the theory according to Ockham's Razor.
Basic Dimension

(378) Why haven't Muslims solved honor killings themselves?
Questions to resolve:
1: Why is reincarnation in the unconscious of Muslims?
Answer: Muslims who believed in reincarnation and were caught, were massacred by the caliphs far beyond Iran 1,400 years ago. There are still small groups of reincarnation Muslims in Southeast Asia.
Only Muslims who buried their idols in time survived and suppressed reincarnation in their unconscious, under penalty of death.
Reincarnation is a sexual instinct that was widespread among the Muslim population in those days. Sexual instincts cannot be eradicated, but they can be weakened by outcrossing.
2: Why haven't Muslims solved honor killings themselves?
Answer: Islamic culture has not undergone the Western cultural development, in which the unconscious received attention from Romanticism. Second, the Muslim population ignored deviant religions such as reincarnation through relentless monotheistic indoctrination with resurrection in Allah's heaven.
3: Why hasn't science solved honor killings?
Prospective and retrospective research
- The image below shows the difference between prospective research on the left and retrospective analysis on the right. Prospective research places the dilemma between reincarnation and resurrection 300,000 years ago. It indicates the true myth of Abraham, which is worked out in ancient Voodoo.
Retrospective research is what we see in the Tanakh, the Bible and the Quran. It points to the difference between polytheism and monotheism, 4,000 years ago. But important interactions are missed afterwards, so we better practice time series analysis with a limited number of variables from start to finish:
Basic Dimension

(377) How Honor Killing works
How Honor Killing works:
Assumption 612: Reincarnation psychosis:
The father is unaware of the following unconscious scenario:
Step 1: The father loves his little girl in a normal father-daughter relationship.
Step 2: So, he is not a psychopath and thus can only become psychotic.
Step 3: The daughter becomes sexually mature.Step 4: Reincarnation instinct awakens in the father.
Step 5: The father gets into a 'transient psychosis'.
Step 6: His love gradually turns into a sick 'love', in which he unconsciously
claims his daughter as a necessary intermediary for his own reincarnation.
Step 7: He looks for a genetic match within the family: cousin marriage.
Step 8: He does not want to reincarnate into hybrids of other (hostile) tribes, other religions, or unbelievers. The reincarnation instinct stems from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) and here concerns the inbreeding culture.
Step 9: The father argues that consanguineous marriages are culturally and socially favored, what must be seen as 'psychological sublimation', as the process of deflecting sexual instincts into acts of higher social valuation.
Step 10: But his daughter still refuses forced marriage.
Step 11: Then, the father enters a stone-cold psychosis, he is shocked, caught by his daughter's betrayal of his 'love'.
Step 12: He unconsciously considers not being able to return to the safety of the tribe after his next death after reincarnating into a hybrid offspring of his daughter. Thereafter, he will no longer belong to the family. This comes down to suicide in the afterlife, because other (hostile) tribes will refuse him too. He will be wandering through space like a ghost forever.
Step 13: The father is overcome by 'tribal separation anxiety'.
Step 14: The relationship with his daughter (as a subject) deteriorates in his conscious. This worsens if she argues with him or leaves home for a longer time.
Step 15: The father unconsciously sees his daughter increasingly as an object, as an incubator for family semen. At some critical moment, for example when she comes home after a while to make up for it, the bomb burst and the balance of Sexual Scales turns to the wrong side.
Step 16: Then, the father opts for 'psychological displacement' and turns his imminent tribal suicide on his daughter and kills her.
Step 17: Now he will not have to reincarnate into a hybrid and will come back probably into another family member.
Step 18: Resigned, he accepts his punishment, knowing that he has taken the right step inwardly and with a clear conscience.
Step 19: Honor killings are committed from a sick, twisted form of 'love' from reincarnation psychosis in the unconscious.
Step 20: The reincarnation instinct itself cannot be eradicated, but psychosis resulting from cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, can be avoided through timely awareness in the conscious.
Basic Dimension

(376) Muslim faith: confounded, contaminated and contradictory
Muslim faith: confounded, contaminated and contradictory
Christianity rejected the Paradise Myth based on inbreeding
Political correctness rejected God and now craves for SM-dyad by swallowing the Muslim culture into Europe:
Basic Dimension

(375) Timeline of Honor Killings
Timeline of Honor Killings
Honor killings: How it's made
Quick Scan Honor Killings:
NB: Some of the following characteristics of honor killings from the inbreeding culture were later adopted by Islam and have nothing to do with inbreeding itself anymore:
Assumption 604: Quick Honor Killing Checklist:
1. The victim is a female relative and died by murder.
2. The perpetrator is a male relative.
3. The combination of 1 and 2 almost certainly indicates a reincarnation killing if one or more of the following conditions are met:
- Rape of the victim by a not relative.
- Loss of virginity of the unmarried victim.
- Pregnancy of the unmarried victim.
- Abortion* by the victim.
- Refusal of forced marriage.
- Adultery committed by the married victim, unless with
another relative.
- Filing for divorce by the victim.
- Dating non-Muslims.
- Western lifestyle.
- Victim is an outcast and/or a family council preceded the
* Abortion is the open nerve of reincarnation.
Above characteristics seem to refer to moral female sexual conduct. But that's only what Muslim males consciously think. And to what moral high ground do they refer, meanwhile slicing their daughters to pieces? And what is their own moral sexual decency all about? No, Muslims don't know themselves, don't know their own unconscious. The real cause of honor killings must be their suppressed reincarnation instinct. Only that fits the primal equations of Human Religion: HR = f(SR) and HR2 = f (HR1).
Have you ever wondered why the "moral code" of Muslims refers almost exclusively to sexuality? And then mainly female sexuality? That is monotheistic terror caused by male heterosexuality. But morality and decent female sexual behavior cannot be the reason for honor killings. It is only what we observe from the outside.
4. The perpetrator is said to be a female relative (mother, sister). That is likely a lie if any of the circumstances in 3. occurs. Otherwise, there might be a different cause. Women do not have a reincarnation instinct through inbreeding. At most, there is social pressure to commit honor killings. (130) The tragedy of Mirjam Abarkan ๐ด
5. The female victim is not a relative and is not killed. This is possibly resentment revenge (in Dutch: wrokwraak). Consider, for example, acid attacks.
The basic difference between A and B is that a woman is always killed in a reincarnation psychosis, because the Muslim male does not want to reincarnate into her offspring, whereas in case of revenge, the woman has to stay alive to feel pain for a lifetime.
Reincarnation domain extension:
6: The woman is murdered by her boyfriend. This is judged a reincarnation killing if the friend had already placed a reincarnation projection into his girlfriend and one or more of 3 applies. Otherwise, the cause can be anything.
For Romina Ashrafi, we see only 'lost virginity' as reason for murder. But maybe she was already pregnant. Now think empathically. Fourteen-year-old Romina lost her father's trust. He would never "trust" her again and without killing her, he possibly would have to reincarnate into a hybrid in his afterlife. But he does not realize this unconscious thinking. All he feels is that she has shamed his 'love'. He is in shock of a stone cold psychosis.
Basic Dimension

(374) Two main laws of Human Religion
The law of Procreation
Human religion is derived from a natural measure:
Breeding bridges the gap with animal religion. Solitary animals adhere to nature's fundamental sexual law: genetic diversity. But primates living in groups with an Alpha male (inbreeding) and females in the periphery (outbreeding) already use a mixed model. Somewhat more relaxed is the religion of chimpanzees with a male blood
relationship with the exchange of females with other tribes.
And only bipedal primates developed strong inbreeding when no exchange of females was possible. But after all, in human inbreeding cultures the emphasis came to be on 'total' inbreeding with cousin marriages, even when this is not necessary.
Assumption 68:
A further complication is that in human tribes, males normally are in charge. Then monotheism always operates under the side condition of male heterosexuality. But if this forced integration of 'all possible gods' into a male supreme God is fallacious, then this side condition serves precisely the ultimate goal of monotheism: male heterosexual terror over 'other sexual roles', pure sadomasochism:
(Behold: In assumption 68 below, religious space is a function of sexual space, both lying in the same domain. So monotheism (HR) is a function of SM-dyad (SI, HR), Sexual Instinct and Human Religion:)
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.
Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality
Basic Dimension

(373) Desert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity)
Human religion controls female sexual behavior.
Assumption 615: Human religion controls female sexual behavior.
(Mya = Million years ago. Ka = 1000 years ago)
For a long time I thought that breeding was only an associated characteristic of religion.
But eventually I realized that breeding is not only the necessary but also the sufficient condition of human religion. So it is the other way around and all contemporary transcendent, metaphysical, occult and esoteric manifestations of religion are but the latest and distant derivatives of procreation.
Hominin religions started about 14 million years ago when the great apes hesitantly left the trees for the savannas. Today's sophisticated religions have a maximum span of about 5000 years and eventually they fall apart into individualism *. There must have been thousands of bipedal primate religions in the evolution.
*Christianity and Islam have progressed towards disintegration, although the Muslim culture has more grip on the people. Judaism is less vulnerable to falling apart:
And although following religions are always functions of previous ones - just like cultures - this does not automatically mean a transcendent, metaphysical, occult and esoteric deepening.
Rather, inbreeding and outcrossing beliefs follow each other, just as Christianity is a polytheistic (outbreeding) response to the monotheism (inbreeding) of the Old Testament *. And so outbreeding follows inbreeding and vice versa.
* The Old Testament or Hebrew Bible is monotheistic according to the Holy Scriptures. But according to this blog, accepting 'gods are sexual roles' implies monotheism (male heterosexuality) is associated with inbreeding and polytheism (all sexual roles free) with outbreeding. Inbreeding is male religion while females adhere to outcrossing by nature.
And to prevent extreme inbreeding (as cousin marriages), meant for earthly reincarnation, Desert Religions pursued resurrection in heaven (genetic diversity) and in this sexual context factually killed monotheism ( = male heterosexuality) in heaven. And according to this blog, also in this life Judaism and Christianity are outcrossing cultures with sexual freedom for females, while the Muslim faith is definitely not female-friendly.
Jews and Christians expect asexuality in heaven, which ultimately boils down to the primal sexual law of nature: outcrossing.
And finally, also the 72 virgins for Muslims in heaven are from other tribes, meaning outcrossing in heaven, as reward for prolonged inbreeding on Earth:
This all means the deeper goal of Desert Religions was sexual freedom in heaven, otherwise named genetic diversity or outcrossing or polytheism. Besides of course, that as representatives of God on Earth, they naturally wanted to take the power away from tribal heads, who controlled their own afterlife (egotheism) through reincarnation by inbreeding (cousin marriages).
But because reincarnation is a sexual instinct and resurrection is just a word, Desert Religions dared not mention reincarnation and resurrection in connection with procreation. The Holy Scriptures were silent about polytheism (genetic diversity) and the true objectives of the Old Testament should be made clear from evolutionary religious prospective research.
Summarizing: The Bible speaks of a 'real' God in heaven, while this blog sees this God as a sexual role: male heterosexuality. That's a fundamental difference, because Jews acknowledge female sexual roles empathically in the male conscious and that already makes two. And in ancient times Jews even had a real female Goddess.
And then Christianity, in which Jesus became the keeper of 'other sexual roles', mainly female roles. So, we now see the fundamental difference with Islam, which really clings to monotheism of the single God.
Sexual instincts are so deeply embedded in our behavior that little evolutionary progress can be expected. Even today's religions have a strong moralistic sexual character. Conversely, this also means that ancient religions like that of Homo naledi can sometimes show greater civilization than current religions, which simply throw dead people into ovens.
But it's really shocking that after 14 million years, 70% of the world's population is still addicted to a procreation-based sexual religion:
PROOF OF (HR = f(SR)):
After 14 million years, 71% of the world's population still follows a religion that is a direct function of breeding: Christianity (2.4 billion, 31%) ; Islam (1,9 billion, 25%); Hinduism (1,16 billion (15%).
So, instead of allowing ourselves to get caught up in an infinite number of religious interpretations, it is much better cutting corners to the bare naked truth by prospective analysis.
After having uncovered the basis of Human Religion with forms of procreation as first derivatives (e.g. inbreeding and outbreeding), we are much better equipped to understand the later confusing interpretations.
So, it's not that I don't appreciate the countless double and three-fold interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. These arise as a function of time and I am certainly interested in the explanation of theological scholars.
But I believe that religion should be understood primarily on an instinctive level, and then especially on a sexual instinctive level. Only then can the origin of religion and the cause of honor killings be understood. So I distinguish the cause and the wisdom of religion as two separate issues.
Basic Dimension

(372) Monotheism is masculine control over female sexual behavior
In monotheism, religion is masculine control over female sexual behavior. It has been given divine authority, because females early on learn to abhor male sexual domination. So in monotheism, religion is the devil in disguise for women.
Breeding is the first derivative of female sexual behavior. But in a time-series expansion, countless other sexual rules have been invented to take advantage of female sexuality.

Most 'religions' developed far before Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc) out of Sexual Instincts as SM-dyad, Fertility stress, Racism, Cousin marriages, Pedophilia and Perpetual orgasm.
From Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) we got Reincarnation, while Resurrection, FGM and Vanilla-dyad descend from Homo sapiens (350Ka; 1440cc).
Monotheistic religion originally meant the control of feminine sexual behavior. Since compelling male sexuality has no persuasiveness in females, a higher authority was found in 'God', who is the male's sexual ideal projection.
SM-dyad is the main factor of (religious) sexual space in the Archetype of God (see further below):
An important part of Genesis deals with the male lineage that deals with tribal bloodlines. If chimpanzees could talk, it would be about the same.
Ultimately, religious narratives took on a deeper and more philosophical ground that grew into mystery and transcended ambiguity. They contain a deeper psychological wisdom that is not the subject of this blog.
The script of current religions turned into a kind of Rorschach test in which everyone can project his own unconscious, which benefits the occult interest of contemporary religions.
Basic Dimension

(371) Muslims lack control over SM-dyad
Sadomasochism or how humans will be remembered
By far the most astonishing trait of humans in later excavations will be their brilliant find to sadomasochism in sexuality. The taste of sexuality enhanced by the power of murder.
To arrive at the idea of sadomasochism and, moreover, to survive as a species, empathy with the partner is indispensable. But while empathy is a sufficient condition for Vanilla-dyad, it is not enough for sadomasochism. Fantasy to turn SM into a game that skims the edge of the abyss of death is the sufficient condition for sadomasochism in sexuality. And animals do not appear to have developed this fantasy, although bonobos come pretty close.
And if animals were already able to bring murder and sexuality together fictitiously, they wouldn't be able to keep it in the focal caught:
SM-dyad would become unstable immediately and break into murder and sexuality again:
And that is also exactly the problem of the Muslim culture, based on SM-dyad but unable to control the fire at the focal point. That's what we call the breakup of SM-dyad, symbolically represented as 'Sexual Scales of Religion':
So we have the specific perturbation of the Muslim faith regarding honor killings through repression of reincarnation, but more generally Muslim culture lacks control over SM dyad. And that is the basic religious disorder of the Muslim faith.
Basic Dimension

(370) Chimpanzees and bonobos
Chimps and bonobos
There are some animals with empathy, especially primates and dolphins. Primates, especially bonobos are capable of Vanilla-dyad, symbolized in face-to-face sex:
Bonobos have a huge sex drive. Two million years ago, they were separated from chimpanzees, who are by nature totally uninterested in sexuality and also cum in record time.
Is there a difference between sexuality and religion?
Basic Dimension

(369) The Sexual Theory of Religion
The Sexual Theory of Religion
This blog has been developed from the Sexual Theory of Religion, which conflicts with current beliefs on many points:
Sadomasochism elicits controlled sexual lust when chosen by both parties. And yes, there is also a masochistic participant. SM-dyad is a controlled sexual play, a controlled way of life between husband and wife, especially in Muslim culture:
Both parties derive pleasure from the game:
But if this relationship falls apart due to conflicts, SM-dyad breaks down again into murder and sexual lust, because then uncontrolled sexual lust becomes more satisfying than controlled SM-dyad. Especially the sadistic participant feels free and uninhibited. And it also solves the conflict, albeit in an apocalyptic way.
Basic Dimension

(368) Masochism hate: Rosetta stone to Islam (Tahrir Square)
Basic Dimension

(367) Gods are sexual roles
Development of religious concepts
Gods are sexual roles
Assumption 1: God is a sexual ideal projection of higher mammals in the alpha male. He personifies the role of polygamous heterosexuality.
Assumption 2: Gods are sexual roles.
Assumption 50: The polytheistic space of gods (in the archetype of God) exists of five sexual dimensions. With two dimensions, heterosexuality is opposed to other sexual roles. With five dimensions it concerns the following hierarchy:
1: First God: male heterosexuality. [Alpha male]
2: Second God: male homosexuality. [homosexual clergy]
3: Third God: female sexual roles
4: Fourth God: pedophilia
5: Fifth God: bestiality
SM-dyad is the main factor of religious sexual space in the Archetype of God. SM-dyad is identical to monotheism, the main factor in polytheistic space. Under the influence of testosterone, polytheistic space shrinks to a single factor, monotheism (or SM-dyad) as the only empathetic God in the conscious of Muslim males. So, monotheism equals male heterosexuality. Other sexual roles (including female sexual roles) are suppressed in the unconscious of males:
This also means that Muslim women experience the full polytheistic space empathetically in their consciousness. This due to estrogens:
Thousands of gods from the evolution must be placed as interdependent vectors in this Archetype of God of rank = 5.
Basic Dimension

(366) What is a Sexual Instinct (SI)?
Assumption 614: What is a Sexual Instinct (SI)?Sexual instinct is linked to reproduction, to the birth process.
(Mya = Million years ago. Ka = 1000 years ago)
- Reincarnation is a Sexual Instinct (SI) and also a Human Religion (HR). But Resurrection is not a Sexual Instinct and only a Human Religion. So, 'Resurrection' is just a word? Yes, it is. Is this a joke? Not at all, it is the key to honor killings.
- Reincarnation (Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc)) is a magical derivative of breeding, in which a person is born. That is why we see reincarnation as a sexual instinct. People who believe in reincarnation associate it with procreation and therefore it became a genuine Sexual Instinct. So, human sexual instincts do not have to be based on reality to be effective.
- To be clear, many human sexual instincts are based on magical derivatives of breeding, which are not really functional in nature. But people don't know that. And magical derivatives of sexuality are very effective for the survival of the species. Even dubious belief in the afterlife makes men in war situations take insanely greater risks than infidels, so that the religious species has better chances on survival.
- But also in the animal world, sexes attract each other with fake phenomena. Think peacock feathers that only serve to impress the females:
- Magical derivatives are the salt in the gruel of sexuality. And so species survive. Also in humans, the only animal that developed sadomasochism in sexuality, the icing on the cake of human sex:
Basic Dimension

(365) Homo naledi: Highly rational creature
- Reincarnation is a Sexual Instinct (SI) and also a Human Religion (HR). But Resurrection is not a Sexual Instinct and only a Human Religion. So, 'Resurrection' is just a word? Yes, it is. Is this a joke? Not at all, it is the key to honor killings.
- Reincarnation (Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc)) is a magical derivative of breeding, in which a person is born. That is why we see reincarnation as a sexual instinct. People who believe in reincarnation associate it with procreation and therefore it became a genuine Sexual Instinct. So, human sexual instincts do not have to be based on reality to be effective.
- But with Resurrection (Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc)), there is no birth process and the same person comes to life in heaven. So, Resurrection is just a word.
- An intermediate form is Rebirth from Homo naledi (2.3 Mya - 236 Ka; 550cc), whose DNA is repaired after death and modified to a fetus with extended telomeres and re-implanted in the uterus. So, here the same physical body comes back to life in a birth process and therefore we also call Rebirth from Homo naledi a sexual instinct.
- See how close and rationally Homo naledi stayed to reality. He renewed his genes while maintaining personal integrity and identity in his next life. And he didn't even need a soul. The God of Darkness did all the work. A brilliant idea.
- This in contrast to earlier bipedal primates and the animal world, which believed in Genetic Immortality, in which genes went over on the offspring but the individual died (slept forever). And here we see also animals as even thinking more rationally than humans.
- What we see is that the first bipedal primates were not stupid at all, but were highly rational creatures and that our extended cauliflower frontal cortex only has led to absurd magical thinking, what comes down to religious nonsense:
- Half Australopiths, as Homo naledi, copied reproduction of life as emerging from the soil and empowered by the God of Darkness. Their graves were always in open connection with the outside world, otherwise the fetus couldn't get out. And graves were also in the deepest places at the God of Darkness (Homo naledi, Dinaledi Chamber). But with closed graves we speak of reincarnation, because the soul can pass through walls.

- Resurrection is the successor to Rebirth, because the body of Muslims in Heaven is completely restored to its original state. But this without birth. Note that this requires a soul to communicate with Allah, the existence of which Homo naledi has long denied.
- So, because Homo naledi and earlier species rejected the soul and reincarnation, Genetic Immortality and Rebirth were left as the logical alternative. But of course, evolution has taken place in reverse and this blog rejects retrospective research into the past. It prefers to follow an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates by prospective analysis to the future:

Basic Dimension

(364) God created inbreeding from outbreeding
Who is responsiple for the inbreeding culture?
God created inbreeding from outbreeding
Assumption 616: Courageous Jewish scholars
It has been 3,500 years since courageous Jewish scholars compromised with the rest of the writers of the Holy Scriptures. There were two creation stories of which the first was about outcrossing (Genesis 1: 26-31) and the second about inbreeding (Genesis 2: 20-24). The story of Adam and Eve was originally an inbreeding myth from the time of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) or before. Conservative scholars wanted to place this myth called "Eve as Adam's rib" near the Garden of Eden.
But young progressive scholars insisted that the outbreeding narrative in which male and female are equivalent should also be published. As a compromise, it was agreed that this myth would be posted first, but without much publicity. This was agreed because genetic diversity did indeed come before 'the rib of Adam', which is genetic monoculture. Because Inbreeding is only a derivative of the law of nature: Outcrossing.
As a result, young progressive Jewish scholars have let us know to be fully aware of what Human Religion is really all about: HR = f(SR). Human Religion is a function of Breeding, Inbreeding and/or Outbreeding.
God's second creation: Inbreeding:
Note: Polytheism means more gods, more sexual roles lived empathetically in the conscious. It also means female gods and that is why women are no objects but subjects. Only then Vanilla-dyad develops. Of course, animals naturally subjugate their females, but there is a huge difference from human inbreeding, because females choose their males in freedom of genetic diversity.

Note: Monotheism means a single god, whereby only one sexual role is empathetically admitted to the conscious. Mostly, this god means male heterosexuality whereby women are spineless objects. Only SM-dyad develops. In human inbreeding women get their males in arranged marriages of the prison of genetic monoculture.

Basic Dimension

(363) Honor killings are the organizing principle of Islam Honor killings are the organizing principle of Islam
This blog has been developed from the Sexual Theory of Religion, which conflicts with current beliefs on many points. So, if common sense conflicts with this blog, it's no mistake. For example, if common sense says Islam prohibits honor killings, this blog says Islam actually tolerates honor killings. Honor killings are the organizing principle of Islam.
Honor killings are not a minor problem of 5,000 - 20,000 criminalities a year at 1.76 billion Muslims. No, it's an immoral disorder of epic proportions. It is also a permanent background threat for 260 million Muslim girls when choosing partners.
Honor killings are the eye-catcher of Islam in the world. Non Muslims know Islam means honor killings. It is a terrible disqualification, which frightens dissenters. No animal kills its own offspring. It is totally immoral.
Maybe Islam just wants to be a terrifying religion?
In the end I came to the conclusion that Muslims cannot be held accountable for their past. They are not to blame for the cause of honor killings. Apparently they don't understand how they come about. But that does not apply to the future. In the future they will be held responsible for the continuation of this shame.
Honor killings will be a moral indictment until resolved. This blog offers the explanation to honor killings. It offers the solution...
The world is watching...
Nobody can change Islam
Assumption 614: Nobody can change Islam.
The deterrent power of the Muslim faith is synergy between reincarnation and resurrection. Both forms of afterlife are in mutual symbiosis to keep believers under control. Neither fact nor fiction can change this belief. Religions are known for obvious contradictions, which turn confusion into terrifying power. People love it. Therefore, religions disintegrate over time, but never through science.
The Muslim faith became a hybrid religion of inbreeding and outbreeding:
Islam was influenced by Judaism and Christianity, which were moderate and pure outcrossing cultures. Judaism is based on a female blood relationship (mtDNA) with males free from other tribes and races. And throughout history, Christianity has been embraced by predominantly Northern European outcrossing populations. In human nature, only males choose for inbreeding (Alpha male). Females adhere to outcrossing, which is the primary sexual law in nature:

Basic Dimension

(362) The Origin of the Myth of Abraham
The crucial myths in human religion:
This blog reconstructs human religious evolution from a rational model, based on a prospective analysis of an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates from 14 million years ago to the present day. Introspective empathetic research yields unexpected interactions that have been missed by retrospective analysis to the past.
There is a hidden but strong relationship between the Myth of Paradise and the Myth of Abraham, which is not explained in Abrahamic religions. This will be covered later on this blog:
The Origin of the Myth of Abraham

Prospective and retrospective research
- The image below shows the difference between prospective research on the left and retrospective analysis on the right. Prospective research places the dilemma between reincarnation and resurrection 300,000 years ago. It indicates the true myth of Abraham, which is worked out in ancient Voodoo.
Retrospective research is what we see in the Tanakh, the Bible and the Quran. It points to the difference between polytheism and monotheism, 4,000 years ago. But important interactions are missed afterwards, so we better practice time series analysis with a limited number of variables from start to finish:
Basic Dimension

(361) The Origin of the Myth of Paradise
The Origin of the Myth of Paradise
The first paradise in the evolution was the earthly inbreeding culture.
For Desert Religions, the second paradise is outbreeding in heaven.
Christianity changed the Myth of Paradise:Christianity rejected the earthly Inbreeding Paradise:
Christianity rejected the prevailing paradise story that comes from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) or earlier, after which the Romans invented an entirely new Myth of Paradise, which Christians believed. It took some time but Christians went over from earthly reincarnation (by outcrossing) to asexual resurrection in Paradise, in Heaven:
But Islam, as function of its former Inbreeding Culture, got into great difficulty with the new resurrection doctrine, because Asian and Arab Muslims had the inbreeding instinct. And there arose a hybrid mixture between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection:
What we see in Islam is that Muslim males never fully believed in resurrection. And their interpretation of the Myth of Paradise is also at odds with the Jewish version that was accepted by Christianity. Islam simply reversed the roles of Adam and Eve, revealing a cardinal difference between inbreeding and outbreeding. In the original myth Eve was attacked on the Tree of Outbreeding (Tree of Knowledge), but Islam condemned Adam on the Tree of Inbreeding (Tree of Life) by forcing Muslims to resurrect in Heaven. This significantly complicated the plot.
So, there is a connection between reincarnation (based on inbreeding) and resurrection (based on asexuality, which in nature ultimately boils down to the primary sexual law of outbreeding):
Islam changed the Myth of Paradise:
Adam rejected resurrection in heaven:
In Islam, it was not Eve (original narrative), who was tempted by the Serpent to the (earthly) Tree of Outcrossing (Tree of Knowledge), but Adam who was tempted to the earthly Tree of Inbreeding, the Tree of Life (eternal existence of the male kin bonded lineage based on inbreeding). Earthly inbreeding thus became sin in Islam. And the implicit refusal of resurrection by Adam was seen as sin by God.
Projecting the conflict of 'reincarnation versus resurrection' onto the original Myth of Paradise, we get the following result:
Adam thus - 1400 years ago - rejected Resurrection in Heaven in favor of earthly Reincarnation based on inbreeding and was punished by God, who banished him from the heavenly paradise.
Islam painted the negative from the tree of earthly eternity without suggesting the Tree of Knowledge as the positive on outbreeding. So, the earthly Tree of Knowledge does not refer to the heavenly Muslim paradise. Reincarnation Muslims might prefer earthly outcrossing to heavenly asexuality.
But this abruptly closing the door to Heaven for Adam created a feminine Allah in Heaven. It created two Allah versions in the Muslim faith: the conscious version (resurrection) of Allah in Heaven (feminine Allah), and the unconscious version (reincarnation), which exists only in the unconscious of Muslim males. So, the expulsion of Adam by God had an adverse effect. And here came the cause of honor killings, because reincarnation went into hiding in the unconscious:

Not to forget that human religion started as a conflict between inbreeding and outbreeding, which was a terrible dilemma since the first bipedal primates left the trees for the savannas:
So, Homo sapiens had, besides forms of breeding, to make the additional choice between earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection. It turned out Desert religions placed an asexual afterlife in Heaven, what worked well for Jews and Christians but not for reincarnation Muslims, who also in Heaven wanted to be rewarded for inbreeding. And here for reincarnation Muslim asexuality boils down to its primal source: outcrossing.
But there is a deeper ground. The Myth of Paradise is a myth of bipedal primates following the Alpha male model. The Alpha male (read: tribal head) practiced inbreeding by fertilizing all females in the group. But it is natural law that females with a limited number of eggs (Eve) prefer outcrossing along the perimeter of the tribal area with males from other tribes (the Serpent). Therefore, the myth has traditionally been an initiation rite for younger males to check females on adultery, an instruction that doesn't require language in the animal world.
Well, here's the proof of the initiation ritual as myth of Adam and Eve: chimpanzees have the male blood relationship and live on the same tree for generations. They check the perimeter of their territory daily for alien chimpanzees that are always brutally killed.
In the time of Homo erectus, reincarnation believers from inbred cultures would have directly killed an adulterous woman, unaware that an ancestor had already descended into the fetus. And we know that this is still happening in contemporary Islam.
But nowadays Arab and Asian Muslims with the reincarnation instinct know, however, that with pregnancy the ancestor has already descended into the hybrid (the Apple). So the damage has already been done.
Today this unconscious dilemma is often resolved with Solomon's judgment that the child is still born and then put up for adoption. But this strictly violates the theoretical rules of reincarnation. But by following the rules and killing the child also the ancestor would be killed, while he is already hybridized. So, kind of mercy for the ancestor.
Another deviation is that women who violate reincarnation standards are not always murdered, but are expelled from the group, the family. Regardless, reincarnation has been around for 2 million years, and rules are also subject to changes in evolution. (See below for reincarnation rules.)
Before the era of reincarnation of Homo erectus, individuals died and only their genes survived in the group (Genetic Immortality). Therefore, there was no need to be afraid of ancestors reincarnating in descendants of the Apple. So, in the original Myth of Paradise the Apple and Eve were not killed but expelled from the group, because Eve violated inbreeding rules. Adam was also driven out of the inbreeding culture, because he had ignored the warning of the initiation rite. He hadn't given much attention to the adulterous Eve, and besides, he naively accepted the Serpent hybrid as his child:
Assumption 281: The eternal identity of the tribe is male kin bonded and maintained only along the male gene line in the offspring. Thus, seed from aliens as the Serpent in a tribal woman as Eve does not belong to the tribe and must be eliminated or expelled. Adam, who recognized the fruit of the Serpent as his own child, was the stupidity at its best. Both Adam, Eve and the child of the Serpent were expelled. That's the original meaning of the Myth of Paradise as initiation rite and as severe warning for maturing boys.
Well, here's the proof of the initiation ritual as myth of Adam and Eve: chimpanzees have the male blood relationship and live on the same tree for generations. They check the perimeter of their territory daily for alien chimpanzees that are always brutally killed.
And the God of Inbreeding bellowed:
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Again, the simple fact that Eve was not killed after she tricked Adam with the Serpent's child (the Apple), indicates that this myth must have been from well before the reincarnation period of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). It must even precede Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc). It's an initiation rite of the first great apes (14 Mya; 300cc), which left the trees for the savannas.
All this means that the Tree of Life did not refer to human life but to the inbreeding culture itself that was expected to last into eternity.
For outcrossing cultures as the Northern European peoples, which did not live in an earthly Inbreeding 'Paradise', it made no sense to expel Eve from the group. They normally mixed with other tribes (polytheism) and Eve demonstrated usual behavior. Therefore, the Romans changed the Myth of Paradise into something philosophical: man is evil by nature and Jesus had to take all sins on himself and die for the group. The ground of this is masochism, what is a natural part of polytheism, where women's roles (Mary) are also recognized in the conscious of males. And let's not forget the many Greek goddesses:
Further, Muslim scholars (1400 years ago) changed the Myth of Paradise for a very logical reason. They no longer wanted to protect the inbreeding culture, because Desert Religions wished to eliminate reincarnation based on inbreeding. They wanted to put a stop to the proliferation of autosomal recessive disorders. And with expelling Eve they just would protect the inbreeding culture.
Note that Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc) is more sensitive to autosomal recessive disorders than previous Homo erectus (2.2 Mya: 900cc). Homo sapiens has a very depleted genome with the exception of the Bushmen of South Africa (San People), who have more genetic diversity in one tribe than the Chinese and Caucasians combined.
So, Christianity turned away from inbreeding, because it was embraced by outbreeding cultures and Islam because it wanted to turn reincarnation into resurrection in heaven of Allah. And of course, Islam also wanted to take over religious power from tribal heads (reincarnation means egotheism) as God's deputy on Earth.
Thus, Islamic scholars did not expel Eve and spared the Tree of Outbreeding (Tree of Knowledge from autosomal recessive disorders). Instead, they attacked the Tree of Inbreeding (Tree of Life) and expelled Adam from heaven, because he chose 'earthly wealth, power and eternity of the inbreeding culture' over heavenly eternity, where earthly power and opulence clearly have no meaning.
So, it is important to realize that the new resurrection myth of Paradise runs counter to the interests of reincarnation Muslims. Therefore, Islamic resurrection must be indoctrinated for a lifetime to suppress the old instinct of reincarnation.
Were Desert Religions against Inbreeding or Reincarnation?
- The primal Myth of Paradise glorified the Inbreeding Culture on the Tree of life.
- But both Christianity and Islam rejected the Tree of Life's Inbreeding Culture as the earthly paradise. Both recommended Heaven for the eternal afterlife. In doing so, they rejected the primal myth:

- If it was just about breeding, they would have recommended the outbreeding culture of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Outbreeding on Earth. But they didn't.
- Christianity saw the Tree of Knowledge as mortal and recommended eternal life in Heaven. Islam, on the contrary, saw the Tree of Life (Tree of Inbreeding) as mortal and also recommended eternal life in Heaven. So, both Abrahamic religions recommended resurrection instead of outbreeding on Earth.
- This makes it clear that their interest was not really about inbreeding or outbreeding, but about transferring earthly divine power of tribal heads (to determine their own afterlife through reincarnation), to the monotheism of the Desert Religions as substitutes of God on Earth.
- So, Desert religions were mainly interested to take control over religion of the people. They changed polytheism (serial monotheism) from reincarnation into monotheism from resurrection.
- And here we see the similarity between the Myth of Abraham and the Myth of Paradise. Both are perverted by the Desert Religions. Seeing through this, we get a window into the actual religious evolution of bipedal primates. Not through retrospective religious research, but through prospective analysis.
Then this is our final conclusion about the origin of human religion:

Contemporary explanation of the Myth of Adam and Eve:
Dr. Jordan Peterson: The Exclusive Uncut Interview with Dr. Oz.
- Adam and Eve: Self Consciousness.
- Scales falls from their eyes.
- Realized their nakedness.
- Realized their vulnerability.
- They clothed themselves for not to be hurt.
- Everyone else is vulnerable too.
- You could hurt them.
- That's why the knowledge of good and evil goes along with nakedness.
- Morality: Only human beings can manipulate others, unlike animals.
Continuing with current Islam:
Islam has been drowned out by its previous Inbreeding Culture and implemented inbreeding principles (as marrying a Muslim) in the outer mantle of religious endogamy:

And so the Muslim population remained an inbreeding culture, unwilling to assimilate with other cultures:
Assumption 578: The silent battle against the inbred population.
Reincarnation is at odds with resurrection in heaven. That's how the former inbreeding culture conflicts with Islam. But Islam compromised and allowed forced cousin marriages with honor killings, so that inbred-Muslims could reincarnate in their family genome, while still worshiping Allah in the parallel universe. These Muslims escaped the last judgment of God in heaven, but this price Islam was willing to pay tacitly. Because, the damage of many thousands of honor killings per year - caused by Islam - amounts to a formidable loss to the already impoverished genome of the inbred population, which cannot afford the lack of women with courageous characters and tender males. A genetic bloodletting that has been going on for 1,400 years. And so Islam degrades its inbred population:
Assumption 512:
(---) So, Resurrection (Islam) secretly supports Reincarnation (cousin marriages), but the causal relationship is mutual, because the atrocities of honor killings (Reincarnation) underscore the terrible nature of Resurrection (Islam).(---)
The truth behind honor killings
This blog offers the truth behind honor killings. But will it be helpful? Will it change the Muslim culture? Only Muslim women can change their culture. And they will in this century. Muslim culture has to compromise or fall apart. Like Christianity, Islam will disintegrate. Read here the exciting projection into the future of Islam.
Basic Dimension

(360) Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
Cause of Honor killings
Separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is an anxiety disorder in which an individual experiences excessive anxiety regarding separation
from home and/or from (tribal) people to whom the individual has a strong
emotional attachment (e.g., a parent, caregiver, significant other or
For example, separation anxiety in adulthood can manifest itself as a dead end in an unrequited love. It is a very dangerous feeling, created in childhood and transferable to new situations, while sometimes leading to suicide. Get among people and avoid to be alone (like depression):
Assumption 459: Separation anxiety disorder.
Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder. Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.
Assumption 610: Tribal separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a desolate feeling of terrible loneliness that makes some people decide to commit suicide. It plays a role in many psychological problems. For most people, it is difficult to identify the cause of their anxiety, let alone that it is unconscious. Conceivably, the threatening severing of tribal ties and the prospect of being doomed to roam like a ghost forever, is driving Muslim fathers over the edge to kill their daughters.
Assumption 611: Murder by displacement:
Separation anxiety is a misunderstood cause of many mental health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide (for Muslim fathers: accepting loss of the afterlife). If unconscious, it can sometimes lead to murder by displacement: the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from the original object (himself) to another one (his daughter). The father's own misunderstood suffering then results in the death of his daughter. But this statement is way too simplistic, because honor killings are much more complicated.
How Honor Killing works:
Assumption 612: Reincarnation psychosis:
The father is unaware of the following unconscious scenario:
Step 1: The father loves his little girl in a normal father-daughter relationship.
Step 2: So, he is not a psychopath and thus can only become psychotic.
Step 3: The daughter becomes sexually mature.Step 4: Reincarnation instinct awakens in the father.
Step 5: The father gets into a 'transient psychosis'.
Step 6: His love gradually turns into a sick 'love', in which he unconsciously
claims his daughter as a necessary intermediary for his own reincarnation.
Step 7: He looks for a genetic match within the family: cousin marriage.
Step 8: He does not want to reincarnate into hybrids of other (hostile) tribes, other religions, or unbelievers. The reincarnation instinct stems from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) and here concerns the inbreeding culture.
Step 9: The father argues that consanguineous marriages are culturally and socially favored, what must be seen as 'psychological sublimation', as the process of deflecting sexual instincts into acts of higher social valuation.
Step 10: But his daughter still refuses forced marriage.
Step 11: Then, the father enters a stone-cold psychosis, he is shocked, caught by his daughter's betrayal of his 'love'.
Step 12: He unconsciously considers not being able to return to the safety of the tribe after his next death after reincarnating into a hybrid offspring of his daughter. Thereafter, he will no longer belong to the family. This comes down to suicide in the afterlife, because other (hostile) tribes will refuse him too. He will be wandering through space like a ghost forever.
Step 13: The father is overcome by 'tribal separation anxiety'.
Step 14: The relationship with his daughter (as a subject) deteriorates in his conscious. This worsens if she argues with him or leaves home for a longer time.
Step 15: The father unconsciously sees his daughter increasingly as an object, as an incubator for family semen. At some critical moment, for example when she comes home after a while to make up for it, the bomb burst and the balance of Sexual Scales turns to the wrong side.
Step 16: Then, the father opts for 'psychological displacement' and turns his imminent tribal suicide on his daughter and kills her.
Step 17: Now he will not have to reincarnate into a hybrid and will come back probably into another family member.
Step 18: Resigned, he accepts his punishment, knowing that he has taken the right step inwardly and with a clear conscience.
Step 19: Honor killings are committed from a sick, twisted form of 'love' from reincarnation psychosis in the unconscious.
Step 20: The reincarnation instinct itself cannot be eradicated, but psychosis resulting from cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, can be avoided through timely awareness in the conscious.
Assumption 613: Separation anxiety and gender
Separation anxiety is caused by attachment problems within the family. Although it is more common in females, we think tribal separation anxiety is specific for males in inbreeding cultures. We also expect this attachment to be hereditary in the male line, or only manifest in males. In contrast, reincarnation in outcrossing populations is not linked to gender.
On this blog we also postulate 'reincarnation through inbreeding' as a male characteristic, because this magical religion is profitable only for males at the expense of females, who naturally outcross. Our hypothesis is that tribal separation anxiety is caused by 'reincarnation through inbreeding'.
Basic Dimension

(359) Human religion arose from procreation
Human religion arose from procreation

Human religion is derived from a natural measure:
Honor Killing Standard: Revolutionary new foundation of Reincarnation Killings as intuitively felt by millions of Muslim women in history.
Basic Dimension

(358) The Crux of this Blog
Assumption 608: The crux of this blog:
In this blog Human Religion starts as a function of breeding (HR = f(SR)). But over time, religion can drift away from procreation through magical derivatives of breeding:
Here's how male-based religion regulates and sanctions female sexual behavior over time:
Animal religion is a function of outbreeding, outcrossing or genetic diversity.
But bipedal primates practiced inbreeding or genetic monoculture for already 14 million years, though outcrossing was also possible. From the outset, bipedal primates tried to interchange young females with other tribes (outcrossing), but they often failed for obvious reasons:
The Muslim culture is a belated follower of inbreeding. Both rules apply: (HR) = f(SR) and (HR2 = f(HR1)):
In the first formula Islam is a direct function of its former inbreeding culture (HR) = f(SR). And in the second Resurrection is a derived function of former Reincarnation: (HR2 = f(HR1)). In this special case both formulas apply. It is all explained on this blog (see the diagram below). So, realize that Islam could be a direct heir to our primal religion: inbreeding:
It is important to note that in this diagram, only 'reincarnation in combination with inbreeding' leads to honor killings. In polytheistic Christianity, ancestors do not feel the stress of reincarnation into the family genome, and therefore Christians do not know cousin marriages or honor killings.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
We conclude that Islam is a function of inbreeding and Christianity is a function of crossbreeding, as this blog will show:
PROOF OF (HR = f(SR)):
After 14 million years, 56% of the world's population still follows a religion that is a direct function of breeding. (Hinduism provides another 15%).
Christianity (2.4 billion, 31%) ; Islam (1,9 billion, 25%); Hinduism (1,16 billion (15%).
Now it happens that reincarnation (HR1) is also a function of breeding (SR), because it is tied to breeding, to reproduction: (HR) = f(SR).
Reincarnation involves the birth of a new individual:
And although reincarnation has been linked to procreation only through magical thinking, it has also become a sexual instinct. This means that magical thinking can lead to new sexual instincts for humans.
The objective usefulness of magical thinking leading to religion is that the belief in the afterlife enables people to take more risks in war situations, giving them a greater chance of survival than unbelievers. This is one of the reasons Homo erectus developed a larger frontal lobe and the rest died out.
Assumption 476: Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
Besides, resurrection is also a religion that springs from magical thinking, but it is not instinct. Resurrection is a Human Religion because it is a derivative function of Reincarnation: (HR2 = f(HR1)), which indeed is a (magical) derivative of Breeding. But Resurrection itself is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with breeding:
The crux of honor killings is that Islam never understood that one cannot eliminate reincarnation as a sexual instinct by killing all obvious reincarnation believers, worshiping idols. Reincarnation has simply been suppressed in the collective unconscious of all Muslim males of that time.
And Islam also missed that resurrection is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with procreation. It is the same person who rises in heaven, no procreation and thus no sexual instinct. So, resurrection can never replace reincarnation. But resurrection is indeed a human religion, as it is a derivative function of reincarnation (HR2 = f(HR1)), see the diagram above.
And so, Islam had to indoctrinate the Muslim population with resurrection for 1,400 years, in an effort to get them to suppress reincarnation. But one cannot eliminate a sexual instinct with just the word 'resurrection'. That's the revelation of this blog and the cause of honor killings.
Human religion and honor killings are understandable in relation to breeding and sexual instincts. There is only one solution to Honor Killings and Human Religion together: both, Human Religion and Reincarnation are functions of reproduction (HR = f(SR)), whereas Resurrection is not. There will be no better scientific explanation to Honor Killings in the future.
Basic Dimension

(357) How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof
Assumption 609:
How Human Religion and Honor Killings became each other's proof:
Basically I rotated Human Religion and Reincarnation into each other's domain and found that at their intersection there was only one solution possible: both must be true:
So, Reincarnation based on magical thinking must also be a function of breeding and to make a significant difference, Resurrection was not. And so I understood that Reincarnation was a sexual instinct through breeding and much stronger than Resurrection, what is just a word:
Of course, I knew all this from a different angle. After all, resurrection was invented to prevent inbreeding for the ancestral afterlife, which caused so many autosomal recessive disorders. And this paralleled the sneaky desire of monotheism to rob tribal heads of ego-theism and their earthly afterlife. And so they offered believers an unknown God in an unknown universe, only to get divine power through monotheistic terror.
But this also means that ancient scholars of Desert Religions (not Islam, which came thousands of years later) must have known that the difference between reincarnation and resurrection is breeding. And they also knew primal human religion as a function of procreation, and so they tried to escape the original truth of religion as a function of reproduction, through resurrection.
Thus, ancient scholars were ashamed of procreation as the core of human religion and sought to elevate religion to a metaphysical, mystical, and esoteric level. They wanted to hide sexuality, disguise male sexual lust as the very core of religion, which it is in the animal kingdom.
Because, how can you convince women to submit to your insanity, where they learned early on to have not the slightest respect for male sexual terror? Monotheism was therefore also developed to deceive women.
But we know more, two thousand years after the first scholars of Desert Religions came Islam, whose Caliphs murdered nearly all reincarnation believers far beyond Iran, in the illusion of exterminating reincarnation. And they wouldn't have done this if they knew that reincarnation is a sexual instinct that cannot be so easily eliminated. Instead, their mistake was not to eliminate all peoples with cousin marriages, just about all Muslims of the time. So, they better had eliminated inbreeding as a marker for reincarnation, which it is still.
So, our conclusion is that the early monotheistic scholars were wise, but Islam was wrong. Islam tried the impossible and failed. Islam unwittingly blended two religions under high pressure into the Islamic faith: reincarnation with resurrection, creating a terrible hybrid religion. Later in history, however, an evil symbiosis arose between both religions, which resulted in honor killings:
Islamic culture still does not recognize the unconscious as a separate cultural entity. They integrate the unconscious into the conscious through magical thinking. Then people miss an extra degree of freedom to understand honor killings:
Ironically, I started this blog 11 years ago with the assumption that human religion is just a function of inbreeding, which was the correct conclusion. But I wasted 10 years looking for some inferential or descriptive formula - from which I did not found the right parameters - because I couldn't believe that reproduction is the only and sufficient thing that explains religion. This was my first diagram in 2010:
Basic Dimension

(356) Why Muslims have failed to end Honor Killings
Assumption 607:
There are two reasons why Muslims have failed to end honor killings:
- First, Islam never recognized the unconscious as an independent cultural entity (post-Enlightenment Romanticism):
Therefore, they integrated the unconscious into the conscious through magical thinking, making any logical analysis of honor killings impossible. But the correct solution would have been to place reincarnation in the unconscious and resurrection in the conscious:
- The second reason is that two forms of afterlife are incompatible within monotheism.
Earthly reincarnation means that Muslim males are their own gods in Ego-theism, controlling their own afterlife. At best, for inbreeding cultures this is not called polytheism but serial monotheism, individual monotheism, in which Allah later became their overarching group projection. By the way, this is also the best compromise for the Muslim faith in the future.
- Above is meant that the true Myth of Abraham (Reincarnation Muslims) will be recognized as coexisting along the false Myth of Abraham (Resurrection Muslims) for already 1400 years:
- In the true myth, Homo sapiens 300,000 years ago, recognized and worshiped God in Heaven, while God in turn allowed humans to reincarnate on Earth.
- In the false myth, Desert Religions reversed this Voodoo compromise with God and banned reincarnation under penalty of death. They enforced resurrection in which Allah would judge heaven or hell:
- The original Myth of Abraham was the most powerful myth in bipedal evolution as a compromise between two human species, in which Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) discovered the soul and reincarnation, while later Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) conceived resurrection in the parallel universe:
- So, in the renewed compromise formulated here, both religions will continue to worship Allah, which is the core of the Muslim faith. But now Muslims will be officially free to choose their own afterlife. It's a painful compromise, but this situation has existed for already 1,400 years. So, this compromise simply reflects reality.
- Therefore, if Islam wants to get rid of 20,000 honor killings per year, it will have to put monotheism into perspective. And if Islam cannot accept this compromise, the Muslim faith will fall apart into 4 groups this century. This process is already underway for a number of other reasons. Anyway, Islam will fall into crisis. But they will continue to refer to themselves as 'Muslims' as a cultural entity and as a nostalgic tribute to their roots:

Basic Dimension

(355) Conflict Reincarnation Resurrection
Muslim culture confuses reincarnation in the unconscious with resurrection in the conscious:
This creates cognitive dissonance in the unconscious, which is the cause of reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:
Assumption 459: Separation anxiety disorder.
Honor killings are caused by separation anxiety disorder. Tribal separation anxiety leads to a transient psychosis in the minds of fathers, killing their daughters in an unconscious battle on life and death.
Assumption 610: Tribal separation anxiety.
Separation anxiety is a desolate feeling of terrible loneliness that makes some people decide to commit suicide. It plays a role in many psychological problems. For most people, it is difficult to identify the cause of their anxiety, let alone that it is unconscious. Conceivably, the threatening severing of tribal ties and the prospect of being doomed to roam like a ghost forever, is driving Muslim fathers over the edge to kill their daughters.
Assumption 611: Murder by displacement:
Separation anxiety is a misunderstood cause of many mental health problems. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide (for Muslim fathers: accepting loss of the afterlife). If unconscious, it can sometimes lead to murder by displacement: the unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from the original object (himself) to another one (his daughter). The father's own misunderstood suffering then results in the death of his daughter. But this statement is way too simplistic, because honor killings are much more complicated.
Muslims need to become aware of their reincarnation instinct, so that cognitive dissonance between reincarnation and resurrection is shifted to the conscious and no longer causes a reincarnation psychosis leading to honor killings:

Islam is a monotheistic inbreeding culture, whereas semi-polytheistic Christianity adheres outbreeding. For Christians, resurrection was not a problem, because polytheism reincarnates everywhere, in animals as well as in humans.
But inbreeding cultures must reincarnate into their own tribal genome, which is oppressive. So, for pre-Muslims reincarnation really mattered.
Therefore, 1400 years ago, Islam had to enforce the indoctrination of resurrection, and Caliphs killed all reincarnation believers to far beyond Iran. To this day, the repression of reincarnation has resulted in millions and millions of honor killings. It is a shame.
And while reincarnation is a sexual instinct for Christians too, it has no significance and resurrection was not really enforced. The same for India, where reincarnation does not necessarily take place into the family genome.
Basic Dimension

(354) Quick Scan Honor Killing Checklist
Quick Scan Honor Killings:
NB: Some of the following characteristics of honor killings from the inbreeding culture were later adopted by Islam and have nothing to do with inbreeding itself anymore:
Assumption 604: Quick Honor Killing Checklist:
1. The victim is a female relative and died by murder.
2. The perpetrator is a male relative.
3. The combination of 1 and 2 almost certainly indicates a reincarnation killing if one or more of the following conditions are met:
- Rape of the victim by a not relative.
- Loss of virginity of the unmarried victim.
- Pregnancy of the unmarried victim.
- Abortion* by the victim.
- Refusal of forced marriage.
- Adultery committed by the married victim, unless with
another relative.
- Filing for divorce by the victim.
- Dating non-Muslims.
- Western lifestyle.
- Victim is an outcast and/or a family council preceded the
* Abortion is the open nerve of reincarnation.
Above characteristics seem to refer to moral female sexual conduct. But that's only what Muslim males consciously think. And to what moral high ground do they refer, meanwhile slicing their daughters to pieces? And what is their own moral sexual decency all about? No, Muslims don't know themselves, don't know their own unconscious. The real cause of honor killings must be their suppressed reincarnation instinct. Only that fits the primal equations of Human Religion: HR = f(SR) and HR2 = f (HR1).
Have you ever wondered why the "moral code" of Muslims refers almost exclusively to sexuality? And then mainly female sexuality? That is monotheistic terror caused by male heterosexuality. But morality and decent female sexual behavior cannot be the reason for honor killings. It is only what we observe from the outside.
4. The perpetrator is said to be a female relative (mother, sister). That is likely a lie if any of the circumstances in 3. occurs. Otherwise, there might be a different cause.
5. The female victim is not a relative and is not killed. This is possibly resentment revenge (in Dutch: wrokwraak). Consider, for example, acid attacks.
The basic difference between A and B is that a woman is always killed in a reincarnation psychosis, because the Muslim male does not want to reincarnate into her offspring, whereas in case of revenge, the woman has to stay alive to feel pain for a lifetime.
Reincarnation domain extension:
6: The woman is murdered by her boyfriend. This is judged a reincarnation killing if the friend had already placed a reincarnation projection into his girlfriend and one or more of 3 applies. Otherwise, the cause can be anything.
For Romina Ashrafi, we see only 'lost virginity' as reason for murder. But maybe she was already pregnant. Now think empathically. Fourteen-year-old Romina lost her father's trust. He would never "trust" her again and without killing her, he possibly would have to reincarnate into a hybrid in his afterlife. But he does not realize this unconscious thinking. All he feels is that she has shamed his 'love'. He is in shock of a stone cold psychosis.
What it's all about:
Tribal Separation Anxiety Disorder.
'And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in hybrids.
That is why they kill their daughters on the suspicion of any sexual contact with
non-tribal males. So, rape of a young girl, loss of virginity through a stranger,
pregnancy from a non-Muslim, abortion in which an ancestor is killed who cannot return into the tribe as a hybrid, Western slutty lifestyle leading to possible adultery, or whatever suspicion which drives Muslim males mad can cause the death of a Muslim girl.'
Assumption 415: Honor killings.
Without cousin marriages, Muslim males must reincarnate into descendants who are hybrids from unknown Muslim families or from other faiths (Sadia Sheikh). And once reincarnated into these hybrids they can never return to their own tribe after their next death. The idea that Muslims can marry any other Muslim comes from religious endogamy (Islam) and is at odds with the inbreeding instinct.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Assumption 476: Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
So, Muslim fathers unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in the family. Then, they are condemned to roam as ghosts through space forever. This, unconsciously, is almost deadly frightening for Muslim fathers. Their inbreeding instinct is much stronger than their belief in heaven.
Therefore, refusal of a cousin marriage, or having been raped, or loss of virginity or having committed abortion, all this may lead to the death of the daughter.
Never, never trust your Muslim father, your Muslim brother or your Muslim uncle. Also never trust your Muslim mother, your Muslim aunt or even your blood own sister Tahira Sheikh, who assisted her brother Mudusar Sheikh in killing Sadia. Only trust unrelated peers from school:
Basic Dimension

(353) Sadia Sheikh: Legal implications Reincarnation Theory
Legal Implications of Reincarnation Theory
Assumption 606: The implications of the Reincarnation Theory.
The prevailing honor killing theory assumes honor killings are passed by culture. For example, the fathers of Gรผlsรผm Selim and Sadia Sheikh would have ordered their sons to kill their sisters.
But both brothers vehemently denied the commands of their fathers. Their fathers had nothing to do with it. Yet, fathers were severely punished and Sadia Sheikh's father got the most lengthy imprisonment of 25 years. After all, we in the West strongly believe in a cultural transfer from father to son, through the conscious.
But what if those brothers inherited their father's reincarnation instinct and so were responsible for their own deeds as grown men? And what if young men have much stronger sexual instincts, implying the reincarnation instinct?
In that case, the brothers acted alone and from their unconscious. But then the condemnation of their fathers is serious injustice, caused by our lack of knowledge.
Changing logistical lines from the conscious to the unconscious (reincarnation) thus has enormous legal consequences.
Basic Dimension

(352) Bizarre and twisted love is the sick cause of honor killings
This is not a scientific blog
Remote viewing and empathic perception of the unconscious
This blog started where science ends and developed the domain of human religious evolution. It is specially written for Muslim girls aged 12 and over.
Science is not the measure of all things. Everything in life boils down to making right predictions about the future.
- Science has not yet recognized the basic formulas of human religion:
- HR = f(SR). [Human Religion is a function of Breeding]
- HR(2) = f(HR1). [Human R's are functions of former HR's]
- Science uses the word 'honor killings' instead of 'reincarnation killings'.
- Science has not yet solved reincarnation killings by:
- Reinc = f(Inbreed). [Here HR = f(SR) equals HR(2) = f(HR1)]
- But in history millions and millions of Muslim women must have intuitively felt the role of reincarnation in honor killings. Either they were unable to formulate a rational model or were killed:

This was the situation before Islam:
Bizarre and twisted love is the sick cause of honor killings:
Assumption 602: Honor killings are based on love, not revenge.
Reincarnation is a sexual instinct because it arises from procreation. Resurrection has nothing to do with breeding, because the same person will rise again in heaven. Therefore, resurrection is not an instinct but just a word that must be enforced by lifelong Islamic indoctrination to combat the unconscious reincarnation instinct of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc).
Inbred cultures are reincarnating in their tribal genome, which should not be changed too much. That is why marriages between cousins are often mandatory. They don't want to reincarnate into hybrids of males from other tribes.
Muslim males love their tribal genome. This means they also love their daughters. But later they may kill them, so how does that happen?
As daughters grow up, some fathers will feel gloomy, realizing that daughters don't always want to marry their cousins. But remember, they don't realize their reincarnation instinct.
At some point, the relationship with the daughter deteriorates or she is away from home for a longer period of time. In his conscious, this blurs the relationship with her as a subject.
More and more and unconsciously, he sees her as an object, as an incubator for family semen and when she comes home after a while to make up for it, the bomb burst.
Reincarnation psychosis makes its way out and the father kills his daughter, whom he still loves.
Cognitive dissonance caused by Islam created a reincarnation psychosis in the unconscious of the father, who himself does not know what motivated him. Resigned, he undergoes his punishment, not precisely knowing what he has done wrong, because his unconscious rewards him with inner peace. He knows he is wrong, but with a clear conscience.
So, the father kills his daughter because he does not want to reincarnate into a hybrid, of which he is not aware. But he also thinks she has shamed his "love". So, he also kills out of a sick and twisted construct of frustrated 'love'. While it may seem like 'revenge', this is mostly not the case. It's more like a psychotic killing his lover in the expectation of regaining peace of mind. But I agree it's hard to imagine.
Degrees of freedom for understanding cognitive dissonance
- To understand these reincarnation killings, we take an extra degree of reasoning from the unconscious. Then we get two degrees of freedom: from the unconscious and the conscious (left hemisphere (Goldberg, Ramachandran)). But we add another third degree from the subconscious (right hemisphere). We will need them all to understand honor killings.
- Romina Ashrafi's father probably loved his daughter dearly, yet he slit her throat.
Only when we understand why this goes together, we can understand honor killings.
He killed his daughter through a panic fear of reincarnating into non-tribal descendants. But he never realized what was happening to him.
Islamic scholars did not know the unconscious, or they would not have killed reincarnation believers, but the inbred population, which would have amounted to the entire Muslim population of those days.
- Honor killings are caused by antithetical emotions between the conscious (resurrection) and the unconscious (reincarnation), which arises cognitive dissonance concerning different forms of afterlife. And it is this cognitive dissonance which leads to reincarnation psychosis killing daughters. Psychosis caused by tribal separation anxiety:
- In Dutch, using the word 'eerwraak' instead of 'wrokwraak' is questionable. Translated: 'honor revenge' instead of 'resentment revenge'. 'Eer&wraak' is a theoretical impossibility. Honor (eer) and revenge (wraak) are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
- Eerwraak (honor revenge) is in fact impermissibly derived from bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feuds are between families, whereas reincarnation murders take place within families. Therefore, family honor between families (vendetta) is fundamentally different from family honor within families (reincarnation killings).

Assumption 599: The Dutch block understanding of reincarnation killings.
As long as the Dutch regard honor killings as acts of hatred (eerwraak = honor revenge), they will not understand sick and twisted love as the real cause of reincarnation killings.
Assumption 601:
Muslims speak of 'family honor' as reason for honor killings because they are unaware of their reincarnation instinct. And without reincarnation as intervening variable it is tempting to equate eerwraak (honor revenge) to bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta), as follows:
Tribal identity must be protected for the sake of tribal cohesion or groups will fall apart. Attacks on tribal cohesion by other tribes meet hatred and revenge. That's what we see in bloedwraak or blood feuds. So, aggression takes place between tribes.
Honor killings, on the other hand, target women of the own tribe. So, inter-tribal aggression becomes intra-tribal aggression. But this only if we assume that the adulterous woman (Eve) will bear a child (the Apple) of a man (the Serpent) of another tribe. This means that by killing the pregnant adulteress (Eve) as a sacrifice, also the member of the other tribe (the Apple) is killed. In this way, honor killing looks somewhat like blood feud. Then inter-tribal aggression actually takes place in an intra-tribal manner.
So far so good. But with reincarnation as intervening variable it does not add up any longer. Because killing the fetus now also kills a deceased ancestor, that has since been reincarnated into the fetus. So, the mixing of the tribes has already taken place and this after the fact intervention kills the woman and an ancestor of the own tribe. And that makes the comparison of eerwraak (honor killings) with bloedwraak (blood feuds) flawed. Because it likely does more damage to the own tribe.
On the other hand, if the child was left alive as an outcast, the Apple would produce many more hybrids in his offspring, in which many more ancestors would have to reincarnate. So in the end, killing the Apple would be more profitable for the reincarnation culture as a whole.
And now you see why the current Myth of Paradise predates reincarnation of Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). In this myth they didn't kill the Apple, who was already born, but they sent Eve, the Serpent and the Apple out of the inbreeding culture, out of Paradise. The Myth of Adam and Eve must be really very old.
But anyway, the main reason to discard bloedwraak (blood feud) is that revenge is not the real reason for honor killings. The real reason is the sick and distorted love for the own tribal genome, which can be found in the daughter as well as in the tribe.
The bottom-line is Muslim women are not killed out of hatred or revenge, but because men's concerns about having to reincarnate into hybrids. So, they have an unconscious dilemma, stemming from cognitive dissonance, from having to choose between the love for their daughter and the love for the pure tribal genome at their reincarnation.
That the daughter is often gruesomely murdered, can be proportional to the love the father feels for his daughter, strange as it is.
Assumption 603: The remedy for honor killings
Muslim males from inbreeding cultures must realize their reincarnation instinct. This specifically refers to Arab and Asian Muslims of origin.
Honor killings are caused by cognitive dissonance between resurrection in the conscious and reincarnation in the unconscious. Therefore, reincarnation psychosis develops in the unconscious. And this is the main cause of honor killings.
The effective way to prevent this psychosis from developing is to pull cognitive dissonance into the conscious. But awareness does not prevent cognitive dissonance from developing, it only prevents psychosis as the main cause of reincarnation killings.
Because Islam will never acknowledge the reincarnation instinct as a concurrent form of afterlife, the Muslim faith will fall apart into four groups this century.
This blog is far ahead of science...
So, let's rewrite history:
Basic Dimension

(351) New Foundations Human Religion

Assumption 587: Imaginary prospective research.
This blog followed an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates from 14 million years ago through the evolution to the present. It is prospective research into their religious conceptual development.
Display of human religious evolution:
Assumption 598: The domicile of God.
- Homo naledi (2.3 Ma-236 Ka: 550cc) believed that the God of Darkness lived deep underground in the underworld.
- Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) invented the soul and reincarnation and believed in ego-theism and a God living somewhere in the universe, for example in mountains.
- Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) invented resurrection and believed that God lived in a parallel universe, because he could not have created himself in the universe.
- The Myth of Paradise is already 14 million years old. But in the latest version, God is still living in the earthly universe. This version dates from Homo erectus:
Genesis 3:8 (King James Version):8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
- But since Eve's child, the apple which was a hybrid of the serpent, was expelled and not killed, this myth must be pre-reincarnation. Maybe even way before Homo erectus, because an outcast will produce many more hybrids in which ancestors have to reincarnate, regardless of where they live. So, in case of reincarnation the Apple would have been killed.
- The original significance of the Myth of Paradise in inbreeding cultures was an initiation rite for young males (Adam) to prevent female adultery (Eve) with males from other tribes (Serpent). Speech was not necessary and the intention is clear to all animals.
Well, here's the proof of the initiation ritual as myth of Adam and Eve: chimpanzees have the male blood relationship and live on the same tree for generations. They check the perimeter of their territory daily for alien chimpanzees that are always brutally killed.
- So, the innermost essence of the Myth of Paradise is to shield the genetic identity of inbred populations:
Outbred populations as Christianity developed a completely new Myth of Paradise:
Long before we developed the math, Homo sapiens already developed the parallel universe, since the universe can only be created by God from another universe:
Gods are sexual roles:
How Human Evolution Caused Islam:
SM-dyad (Islam) is a sexual instinct and Vanilla-dyad
(Christianity) but a cultural model, an artificial addition
as a sexual prosthesis:
From above evolution model we have developed the future of Islam:
And also the future of Political Correctness, heir to Christianity:
Women's suffrage ruined Western culture:
Basic Dimension

(350) The Truth about Honor Killings
Assumption 577: Legal culpability does not indicate the cause of honor killings.
If a father kills his daughter, he is legally guilty of murder. But in case of honor killings, he is not the cause of his behavior. Every year thousands of unrelated honor killings are committed by males having no contact with each other. Cultural influence is limited and talking about honor killings not popular. Still, the majority of cases is quite identical: they involve a sexually mature daughter and a series of conflicts preceding the murder. That's why the cause of honor killings must be found in the unconscious of fathers. A generic cause unrelated to the person of the perpetrator.
Theoretically, there's a simple remedy. If Muslim males know the unconscious cause of their behavior, reincarnation psychosis is avoided and they can be held morally accountable too.
Basic Dimension

(349) Paradigm shift explains honor killings

Assumption 587: Imaginary prospective research.
This blog followed an imaginary cohort of bipedal primates from 14 million years ago through the evolution to the present. It is prospective research into their religious conceptual development.
For example, I encountered religious dilemmas between reincarnation (2 million years ago) and resurrection (350,000 years ago) leading to the true Myth of Abraham (300,000 years ago). Would I have done retrospective research from the present to the past, the false Myth of Abraham (10,000 - 4,000 years ago) would refer to the dilemma polytheism versus monotheism.
The point to make is that prospective research gives different outcomes on the evolution of human religion. This because interactions between conflicting variables (reincarnation vs resurrection) will be encountered prospectively, while retrospectively only the effects (polytheism vs monotheism) of these interactions are visible and the interactions themselves are missed in the evolution.

The true myth of Abraham was about the choice of the afterlife.
Assumption 572: Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham.
According to the Sexual Theory of Religion, there must have been a compromise between reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) and resurrection from Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1440cc).
Assumption 519: The Feast of Sacrifice is the Feast of Reincarnation.
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) invented the soul and reincarnation. Millions of years later, Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) invented the parallel universe. Of course, a conflict of interest has arisen. For, during the period of Homo erectus, males had become egotheistic gods with absolute self-determination to reincarnate into their own tribe. They never wanted to live with the gods in the afterlife.
That's why the myth of Abraham created the compromise in which God was worshiped in the parallel universe and humans were allowed to reincarnate on earth.

Assumption 529: Why the Myth of Abraham must be false:
Well, we are used to psychotic prophets, but Abraham takes the cake. Do we really believe Abraham would kill his only tribal son to please God, apparently with no other reason than to demonstrate his submission? And that would be a masterpiece of human religion? While there are numerous stronger myths about worshiping God?
No, originally this myth must have had a completely different meaning and it must be as old as Homo sapiens, about 350,000 years old.
The myth is not about the transition from polytheism (ancestors, idols) to monotheism (God). Monotheism has recently been developed in the evolution of human religion. This myth must have been crippled by the Desert Religions, which wanted to divert attention from what really matters.
So, this dispute about the afterlife was of paramount importance long before the Desert Religions paid attention to their interest in "monotheism" and "polytheism."
In a Solomon's judgment, God will have decided that if Abraham worshiped God as the only God in the parallel universe, he was allowed to reincarnate on Earth, possibly only if he did not worship earthly idols (ancestors). We are sure that the inbreeding culture before Islam embraced the original reincarnation theory:
Then it is proven that Desert Religions must have turned the true myth of Abraham into the opposite:
This must also be the reason that Islam killed its former inbreeding culture:
But in vain, because reincarnation became a human sexual instinct two million years ago. Inbreeding for reincarnation is in the genes of Arab and Asian Muslims. Hence, the Muslim faith became a hybrid religion as a combination of the earlier inbreeding culture (cousin marriages for reincarnation) and Islam for resurrection.
Basic Dimension

(348) Human instincts
Human instincts:
Assumption 582: Magical thinking leads to magical instincts.
Different animals have different instincts related to brain capacity and lifestyle. For example, foxes have more advanced instincts than chickens. Better instincts mean better chances of survival. For humans we will argue that magical thinking also gives better chances of survival.
Human species had small and rational brains up to and including Homo naledi (2.3 Mya-230 Ka; 550cc). But since Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) they derailed into far too many unnecessary brain cells for their simple earthly existence.
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) excelled in magical thinking with the invention of the
soul needed for earthly reincarnation. It's quite funny how proud people are of this
psychotic derailment from sober thinking.
If we accept that in the animal world past instincts are expelled by more profitable ones, then we must also understand that reincarnation has supplanted 'genetic immortality', which is animal religion in which genes are passed on to posterity, but where individuals die.
Furthermore, in war situations the soul and reincarnation challenge believers to risk taking behavior in the expectation of an afterlife. This gave believers better chances of survival than unbelievers. So, the reincarnation instinct was rightly substituted for genetic immortality, the animal instinct. That's how magical thinking contributes to the survival of the human species. This also means the belief in God will not disappear.
Generalizing, human religion is based entirely on magical thinking that contributes to survival. And it is also sometimes based on sexual instincts. For example, reincarnation is a sexual instinct because it stems from breeding. On the other hand, resurrection is not a sexual instinct, because it has nothing to do with procreation. But because resurrection as a religion is based on magical thinking, it indirectly contributes to the survival of the species.
Assumption 596: Why reincarnation is a male sexual instinct.
According to assumption 582 magical thinking led to human magical instincts. For example it led to the soul and reincarnation. And we also decided reincarnation to be a sexual human instinct, because it depends on breeding. On the other hand resurrection is just a word formed out of magical thinking, but it is not a (sexual) instinct because it has nothing to do with procreation.
Sexual instincts vary by gender, which makes sense. That is also why only the male related line of chimpanzees appears as a family tribe, while young females leave. This combination is judged as outbreeding, insofar the male line does not develop hereditary diseases. But for bipedal primates, these tribes transitioned to inbred, because young females could not be interchanged regularly with other groups.
In a secondary evolutionary step, bipedal primates bound reincarnation to male sexuality through magical thinking. Reincarnation replaced genetic immortality, because with reincarnation men would live forever.
As a form of procreation, reincarnation was associated with sexuality and ended up as a male sexual instinct. But later in evolution, female variants of reincarnation also appeared in outbred populations, but no longer as sexual instincts. So reincarnation is just a compelling sexual instinct in inbreeding.
Assumption 520: The Inbreeding Instinct.
The claim of the inbreeding instinct for Arab and Asian Muslim males is the only assumption necessary to understand honor killings and the dynamics of the Muslim faith, which consists of reincarnation through inbreeding and resurrection through outbreeding. The assumption of the inbreeding instinct is no big deal, because the primordial sexual instinct in nature is outbreeding and to suppress outcrossing, Muslim males must show up with a much stronger instinct of inbreeding.
Assumption 476: Human instincts can be stronger than naturally based instincts. For example, the Muslim inbreeding instinct is stronger than genetic immortality, because it is based on magical thinking in which the individual is reborn by reincarnation (through inbreeding), while with genetic immortality the individual dies.
Assumption 477: Islam (resurrection) will never defeat honor killings (reincarnation), because the inbreeding instinct from Arab and Asian Muslims (reincarnation), though based on magical thinking (inbreeding leads to reincarnation), is nearly identical to the primal sexual instinct of nature: genetic immortality in descendants. This, because both project the afterlife into another body, with breeding as mediator.
Basic Dimension

(347) True Myth of Abraham: settling dispute Homo erectus and Homo sapiens
Well, this compromise from Abraham with God is very similar to ancient Voodoo, except that believers worship their ancestors. Thus, the ban on worshiping ancestor gods must have been enacted by Desert Religions:
Then this must have been the original Myth of Abraham:
Assumption 579: The change of the Myth of Abraham.
The paradigm shift in human evolution has been the change of the afterlife from reincarnation to resurrection, which characterizes the true Myth of Abraham. And because reincarnation easily leads to polytheism and resurrection to monotheism, these concepts later turned into their corresponding number of gods. That created the false Myth of Abraham.
Only in the original myth it becomes clear why Abraham wanted to kill his only tribal son Isaac. Abraham wanted to prove his willingness to break the reincarnation cycle and subsequently to offer his transition to resurrection. So, Abraham was not a psychotic without empathy, serving only a cruel, merciless God. On the contrary, this must have been a wonderful epic drama of Greek proportions with the fundamental clarity about a wise God.
The transition to the false myth with the contrast polytheism - monotheism becomes clear from Abraham's now seemingly absurd behavior. In this myth the concept of reincarnation was not mentioned any longer, or it would not be accepted by a desert population who still had reincarnation in their genes.
Desert Religions wanted a monotheistic takeover of power. Their concealment of reincarnation combined with the introduction of monotheism reversed the true myth of Abraham and caused a new paradigm shift in human religious revolution. Here they also took grateful use of the now merciless nature of their new and ruthless God. A dramatic change which would cause millions of honor killings.
Honor killings may have been unforeseeable, because they did not understand reincarnation as a genetic instinct that cannot be eradicated. And paradigm shifts in religion are not rare. But by killing the reincarnation populations of Iraq and Iran, Desert Religions have consciously taken moral responsibility.

Assumption 437: The cause of honor killings:
With Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc), the idea of reincarnation arose, which caused big problems for inbreeding cultures:
1) Because of hostility among tribes, ancestors could only be reincarnated safely into their own tribe.
2) Next problem was that ancestors did not want to reincarnate into hybrids, because after their next death they would be strangers in their own tribe and refused for reincarnation. Then they had to roam through the universe for ever.
3) A third problem was the greater mortality from inbred populations which boosted fertility stress. So, the risk was tribal extinction if ancestors did not dare to return to the harsh tribal life to save the species.
And because tribal ancestors are nothing more than Muslim males, the last enforce cousin marriages because they unconsciously fear to lose their afterlife in hybrids.
That is why they kill their daughters on the suspicion of any sexual contact with
non-tribal males. So, rape of a young girl, loss of virginity through a stranger, pregnancy from a non-Muslim, abortion in which an ancestor is killed who cannot return into the tribe as a hybrid, Western slutty lifestyle leading to possible adultery, or whatever suspicion which drives Muslim males mad can cause the death of a Muslim girl.

Diagnosis: A psychiatric disorder in which tribal separation anxiety causes a severe reincarnation psychosis leading to murder.
Assumption 519: The Feast of Sacrifice is the Feast of Reincarnation.
Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) invented the soul and reincarnation. Millions of years later, Homo sapiens (350 Ka; 1450cc) invented the parallel universe. Of course, a conflict of interest has arisen. For, during the period of Homo erectus, males had become egotheistic gods with absolute self-determination to reincarnate into their own tribe. They never wanted to live with the gods in the afterlife.
That's why the myth of Abraham created the compromise in which God was worshiped in the parallel universe and humans were allowed to reincarnate on earth. So far, so good.
But Homo erectus had a much more diverse genome and was much more tolerant of inbreeding than Homo sapiens, who dropped to 3,000-10,000 breeding pairs with a very reduced genome, 100-50,000 years ago.
That is why Desert Religions changed the rules about 4,000 years ago and ex cathedra forced believers to resurrection in heaven to make inbreeding unnecessary for reincarnation. But at the same time males lost their divine egotheistic power. So, Muslim males lost divine power 1400 years ago to monotheistic terror which took all power to itself.
To establish their terror, Desert Religions changed the Myth of Abraham. It would be about polytheism (ancestors, idols) and monotheism (God). But the original myth takes on a more important role in reincarnation and resurrection. Because only then is Abraham's proposed murder on Isaac understandable.
So, what kind of situation has been created by Islam? Muslim males believe in Allah today, just as Abraham (a mythological figure) believed in God. But in nowadays Islam, people take it for granted that belief in Allah at the same times means the acceptance of resurrection in heaven. And that is the flaw in the Islamic faith. And here it goes wrong, because just like Abraham, Muslim males instinctively continued to believe in earthly reincarnation. And that is why they cherish the Feast of Sacrifice so exuberantly.
Assumption 529: Why the Myth of Abraham must be false:
Well, we are used to psychotic prophets, but Abraham takes the cake. Do we really believe Abraham would kill his only tribal son to please God, apparently with no other reason than to demonstrate his submission? And that would be a masterpiece of human religion? While there are numerous stronger myths about worshiping God?
No, originally this myth must have had a completely different meaning and it must be as old as Homo sapiens, about 350,000 years old.
The myth is not about the transition from polytheism (ancestors, idols) to monotheism (God). Monotheism has recently been developed in the evolution of human religion. This myth must have been crippled by the Desert Religions, which wanted to divert attention from what really matters. The puzzle fits only in case Abraham tried to kill his son to end reincarnation. Because then, where else should he reincarnate in his male kin bonded lineage with outbreeding? And indeed, now we have recovered an extremely powerful myth in line with the eloquence of the ancient Greeks. Now, the Myth of Abraham makes sense. And now we also understand that Desert Religions disguised 'reincarnation' as 'polytheism' and 'resurrection' as 'monotheism'. Because if the attention of believers would be focused on reincarnation, they never would have accepted the false Myth of Abraham. But monotheism, AKA the supremacy of the terror of the Desert, as a representative of God, yes, that's what believers swallowed. Hostile Bedouin tribes desperately needed an overarching God to fight alien intruders. So, Desert Religions tried to kill two birds with one stone: the extinction of inbreeding and the establishment of their own monotheistic terror 'in the name of God'.
Basic Dimension

(346) Eerwraak (Honor Revenge) is a contradictio in terminis
Eer (Honor) and Wraak (Revenge) are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion:
Assumption 581: Honor killings (eermoord) and honor revenge (eerwraak, Dutch) are from different theoretical origin.
'Family honor' can refer to reincarnation in the following derivation: Family honor comes from Australopithecus (4.3 Mya; 400cc) and referred to tribal identity, which later led to tribal religion, starting with ego-theism and resulting in reincarnation from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc). But then, instead of honor killings, it would be better to speak directly from 'reincarnation killings', which are always committed by relatives.
And if the term 'honor' refers to 'family honor', it is incorrectly used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) such as acid attacks, which are usually committed by non-relatives and do not lead to the woman's death. This is a very different kind of 'honor' of a man being rejected by a woman and taking revenge for it. This is no 'family honor' but wounded pride. And that is why the term 'honor' is misused here. Instead, it would be better to speak of 'resentment revenge' (wrokwraak, Dutch).
So, if 'honor killings' (eermoord) can only be used in case of reincarnation, then the term 'reincarnation killings' is preferable for clarity. And because we decide 'honor' to refer only to 'family honor', it cannot be used in 'honor revenge' (eerwraak) committed by non-relatives. Therefore, we propose the term 'resentment revenge' for 'honor revenge' and in case of murder 'resentment killing'.
It follows that when a genetically unrelated husband murders his wife on suspicion of adultery, it is considered a reincarnation killing. On the other hand, in the case of an unmarried couple, it is seen as resentment killing.
A final comment is that besides that 'honor' cannot be combined with 'revenge', the reverse is not the case either. 'Revenge' is not the primary goal of reincarnation killings and will rarely occur. This means that honor revenge (eerwraak) is a theoretical non-existent concept. Honor does not belong to revenge and revenge not to honor. Honor and revenge are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
Eerwraak (honor revenge) is in fact impermissibly derived from bloedwraak (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feuds are between families, whereas reincarnation murders take place within families. Therefore, family honor between families (vendetta) is fundamentally different from family honor within families (reincarnation killings).
This Puritan exercise will no popularly replace the terms 'honor killings' and 'honor revenge' and is for analytical purpose only.
Assumption 597: Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
In Dutch, 'eerwraak' (honor revenge) means honor killings. But 'eerwraak' is based on a wrong analogy with 'bloedwraak' (blood feud or vendetta). Blood feuds are based on hatred between families, which is the main reason of the killings. But honor killings, better named 'reincarnation killings' are not primarily based on hatred. They also take place within families. That falsifies the analogy and obscures the fact that fathers love their daughters while killing them. The deepest ground of honor killings is love. The main reason for blood feuds is hatred causing revenge. So, honor with revenge does not fit with honor killings. Therefore, eer&wraak are antonyms in the case of mutual exclusion. Eerwraak is a contradictio in terminis.
A bizarre and twisted love is the sick cause of honor killings:
Basic Dimension

(345) Gods are sexual roles
Gods are sexual roles:
Ancient Greek gods:
Polytheism and monotheism:
Assumption 407: In polytheism the soul was invented to let ancestors choose their tribe of reincarnation. But in monotheism a higher power has their fate. Monotheism as supranational sexual terror brought ethnic tribes under the same command with resurrection in some parallel universe.
Assumption 408: In religious evolution a monotheistic God has been created (desert religions) who has dethroned all gods from ancestors. An unknowable God, in an invisible parallel universe, who has forbidden polytheism. Whose sexual terror is superimposed on all other religions, but specifically collapsed the Muslim culture into craziness.
Assumption 417: The Myth of Abraham is not about polytheism or monotheism in the first place. These are not fundamental religious concepts in human development. It just comes to counting the number of gods. On the other hand, earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection are paradigm shifts in human religious thinking. That is the real importance of the myth. Monotheistic sexual terror from Desert religions is a corollary from resurrection and not the other way around.
Assumption 429: The Myth of Abraham (350Kya - 10,000 Ya) simply means the covenant that God made with Abraham in which humans were allowed to reincarnate into the earthly universe (into the male kin bonded lineage, Isaac) on condition that they would worship God in the parallel universe. This covenant was valid for all ancient African religions like polytheistic Voodoo (gods), later adapted to monotheism (God). It was the cultural acceptance of the parallel universe by them who still believed in reincarnation.
Fundamental cultural archetypes:
In human culture there exists a balance between three basic cultural archetypes: religion, basic morality and the dialectic process between the sexes. The latter can be SM-dyad between husband and wife (Islam) or Vanilla-dyad (Christianity):

In case of monotheism (Islam) culture shrinks effectively to a single dimension:
Religious space governs sexual space:
Basic Dimension

(344) The Archetype of God, AKA the Space of gods
The Archetype of God, AKA the Space of gods:
Drawings of Mohammed
Insulting the prophet strikes the endogamous Muslim culture and policor (PC) in the heart. It is senseless to start a dialogue with Muslims about freedom of expression with cartoons of Mohammed, for it is impossible to change their endogamous core.
Western culture can only blame itself for this takeover of Muslim values as its own fundamental morality.
Prospective research:
Retrospective research:
How Bedouin tribes got their overarching God
Basic Dimension

(343) Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham
Assumption 573: Why Desert Religions reversed the Myth of Abraham.
About 12,000 years ago, Homo sapiens suffered from terrible autosomal recessive disorders. It was a noble endeavor of the Abrahamic religions to end this by replacing reincarnation through inbreeding with resurrection in the parallel universe. But monotheistic terror also wanted to deprive tribal heads of their divine power over the afterlife. And believers fell for it. They lost divine ego-theistic power and were united in armies of monotheistic terror. Desert dwellers lost ego-theism, lost divine power, lost tribal identity (family honor *) and were believed to have lost their reincarnation instinct as well. But that was the miscalculation that made the Muslim faith a hybrid religion of reincarnation with resurrection. Causing Muslim fathers to go crazy through reincarnation psychosis and kill their own daughters in honor killings.
* Assumption 574: Family honor as reason for honor killings.
'Family honor' as reason for honor killings is a downright lie, an anti-climax of honor. Such a sick motivation must come from the unconscious, ignoring reincarnation, which must be the real reason for honor killings.
But there is another reference to honor. 'Family honor' is at the heart of 'tribal identity', which is synonymous to 'religion', to ‘family-religion’ which is linked to ego-theism from inbreeding cultures.
And Desert Religions have stolen tribal heads ego-theism. Islam has stolen tribal identity from families from inbreeding cultures believing in reincarnation. That has been replaced by 'resurrection'.
Then honor killings justified by 'family honor' could mean: justified for reincarnation, for tribal identity, for family religion, for 'honor of the family'.

The following rules have not always been self-evident:

Take from the list above that inbreeding and incest didn't matter as long as it produced many offspring with the family genome for a wide choice of reincarnation options. Autosomal recessive disorders were taken for granted and were even seen as a sign of success. While disorders are visible as the rationally harmful results of inbreeding, they have been magically interpreted as positive signs of a great reincarnation culture:

To that end, I take an extra degree of freedom from the unconscious to explain illogically conscious behavior:

And remember, these people themselves don't even believe in reincarnation consciously, because they are indoctrinated to believe in resurrection. So, we infer the decision making process of Muslims by optimally combining only the conscious with the unconscious:
Assumption 575: The traumatized honor killer.
An honor killer is a lamentable psychotic who has the true Myth of Abraham in his genes. The true Abraham instinct consists of the factor cluster: reincarnation, inbreeding and fertility stress. These Muslims stem from inbreeding cultures of Arab and Asian descent.

All his life he has been forcibly indoctrinated with resurrection in Allah's heaven. We call that the false Myth of Abraham. Under duress, because resurrection is not an instinct, but just a meaningless word. And this playing hide and seek between both Myths of Abraham drives him crazy.
It leads to cognitive dissonance between the unconscious reincarnation instinct and the conscious indoctrination with the meaningless concept of resurrection. In the end, it could lead to the murder of his daughter.

Assumption 571: Bottom-up approach of human religion.
The top-down approach goes from the general to the specific and the bottom-up approach begins at the specific and moves to the general.
In a similar way, this blog built a model of human religion that started simple and ended complex. It started with the way of life of the first bipedal primates and came to complex concepts such as polytheism and monotheism.
This blog reconstructed human religion from bottom to top, starting 14 million years ago with the first hominids. The construct is built from a house of cards of 600 mutual corresponding assumptions.
We used religious benchmarks from well-known regular religions. So, we used 'The Myth of Abraham' as an important event in religious history. But we did not accept the circumstances, which are said to have led to these benchmarks. Because written religious texts result from a top-down view, in this case a retrospective view on how the myth came about.
So, we synchronized religious events with our 'made up' history and placed the Myth of Abraham 350,000 years back in time, at the onset of Homo sapiens. The result is that the Myth of Abraham is not primarily concerned with 'polytheism versus monotheism', but with the choice of the afterlife.
And now we see the difference between traditional retrospective research and this prospective approach, the latter resulting in the duality of reincarnation versus resurrection.
To resume, through the bottom-up approach, this blog revives human religion and is placed ahead of all difficult choices in the evolution, just like the first bipedal primates.

Assumption 576: Bottom-up research and guessing the unconscious.
This blog is a combination of bottom-up research on human religion from the first bipedal primates to the present day, combined with filling the gaps in logical reasoning from inbreeding cultures with guessed unconscious information.
Bottom-up research delivers unbiased estimates of the Myth of Abraham. It concludes 'the choice of the afterlife' as primary goal of the true myth. The myth is about reincarnation and resurrection.
In contrast, top-down research or retrospective analysis delivers biased estimates,
contaminated with the lust of Abrahamic Religions to establish monotheistic terror states. Ex post facto reasoning ruined the original myth. So, post facto research is hindered by events finding place after the creation of the original myth. Therefore, Desert Religions obviously changed the goal of the Myth of Abraham retroactively from the afterlife into 'polytheism versus monotheism'.
Then we also see the interaction between bottom-up research and filling in the unconscious of inbreeding cultures. Ex post facto research does not recognize reincarnation as the cause of honor killings, but a priori research does.
Example of retrospective research into the origins of human religion:
'Evidence of burial with grave goods and the appearance of anthropomorphic images and cave paintings may suggest that humans in the Upper Paleolithic had begun to believe in supernatural beings.[13] The cave paintings of Chauvet have been dated to 32,000 and those at Lascaux to 17,000 years ago.'
Above is shown a quite honorable and conservative approach. But with honor killings only the result counts. Retrospective analysis by anthropologists polling the conscious of honor killers isn't fruitful:
Basic Dimension

(342) The Truth about Honor Killings
Basic Dimension

(341) The Origin of Human Religion
Reincarnation is an important topic on this blog. And if it is true that the cause of honor killings lies in reincarnation, then there is a flaw in the Muslim faith, which then can no longer be seen as a pure doctrine. I mean, I put the blame of honor killings on the overarching Muslim faith as a combination of the prior inbreeding culture with Islam.
Then it will depend on the believers what repair operation has to take place. And because Muslim women are getting better educated, for the first time in Islamic history they will have a decisive voice. That will give big problems in the future.
Of course, Islam can still integrate reincarnation into its own religion, which is in fact standing procedure. In that case Muslim males must be made aware of the dangers of reincarnation psychosis to prevent honor killings. However, one remains with two conflicting religions within the Muslim faith. So, the dilemma remains.
Officially inbreeding is not backed by Islam, but that's not how religion works. There exists no Islam without its former inbreeding culture. Both religions have been forged into a two unity and can not be separated. I fear this combination has been created willfully from the beginning, though I'm not sure at the moment.
Successive religions are not independent. According to the second law of Human Religion: HR2 = f(HR1), later religions are caused by earlier religions and interact with each other. Resurrection is a function of Reincarnation:
Which means that Islam forms a symbiosis with its prior inbreeding culture, which is alive and well, given the massiveness of inbreeding marriages.
This is my line of reasoning. Despite 10 years of painstaking research I found no viable theory explaining honor killings, besides the reincarnation theory. And It is proven in Islamic literature that reincarnation believers have been killed en masse 1400 years ago. Well, I assume the following is an euphemistic description:

According to the second law of Human Religion, Islam (HR2) is a function of the prior inbreeding culture (HR1), They simply killed it: HR2 = f(HR1) And of course they also took their Myth of Abraham and turned it from reincarnation into resurrection.
I can elaborate and have already made acceptable that the first bipedal primates were forced to establish an inbreeding culture managed with fertility stress. From Central Africa later Homo erectus fanned out into all directions as far as China and Indonesia and had great difficulty exchanging young females for outbreeding.
Given the brain capacity of Homo erectus, he certainly invented the soul and earthly reincarnation. This 2.2 million year old reincarnation instinct has been fused with the two earlier instincts, from 14 million years ago. Well, it has been proven that this super strong factor combination has been effectively suppressed in the unconscious Muslim mind for 1400 years. This by the single word 'resurrection'. But of course, that does not eliminate the instinct itself.
And so came cognitive dissonance between the unconscious reincarnation instinct of Homo erectus and the word "resurrection" of Homo sapiens. The clash between two hominids resulted in cognitive dissonance:
The falsification of the Myth of Abraham
Realize this clash is caused by the 'Abrahamic' religions, which betrayed the Myth of Abraham, which was just a compromise between the two most important bipedal primates:
That's why we prefer to speak of 'Desert' religions:
Abraham, which is a mythological construct, believed in the only God in the parallel universe. But he did not believe that humans would resurrect in heaven, he believed they would reincarnate on Earth. Well, that's basic Voodoo from about 300,000 years ago. And that is also the compromise of God as a Solomon's judgment between these two human species.
Then, this must have been the original Myth of Abraham:
And just like Abraham, Arab and Asian Muslims also believe in Allah as the only God in the parallel universe. And just like Abraham they also do not really believe to resurrect in Heaven. Because they believe there are still other gods on Earth, family gods like in Voodoo, whom they agreed not to worship as idols because of the compromise with God. So this prior Inbreeding culture was right. They worshiped the real compromise of Abraham with God. That's the problem. Islam ruined and distorted that compromise, the Solomon's judgment of God. That's the paradigm shift explaining honor killings.
That's also why inbred fathers become crazy with maturing daughters. They fall prey to reincarnation psychosis and their unconscious raises the alarm because daughters have to give birth to descendants of the family genome. They must function as incubators of family semen. Then it takes very little to push fathers over the edge:
Cognitive dissonance leads to reincarnation psychosis to this day, which in turn results in honor killings. And it is precisely this reincarnation psychosis that can be prevented by providing timely information. So there is hope.

But if Muslim reincarnation is not addressed properly, the Muslim faith will fall apart in the 21st century.
Assumption 578: The evil compromise of the Muslim faith.
Reincarnation is at odds with resurrection in heaven. That's how the inbreeding culture conflicts with Islam. But Islam compromised and allowed forced cousin marriages with honor killings, so that inbred-Muslims could reincarnate into their own family genome, while still worshiping Allah in the parallel universe. These Muslims escaped the last judgment of God in heaven, but this price Islam was willing to pay tacitly. On the other hand, the damage of many thousands of honor killings per year amounts to a formidable loss to the already impoverished Muslim genome, which cannot afford the lack of women with courageous characters. A genetic bloodletting that has been going on for 1,400 years now.
In name 'Islam' may be retained, but the sharp edges will be buffed.

Well, that looked weird, but otherwise, this blog is kept quite simple and understandable. And if not, it's written redundantly with lots of brightly colored images. On recognizing these repeatedly placed pictures and diagrams, you will understand the text better.
It is my sincere hope that this blog provides insight into the origins of honor killings, which in my opinion are collateral damage from the fusion of Islam with its prior inbreeding culture. In this theory, honor killings are thought to be caused by the incompatibility of reincarnation and resurrection of these religions. Reincarnation is an almost untouchable sexual instinct from Homo erectus (2.2 Mya; 900cc) - diluted only through crossbreeding - while resurrection is just a word. Resurrection can therefore never eliminate reincarnation.
As a consequence of this absurd incompatibility, resulting cognitive dissonance may lead to a reincarnation psychosis in some Muslim males, ending in honor killings. But remember, honor killings are an alien element in the teachings of Islam, which is much better off without. What gives us hope for the future.
Although honor killings are not supported by Islam, our second law of religion states that later religions are always meaningful reactions to prior religions. And that means the implicit threat from honor killings can still have an obscure function within the overarching Muslim faith by enforcing cousin marriages:
Interaction Inbreeding culture times Islam:
- Sharia (Islam) supports the inbreeding culture by giving parents power to decide marriages of daughters.
- Honor killing (Inbreeding religion) has become the archetypal deterrent effect of Islam.
So there likely is an unconscious mutually profitable agreement between the previous inbreeding culture (Reincarnation) - still alive and well - and Islam (Resurrection).
The one-dimensional Muslim culture
The problem is that Muslim males don't see their unconscious drive (inbreeding) as meant for reincarnation. They try to live only in their consciousness. They developed magical thinking to overcome the cognitive dissonance between these two worlds. To overcome the impossible combination of two mutually exclusive universes: earthly reincarnation and heavenly resurrection. Reincarnation in their unconscious and resurrection in their conscious.
This demands two degrees of freedom. And because Muslims suppress their unconscious, they must understand reality within the conscious alone, on one degree of freedom. This leads to a deformation of reality in which 'family honor' must explain butchering their daughters for 'Western lifestyle', an absurd and psychopathic distortion of "family honor".
And yet it is not psychopathy, but psychosis. Which gives hope. That's the cure I can offer.
In the fiction below, you can see how Islam's deterrence has been shaped by the implementation of reincarnation from their earlier inbreeding culture.
Soraya M. probably wasn't in a cousin marriage. But in Islam, honor killings have been generalized to all aspects of female sexuality. This is because the indicators of 'family honor' (reincarnation) are abused to outside cousin marriages. For example, "adultery" below is not in a cousin marriage.
By generalizing reincarnation outside of cousin marriage, husbands now refuse to reincarnate into any possible offspring of adultery *. That's how reincarnation has been generalized in Islamic society and has spread throughout culture. And that is also the alleged reason for the honor killing of Soraya M.
* Reincarnation in outbreeding cultures has no honor killings, because males breed with anyone and anywhere and even reincarnate into animals (ancient Greeks). FGM is outcrossing, Boko Haram is also outbreeding, even though they are Muslim. And so on.
And of course, this happens because Muslims do not recognize the original link between honor killings and reincarnation any more:

So, what you see above is that the second rule of Human Religion: HR2 = f(HR1) makes it possible for religions to drift away from their original base: HR = f(SR). Here, Islam drifts away from inbreeding. Because, though the bottom line in human religion is breeding, the primal goal of monotheism is to terrorize female sexual behavior. Monotheism is superior male heterosexuality.
More in general, inbreeding cultures use fake arguments, they use magical derivatives of breeding functions like the number of autosomal recessive disorders. Magical derivatives cause the afterlife of males at the expense of the lives of females on Earth:
As an example, reincarnation itself is also promoted by autosomal recessive disorders:
The Western world thinks that Muslims will regret all those disabled offspring. But they are wrong. It is the price Muslims are willing to pay for a greater cause: Earthly reincarnation of Muslim males. The more autosomal recessive disorders, the better conditions for reincarnation are met. What we see is Reincarnation as a spurious consequence of inbreeding. Reincarnation is artificially - read: magically - linked to the real effect of inbreeding: autosomal recessive disorders. This is one of many examples of magical thinking from a culture that denies the unconscious:
So, bypassing the first rule of Human Religion: HR = f(SR), Islam gives a twist to its religion with the second rule: HR2 = f(HR1), to terrorize female sexual behavior, while unconsciously misinterpreting the real meaning of its prior religion: Reincarnation by Inbreeding. As long as people do not realize where this terror comes from and call it Islamic Sharia, it can be implemented in Islam.
Without their inherited instincts as Inbreeding, Reincarnation and Fertility Stress, Islam would also have joined Christianity and Judaism as moderate religions.
Inbreeding was needed for earthly reincarnation but not for resurrection! That's why the goal of Desert Religions was resurrection to counter the dire consequences of the inbreeding culture, about 12,000 years ago, what also meant asexuality in heaven. To be complete, they also wanted to take away the divine power from Muslim males over their afterlife. And the Muslims, they just let it all happen that they were no longer ego-theistic gods themselves, this only after heavy indoctrination and under penalty of death. But unconsciously everything remained the same: reincarnation:
But asexuality in heaven didn't work well either. Asexuality falls back on the primordial law of sexuality in nature: outcrossing, outbreeding or genetic diversity. So Islam fell back to the 72 virgins of alien tribes, outcrossing:
Christianity even made a joke of the Paradise Myth and the Romans concocted a total new narrative:
Below you see, the power of Islam lies in confusion and illogic, too much for the common man to grasp. It all comes from the fact that inbred populations cannot come off from earlier religions:
And that's why this collection of religions, called the Muslim faith, may fall apart:
But given the stormy intellectual development of Muslim women, honor killings might become counterproductive in the near future. Honor killings are an anachronism that Islam must give up, the sooner the better to survive.
If the Muslim faith has really been a combination of two religions all along, then this could explain its proverbial strength. Then the power of Islam would be determined by unconscious reincarnation coupled with conscious resurrection. That would have caused enormous unconscious fear and stress in the population for centuries:

Below a picture of the forced marriage on the internet from Sadia Sheik with an unknown cousin in Pakistan for getting offspring intended for the reincarnation of Muslim males from patrilineal descent:
After this forced marriage Sadia escaped the parental home and moved with her boyfriend to the town where she studied law. After some time she accepted an invitation to make amends at home, whereupon she was murdered by her brother Mudusar.
Le 22 octobre dernier Sadia Sheikh, une femme d'origine pakistanaise, est abattue de trois balles dans le ventre ร Lodelinsart prรจs de Charleroi. Le tueur est son frรจre Mudusar, aprรจs les faits il a pris la fuite...
On October 22, Sadia Sheikh, a woman of Pakistani origin, was shot three times in the stomach in Lodelinsart near Charleroi (Belgium). The killer is her brother Mudusar, after the facts he fled ...
Shot in the abdomen several times by her brother, while her sister allegedly held her from behind, died within three days.
Sadia Sheikh R.I.P.: Honor killing, Charleroi 2007. |
What if Mudusar Sheikh really acted alone???
Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of Sadia, acknowledged from the beginning that he acted alone:
Mudusar Sheikh reconnaรฎt d'emblรฉe avoir voulu tuer sa soeur prรฉcisa avoir agi d’initiative. Il mit hors de cause ses parent et sa soeur Sariya.
Mudusar Sheikh recognizes from the outset that he wanted to kill his sister and said he acted on his own initiative. His parents and sister Sariya were not involved.
Devant la cour d'assises du Hainaut, l'accusรฉ Mudusar Sheikh, le frรจre de la victime, a confirmรฉ lundi avoir agi de sa propre initiative en assassinant Sadia Sheikh.
In front of the court of assizes of Hainaut, accused Mudusar Sheikh, the brother of the victim, confirmed Monday to have acted on his own by assassinating Sadia Sheikh.
The brother of Sadia Sheikh might have spoken the truth, claiming he had acted alone, meaning his father was not involved in planning the murder. Because, if you were his father, would you let your son pay for your own crimes? I don't think so. I tend to believe Mudusar.
There is still another reason why Mudusar was telling the truth. Had he arranged the murder with his father beforehand, they would have shared the blame, or his father would have taken it upon himself. Neither seems to have happened and Mudusar therefore had no reason to involve his father in this.
This is also in accordance with the Sexual Theory of Religion, which states all males of the male kin bonded lineage have the instinctive expectation to reincarnate into descendants of tribal females. Sadia (Eve), by dating or marrying an alien (the Serpent), saddled her brother with the risk to reincarnate into her descendants, hybrids from a male of another tribe. So, according to this theory the father is not needed to instruct his adult son to kill his sister.
The son was the culprit as has been proven. He was not mentally retarded, so he was fully responsible for his deeds. The father's attitude is conceivable, but that does not matter legally.
For 1400 years Muslims have been killed for their belief in reincarnation. So, reincarnation is suppressed in their unconscious. But this instinct from Homo erectus cannot be obliterated by 'resurrection', which is no sexual instinct at all and nothing more than a word.
Has Belgium wrongly convicted Sadia's father as the main culprit on the basis of the incorrect HONOR killing theory, instead of the correct REINCARATION killing theory? Did the son really need his father's approval? Yes, for 'honor', but not for 'reincarnation'.
I learned a lot from art. 230 because the brother from Gรผlsรผm Selim also killed his own sister:
The flaw in the Sadia Sheikh trial
Instincts are stronger at younger age. And that gives the odds that Mudusar, the 27 year old adult brother of Sadia Sheikh and the brother of Gรผlsรผm Selim were acting on their own initiative when killing their sisters. They needed no instructions from their fathers and may have taken the lead in plotting the murders. According to the Sexual Theory of Religion they needed no instructions since as Muslim males they all have the same eternal projection into the offspring of the tribe. So the brother unconsciously expects to reincarnate into descendants of his sister.
This all means Western society is on the wrong trail understanding what's really happening. There might be unconscious communication between Muslim males, between father and son, but with the assumption of the reincarnation instinct we don't need that. And that means a lot of fathers might be incorrectly convicted.
* It is an open question whether the mother or the brother killed Mirjam. I have the feeling this is not investigated properly.
Age distribution of honor killers
We need to know the age distribution of reincarnation killers and their family situation. I expect younger males to have more hormonal aggression. I expect the reincarnation drive flattens out with death in sight, how contradictory too. This all means the reincarnation theory versus the honor killing theory is falsifiable.
Islam must take a stand on this
The challenge for the Muslim faith would be from now on to continue in religious freedom and without further honor killings. But if this theory is rejected, then please stop further honor killings anyway
The cognitive dissonance theory is all what remains after 10 years of painstaking research. Would there be any other viable scenario, I would have found for sure.
And last but not least: this honor killing issue must be addressed in this era, because half of the Muslim population consists of intellectually more and more advanced women. And if women leave, the Muslim faith will fall apart into four groups:

The Muslim faith can fall apart, just like Christianity, the opposite of Islam on the Desert scale dimension, which religious tragedy is covered in countless other articles on this blog. Both religions will fall back to individualism and/or tribal separation.
Well, I suppose you will not always like my analyses, but remember it is sincerely meant to help and not to condemn.
For them visiting this site for the origins of human religion, this is my start configuration:
And this is enlightening as well. Hundreds of diagrams for picture thinkers:
Some statistics and data:
Worldwide, more than 10% of marriages are between first or second cousins.
(Note from Basic Dimension: Calculated only on the basis of inbreeding cultures, the percentage of cousin marriages can reach an average of 40%:)
(Forty percent is probably the evolutionary calibrated holy grail of inbreeding cultures:)
It is our opinion that cousin marriages are meant for reincarnation. Then 'honor killings' is the wrong word for 'reincarnation killings', caused by reincarnation psychosis. Because of this connection, millions of cousin marriages are enforced by the implied threat with honor killings. Therefore, the effect of honor killings must be multiplied to the total number of forced marriages.
Honor based awareness network
Statistics and data:
These figures are considered estimates and are widely believed to be severe underestimates. Due to lack of focused reporting and recording of Honour Killings internationally very little is known about the true extent of HBV worldwide.- 5000 honour killings internationally per year.
- 1000 honour killings occur in India
- 1000 honour killings occur in Pakistan
- 12 honour killings per year in UK
The incidence of honor killings is very difficult to determine and estimates vary widely. In most countries data on honor killings is not collected systematically, and many of these killings are reported by the families as suicides or accidents and registered as such.[14][15][16] Although honor killings are often associated with the Asian continent, especially the Middle East and South Asia, they occur all over the world.[17][18] In 2000, the United Nations estimated that 5,000 women were victims of honor killings each year.[19] According to BBC, "Women's advocacy groups, however, suspect that more than 20,000 women are killed worldwide each year."[20] Murder is not the only form of honor crime, other crimes such as acid attacks, abduction, mutilations, and beatings occur; in 2010 the UK police recorded at least 2,823 such crimes.[21]
(Note from B.D.: Concerning honor killings, the indication 'honor' is incorrect and must be changed into 'reincarnation killings'. These are always committed by family members, while revenge (from honor revenge) is not the main motive. Acid attacks, on the other hand, belong to honor revenge and the term 'honor' is appropriate here. These attacks are usually committed by non-family members. In reincarnation killings, the woman is always killed, while in honor revenge this is less common because it would nullify the effect of revenge. If a non-family member commits the murder, it may again be an honor killing. More closely, a woman is always killed during a reincarnation psychosis of a male relative, because the Muslim (the husband, the father or her brother) does not want to reincarnate into her descendants. In the case of honor revenge, on the other hand, the woman has to live on in order to be able to continue to experience the damage and shame from the revenge of, for example, acid attacks for life. (
Google search:
Reincarnation killings: There is a very different view of honor killings, where 'honor' is replaced by 'reincarnation'. In reincarnation killings, women are murdered by their husbands, fathers or brothers, who do not want to reincarnate in their descendants, precisely for the reasons presented for honor killings.
Diagnosis Honor Killing: A psychiatric disorder, in which tribal separation anxiety causes a severe reincarnation psychosis leading to murder.

Considering this, Quran rejects the concept of reincarnation, though it preaches the existence of soul. The principle belief in Islam is that there is only one birth on this earth. The Doomsday comes after death and will be judged as to one has to once for all go to hell or be unified with God.
Romina's father feared that she might have become pregnant with a strange man, in whose descendants he did not want to reincarnate, so he had an oppressive reason to kill his daughter. This is a completely logical conclusion from a reincarnation psychosis.

- Genetics and genealogy are serious professions with a lot of hidden rules which can change the calculations considerably.
Explanation of inbreeding in animal populations relies on a few basic genetic principles. Genetic information is stored in Chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of DNA. Genes are sections of DNA and occur in pairs. A particular gene will occur at a particular site (locus, plural is loci) in the DNA of a particular Chromosome. The different forms of a gene (usually 2) that can occur at that locus are called alleles. Where both alleles are the same at the locus, they are called homozygous. Where the alleles are different, they are called heterozygous. In general, the two alleles will have an equal influence on the performance of an animal. That is, the heterozygous form (both alleles are present) tends to have performance midway between the two homozygous forms. In a few cases, one allele will have the main (dominant) effect on an animal, while the other allele will only have an effect in its homozygous form. These are called dominant and recessive genes.
Coefficient of Inbreeding:
The Coefficient of Inbreeding (as proposed by Sewell Wright in 1922) is the probability that two alleles at a randomly chosen locus are identical by descent. Note that alleles may be identical for other reasons, but the inbreeding coefficient is just looking at the mathematical probability that the alleles have come from a common ancestor.
The Coefficient of Relationship (R) looks more a descriptive statistic of consanguinity relations within families. For example a father and his child have 50% of their genes in common. The same for two siblings. So it is not directly a probability for specific individual situations.
The Inbreeding Coefficient:
The Coefficient of Relationship:
The Coefficient of Relationship (R) looks more a descriptive statistic of consanguinity relations within families. For example a father and his child have 50% of their genes in common. The same for two siblings. So it is not directly a probability for specific individual situations.
Coeff. of Inbreeding versus Coeff. of Relatedness:
The Coefficient of Inbreeding (as proposed by Sewell Wright in 1922) is the probability that two alleles at a randomly chosen locus are identical by descent. Note that alleles may be identical for other reasons, but the inbreeding coefficient is just looking at the mathematical probability that the alleles have come from a common ancestor.
The Coefficient of Relationship (R) looks more a descriptive statistic of consanguinity relations within families. For example a father and his child have 50% of their genes in common. The same for two siblings. So it is not directly a probability for specific individual situations.
Brother-Sister Relationships:
Realize that brother-sister relationships have been common in the evolution. But those were random phenomena in general. What is devastating in inbreeding populations is the stacking of effects over many generations, so that the family genome is systematically impoverished and the group's chances of survival are undermined.
Autosomal disorders
Islam looks like an autosomal recessive disorder:
To have an autosomal recessive disorder, you inherit two mutated genes, one from each parent. These disorders are usually passed on by two carriers. Their health is rarely affected, but they have one mutated gene (recessive gene) and one normal gene (dominant gene) for the condition. Two carriers have a 25 percent chance of having an unaffected child with two normal genes (left), a 50 percent chance of having an unaffected child who also is a carrier (middle), and a 25 percent chance of having an affected child with two recessive genes (right).
Assumption 289: Islam looks like an autosomal recessive disorder.
Inbreeding is a malicious form of natural selection, which apparently has left deep scars on the Muslim population. The whole package of long lasting inbreeding terror likely has caused a large autosomal recessive disorder syndrome. This means at numerous places in the Muslim genome, there must have formed a pre-selection of homozygous alleles (rr), which are characteristic for inbreeding. In other words, RR has been removed and rr remains.
Religion is monotheistic male terror against females:
'Religion' as a means of controlling female sexuality develops into all directions because of magical derivatives: HR = f(SR). These have nothing rationally to do with breeding anymore, like Reincarnation in the example below (in which Eve was perfectly right):
Human Religion (Islam) started as a function of Sexual Religion (Inbreeding). The instinctive incentive was to stop autosomal recessive disorders by outcrossing. Just as happened for 14 million years since the first bipedal primates:
Correcting honor in the family:

Tree of Knowledge arose after Homo erectus
(237) Mount Toba gave birth to the Tree of Knowledge ๐ด๐ด
So far, we did not need a Tree of Knowledge (of autosomal recessive disorders), prior to the super eruption of Mount Toba 74,000 years ago. Australopiths, as well as Homo erectus, had exuberant genetic variation and were armed against autosomal recessive disorders.
We therefore skipped the Tree of Knowledge for Australopithecus and Homo erectus and in the first case gave the Tree of Knowledge the meaning of treacherous adultery of Eve, adultery with the Serpent from another tribe, in which Eve also told Adam that the apple was his child:
On which God became furious and roared:
15 And I will put enmity between thee [the Serpent] and the woman [Eve], and between thy seed [your tribe] and her seed [her tribe]; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
So, ahead of the arrival of Homo sapiens, tribal identity (inbreeding) was more important than preventing autosomal recessive disorders (outcrossing). Again, this does not mean that they could not die out from disorders, but this danger was not that prominently.


Assumption 555: The plausibility of an inbreeding instinct
1: Twenty million years ago, the first bipedal primates lived in mammal groups with the Alpha male, which practiced inbreeding. But females in the periphery of the group chose for outbreeding or genetic diversity.

2: The first bipedal Hominids from 14 to 7 million years ago were forced to inbreeding by the bipedal mutation, which made it difficult for them to get in touch with other groups. Sexual culture is controlled and sanctioned by 'religion' and therefore 'inbreeding and incest' became the first bipedal primate religion.
3: Because this condition has lasted 14 million years, we assume that inbreeding has become a Sexual Instinct controlled and sanctioned by "religion". If that instinct is not diluted by mixing with outbred populations, it will be retained in the genes of the inbred population, AKA Arab and Asian Muslims.

4: A religion exists for a few thousand years at the most, say a maximum of 5 thousand years. This means that the inbreeding culture of Muslims cannot be the same religion as that of the early bipedal primates. There is no cultural connection possible.
And that is the reason to suppose an inbreeding instinct, which is
permanently present in the genes of inbred populations and from which swells up every few thousand years a new inbreeding culture.

5: The implication of point 4 is that there is no guarantee of a meaningful religious evolution beyond the evolution of religious concepts as such, as reincarnation and resurrection, which is limited.
6: And that means Homo naledi could in principle have had more empathic religious depth than contemporary religions. So, according to this theory there is no reason to reject the burial rituals of Homo naledi, even if they did not believe in the soul or in reincarnation. They believed in the revival of their DNA, as a fetus with extended telomeres. Therefore, their graves needed an open connection to the outside world, without any gifts. With a soul graves were closed, with precious gifts. (289) Homo naledi: Inbreeding caused no mole behavior
7: So, inbreeding cultures come and go but have nothing in common. Their only connection is the eruption of the inbreeding instinct, dating from the first Hominids:

(289) Homo naledi: Inbreeding caused no mole behavior
But in this latest interview Prof. Dr. Lee Berger said that possibly Homo naledi could be our ancient ancestor. Thinking about that means Homo erectus delivered the body to Homo sapiens with the enlarged skull, but Homo naledi brought in the hands, wrists, feet and legs. So the most modern features came from Homo naledi and the psychotic brain from Homo erectus:

The reason science is wrong about Homo naledi's religious beliefs lies in retrospective research. This blog revives all religious stages prospectively and comes to fundamentally different conclusions. All religious choices from the bipedal evolution were made anew, which sometimes resulted in unexpected interactions.
But retrospectively, one digs a Neanderthal tomb from 100,000 years ago and concludes this must have been the beginning of bipedal religion. That's a joke and no science either ...

Remark for (10): Here we might run into difficulties because 'Earthly reincarnation' can be polytheism, but this is unlikely with serial monotheism from inbred populations. And 'Resurrection in the parallel universe' can be polytheism but not in Islam with 72 outbred virgins. So, outbreeding is not always the same as acknowledging 'other sexual roles'. Outbreeding also can come down to serial monotheism.,-father-murders-daughter-after-elopement.-
'Teenage girl Romina Ashrafi from the northwestern city of Talesh had fallen in love with a man in his thirties and ran away after her father objected to a marriage. After returning home last week, her father beheaded her in her sleep, reportedly with a sickle. The father then reported himself to the police. Agents are said to have found the father with the bleeding murder weapon in his hand.'
'Romina Ashrafi ran away from home with her 34-year-old boyfriend after her father banned them from getting married, Arab news channel Al Jazeera reports. However, the couple was found by police five days later. Although Romina told them she feared for her life, officers sent the teenager back home to Talesh, a small town more than three hundred kilometers northwest of capital Tehran.'
Assumption 530:
Muslim fathers must be informed about their reincarnation instinct long before puberty of their daughters. At the onset of puberty, it's too late and fathers are already becoming psychotic...
It's only been 10 years since the 4-year-old Romina sat on Dad's lap. And how proud he was of his little girl. Therefore, he is probably not a natural psychopath, although some Muslim males are cultural psychopaths by indoctrination. So, that begs the question how come the father changed into a psychotic?
He became gloomy at the first development of Romina's secondary sexual characteristics. He had to find her a man in whose descendants he would like to reincarnate someday. Preferably a family member. And that's how honor killings come about. But this whole process is unconscious to Muslim males:
He did not flee, but went to the police with the sickle in his hand. As if part of his mind emphasized the correctness of his actions. Clear evidence that his unconscious made a different judgment than his conscious. Also the fact that he consciously was afraid to kill Romina while she was awake. His relationship with Romina prevented that. But when she slept his unconscious drive to kill the hybrid in her got the upper hand. Bastard descendants into which he would never reincarnate.
Romina was a human being, a subject in his conscious, but just an object, an incubator for family semen in his unconscious. What we see is characteristic for honor killers, a stone-cold psychosis in which the perpetrator knows he is wrong, but feels he is right
This brings us to a serious warning that the odds on honor killing are greatest after the daughter has been away from home for longer time. Of course, here too the conflict worsens over time, but when the daughter returns home there is a greater chance that the father's uncontrolled psychosis will discharge directly on the daughter.
But in this situation, the police brought Romina back home in a complicated situation against her will.
Psychosis worsens differently without the counterbalance of the daughter as a subject in his conscious. It progresses in an uncontrolled way and overwhelms him when she gets home. The same process can led him to invite her home "to make it right again". This all means leaving the parental house must be forever. (Sadia Sheikh and Gรผlsรผm Selim were honor killed when they returned home for an attempt, a trap at reconciliation).
In every culture it is absurd for a 14-year-old girl to continue with a 34-year-old man. And in Islam this is completely impossible. Technically, what are the mistakes in this situation:
First, as said, a girl fleeing from home should never come back, that's our main rule and Romina came back, although brought back by the police.
Second, this all must be the endgame from a two-year escalating relationship.
Third, quite understandably the father pulled the emergency brake of Sexual Scales of Religion. Of course, our empathy does not mean sympathy, no way. But anger alone cannot solve honor killings.
The father must be held accountable for his actions, that's for sure. He must be severely punished. But if numerous fathers in the Muslim world display the same behavior without mutual contact, then it cannot be caused by culture alone, then this behavior must be caused by an underlying instinctive pattern of drives. Then the father is held accountable for a hereditary cause beyond his fault. It is the friction between reincarnation and resurrection.
So, the Muslim world rightly condemns this man, but fails to see Islam as the underlying cause. It is Islam, choking its former reincarnation culture. It is Muslims themselves, worldwide, who are responsible for these honor killing massacres.
Something that is certainly not yet reflected in the Muslim mind. Therefore, the condemnation of this man is vicarious shame for their own moral failure.
Honor killings are life-and-death fights between fathers and daughters. But neither party knows what is happening. The father fights for his afterlife and the daughter for her worldly survival:

(76) The Sexual Theory of Religion (Part 4: 400-600)

But an assumed time causality between HR2 as a function of HR1 with no underlying theoretical basis can easily be based on a fake causality or a false correlation. So there is a limitation to this rule and later religions are not always functions of former
religions on face value.

Tribal ancestors from inbreeding cultures are multiple heterosexual males from the leading sexual role, the first god. This we call serial monotheism. Only the variety in different sexual roles (male and female gods) determines polytheism.
So, fundamentally, we only see outbreeding, outcrossing and genetic diversity as polytheism:
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